does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal
orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain.
Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation
of the brain." Dr. Jose Delgado

Will is the most important law in all of Creation." Cassiopaeans
The above quote by Dr. Jose Delgado is quite frightening, isn't it?
a few days ago, I had never heard of Dr. Delgado. However, a funny series
of events brought him and his work to my attention, and it is worthwhile
to note the series as a pattern of how the Universe teaches us.
A curious
exchange was discovered on October 30, on one of the Internet newsgroups,
and it is related to the above quote and other rather recent discussions
among a small mail list we have here at Cassiopaea. The subject was brought
up, in our semi-private discussion, of the use of chemicals to enhance
awareness. The group was discussing the "deepest secrets of humanity,"
in a general sense, and one member of the mail group forwarded information
about the obtaining of psychoactive substances that are purported to be
legal. I cannot vouch for the efficacy of the alkaloid bearing plants,
but I have certainly heard that they are effective.
this e-mail was only addressed to TWO of the members of the "Round
Robin" discussion, (one of which was myself) which I did not notice
at the time, believing it to be sent to all. I didn't respond to this
initial e-mail because, as a general rule, I just enjoy everyone else's
exchange and just send a few comments or extracts from the Cassiopaean
material when appropriate. I am also very busy and CAN'T respond to all
of it.
the other recipient of this e-mail, besides myself, as I noted only later,
posted back words to the effect that he might be interested in such experimentation
at some point in the future. It was not entirely clear whether he was
serious or not, and my general impression was that he was only half-serious,
nevertheless, it was a subject that deserved discussion among the group.
On the one hand, it was a direction that could lead to many ideas about
perceptions of reality and personal experiences in that respect.
On the other
hand, I was somewhat distressed to think that chemicals were being promoted
amongst the group. I felt that if I said nothing, it might be seen as
tacit approval of such practices. And, in the case of this particular
member, I was already somewhat concerned for his well-being. So, I searched
the Cassiopaean texts for the references to the subject and posted back
to the ENTIRE group the following:
this subject, C's had following remarks to make....
(L) Carlos Casteneda writes about the peyote beings called "Mescalitos."
This being supposedly is part of the peyote plant, a sort of being from
the plant. Is this true?
(L) What beings does one encounter when one eats a bunch of peyote?
(L) Why are these hallucinations so consistent?
Because those that do have that expectation. If you ate enough peyote
you would encounter Santa Claus if that was your expectation. (Much
(L) One of the questions on the list is: In many of the Sumerian drawings
and literature, the gods, the Annunaki, are described as eating a plant
that grew at the bottom of the ocean, and this plant was the source
of eternal life.
Nonsense! The source of eternal life is existence!
(L) Well, the point was that there was some sort of food that these
beings ate that was unusual or different that somehow enhanced their
abilities to an extreme degree...
Totally false and you should know it!! All so-called "special powers"
come from non-physical sources!!!
The second
recipient of the "private e-mails" about chemical mind expansion
substances was apparently NOT desirous of sharing his thoughts on this
subject with the rest of the group, and took me severely to task for responding
to all with the brief quote from his own communication.
At this point,
I checked and discovered that this had been a "short list,"
or one from which the other recipients had been deleted. I was troubled
by the implied "secrecy," from the other members of the discussion,
since none of the material under discussion was personal, and it was certainly
worthy of discussion among all. Nevertheless, this individual added later
that he was not REALLY planning to engage in hallucinatory "mind expansion"
I was certainly
relieved and hoped that we could now proceed with our discussion of the
matter, but the individual in question suddenly wrote to all the group
and rather contemptuously and sarcastically requested that no one of us
ever communicate with him again as he was dropping the list. He cited
as his reason an extract of the Cassiopaean text as a sort of "proof"
of "inconsistency" in the material:
Totally false and you should know it!! All so-called "special powers"
come from non-physical sources!!!
"The Cassiopaeans Discuss Dreams"
next time dreams were mentioned was in a funny context. I had asked
whether the new "fad" for melatonin as an "age reversal" element was
useful and was told that, yes, it was beneficial - though not precisely
as advertised. So, I asked:
(L) Why should we take the Melatonin?
Is mild hallucinogen.
(L) Why do we need this?
Keeps exercising psychic abilities and opens paths. Don't be alarmed
by vividly erotic dreams.
(L) Should we expect to have vividly erotic dreams?
Possible as psyche passes through levels on ascension. Your consciousness
will soon give you spectacularly sharp, exact and correct information.
(L) Will this be due to ingesting the Melatonin?
(L) Is soon within a month?
You will know.
(L) I get the feeling that this has a lot to do with trusting my own
note: see response to Adam on discussion page regarding
Another member
of the list then wrote the following in defense of "Chemical Mind
by permission, but name withheld at my discretion.]
(L) Carlos Casteneda writes about the peyote beings called "Mescalitos."
This being supposedly is part of the peyote plant, a sort of being from
the plant. Is this true?
I am disappointed in the C's hasty dismissal here, for the deprecating
term hallucination in this context takes on an almost vicious CSICOP
quasi-prosaic feel, leaving chunks of cheek lacerated and dangling after
shaving with so dull an [Occam's] razor as this!
whatever reason, I'm reminded here of the old Fleetwood Mac song which
goes, "Cause what matters most, is the feeling you get ... when you're
this is arguably the very heart of high magick -- that fundamental restructuring
of consciousness which subtlely transpires while hanging in that "other
place." <snip>
FWIW, I've never pseen Santa Claus on a trip -- not even after ingesting
3 hits of 4-way windowpane. Yet again, in balance, perhaps it's wise
to consider the advice of Dr. John Lilly (the LSD/dolphin guy who invented
the sensory deprivation tank) on the subject of psychedelic drugs. Though
perhaps necessary to provide a "consciousness jump-start" earlier in
the game, he remarked, to continue their use at this late a stage is
roughly akin to "showing up to church drunk." Sadly, we emerge somewhat
disappointed this fine day o'er the perplexing lack of substance in
the C's replies to your valuable and insightful questions.
There were
other comments from the Cassiopaeans on the subject of Mind Altering Drugs
as a means of accessing higher states of consciousness, which I then sent
to the list, (excluding the member who had requested exclusion), to wit:
Melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemistry,
as does mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of
psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance
levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythm
of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject,
thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed
abridging of free will. Melatonin simply allows the system to clear
obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the
subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means
unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances
mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote.
But, even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological
Then, we
received the following post from the correspondent above who gave permission
to quote and use his "Internet Handle," but I have not due to
the sensitive nature of the subject.
(L) Many people hint about some sort of "ultimate secret" that drives
men mad when they discover it. What is... the "ultimate secret" being
protected by the Consortium?
(Cassiopaeans) You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.
Mimosahuasca and the Martians :::
Experience with Mimosahuasca
20 g M. hostilis rootbark 150 mg moclobemide
I finally succeeded, after a year of intermittent attempts that always
fell short, in achieving the true, undeniable DMT space. I wanted it
and boy, did I get it. Folks, it kicked my ass into the next century.
It was easily the most bizarre and frightening experience I've ever
had (even more so than the 7-minute 5-MeO nightmare!). I now understand
the true meaning of shamanism---what they mean when they talk about
walking the line between worlds, tapping into a completely alien source
of knowledge. It isn't something that I think I care to repeat. It was
simply too awesome.
time, it appears several things converged to finally make the experience
possible. I had processed 20g of M. hostilis rootbark this time, having
had only very limited effects from past attempts using 8, 10 and 12
grams. I figured I was a DMT `hardhead' and needed that much. (Ha!)
Also, this time the first phase of the extraction sat soaking in the
methanol for a good 2 weeks instead of 4 or 5 days as before. This may
have helped. Finally, for this experiment I used a 150mg tab of Moclobemide
as the MAO inhibitor. I was very curious to see if it made a difference
as opposed to using harmala extract, and I definitely think it did.
When the effects commenced some 2 hours after I drank the bitter sludge,
they did not really creep in gradually as before. They hit fast in an
accelerated rush, not unlike my first MDMA experience. I was standing
up at the time, and had to go lay down as I thought I might faint on
the spot. For a minute it seemed pleasant enough, but then something
happened that I am still attempting to sort out for myself.
have read with some degree of skepticism the many reports on DMT trips
which talk about alien intelligence, alien presence, etc., and always
thought that this was other peoples' interpretation of what was going
on in their minds during their trip, and that my mind would not go there.
WRONG... to my utter disbelief, I experienced, even though I was fighting
it at the time (and losing), what I can only call an alien presence.
Just like someone else posted about this same combo (Moclobemide and
DMT orally), it felt like an invasive mental probing by an alien force,
or something. I did not want to believe in it, I was fighting it, but
it was undeniable. As preposterous as the concept was, there it was,
posing as truth, running my mind. At the peak of this section of the
experience, I was having "revelations" that were so outlandish that
I realized I probably could not express them to my friends or anyone
later on, because they just sounded too insane. They still do to me
as well.
Principally, I had a sudden vision, or I should say a concept or a "truth",
that was so out there that it terrified me that I had gone so far out
there as to think it, no matter what I was high on. I was "told" that
all human life on earth was merely a long-term genetic experiment by
extraplanetary life-forms alien to us, and that our very existence was
owed to them, although it was in their program not to have us realize
this. I had been chosen to be allowed to know the incredible secret
to human existence: that these aliens had taken their own genetic material
and hybridized it with primates found on the planet at the time of their
arrival millions of years ago (only a short time in their scale), resulting
in we "humans."
human ideology about religion, God, self-determination, and most of
all, our perception that *we* are the only ones in control of what happens
on this planet, were shown to me to be a total joke, a delusion that
we create ourselves. The tendency to see "Gods" as essentially human
models (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc.) was shown to me to be all part
of their plan. The catch-22 was seamless and perfect---I had been shown
the awesome truth, but of course I can never reveal it to the world
because I will only sound insane to everyone.
a moment the Heaven's Gate people seemed to be more sane than anyone.
That's when I knew I was really out of it. It was scary that I would
even think such a thing.
experience I had was completely different than the one I have been chasing.
I wanted the trip that DeKorne describes in his book, where incredible
open-eye visuals dominate, taking the imagination for a ride... one
that wrapped unreal visuals together in balance with awesome realizations,
perhaps in a ratio of 70% visual, 30% mental. But there were really
no visuals to speak of in this experience. Some distortion, yes, but
that was all. It was all an incredibly powerful mind___k (pardon the
was having crying jags that were not connected to any thought or cause
that I could see... just releases of raw emotion, as if I was a puppet
being manipulated. I was alternately fighting it and trying to roll
with it... I was saying "no, no, no no, no" and "uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh"
as if it would bring back my old reality. I experienced time distortion
on a scale that I hadn't thought possible. I was caught in a hellish
loop that was timeless. I thought the effects would never end... I was
listening to an album that I knew was only about 45 minutes long, but
each time I would feel as if an eternity---hours, days, a lifetime---had
passed, and surely the album had ended, I would open my eyes and focus
on the music and realize that it had only been a minute or two! This
was discomfiting because it made me feel that I had gone insane---permanently.
began to believe that I had ruined my life, finally toyed with these
things (entheogens) enough to lose my mind. I began to have insidious
suicidal thoughts. I had to say "No, no, no!" out loud to push away
the thoughts of getting up, getting a gun and shooting myself. (I may
have to get my gun out of the house! It's just a collapsible .22 survival
rifle for deep-wilderness backpacking, but still...)
news isn't all bad---I did have flashes of positive messages telling
me that my own potential was limitless and that all the limitations
that exist in my life are self-created, that my genetic material (and
that of most of you out there on this list) is far superior to the vast
majority of human beings and has been chosen for the kind of knowledge
that we appear to have been given. But in the end, even these good thoughts
seemed delusional.
In fact delusional doesn't even begin to describe the state I was in,
despite the fact that at the very same time my rational mind was present
and trying to process all of it. Finally I threw up the purple muck
and the ride was over. It had lasted from about 9:30 p.m. to about 12:30
a.m. Quite long enough for me, thanks. What was referred to as "the
Holy Grail" [chemical mind expansion] I now see as something more like
"the Evil Confuser." It's going to take a while to integrate and understand
what happened last night. - - - - -
This certainly
gave me pause to think. And, it further confirmed what the Cassiopaeans
had said about the dangers of chemical mind alteration. If one forces
the brain to perceive things BEFORE the consciousness is prepared to deal
with them, the results can be disastrous.
So, now we
move to the background of one of the "participants" in the discussion
of the Cassiopaen material at alt.alienvisitors,"Dr. Jose Delgado."
After reading it, we did an internet search to see what we could find
about this person who apparently knew our material so well that he created
an interesting sequence of quotes to post on this newsgroup, (with his
own "spin," of course!)
Next I received
an e-mail from a "confidential informant" who said:
however, the post was not truly authored by Delgado, it was just that
____fellow using one of his many aliases (as he does with the Mahatma
Oozing Pus, etc.) I'm not even certain if Delgado is still alive, though
many assert his diabolical work continues.
[The name
is replaced by a blank to preserve privacy, though it was the SAME individual
in our group who departed in a huff]"
What all
of this led up to was the fact that there were certain factors that beg
to be addressed. So, since our commentator, whoever he is, chooses to
call himself "Dr. Jose Delgado," perhaps expressing some inner
need to identify with the good doctor, we will work with that fantasy!
to Harry V. Martin and David Caul, authors of the following excerpt about
"Dr. Delgado," he is clearly an "insider" of the "Consortium."
A large portion of the following material from "Mind Control: The
Current Situation" is concerned with the experimental us of chemical
mind alteration for various purposes. It is worth reading in its entirety.
Control: The Current Situation
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul
© FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995 Copyright © Napa Sentinel, 1991,
II we find the following regarding a Dr. Jose Delgado,
Jose Delgado: "Man does not have the right to develop his own mind."
(Congressional Record, New York Times)
need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society.
The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from
the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence,
but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.
does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal
orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain.
Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation
of the brain."
were the remarks of Dr. Jose Delgado as they appeared in the February
24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118.
Dr. Delgado's outlandish statements before Congress, his work was financed
by grants from the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force
Aero-Medical Research Laboratory, and the Public Health Foundation
of Boston.
Delgado was a pioneer of the technology of Electrical Stimulation of
the Brain (ESB). The New York Times ran an article on May 17, 1965 entitled
Matador With a Radio Stops Wild Bull. The story details Dr. Delgado's
experiments at Yale University School of Medicine and work in
the field at Cordova, Spain. The New York Times stated:
sunlight poured over the high wooden barriers into the ring, as the
brave bull bore down on the unarmed matador, a scientist who had never
faced fighting bull. But the charging animal's horn never reached the
man behind the heavy red cape. Moments before that could happen, Dr.
Delgado pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and
the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on the transmitter,
and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away. The bull
was obeying commands in his brain that were being called forth by electrical
stimulation by the radio signals to certain regions in which fine wires
had been painlessly planted the day before."
to Dr. Delgado, experiments of this type have also been performed on
humans. While giving a lecture on the Brain in 1965, Dr. Delgado said,
"Science has developed a new methodology for the study and control of
cerebral function in animals and humans."
At alt.alienvisitors
(tm) we find the following exchange. I have coded the text in color so
that the three participants in the discussion can be distinguished.
Delgado" - purple text,
Oozing Pus" (how charming!) - red text,
Burroughs - green text:
Re: ::: Mimohuasca, Strong, Alien, "Holy Grail?!"
::: Date:
Dr. Jose Delgado "
Burroughs wrote:
Mahatma Oozing Pus wrote:
Every living thing on this planet today is viewed as being entirely
expendable from the perspective of the survivability factor in terms
long range existence tens to hundreds of thousands of years into the
future and beyond.
"Expendable" is a term of economics. Equating the once sacred term "living"
"expendable" is evidence of the inevitable economic triumph of biotechnology.
Eventually, if not already, life is just a biochemical function, to
be exploited
and subjected to intellectual copyright. But, as you say, this is just
the short-term.
Nothing alive today in its current form or modality
is going anywhere. Period. Therefore, someone with unimaginable foresight
may or may not be making "adjustments" behind the scenes. These hypothetical
"adjustments" would have to be perfomed in secret because Mr. and Mrs.
Biosphere aren't really sure yet if they understand the short range
of biotechnology, let alone the inevitable large scale transhuman engineering
which will occur much further down the road, openly.
Transhuman? Why such a limited approach? The concept of species is already
that border no longer exists. Genes get scrambled more easily than illegals
crossing a border. Consciousness will be excised, knocked out, snipped,
a useless
artifact. We will dissolve into a transgenic pool and will emerge as
transquantized, transnaniological units of potential utility; distinct
and unique,
and extremely brief. Not so different from what we are now, unperceived.
Yes! Well, until that fateful day when we all revert back to the primordial
soup - which we all so desperately yearn for in our secret souls - it
will have to be urban myths and rural fantasies to tide us over in the
who are us anyhow? 'Us' be gobs and gobs of living humanoidal tissue
cultures in search of a little bedtime story courtesy of those wild
and crazy Cassiopeans-A-Go-Go:
"Here comes a shocker for you... one day, in 4th density, it will be
your descendants mission to carry on the tradition and assignment of
seeding the 3rd density universe, once you have the adequate knowledge!!!
[http://cassiopaea.org/ ]
this part of your 3rd and 4th density universe, specifically your "galaxy"
it is the region known as Orion that is the one and only indigenous
home of human type beings... reflect on this! Indigenous home base,
not sole locator. What you are most in need of review of is the accurate
profile of "alien" data.
have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some
are not. Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your
eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile
of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of your
Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density
space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and
it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets
as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some
are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary
homes, traveling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd
and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities.
Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with
many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation,
Orion Federation. Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cybergenetic
beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well
as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit
6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion
STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual
native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of
the "god" of Orion for parallels
(L) You indicated that we should study the legend of Orion, and I looked
it up in several sources, and basically the legend is of the perfect
man, who fell in love with a woman, and her jealous father caused him
to be blinded. The only cure was to gaze at the light, the goddess Aurora,
to regain his sight. Can you tell us how this relates to the idea that
Orion was the indigenous home of humans?
It is up to you to look for answers. .
(L) What is this item that they were protecting so that society or the
public wouldn't know about it. What activity is this?
Humans eat cattle, aliens eat you. [...]
(L) Many people hint about some sort of "ultimate secret" that drives
men mad when they discover it. What is... the "ultimate secret" being
protected by the Consortium?
You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment. [...]
(T) Okay, is this part of, is this about the Lizzies dominating us and
sucking us dry?
A: Yes, but there's much more than that, you will understand at level
(L) How "long", and I put long in quotes, because we know, as you say,
there is no time, but how long, as we measure it, have the Aliens...
Time travelers, therefore, "Time is ongoing." Do you understand the
gravity of this response?
(L) They are time travelers, they can move forward and backward in time,
they can play games with our heads... (T) They can set up the past to
create a future they want. (D) They can organize things so that they
can create the energy that they need... (L) They can also make things
look good, make them feel good, make them seem good, they can make you
have an idea one minute, and then the next minute, create some sort
of situation that confirms that idea...
When you asked how long, of course it is totally unlimited, is it not?
(L) That's not good. If they were to move back through space time and
alter an event in our past, would that alteration in the past instantaneously
alter our present as well?
Has over and over and over.
(D) So they do it over and over and over, constantly?
You just are not yet aware, and have no idea of the ramifications!!!
(L) If we decided that we wanted a different world, could we, as even
a small group, create that kind of world and have it seem that we hadn't...
We have told you thus.
"What do we know? We know that we have linear time. If we are in a 4
dimensional Minkowski space as we know from Einstein, in this space
there is, indeed, one time that can be perceived differently by different
observers. There are factors which can change the flow of time. One
of these factors is speed. If you approach the speed of light, time
is experienced slower and slower. If you travel at the speed of light,
time stops. This was the starting point of all Einstein's thinking.
This is one factor, speed.
factor is, as we know, gravity. If you can engineer a very strong gravitational
field, time also slows down, so to speak.
is one point of view if we think in terms of 4 dimensional space and
this type of analysis is based upon the belief that the space time structure
is not too dramatically influenced by anything. If space time so to
speak, undergoes "earthquakes," if there are dramatic changes in space
time, we may have other strange effects because we may have timeless
zones - we can have regions where time would not flow at all, and this
is what Sakharov was speculating about. But, we don't really know what
could be the cause of such changes in space time structure.
then, we can go beyond that to Kaluza-Klein theories in which we are
adding other physical dimensions, and these other dimensions may be
of space character, but they may also be of time character. And this
was something that Ouspensky was contemplating. He believed that time
is really three-dimensional; that there is our ordinary time, and that
there is another time he called "eternity," and still another time....
So, if we look at it this way, we would have three space and three time
dimensions, totaling 6, which fits into a geometric structure of a hexagon.
is the character of these extra dimensions. Cassiopaean's answered that
the extra dimension is "time-like." Now, the point is, if this is so,
then for soul or consciousness or being that lives and experiences all
these dimensions, time is not linear; it is not a line; it is like a
plane. On a line, you have an order. On a plane, there is no order.
There is no way to determine what succeeds what. There is no linear
order on a plane. So, from this point of view, our consciousness somehow
collapses from the plane to the line and chooses something in a selective
way from the plane and becomes only one dimensional, a line of some
kind or another, and then there is an order, and still this line can
be a loop or can be different lines that intersect.
if we have this multi-dimensional universe, it need not have a rigid
structure like three dimensions for space and three for time. There
may be regions where these dimensions divide in a different way. There
may be regions where it is even hard to distinguish between what is
space and what is time. And this structure, perhaps, is influenced by
consciousness. And, that may be related to the concept of densities.
So, different densities could mean different ways of structuring multi-
dimensional space into space and time and whatever. Thus, the Ouspensky
structuring - 3 + 3 - would correspond to our third density.
what else do we know from physics? Time, like space, is directly related
to gravity. Gravity is a geometry of space and time. There is no time
without gravity.
thing more about time: Time loops. First, physicists were very unhappy
about time loops; they didn't want them. They made a rule that there
should be no time loops. If you had time loops in your theory, your
theory was "sick." But then, there was Godel who produced a solution
of Einstein Field Equations which involved time loops, and so to say,
the source of this looping was a rotating motion. So, if something rotates
in a certain way, the thing being the universe itself, then time loops
become possible. We can replace the term rotate with spin. The spinning
motion can produce strange time effects.
happens when we have time loops? Well, if all the universe goes along
just one time loop, this is one thing. But if different molecules of
our body would choose to go through different time loops, things become
chaotic. And physics does not know how to deal with it. So, what if
these pictures of different molecules following different time loops
have a Mandelbrot type structure? Time loops then means going through
a repeating cycle. This may be related to a concept of rejuvenation.
If you can cycle your molecules through time loops in a coherent way,
maybe your body will not age.
to Gurdjieff: according to his view, with which I tend to agree, and
just using this as an analogy, in the beginning, or at 7th density,
"God" created the universe which was closed; that is, in which everything
would last forever: a perfect universe. But, somehow, this perfect universe
proved to be a dying universe. And then, the only way to produce something
that would not die, was to produce a universe that is open: a universe
in which the future is open and can be shaped; in which even the creator,
Himself, could not, so to say, see what would be the final result; a
universe that became an experiment with an unknown result. We are part
of this experiment. A final result does not imply an 'end' of the universe.
Also, this open universe means a universe in which knowledge can be
created. According to Gurdjieff, knowledge is a material thing and,
at any given point of time, there is a finite amount of knowledge, and
this knowledge is distributed to those who seek this knowledge. But
Gurdjieff didn't look into the problem of how knowledge is created,
so to say.
am now speculating about that. We, third density beings, can seek knowledge
and use this knowledge, but we can't really create knowledge. To create
knowledge, perhaps you must have a different kind of consciousness;
you must be a higher density being. So, a higher density being can create
knowledge, but cannot use it because using it involves time.
have this concept of macro and micro, and of course, we have no idea
of what happens, how time is perceived, if at all, for consciousness
at the level of atoms or molecules. So, maybe at that level, things
go really crazy and only smoothes out when we view from a macro scale.
This may be the case of the relation of 4th density to 3rd density.
And thus, we have quantum theory with quantum jumps, and these quantum
jumps are caused by this chaotic space time structure on a micro scale,
while the chaotic space/time structure of 3rd density causes quantum
jumps in 4th density.
of a water wheel. It the water flowing over it looks pretty smooth and
it moves with a smooth motion. But, if you try to follow the path of
each water molecule, you will find that it is very turbulent. So, somehow
all this turbulent motion, when looked at from a distance, when you
zoom out, the turbulent motion of many, many different molecules, can
appear as a single smooth event. When you see lightning, you see a big
bolt of electricity. But, this lightning is composed of billions and
billions of electric charges participating in an organized and turbulent
speaking, when lightning happens, you cannot reverse it. The little
motion of each of these molecules can be reversed and put back. But,
when they are organized into something that is orchestrated, and this
is irreversible: a "tick" of time. I use the term lightening, but think
of lightning that happens at a micro scale. Ticks of time, progress
of time, is a kind of little lightning on the level of atoms or even
below that which is somehow recorded in some kind of consciousness.
So, time has permitted, or induced, or enclosed the "knowledge" of this
lightning strike!
the point is, of course, that this knowledge need not be direct, because
there are causes of causes of causes of causes etc, and when we become
aware of the last link in a chain, the chain becomes "solidified" or
materialized just as, at the final moment of condensation, the rain
cloud becomes a "rain" cloud and not just a mass of vapors that will
dissipate without producing rain.
another perspective: Time is, so to speak, a number of events at any
given point of space. Time progresses when a number of events progress.
What are events? Events are related to quantum jumps. There are big
ones and small ones. Big ones we can see with our eyes or record with
our instruments. But there are also small ones that occur on a micro
scale that we are not aware of with our consciousness, but which may
be discerned by another consciousness, which extends to the micro region,
which is aware of that region, and by being aware it participates in
these events and in this progression of time. From this point of view,
the structure of time on a micro scale can be very chaotic because the
number of events can vary drastically from place to place. But, again,
the very concept of "place," for a point of space, is not clear. What
is space, what are points in space, what are places is yet to be understood."
[Jadczyk, 1999]
of the above was extracted from our webpages which only demonstrates how
thorougly "Dr. Delgado" must have been perusing them. Now, regarding
"Dr. Delgado's" remark:
Yes! Well, until that fateful day when we all revert back to the primordial
soup - which we all so desperately yearn for in our secret souls..."
I would like
to point out a most interesting comparison found here, on the Cassiopaean
website, on a page entitled: "Stalking,"
where it says in part:
other words: the negative hierarchy is a pyramidal food chain...
the apex of the pyramid is comprised of the most persistent of the negative
graduates, the one who has stuck it out against every evidence of diminishment,
and is the ultimate example of "wishful thinking."
"Dr. Delgado" must think that he is somewhere near the top of
this foodchain, judging by his published remarks.
"Ultimate Wishful Thinking" means that they/it cannot SEE
that they do not become God by assimilation and control of other selves...
but that the real result is a gradual compaction and implosion and dissolution
into primal matter and NON-being.
Well, it
seems that, by saying that he is desperately yearning to revert back to
the primordial soup, Dr. Delgado DOES have some awareness of his path...
one half [of creation] joyfully seeks life and creation and play and
exploration... a sort of "love of adventure."
other half expresses a fundamental fear of "losing self" in this play
and exploration. This causes it to recoil upon itself and this establishes
the "tension" of polarization which is the stuff of which the cosmos
is constructed..
I rather
think that yearning to revert back to the primordial soup is a clear expression
of this "fear of losing self."
other [STS] sees only SELF and seeks to appropriate all others to Self
to restore equilibrium... to "go back to the Cosmic Sleep of Oneness,"
so to speak.
i.e., desperately
yearning to revert back to the primordial soup.
analogy would be the difference between a free and adventurous child
that is full of the sense of adventure as opposed to a child that wishes
to "own the mother" and cling to her and incorporate her to himself;
i.e. Jealousy.
"Darkness" is, in fact,a State of Consciousness that has existed from
the very beginning of individuation and which COVETS ATTENTION FOR ITSELF
consciousness hates, fears and deeply distrusts Creation, and just wants
to effectively "roll over and go back to sleep" in eternal union with
the "mother/father."
consciousness is the SELFness of creation - the gravity that draws all
that exists back to itself. It is the aspect of the ONE involved in
contemplation and rejection of creativity in its own heart, frozen
in that moment of "vertigo" experienced at the outrush of creative energy.
And clearly,
this vertigo is a very uncomfortable condition in which to live. I suppose
that explains why such a person desperately wants to revert to the primordial
the bottom line is: this other "half" of the All, born along
with the Creative upsurge, becomes focused on actualizing its own impulse
- to undo creation - for it realizes that only then can it be at "peace."
And here
we have the problem. Such individuals not only desperately long to revert
to the primordial soup, they want to take everyone else with them! And,
in their mode of wishful thinking, they convince themselves that everyone
else, in their "heart of hearts," wants the same thing!
only way it can achieve that ideal narcissistic withdrawal into itself
in infinite Self-contemplation is through reclaiming all Attentiion
and consciousness that is, in effect, "borrowed against" the inconceivable
magnitude of Consciousness in Cosmic Sleep.
Darkness becomes, in effect, an incurable insomniac!!!
consciousness of STS/Darkness feels that it must tear apart the creative
fabric of existence thereby liberating those units of energy involved
in the creative functions, and "swallow" them back into itself, erasing
their differential properties and powers so as to restore the One AS
Or so it believes.
this is not clearly seen at the lower densities until the masks are
stripped away. The deepest implications of this are hidden by many veils...
And even the 4th and 5th density participants do not necessarily comprehend
this ultimate dissolution.
But "Dr.
Delgado" DOES comprehend. He is CONSCIOUS.
of the "Ultimate Light Eater" preaching the gospel of Devolution
as "Salvation."
And, apparently,
one of the prophets of the Gospel of Devolution is "Dr. Jose Delgado,"
wishfully thinking that he, and the rest of humanity are merely "gobs
and gobs of living humanoidal tissue cultures in search of a little bedtime
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