Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad? Pt II And now, back to the present series of events that we have noted with the help of the QFS Network and the readers and Contributors to Signs of the Times who comb the internet daily for articles of interest to all. (A BIG thanks to ALL of you!) As many of you know, almost exactly a month ago, I was invited to talk on the Jeff Rense show as a consequence of the MOSSAD and Moving Companies Article. What was rather surprising was the fact that Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley saw fit to send in a libelous article to Rense about us. (Keep in mind that the term "libel" refers specifically to lies.) Rense put the article as an addenda at the bottom of an article written by Richard Sauder that mentioned Cassiopaea as a possibly valid source of factual information. We found it to be incomprehensible that Rense would invite me to speak while, at the same time publish an article libelling me. Rense himself explained that he had published articles by Alvin Wiley before and always found his research to be good. When he was notified of the facts of the situation and provided with evidence of Wiley and Most' lies, Rense removed the libelous piece and apologized. We have certainly noted that Wiley occasionally writes op-ed pieces on political subjects, generally denigrating the Bush Regime in a mild way and that Most and his other co-horts are fairly active in political comments of a similar nature - decrying the war, the plight of the Palestinians, and so on. So, it was certainly curious to discover that Wiley and Most would suddenly emerge in opposition to some obvious conclusions about the 9-11 event and possible government complicity. After all, we here at Signs are basically on the same page with Most and Wiley in political position, right? We are all Pro-humanity and anti-War, right? Even if we don't agree philosophically, we will certainly find a common ground politically, right? One would think so. But we notice in Kevin MacDonald's CofC that the chief way to take apart an individualistic society is to turn the individuals against each other. What a concept! After all, even if - in my opinion - Wiley and Most are off in la-la land with their claims to esoteric traditions - I would have to admire any work they do to promote humanity as a whole and the anti-war position. But exactly the opposite happened here. And I was puzzled.
Back on 9-11, as I noted in the MOSSAD Happy Dance, I was extremely puzzled by the fact that Maynerd Most and his gang were crowing with delight at the destruction of the World Trade Center. After all, with his penchant for dressing up in Arabic outfits, that seemed to me to be a bit foolish. At a later point in time, I really began to wonder about this possible connection to Islamic terrorists since I did find a link between Mujaheedin and Drunvalo Melchizedek and there were many connections between Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley and Drunvalo. However, iIt was only after a period of long observation that this theory was discarded. After reviewing the material presented in the MOSSAD and Moving Companies article, the light bulb went on and I realized that it was truly COINTELPRO at its finest. The reader may recall one of the explanations offered for the seeming proliferation of Israeli spies in the U.S.: At this point, things take a strange turn. With all the questions about an Israeli Spy Ring being brought up again and again, a neat solution has been found: They aren't really Israelis! They are Islamic terrorists PRETENDING to be Israelis! As I read that, I realized that psychopaths always accuse their victims of what they are doing themselves. If the rule holds true, then the truth is that we are overrun with agents of MOSSAD pretending Islamic sympathies! In terms of COINTELPRO, we usually think that it is limited to things like sending anonymous or fictitious letters designed for various libellous purposes or to damage someone's reputation. We have also noted the program of publishing false defamatory or threatening information, forging signatures on fake documents, introducing disruptive and subversive members into organizations to destroy them from within, and so on. Blackmailing insiders in any group to force them to spread false rumors, or to foment factionalism is also a common tactic. What a lot of people don't keep in mind is the fact that COINTELPRO also concentrated on creating bogus organizations through which hostile actions might be instigated and blamed on innocent third parties. In other words, creating bogus Palestinian Terrorists to attack the World Trade Center is entirely within the tradition of COINTELPRO - and we have seen, over and over again, a string of incidents when purported "Islamic Terrorists" have been noted, but the FBI and CIA just simply turn their heads and order their agents to stand down! One then begins to wonder just WHO initiated the COINTELPRO idea in the FBI? According to investigators, these FBI programs were noteworthy because all documents relating to them were stamped "do not file." This meant that they were never filed in the system, and for all intents and purposes, did not exist. This cover was blown after activists broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania in 1971. Do we think that this was an isolated operation? Anyone who carefully peruses the Timeline we have assembled which includes FACTS about Secret Government projects - keeping in mind that this is only the tip of the iceberg - will suspect that COINTELPRO is literally the substrate of our entire culture! And they wouldn't be far from the truth - even including religions and cults. When one puts this material together with what Kevin MacDonald has written, the entire picture begins to become VERY clear!
Back to Wiley and Most and the Rense show affair. Two days after this show, it seems that Alvin Wiley - remember Alvin? A guy who regularly posts articles attacking the Bush Administration? We are anti-Bush too, so one would think that we are "in the same camp," so to say - well, Alvin Wiley purchased "" to set up an ANTI-Cassiopaea website! (For details, see the Wiley Correspondence, and scroll to the end where these letters are posted) Huh? Shortly afterward, Maynerd Most and several others (though they may have just been different identities of Most himself) joined the casschat discussion list in order to begin a campaign of disruption and flaming. Meanwhile, we discovered a website called "The Ross Institute" which appears to be VERY serious and informative. Their disclaimer states: The information within the Ross Institute archives has been collected to offer the public a resource concerning groups called "cults," controversial organizations and movements. However, the mention and/or inclusion of a group or leader within this archive does not define that group as a "cult" and/or an individual mentioned as either destructive and/or harmful. Instead, such inclusion simply reflects that archived articles and/or research is available about a group or person that has generated some interest and/or controversy. All the information archived must be evaluated critically, through a process of independent and individual judgment. Please note that there are links often prominently posted at the top of each individual page to a group or movement's own official website, which reflect their views. It is important to see what they have to say. Warning
-- All META tags, page titles, keywords and others content descriptions
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copyrights, which may contain the same keywords and/or titles. The Ross Institute, its Advisory Board and/or Rick Ross do not necessarily endorse or support any of the views expressed within linked websites listed at the Links page of this website. They are provided only for the convenience of researchers and those concerned. Books listed on the Books page of this website and the views they express are not specifically endorsed by The Ross Institute, its Advisory Board and/or Rick Ross. Readers must exercise their own judgment in choosing and/or reviewing such material. And then critically evaluate any views or opinions the authors may express. Again, some may find this material controversial. The Ross Institute has archived this information for the convenience of researchers and those concerned. Any minor
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Institute And lo and behold, what do we find on the Ross Institute list of Dangerous Cults? Why, a link to Maynerd Most' "take" on Cassiopaea! Now, this is going to get VERY juicy in just a minute, but before we get to the BEST part, let me just present a little exchange Ark had with Rick Ross of the Ross Institute List of "Dangerous Cults!": From: Arkadiusz
Jadczyk Hi, My name and name of my wife is mispelled in The Cassiopeia's (Ark Jadcyzk and Laura Knight-Jadcyzk) It should read "Jadczyk" And if you don't mind, would you be so kind and provide also a link to the original web-site of Laura and Ark Jadczyk? Thank you, ark From: "Rick
Ross" The spelling will be corrected, but there seems to be problem. The link you point out on the Institute Links page seems to go to a commercial promotions page. Where is the information specifically warning about a destructive group? Have you deleted it? Rick Ross
From: Arkadiusz
Jadczyk Hi again, First of all in The Truth about Cassiopeia: Ouiji Alien Alert you link to Maynerd Most is a liar: See: It is true that we have a politically oriented and scientifically oriented site. But in no way our site fits the criteria of "destructive cults". Therefore Maynerd Most lied again when trying to discredit our site and us by suggesting to you that "Arkadiusz and Laura Jadczyk are a cult". What I propose is: either delete the link completely, or, if you want to keep the link to the site full of lies about me and my wife, like, please be fair and add also the two links above which document the true destructive nature of Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley. On our site "cassiopaea" we pursue similar goal as you do. See for instance Listing us as a "cult", what Maynerd Most suggests, is an error on your part. You probably did not check his facts. The two pages: tell the truth about the man your link promotes. Sincerely,
From: "Rick
Ross" The spelling will be corrected. To better understand the site and the Links page specifically, see the following: Your request to add additional links is refused. Rick Ross
From: Arkadiusz
Jadczyk OK. If so, if you rely on liars, and if you protect liars, we will expose this feature of "The Ross Institute" on our web site. It is apparent that you are a part of COINTELPRO operation and possibly even connected to MOSSAD as Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley are. Sincerely,
From: "Rick
Ross" The Ross Institute is not part of "COINTELPRO," whatever that is. And is certainly not associated with "MOSSAD" in any way. The Institute is an educational nonprofit corp. registered with the IRS. But you may indulge in whatever paranoid fantasies you wish, that do not violate libel or slander laws. Rick Ross
From: Arkadiusz
Jadczyk Relying on lies, propagating lies and protecting liars is not an educational activity. But that is what you do. And that is what we will expose. Regards,
From: "Rick
Ross" The links page simply offers links to other websites and states no opinion. I have sent you the disclaimer statement that explains this, which is posted throughout the website. Again, it seems like paranoid fantasy is an activity that you indulge in. Rick Ross
Coming now to the juicy parts, as this exchange was taking place, the researcher was finding all sorts of interesting things about Rick Ross of the Ross Institute - not the least of which were some strong connections to various Jewish Organizations - the same ones mentioned by Kevin MacDonald as being implicated in the destruction of Western Society and its Individualistic character. For example, we find this: Rick Ross: Modern Jewish Pharisee Deprograms Christians Rick Ross, a Jewish antichrist, has been attempting by several means to destroy certain Pastors, Church members, and Churches within the United Pentecostal Churches International (UPCI), through his antichrist methods of "deprogramming." His attacks and antics against Apostolics and attempts to destroy Churches and Pastors should not go unnoticed. We dare not ignore them because his participation at Waco with the ATFB and FBI shows he cares not for the lives of innocent people. [...] He was with the government forces at Waco giving them his antichrist opinions and was instrumental in the "wipe-out attack and burn" strategy that ended in the tragic loss of so many innocent people. The whole purpose of Ross' subtle attacks via his alleged "deprogramming" is to make cults out of religious groups who may not conform to the general social amoral attitude and acceptance of sins and especially his own Jewish beliefs. It is strange that while Ross considers Apostolics to be a cult, he says in his writings that Satanist and those in Wicca are not in a cult? Well, of course we aren't going to defend the beliefs of the Fundies here. We are individualists, after all, and we have a right to our own beliefs. But we do defend the right of Fundamentalist Christians to HAVE those beliefs! Sure, we find them to be about as silly as Judaism. In fact, Christianity would not exist if it weren't for Judaism which ought to give us pause to think about ALL Monotheistic religions. But what was most intriguing above was a curious reference to Rick Ross being involved in the government attack on Waco. Now, keep in mind, again, we are in no way defending David Koresh and his group or their beliefs - we are just defending their right to have them UNMOLESTED. Those who claim that Koresh was a psychopath or a pedophile may be right for all we know, but due process of law was not applied in the Koresh case. They were literally burned at the stake based on what seems to have been the word of Rick Ross. Men, women and children died because of it. And we certainly can draw a comparison to the present Bush Administration's approach to Iraq and their purported WMDs. Some of you may recall that the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma was linked to the Waco incident. At the same time, there were other hints that the Oklahoma bombing was somehow linked to Islamic terrorism. Also of extreme interest is the fact that Rick Ross does not consider Satanists and Wiccans as "cultic," and we are well aware that Wiley, Most et al are heavily invested in promoting Black Magic and infiltrating the Earth Centered Wiccan groups. All in all, it smells like COINTELPRO to me. Next we find: A former member of The Cult Awareness Network (CAN) Rick Ross, a jewel thief turned kidnapper, who has appeared in the media positioning himself as an “expert” on cults. First Criminal Conviction: 1974 Mr Ross, by his own admission, conspired to steal furniture and appliances at model homes - Those who comment on Mr Ross also alleged that he "bought and used stolen credit cards". As Mr Ross indicates: "The conviction in no way, shape or form involved "stolen credit cards." Obviously, buying and using stolen credit cards would not be "Conspiracy to commit Grand Theft," it would instead be simply "Grand Theft," which is more serious and a felony". With Mr Ross' liturgical nature I am surprised that this statement (1) has not been challanged, let alone that it remains on the internet, if indeed it is a "false statements with malicious intent." Is it then the fact that semantics are again involved here? Was there "bought and used stolen credit cards" without a conviction? Gee! Rick Ross is beginning to sound like Maynerd Most who hacks into people's computers, steals their passwords, and runs up bills in their name!!! Is this any way to run MOSSAD? Second Criminal Conviction & Felony: 1975 Mr Ross was later approached by a friend who offered to make him a partner in a diamond robbery involving 306 items valued at $100,000. That led to Rick Ross’ second arrest, for grand theft and conspiracy, a guilty plea, a conviction and 6 weeks in Maricopa County Jail, Arizona. A subsequent psychiatric evaluation reduced what might have or should have been a prison sentence to a probation sentence. We begin to smell the scent of the psychopath. As we noted from our investigation into the background of Maynerd Most, he claimed to have learned his psychiatric jargon while in therapy. One wonders if this is where he hooked up with Rick Ross? Those of you who have read Cleckley's book Mask of Sanity, will be familiar with this problem of the psychopath: the conduct of their LIVES demonstrates their disorder because they are most efficient at "acting sane" and most generally accuse their victims of being crazy as we note that Rick Ross has done above by suggesting that Ark has a "paranoid fantasy!" What a HOOT this guy is! But it gets even BETTER! Freedom Magazine reports (keep in mind that we are in no way promoting Scientology, nor are we attacking it. What IS curious is that both Christians AND Scientologists - who are certainly entitled to their beliefs without being "assimilated" by the Jewish Collective - are pointing out that something really ugly is behind Mr. Rick Ross): For Jason Scott, the nightmare is over. So is it for Laverne Collins Macchio. And for millions of Americans. Scott and Macchio are just two of many Christians who were subjected to brutal “deprogramming” attempts—physical and mental assaults aimed toward breaking their religious beliefs—by members of a hate group known as the “Cult Awareness Network” or “CAN.” [...] The group is defunct, having been forced into liquidation on June 20, 1996, after unsuccessfully seeking refuge in bankruptcy in the face of a $4.8 million damages verdict handed down in September 1995 by a U.S. District Court in Seattle. [It has obviously been reconstituted as the Ross Institute!] From its former offices in Barrington, Illinois, CAN became notorious for waging a propaganda war against Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, Catholics, Orthodox Jews and a host of other religious groups—with particular and peculiar emphasis on fundamentalist Christians. CAN was a clearinghouse for false and biased information concerning religious groups, with the purpose of inciting prejudice, hatred and fear. But that may be the mildest possible description for this deceased group. CAN preyed on the gullible, violated the civil rights of the innocent and has even been linked to kidnappings, rapes and deaths nationwide. [...] CAN also defrauded the U.S. government into believing that its activities were “educational” in nature—even swearing to this in documents filed in its application for tax exemption, filed in 1978. This lie was only part of a pattern of widespread deception, a smokescreen to hide CAN’s vast involvement in the black market of hate and violence. Indeed, documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act... show that while CAN disavowed its involvement in deprogramming, its own leaders, such as former president John Sweeny, have testified at length that such conduct was CAN’s stock in trade. [...] Later events would find CAN “morally, if not criminally, responsible” for the April 19, 1993, tragedy at Waco, according to religious scholar J. Gordon Melton, director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion and professor of religion at the University of California at Santa Barbara. It was CAN and one of its highest-ranking deprogrammers, convicted felon Rick Ross, who provided the information which spurred the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian compound at Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas. Ross and other CAN officials worked with apostate former Davidians to convince law enforcement that “lethal force” was justified at Mount Carmel. ... The 86 lives lost at Waco speak volumes of CAN’s involvement. [...] When it comes to examining an organization, the words of its top officials are often instructive. And the views of CAN’s last executive director, Cynthia Kisser, shed much light on CAN’s agenda and explain its fascination with Christians. “If [Jesus Christ] were alive now,” she told the Cleveland Plain Dealer, “we’d take an interest in him because of the great controversy surrounding his fringe activities. ... We’d try to see if there was abuse, unethical behavior or deceptive practices. And I’d send whatever we could find to reporters.” [...] CAN’s support of and involvement in lawless conduct led to the $4.875-million damages verdict against the group and Rick Ross... [...] The jury in the Scott case found that the conduct of some of the defendants was “so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency ... atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.” [...] On the same day that the bankruptcy court shut CAN’s doors, four more CAN-associated deprogrammers joined the ranks of the convicted [...] Kidnappers dragged the victim, Laverne Collins Macchio, from her home in Boise in 1991 as her three children looked on in horror. Macchio was hauled across the lawn, forced into a waiting vehicle, driven to a remote cabin and held against her will for seven days. In an Idaho court, the deprogrammers, Joy and Carmine DeSanctis, Michael Howley and Charles Kelly, were forced to face the consequences of their actions. Based on an agreement with the trial judge, all four agreed to plead guilty to felony kidnapping charges if their defense was rejected on appeal. The June 22 ruling by the unanimous Idaho Supreme Court, written by Chief Justice Charles McDevitt, threw out the deprogrammers’ defense and left the CAN hate group with four more nails in its coffin. It is notable that the DeSanctises were relied upon as “informants” by Time, a magazine noted for its involvement in misinformation scandals. (See “Of the Media, By the Media, For the Media?”.) Joy DeSanctis infiltrated a church, stole documents from it, then provided information to Time for the centerpiece of a thoroughly discredited article. I hope you noticed the names of the media organs above that we have identified as part of the Jewish Network of Media Control. Of course, Rick Ross wanted to respond in the same way Maynerd Most wanted to respond to our report on his faked bio. We should note that, to this day, Most will declare vociferously that he only made "two tiny errors" on his resume and for that, we here at Cassiopaea/Signs - just for no reason - viciously attacked him. I think that the reader who has perused his systematic lying and covering lies with more lies, reported in the Most Dossier will come to a slightly different conclusion. In any event, in the same style, Rick Ross defends himself against the report published by the Church of Scientology by writing:
Geez! Sounds just like Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley, eh? The interested reader may wish to peruse Rick Ross' apologia. One site that posts actual court document images relating to Rick Ross asks a question about his homosexuality. Now, this may not seem to be relevant, but for some entertaining reading, do have a look at the site, browse around and check out the documents. "Is Rick Ross a Homosexual?" His prison records make inferences about it, having deletions in one of the Psychiatric reports about his parent's disagreements with his "lifestyle". He has never been married or cohabitated He was asked about his Homosexuality in a deposition on October 28th 1994 (Jason Scott trial) and refused to answer, but was upset. It was clear enough to the lawyer that deposed Mr. Ross that he is a Homosexual; "...there is no question by his mannerisms, and actions that he is.." There has been and is much discussion about Rick Ross' Homosexuality on the Internet by people who have claimed to have been in his company.
Going in another direction, on the Lyndon LaRouche website we find some interesting comments. Again, we note that we are not promoting Mr. LaRouche, just pointing out that a whole lot of diverse peoples have been targeted by apparent COINTELPRO type operations and this should give us pause to think long and carefully about what is being propagated as "truth" nowadays. More of the "divide and conquer" routine of the attack on Western Civilization? A recent spate of physical assaults, and one threatened kidnapping, of political associates of Democratic Party Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, has prompted counterintelligence investigators for Executive Intelligence Review to reopen the file on the American Family Foundation (AFF)-the organization linked to the pattern of attacks. While promoting itself as a leading organization "combatting cults," the American Family Foundation is actually a privatized successor to the notorious 1950s-70s U.S. and British governments' secret experiments with mind control, employing a wide range of pharmacological and brainwashing methods. Some techniques employed by AFF "deprogrammers" were previously the subject of war crimes prosecutions during the Nuremberg Trials of the infamous "Nazi doctors." The AFF's stable of "Reesian psychiatric shock troops" (after the British Tavistock Institute's Dr. John Rawlings Rees) operate in tandem with a number of known terrorist and mercenary-for-hire agencies, which at one time constituted perhaps the largest professional kidnapping ring in modern American history. Those kidnapping operations have often intersected the activities of criminalized segments of the U.S. law enforcement and intelligence community, and this complication allowed some members of the criminal enterprise to escape prosecution. Members of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), an organization whose Israeli affiliates are on the U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, constitute one hard-core terrorist capability that has been employed by AFF "deprogrammers" to kidnap their victims. Although JDL head Irv Rubin is presently in jail, without bail, pending Federal prosecution on charges of plotting the murder of a California Congressman and other terrorist acts, other JDL members and associates have been implicated in recent physical assaults on LaRouche associates in California, and, possibly, in New York City. The Lubavitcher sect, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, and former U.S. Green Beret and British Special Air Services (SAS) commandos have also been employed in kidnapping operations by the American Family Foundation and its affiliates, like the Cult Awareness Network (CAN). After a series of kidnapping prosecutions and convictions of top CAN operators (see Travesty-A True Crime Story, by an EIR investigative team, Washington, D.C.: 1995); and after one high-profile CAN kidnapper, Rick Ross, was implicated in setting up the 1993 massacre of the Branch Davidian sect in Waco, Texas, CAN was formally dissolved. In a lawsuit, the group's name and assets were taken over by the Church of Scientology. The original CAN has now been reconstituted as the Leo J. Ryan Education Foundation, with more or less the same personnel, and the same close ties to the AFF. [...] According to its "official" history, the American Family Foundation was launched in 1979, in response to the threat posed by violent cults, particularly in the aftermath of the purported mass suicide by the Peoples Temple of Rev. Jim Jones, in Guyana, in 1978. In contemporary lingo, this version of the AFF's founding is an "urban legend." To understand the actual circumstances of the launching of AFF, two seminal events of the 1970s must be first summarized. The first was the widespread exposure of criminal activities by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, through the mid-1970s efforts of the U.S. Senate Church Committee, chaired by Frank Church (D-Idaho), and other investigative bodies and news exposés. Among the most damning revelations was the CIA's 25-year history of secret experimentation with mind-altering drugs, mass psychological manipulation, North Korean-style brainwashing and torture techniques, under the rubric of Operation MK-ULTRA, and other programs. As for the FBI, it was revealed to have conducted an equally long-term illegal domestic program, targeting political and civil rights groups, churches, and labor unions under its Counterintelligence Program ("Cointelpro"). Among the Cointelpro documents ultimately made public was a 1973 memorandum to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, from the Special Agent in Charge of the New York City FBI Field Office, soliciting the Director's OK to orchestrate an assassination of Lyndon LaRouche, employing FBI assets infiltrated into the leadership of the Communist Party U.S.A. The idea of the FBI colluding with the Communist Party to carry out an assassination of a domestic political figure, indicates both the depth of corruption of the FBI, and the extent to which Lyndon LaRouche had already, back as far as 1973, been labeled as a potential threat to the Wall Street Eastern Establishment, which often employed the FBI as its quasi-private political police agency. In the aftermath of the Church Committee revelations, which received widespread media attention, the CIA formally shut down all work on mind control, psychedelic drugs, etc., and the FBI formally dismantled its Cointelpro operations in 1977. What happened, in reality, is that all the operations were continued under private auspices. The FBI established a quasi-formal sub-contractual relationship with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), to spy on and disrupt the same domestic political activists and organizations that had been the targets of Cointelpro. A mid-1980s directive from then-Director William Webster to all FBI field offices in the United States, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), ordered local Bureau civil rights unit chiefs to establish liaison with ADL offices-confirming the FBI/ADL collusion. [...] This employment of private agencies and individuals as assets of U.S. Federal law enforcement and intelligence sevices, was codified with the Reagan Administration's Executive Order 12333, which was signed on Dec. 4, 1981, but had been drafted by an American Bar Association task force on law and national security in 1979. [...] The launching of the American Family Foundation in 1979 unleashed the MK-ULTRA mind-benders, on an expanded scale, as part of the "Get LaRouche" operation. [And now, they are after Cassiopaea! We must be doing something right!] Although American Family Foundation promotional material describes it as "the leading professional organization concerned about cults and psychological manipulation," this boast hardly squares with the fact that, throughout its 20 years of operation, AFF's psychiatric "professionals" have been dominated by three of the most notorious mind-controllers ever associated with MK-ULTRA and related government secret projects in mass psychological manipulation. This may be the ultimate case of "the pot calling the kettle black." The three leading AFF brainwashers are the late Dr. Louis Jolyon West (who died in 1999), Dr. Margaret Singer, and Dr. Robert J. Lifton. All three were associated with AFF from its inception, and Singer and Lifton remain active to the present day. In fact, the entire AFF approach to "deprogramming" centers on two documents authored by Singer and Lifton, modeled on CIA Korean War-era studies of "Chinese brainwashing." [...] In 1967, Dr. West left Oklahoma and set up shop in San Francisco, during the famous "Summer of Love," during which time millions of LSD doses, produced by the government, were distributed to the hippies, in the largest secret-government test of mass drugging of a population in history. West and Singer again joined forces to assess the impact of the LSD flood. In this effort, they also came to work closely with Dr. Gregory Bateson, who ran secret LSD-25 experiments at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital, in parallel to West's earlier work in Oklahoma West next became chairman of the department of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angelees, and director of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute, a major center for experimentation in mass social control, employing drugs, hypnosis, electro-shock, and other techniques. [Don't you think its interesting that the whole generation that "turned on, tuned in and dropped out" is now the generation that is totally unable to wake up to the machinations of George Bush????!] In 1970, Dr. West pushed to Gov. Ronald Reagan, the idea of a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, to track criminals, "pre-delinquent hyperkinetic children," and others profiled as allegedly likely to engage in violence. Among the controversial techniques he proposed: chemical castration, and implanting electrodes into subjects' brains to control violent impulses and "political activity." [It makes you wonder just what they were looking for. After all, the above diagnosis of "pre-delinquent and hyperkinetic" was applied to Rick Ross. Perhaps they were just shopping for future agents? And what about today's "Indigo Children?" But no, that's just a "paranoid fantasy!"] West, Lifton, and Singer have, throughout their careers, been obsessed with early detection and prevention of the emergence of any independent political movement with a strong leader, in the Socratic-Platonic tradition of the "philosopher-king." [...] If one piece of "smoking gun" evidence proves that the AFF is the continuation of MK-ULTRA under a new masthead, it is to be found in the New York City law offices of Morris and McVeigh, which also house the Bodman and Achellis Foundations. The two foundations are administered by senior partners in the firm, and they have overlapping directorates. In the first decade of AFF's existence, the Bodman and Achellis Foundations, combined, provided it more than a half-million dollars, by far its largest source of funding. (Since 1969, the Bodman Foundation has been a major donor to the Temple of Understanding at the UN, formerly known as the Lucis Trust-an outright Satanic sect, founded in London in 1922, under the more poetic and revealing name, Lucifer Trust. [...] More to the point: The founding partner of Morris and McVeigh, Charles Senff McVeigh, was president of Bodman Foundation, an officer and trustee of the Achellis Foundation, and was a director of the Josiah Macy Foundation, during the entire period that Macy was housing the Cybernetics Group and the CIA's secret MK-ULTRA mind control and psychedelics project. The AFF is also closely aligned with the organized crime- and espionage-tainted Anti-Defamation League. The founder and president of the American Family Foundation is attorney Herbert Rosedale, of the law firm Parker, Chapin, Flattau, and Klimpl. The firm's founder, Albert Parker, was the vice chairman of the New York ADL Appeal, the organization's fundraising arm. The law firm represents the ADL's Sterling National Bank, and has also represented Republic National Bank of the late Edmond Safra. AFF is funded as well by the San Francisco-based Swig Foundation. Melvin Swig, a trustee of the foundation, has been ADL national commissioner and an executive board member of American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the official Israeli Lobby in America. AFF's Advisory Board has included the director of the Task Force on Missionaries and Cults from the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of New York. Established in 1981 under JCRC director Malcolm Hoenlein and with the assistance of the Office of the Interior Minister for the State of Israel, the task force established an intelligence-gathering war-room to track political adversaries. Hoenlein has been identified as a key operative for the Mega Group, the private club of Zionist billionaires, established in 1991 by brothers Edgar and Charles Bronfman, hedge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt, and Max Fisher. Now, let's come back to Rick Ross and WACO. Cletus Nelson, a Los Angeles journalist, writes (published on The Lew Rockwell site): To best understand why agents of the federal government massacred the members of a small Texas church, it behooves the conscientious WACO historian to closely examine the social forces lurking behind this unprecedented disaster. If there is one sustaining thread which runs throughout this deadly exercise of state power, it is an endless pattern of deception. From the very outset, the public was falsely led to believe a multiracial spiritual community was largely comprised of gun-running "rednecks" steeped in violent apocalypse theology and martial rhetoric. As if to further darken the picture, thinly veiled allegations of child abuse and cultic phenomenon were widely circulated on television and in the mainstream press. This egregious use of what media analysts refer to as "negative framing" would seal the fate of the controversial 7th Day Adventist sect when it was deemed politically expendable by Washington officials. Evidence suggests that these unsubstantiated claims which continue to shade our perception of the events at Mt. Carmel can be attributed to a small cadre of para-political "watchdog" groups. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with citizens banding together to expose government waste, combat police brutality, or warn the public of faulty or dangerous products. However, in the lucrative realm of public policy activism lurk a number of pro-government advocacy groups whose very existence rests upon the notion that cult activities, political extremism or some other unnamed evil constitutes a dangerous threat to state power. In order to identify the alleged thought criminals in our midst, operatives aligned with these private surveillance networks infiltrate unconventional spiritual or religious movements, maintain files on American citizens, and work closely with both media and law enforcement to target individuals and organizations whose beliefs run counter to establishmentarian beliefs. In essence, these ersatz defenders of human rights act as de facto spokesmen for our emergent surveillance society. It's COINTELPRO redux, only this time with help from a network of dubious, yet-well compensated agents. One such organization is the Cult Awareness Network (CAN). Although the legendary cult-busters have since disappeared from the public spotlight after suffering a ruinous civil judgement, the once prominent watchdog group still enjoy an infamous place among WACO researchers. Indeed, the first stirrings of the Koresh investigation began when a CAN affiliate named Rick Ross allegedly "deprogrammed" various former Davidians and contacted BATF officials with lurid tales of child abuse and illegal machine guns. [...] Few bothered to question the credibility of an organization which has flung the "cult" smear at Catholic monasteries, yoga groups, and even Karate classes! Instead, the public recoiled at the stunning accusations leveled against the besieged religious group. Meanwhile, far below the media radar, longtime critics of CAN noticed a familiar modus operandi. Citing outspoken CAN opponent Dr. Gordon Melton, Carol Moore notes that the organization "has found two successful methods of disrupting groups: first, false anonymous charges of child abuse and second, kidnapping and 'deprogramming' members." In the aftermath of the tragic conflagration, Ross would justify the fatal tank attack in a self-serving letter to former Attorney General Janet Reno. "One thing is sure, David Koresh was an absolute authoritarian cult leader who exercised total control over his followers/victims. In the final analysis, he decided to end the conflict." However, Ross would later be subjected to the withering cricism of Princeton University religious scholar Nancy T. Ammerman in a report prepared for the Department of Justice which challenged CAN's ersatz expertise: "Although these people often call themselves 'cult experts,' they are certainly not recognized as such by the academic community. The activities of CAN are a danger to religious liberty, and deprogramming tactics have been increasingly found to fall outside the law. At the very least, Mr. Ross and any ex-members he associated with should have been seen as questionable sources of information." [...] Thus it is imperative that we closely scrutinize the information disseminated by the watchdog element and its relationship with government agencies - lest we witness further atrocities (and the ensuing cover-ups) on American soil. Hmmm... Well, well, well. Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley DO keep INTERESTING company! No wonder they went bananas over the MOSSAD article! Coming back to Mr. Rick Ross, implicated in the Waco affair and a host of other unsavory activities that exactly fit what Kevin MacDonald has described in his study of the destruction of Western Civilization, I suppose we should be honored that our status has been bumped up so as to require the special attention of so accomplished an agent! Aside from the fact that it proves our point that the agenda of Most and Wiley and gang, from the beginning, has been to run a COINTELPRO on us - it also leads us a bit closer to the center of the web - the Masterminds of Global Terrorism. The final email from Mr. Rick Ross is a little reply to Ark's question: "Did you really write the following: I was not "fined $2,500,000.00." This was a civil judgment, not a "fine." "I was never charged with "kidnapping," but instead "unlawful" or "false imprisonment." Just curious, ark From: "Rick
Ross" See The site you are quoting has received recognition within the Hall of Flames section titled Flaming Websites. See Note: See the listing/link for "Rick Ross: Guardian of the truth or garner of attention?" This site received a maximum four flame award level, quite a stunning achievement. Let me know when your website work is complete and I will review it for a possible award. Maybe you can earn four flames too. Rick Ross
Frankly, we think we deserve FIVE FLAMES for spotting COINTELPRO in action, especially with so many apparent links to MOSSAD. As far as Signs is concerned, the litmus test has been applied: we KNOW Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley are liars and Rick Ross supports their websites and refuses to post a prominent link to the report on Maynerd Most - verified in every particular. Remember Maynerd Most? The guy doing the MOSSAD Happy Dance on 9-11 along with the moving guys on top of a truck who were watching the WTC burn? Remember Maynerd Most and Alvin Wiley? The guys who have devoted their lives to flaming and libelling Cassiopaea? And all we ever did was decline to be taken over by them. That says it all. "I am a jealous God and you will have no other before me..." Note: Any readers with more information on Rick Ross or the Ross Institute - or other apparent COINTELPRO operatives - please forward it to us. Warning: Expect the ranting that Cassiopaea is a "Dangerous Cult" to escalate to all new levels of viciousness. Let us also consider the fact that the many groups that are being labeled "cult" have one main thing in common: they refuse to be assimilated into the Jewish Elite Borg.
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