Session 30 December 2023

Really beautiful session, many thanks for sharing.

Its perhaps wishful thinking on my part, but that session left me with the impression that we (as in humanity) may yet avoid a cosmic house cleaning in the shape of a cometary bombardment. Whereas I understood from past sessions (and the research) that it was already in train. Can anybody share some insight in that regard? I'd be relieved if that were the case - reading the Randall Carlson thread 'clarified' the scale and scope of those events and frankly its unimaginable chaos, and an event I cannot long for even if our realm is patently in need of it.

After reading this session last night, I've had one of my most peaceful days (within) in a long time. I can't help but ascribe that to the communication with Pierre, and the reassurance one feels that this 'veil of tears' may be followed by a restful interim state.

Thanks once again, you guys are different class.

Well, when they said a cleansing would occur in spaces, meaning bit-by-bit, comets made sense to me!
I was looking forward to the next sale. It has exceeded all my expectations, it's an extraordinary sale. What a chance to "read" Pierre again.
I now understand what Obi-WAN Kenobi said to Darth Vader: "If you deck me, I'll become more powerful than you can imagine! Pierre's presence in 5D changes the course of resistance and ultimately of our reality.
Many thanks to the Château team, to C and to Pierre.
My mind went to mass migrations, to be honest. But your idea would obviously come first before any large-scale movements of people.

Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven.

I took it to mean that we should network about everything, rather than letting ourselves be pushed into certain actions/words due to others' "insanity". That kinda goes along with being "externally driven", IOW allowing ourselves to be driven by external forces instead of the internal application of acquired knowledge coupled with empathy... and I suppose good old fashioned common sense doesn't hurt!
My mind went to mass migrations, to be honest. But your idea would obviously come first before any large-scale movements of people.

Given that we've been expecting some kind of denouement for a long time, I think we all tend to want to "go there" when we hear statements like that from the Cs. But it seems that we have to suffer a "slow burn" before any final act, which provides plenty of opportunity for people of all types to have a chance to wake up and smell the coffee.

Consider the average person out there that you may know, I mean the type who is fully inured in 'normal life'. Imagine how many applications of a wake up call it would take to actually wake such a person up, rather than just terrify them, which is what the PTB have been doing to try to keep them FROM waking up in the way I mean.

So I think were facing into spaced out periods of "shocking and unstable" and then an return to relative normality before the next episode.
I feel that recommendation from C's to hear Paul's words on love is true force we are acquiring. And our community and forum is transforming and is becoming different from before when more Gurdiejjefian ruthlessness where the prevalent norm, but it was a necessary stage. Since the Paul's words of love are sinking into us deeper and deeper especially for me in the couple of last years, I am eternally grateful for us participating in this transformation of ourselves and hopefully others on planet as well. I was sad when Pierre left the group, but to hear his words makes one hopeful, thank you for the session!
🙋🏼‍♂️Yep me too. I’ve always had ear ringing but have noticed it more the last few years. It seems to have got even worse these last few weeks or so.
Ditto for me too! I've actually got 2 symptoms; a semi regular high pitched tone, and a low end rumbling noise as well. Noticed it a lot over the holiday period. I've got to be honest I'm giving my whole being a regular self-assessment these days. I apologised to parts of me recently for being too angry and intense these last few months. Giving up alcohol is proving to be tougher than I thought as well. I fell off the wagon yesterday after a week of sobriety, had a bottle of Malbek that I rather guiltily have to say I enjoyed. I had both the ringing sound and the rumble at the same time last night, and I've got the rumbling in both my ears right now as I type this. Tough to actually ascertain just what it all means, be it monitoring, mind-grooving, or some vague development taking place? Hard to say at this point.

I haven't seen any weird stuff for a while though so I suppose it's best not to get obsessive about things outside my control. In this new session the C's say that we are being watched and perhaps worse, so we need to stay alert to any nefarious activity, and watch for any activity that would appear to be against us. Watch those emotional triggers, and try to maintain a sense of calm serenity as we face the ineffable force that is the Orion Union. This is not a time for complacency or taking "our eyes off the ball", to use a sporting metaphor. We know the dark Nordics will be revealed in due course, people we are indeed living in extraordinary times! It's literally like a re-run of Atlantis, with the west as the crumbling empire of STS chaos, and computer/AI tech as our equivalent of the great crystals. For us it is money, for them it was raw energy, but it needn't be that way for all of us. I've decided to streamline my life over Christmas and attempt to impose a new, more disciplined regime, where I focus on topics that I love, such as the occult (I have picked up an anthology on the subject by Colin Wilson and it's been good early on) and UFOs, along with some religion too. Basically it feels the time is right to take life a bit more seriously than I have been. There's been a lot of fine words spoken but not so much do-ing after the fact. I have a tendency to be a bit moody, and this can make me an emotional tool of intrigue or trouble. I watch my temper very carefully now.

My question for the C's would be what actually is causing these ringing and rumble sounds, and to what purpose? Seems like a no-brainer to at least make an enquiry....
(Joe) What do you perceive as your future? What's going to happen? What future changes await?

A: (Pierre) Glory is coming for all. That is all I can perceive.

Glory is Knowledge is love

From Galician-Portuguese gloria ("glory"), and this from Latin glōriam, from Proto-Italic *gnōsia or *gnōria ("fame"), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵneh₃-s- ("to know"), from *ǵneh₃-ri- or *ǵnoh₃-ri- ("knowledge"). Wikipedia​

Interpreting St. Pierre's answer we can say

"Knowledge is coming for all. That is all I can perceive."

For St. Paul love/knowledge never fails so it is perfect:
Love/Knowledge never fails – never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end. As for prophecy, it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will be superseded by truth.
But when the complete and perfect (Glory/Knowledge/love) comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away – become antiquated, void and superseded.

Glory is also the fame of God, that for which he is known. In ancient times God was known for his wrath, then with the coming of Jesus (Caesar and Paul) mercy was introduced into the consciousness of mankind and little by little and up to our days God is love for most religions and their followers, however, for our group God is all that has consciousness, the unification of all densities and knowledge that is unlimited and infinite. God is the ultimate truth.

Now, as we are, our love/knowledge is fragmentary. Our love/knowledge is like that of children, only interested in the affairs of the immediate world. At least as far as most of humanity is concerned.​
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.​

But to be a man in the broadest sense of the word is to have overcome all sufferings and to remain stoic, to have attained complete self-knowledge. Which reminds me of the classification of "man" according to Gurdjieff.

Gurdjieff said that in people there is no commitment of any kind and there cannot be because today they are one person and an instant later they are another. That is why we are children more than men, a child cannot agree on anything, to be fully responsible or make commitments and this is indispensable to have knowledge/love.

According to Gurdjieff only man number seven can be called man: "who has reached the total development to which a man can attain; he is one who possesses all that a man can possess; will, consciousness, a permanent and immutable SELF. Individuality, immortality and many other properties."
One is man number one (of physical needs) another is number two (of emotional needs), another is number three (of intellectual needs). These first three are easy to understand because we all have something of them.

Thus, our knowledge is fragmentary like that of a child.
For our knowledge is fragmentary and our prophecy is fragmentary.​

Also, the Cs have told us that we are part of a fragmented soul, so our knowledge is fragmentary, they are allusions to the All.​
A: Allusions provide pieces to the mosaic, thus empowering your learning channel.
A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.

That is why the network is of utmost importance, each one of us contributes something to this mosaic.​
A: Progressive information. Also, system is like mosaic.

Q: (L) Does this mean that different people get different pieces of the mosaic?

A: Yes.

Thus we all, who with unveiled face reflect as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into his likeness with more and more glory (Knowledge) through the working of the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18

But you, O Lord, surround me like a shield; you are my glory (knowledge) ; you hold my head (awereness) high!

Psalm 3:3

God is my salvation and my glory; he is the rock that strengthens me; my refuge is in God!

Psalm 62:7

Knowledge (Glory) saves.

It appears that this year gonna get really ROCKY indeed. It will take much resilience to navigate the many traps and chaos heading our way.

I am grateful for the link up with Bro Pierre... as soon as he is fully settled he will be allowed to communicate more frequently.

Thanks again to the Crew for another enlightening session.
One Love!
Thank you so much chateau for this wonderful session! 🌸

I cant help but feel emotional with Pierre's involvement. 🥺

A: First there must be a cleansing.

Q: (L) And what exactly is a cleansing?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Will this cleansing occur in 2024?

A: In spaces.

Q: (L) "In spaces"... You mean like in some places and not others?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, so it'll be spotty at the beginning?

A: Yes

I would like to imagine that the cleansing in some spaces kind of looks like this till it sends ripples and huge enough to anchor a different frequency to a new "beginning".
Borrowed this image from the Earthquake thread. 😅

In Christian fellowship, I remember we call it "pruning" --taking out the parts that aren't fruitful and let it die away to make room for the better.

(Joe) How is Pierre doing?

(L) Yeah. How is our Pierre?

A: He is with you now!

Q: (L) Are you aware of us all the time?

A: (Pierre) No.

Q: (L) So, you have to think about us to be aware of us. Is that it?

A: (Pierre) Yes.
I got curious why Pierre was there. Is this because he is trying to communicate and the session was his opportunity to communicate? Or is it because he picked up the thoughts of the chateau and saw it as an opportunity to communicate?

I am very glad to know what 5D looks like from a legit 5D resident. XD Now we have a trusted source who gives us a glimpse how is it there and it sound so cooool. :D

Thank you for mentioning What Dreams May Come. I just watched it and it resonates to what the Cs said in the last session.

Q: (L) So is that something that is kind of like a natural response to when somebody passes over and then the people who were close to them have these emotions and sadness and regret and missing the person and that lasts for a certain period of time? Can you gauge how long that person needs to feel that by how long it lasts in the people left behind? Is there some kind of a relationship?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when we begin to feel better, we'll know that Pierre is better?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Does it work both ways?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when he starts to feel better, then we will be aware of it?

A: Yes

When that scene where his wife was writing and Christy was guiding her, I got curious if the same happens during the session with the Cs?

Sorry for a little spoiler. 😝
Thank you this session. I have found a sweetness about this Hieiloria. Upon reading her (?) name for the first time, I though of the german word "heilig" which means "saint". It seems fitting with the message we received.
I am extremely grateful to belong to this forum, to hear such reassuring things about life after death. I am glad that Pierre is doing well, he seemed so alive! Now we have a back-up team on the other side too!

I didn't really liked the part about cleansing because in previous sessions, the Cs said that the Universe would clean house while refering to comets.
Also the snapback about white racism may also lead to a new kind of racism toward anyone not looking like our blond saviors. I can totally see a new policing of thought appearing where it will be a moral crime to distrust them. Some people will put their trust in them because they will have beauty and power. I really hope people will smarten up quickly.😩

As for stampede, I thought it would mean that we would get troubles or harassement with the institutions we are depending on, like the banks, the social services, our workplace, so as to disperse us and take some of the support off from the lighthouse.
I think it was basically a reminder to be loving, and "being loving" means:

enduring long
being patient and kind
never envious or jealous;
not boastful or vainglorious
not conceited, arrogant and inflated with pride
not rude or acting unbecomingly
not insisting on our own rights or our own way
not self-seeking
not touchy or resentful
taking no account of the evil done to us – paying no attention to a suffered wrong.
not rejoicing at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoicing when right and truth prevail.
bearing up under anything and everything that comes
ever ready to believe the best of every person,
hopeful under all circumstances
enduring everything without weakening.

Love never fails, never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end.
Exactly. What better way to anchor the frequency needed to lift the world out of this cycle? I’m printing off Paul’s letter and sticking it near my bed so I see it every night. I remember the C’s mentioning that Knowledge/[Love] is key to developing a conduit.

No account? Notice, observation, perhaps?
Not just in personal, how is learning in this case?
Onto others, I am thinking in the Palestinians.
I am having issues with this one, I don't think I am capable of not turning around for the second blow to the cheek and not dodging it.
I am not understanding as you can see.
My 2 cents: It’s about striving to act and react in ways that reflect this understanding of love, even when it’s challenging. It doesn’t necessarily mean accepting harm without resistance, but rather responding to situations and people with the qualities of love described by Paul. One example would be kind of like the “detached observer” thinking of Łobaczewski when he was studying the nature of evil up-close, and all the suffering he had to endure whilst doing it: You can know the nature of a Crocodile, without hating it for what it is. Everything has its place.

Understanding and practicing this type of love is going to be an ongoing challenge as things amplify in intensity. It will require a deep sense of empathy, patience, and a commitment to Growth in Knowledge.

So yeah.. well worth reading Paul’s letter regularly! What a time to be alive!
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