Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

Al Today

The Living Force
My grandmother was born shortly after the American Civil War.
She was from deep, real deep in them thar hills of Appalachia.
As was "normal" she was married at 13 years of age and thereafter had eighteen children.
My mother was #16.
My grandmother has given me great knowledge of hill folk superstition.
One story was about the sky above us.
She said, “When the sky turns white, you’ll know the Devil is let loosed on the Earth”.
One could say a sign of the end-times (as she called it), perhaps?
Well, anyway...
At work this morning, I went outside for a smoke break.
The sky was without clouds and colored a beautiful blue.
During my smokie break #2, I noticed the ?PTB? were chem-trailing the krap outta the skies here in Northwestern Ohio.
I mean big time. I smoked and watched the NUMEROUS planes above.
At lunch time I noticed the sky was colored white.
No clouds were visible, the whole sky is SOLID WHITE.
I thought of my grandmother and I KNOW she knew something.
Too bad I was too young to “hear” her…
Maybe she is telling me again.?.?.?
Perhaps they were using one of these?

I'll bet a box of doughnuts that the delivery system has improved since that patent was filed.
I had a similar experience a few days ago in the midatlantic area of the US east coast. I had read references from readers and bloggers about seeing chem trails, but was reserving judgement until I saw the activity in person or on film. The other morning I walked out under a clear blue sky and saw what appeared to be several fighter style jets, at about the same altitude, crisscrossing the sky creating big white fluffy contrails. It was definitly different than anything I had ever seen in my fifty two years, many of which were lived in the vicinity of air bases. It creeped me out, and is one more example of seeing what I am reading about daily on the cass sites coming true. Thank you to all who are helping to keep the news real.
yeah, same here. I never noticed them until I had read about the phenomena. Amazing what we don't see isn't it!? Then when I started seeing them everywhere, it totally freaked me out! These days they are a more or less permanent fixture in the UK skies, and probably elsewhere.

Another link:

of course, take any stated 'facts' with a pinch of salt. the cointelpro guys are bound to be getting in on this one.
One of the first thing I notice when I travel to the States are the CTs. Don't see them here way way way down south in the Southern Cone. Another clue in solving the puzzle?
"One of the first thing I notice when I travel to the States are the CTs. Don't see them here way way way down south in the Southern Cone. Another clue in solving the puzzle?"

Possibly. They've been very actively laying down trails here in Colorado lately, leaving the sky milky white in places every afternoon. If it weren't for the high winds coming off of the mountains, the whole sky would probably by white, but the winds tend to break things up a bit. Usually cloud formations will align themselves parallel to the mountains, running from North to South as they drift East from the West. This morning, however, the entire sky was oriented 90 degrees from that norm, with the clouds lining up perpendicular to the mountains - it was very weird, like the sky was twisted for some reason. It's probably a shift of winds, but I've never noticed the clouds behaving that way before. At times I do wonder if there is something that we could see in the skies these days if there weren't so many chemtrails whiting things out.
Funny - after writing that last line about wondering if the chemtrails were hiding anything from our sight, I saw this on

"The last 2 days we've had considerable chemtrail spraying but today was exceptionally clear and it was a nice change from the hazy chemtrail clouds.

After only a minute or less I noticed a few white objects almost directly above my head and a little North. I immediately grabbed my camera which only took 10 seconds or so but by the time I got back there were more than 20 visible objects. Then I realized more started to appear as if out of nowhere and there were at least 50 or maybe more. I started taping the
center of the cluster with my camera on a tripod and the rest is history."
- an apparent ufo fleet 'flap' in Phoenix similar to those sighted in Mexico - who knows?
My theory has been, (and going on info from the patent) is that they are spraying Titanium Dioxide or similar to cancel out effects from damage to the ozone layer.

We rarely see chemtrails in the southern hemisphere and our UV levels are extremely high. The sun has a particularly nasty bite here and cases of skin cancer are the highest in the world.

How about this one I saw while surfing.

The chemicals being injected into the skies may be biological agents designed to affect (compromise) our immune systems.
With the bird flu hoopla going around, this is more schtuff to consider.
Another way to remove the worthless eaters.?.?.?
I can't dig up proof, so keep yer eyes & ears open...

Sometimes I wonder if posting schtuff like this just adds more hysteria to the disinformation now being spread???

But all possibilities must be considered, yes?
If it is manmade and dumped over half of the planet for about almost a decade and nobody gives an explanation it cannot be good!
The other day I was happy with myself I was doing alot of the things I wanted to do.
I did some snow shovelling, a good opportunity to get exercise. Almost finished, I looked up to see a plane making a chemtrail right over me. The plane was not very high.
I quickly finished shoveling and went inside to get some more "work" done.
Hours later I was feeling unusually exhausted and tired. I went to bed early.
Next morning I woke up feeling in a very dissasociated state. It took me 20 minutes just sitting in bed before I got up and about. My brain was very foggy. I have been like that for 2 days. I am just starting to be my normal self today.
I spent most of 2 days in a daze not able to do much.

Maybe it's time I made one of these.

Maybe the reason TPTB don't send agents to debunk them is because it would be admitting that chemtrails are real.
Here is another ufo witness who mentions chemtrails in conjunction with the "fleet" formations..... who knows if it is genuine, but the site has some interesting photos.

"I was astonished. I couldn´t believe my eyes. After a chemtrail sprayer plane passed by and then at approximately the same altitude is when I first noticed that there were strange objects flying in two groups overhead that seemed to be neither birds, nor airplanes, nor no object known to the author of the photographs. When the strange objects were visible they adopted different forms of appearance. When I first saw them they looked like small dark sticks and after just 3 - 5 seconds they morphed into small circular light balls, some dark and some white. Or did they just seem to be white because of the reflection of the sun? It seemed they had a strange blinking and besides that I didn´t notice any other colors. While they were flying they also moved their positions, some objects up went up while some of the other objects went down. They flew from the Northeast East to the Northwest West of the city of Madrid at a fast speed, taking a maximum of 40-50 seconds to pass by. The sun was behind me and I was standing looking to the North oriented between the strange flying objects and the sun and it was almost time for sunset. There was high chemtrail activity January the 4th and the next day, January 5th too, and during all the five times I saw them including January the 13th, 20th, and 22nd, there were either long persistent trails or short non-persistent trails in the sky, but there were always trails. So, the trails were there before, during and after I saw the strange flying objects. All photographs were taken with a Kodak DX4330, 3.1 Megapixel digital camera."
I have to ask a silly question here:

Does anyone have any evidence regarding what is contained in these chemtrials?? Chemicals, biological agents, fairy dust, etc...:)

It would seem to be not all that difficult for a scientist to sample some of this stuff and analyze it. I'm wondering if any have done this and what did they find...
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