Thomas Gold's gas induced earthquake/volcano theory


The Living Force
I was going to append this onto another thread, but I saw that there hasn't been any discussion dedicated to the ideas of Thomas Gold yet on this forum. I thought it might be appropriate to discuss his ideas in light of some of the recent earthquake data, especially the recent swarm of earthquakes around Yellowstone.

For those familiar with the Peak Oil debate/scam, Thomas Gold's name is often mentioned as a proponent for the abiogenic theory of petroleum. Basically this theory holds that petroleum is natural product of planetary chemistry and was likely deposited at the earth's inception or generated by some little known chemical process deep within the earth. This is obviously in opposition to the "fossil" origin of petroleum. The abiogenic theory explains the process of petroleum production from the upwelling of and condensation of methane from deep within the Earth's mantle. It is claimed by Gold that this accounts for some of the often ignored properties of petroleum (presence of helium being one example). This is a controversial theory given that petroleum producers likely want to maintain the belief that their product is "rare" and deserves a high price. In the extreme, the promoted "fossil" theory of petroleum has brought about the eugenic "Peak Oil" movement which has co-opted much of green, environmentalist and primitivism movements with the goal of necessitating a "mass die-off" for the "betterment" of the pathocracy... but I digress.

Towards the end of his career Gold's work came under attack on the suspicion that he plagiarized the works of others, particularly Russian scientists who had put forth an almost identical theory of abiogenic petroleum a number of years before him. Here is a summary of some of his critics:


He has admitted, at least regarding the abiogenic theory of petroleum, he was sorry that he did not credit Russian scientists for their ideas and discoveries and in his later works he does give credit to them. He claims that it was simply a misunderstanding due to the circumstances of the Iron Curtain preventing the dissemination of these Soviet works. Whether he is sincere is a matter of some debate at this point. Here is a review of his work that favors him in a more positive light:


In any case, Thomas Gold was not afraid to tackle controversy as a scientist. He was one of the original developers of the Steady State theory of the Universe along with Hoyle and Bondi. He also believed that the earth's rotational axis is unstable over time and that these changes can be due to changes in the earth's distribution of mass which could be brought on by glaciers, upwelling of mountains or meteor impacts. He also believed in theory of panspermia and that bacterial life could exist within some of the planets as well as within comets. All of this along with his above mentioned views on abiogenic petroleum must have made him quite a thorn in the side of the establishment.

One interesting paper written by Gold is his theory of earthquakes. Of all of his controversial theories, this one seems to be touched upon the least - at least from what I have seen. In a prior paper, Gold describes how oil and gas fields are often associated with earthquake laden zones. A good example of this is the Indonesian island arc and the petroleum deposits that overlay this zone. In a newsletter by Dave McGowan (_, he shows that this relationship between petroleum and earthquakes holds true for California as well. So what do we make of the fact that we find petroleum and natural gas in earthquake zones? Thomas Gold hypothesizes that in some cases earthquakes may be caused to the movement of large gas volumes below the surface of the earth, particularly methane gas. Of this he writes in his paper titled Earthquakes, Gases, and Earthquake Prediction:


Many reports about earthquakes have suggested that the escape of gases was a major effect, both before, during and after the quakes.

The modern theory has it that some subterranean forces, of unknown origin, gradually build up strains in the crustal rocks, up to the breaking point. The earthquake is then supposed to denote the moment of fracture of that rock.

Many features of earthquakes seem to have no explanation in this theory.

Why would there be many occasions of multiple large quakes over a period of a few days to months? Would the rock not break in all the locations in which it is already stressed to near breaking point, at the time it is violently shaken? Why would the ground shake sometimes for periods longer than a minute? Why would quakes cause tsunamis, the massive ocean waves? A brief tremor, however fierce, would not have such an effect. Perhaps the modern earthquake research had omitted the consideration of effects due to the sudden movements and the rapid large changes of volume that gases may cause. We shall therefore discuss the huge eruptions that have brought up diamonds, and we might well ask whether there may not be smaller ones much more frequently. Are they the initiating events for earthquakes as well as for volcanic eruptions?

So this may explain why earthquakes often evolve into smaller tremors over a longer period of time if it takes awhile for the gas to "settle". It could also possibly explain tsunami events as the result of water displacement due to out gassing beneath the ocean. He also claims that this theory of gas causing earthquakes has been put to the test in China several decades ago.

One city has been successfully evacuated two hours before a massive earthquake, and thereby probably many thousands of lives were saved. This was the city of Haicheng in China, in February of 1975. That prediction was based almost entirely on gas-related phenomena.

As noted on SOTT, there does appear to be signs of a massive out gassing process occurring on the earth at this point. Earthquakes also appear to be endemic as well. Could the two phenomena be related?

In his paper he continues on to analyze Kimberlite pipes, which are described as "pseudo-volcanoes" found throughout the world. These structures extend for many kilometers beneath the surface and are coated with diamond-bearing rock called "kimberlite" appropriately. He speculates that these diamonds did not form through a slow process upwelling magma, but rather a fast ejection causing the pure carbon to supercool on it's way up the pipe, thus forming the diamond deposits.

The existence of the kimberlite pipes shows that high concentrations of gas can build up, and have been building up, and these concentrations can explode a hole through 150 kilometers of overlying dense rock. Quite large bubbles of high-pressure gas must have been assembled to do this, and only an inhomogeneous mantle containing volatile-rich materials could be responsible.

A gas eruption, rather than a volcanic transport to the surface, is required to maintain the diamonds. The stable form of carbon at low pressures is graphite, but if diamonds are cooled sufficiently rapidly as they are brought to lower pressures, they are maintained as unstable but super-cooled crystals. At surface temperatures, they are then effectively stable. We see that the evidence from the diamonds is very simple and clear.

I'm no geophysicist, but it seems like that would have to be one heck of a gas bubble to push anything 150km to the surface!

He goes onto discuss the New Madrid Earthquakes that occurred within the years of 1811-1812 and how some of the eyewitness descriptions could be construed as being consistent with this gas-earthquake model:

On the 16th day of December, 1811, at two o'clock in the morning, the inhabitants of New Madrid were aroused from their slumbers by a deep rumbling noise like many thunders in the distance, accompanied with a violent vibratory or oscillating movement of the earth from the southwest to the northeast, so violent at times that men, women, and children caught hold of the nearest objects to prevent falling to the ground.

It was dangerous to stay in their dwellings, for fear they might fall and bury them in their ruins; it was dangerous to be out in the open air, for large trees would be breaking off their tops by the violence of the shocks, and continually falling to the earth, or the earth itself opening in dark, yawning chasms, or fissures, and belching forth muddy water, large lumps of blue clay, coal, and sand, and when the violence of the shocks were over, moaned and slept, again gathering power for a more violent commotion.

On this day twenty-eight distinct shocks were counted, all coming from the southwest and passing to the northeast, while the fissures would run in an opposite direction, or from the northwest to the southeast.

On a small river called the Pemiseo at that time stood a mill owned by a Mr. Riddle. This river ran a southeast course, and probably was either a tributary of the St. Francis or lost itself in those swamps. This river blew up for a distance of nearly fifty miles, the bed entirely destroyed, the mill swallowed up in the ruins, and an orchard of ten acres of bearing apple trees, also belonging to Mr. Riddle, nearly ruined. The earth, in these explosions, would open in fissures from forty to eighty rods in length and from three to five feet in width; their depth none knew, as no one had strength of nerve sufficient to fathom them, and the sand and earth would slide in or water run in, and soon partially fill them up.

Large forest trees which stood in the track of these chasms would be split from root to branch, the courses of streams changed, the bottoms of lakes be pushed up from beneath and form dry land, dry land blow up, settle down, and form lakes of dark, muddy water.

One family, in their efforts to reach the highlands by a road they all were well acquainted with, unexpectedly came to the borders of an extensive lake; the land had sunk, and water had flowed over it or gushed up out of the earth and formed a new lake. The opposite shore they felt confident could not be far distant, and they traveled on in tepid water, from twelve to forty inches in depth, of a temperature of 100 degrees, or over blood heat, at times of a warmth to be uncomfortable, for the distance of four or five miles, and reached the highlands in safety.

On the 8th of February, 1812, the day on which the severest shocks took place, the shocks seemed to go in waves, like the waves of the sea, throwing down brick chimnies level with the ground and two brick dwellings in New Madrid, and yet, with all its desolating effects, but one person was thought to have been lost in these commotions.

The morning after the first shock, as some men were crossing the Mississippi, they saw a black substance floating on the river, in strips four or five rods in breadth by twelve or fourteen rods in length, resembling soot from some immense chimney, or the cinders from some gigantic stove-pipe. It was so thick that the water could not be seen under it. On the Kentucky side of the river there empties into the Mississippi river two small streams, one called the Obine, the other the Forked Deer. Lieutenant Robinson, a recruiting officer in the United States army, visited that part of Kentucky lying between those two rivers in 1812, and states that he found numberless little mounds thrown up in the earth, and where a stick or a broken limb of a tree lay across these mounds they were all burnt in two pieces, which went to prove to the people that these commotions were caused by some internal action of fire.

About four miles above Paducah, on the Ohio River, on the Illinois side, on a post-oak flat, a large circular basin was formed, more than one hundred feet in diameter, by the sinking of the earth, how deep no one can tell, as the tall stately post-oaks sank below the tops of the tallest trees. The sink filled with water, and continues so to this time. The general appearance of the country where the most violent shocks took place was fearfully changed, and many farms were ruined.

This is interesting because I've happened upon some of these same eyewitness accounts in my own reading. In a previous thread I wrote about their possible relationship to comet activity also taking place at the same time:

At this point I wonder if perhaps the comet activity above could have induced the movement of gas within the earth at the time of the New Madrid earthquakes? Perhaps an overhead impact is enough to "shake things up" below in such a way that large volumes of gas are suddenly put on the move below the surface. This would then explain why the New Madrid earthquakes lasted for such a prolonged period of time. Anything happening in the atmosphere for as long as the New Madrid quakes lasted and in such a wide geographic region would have likely been noticeable, but if all it takes is a single cosmic event to trigger the shifting of gas beneath the earth which may take months to "settle", then this could go a long way to explaining the New Madrid event. Furthermore, perhaps a comet impact in some isolated part of the globe could trigger earthquake events at long distances? If a gas bubble is already on the "tipping point" per say, then any disturbance elsewhere on the planet may be enough to trigger the release of this gas. Still, more data is needed to come to any final conclusion, but this theory does throw a twist into things. If we are to accept it, then we must consider all the possible scenarios involving the movement of gas below the surface, the out gassing effects, volcanic effects, tsunamis, land elevation changes, and how these relate to cosmic inputs as well.

Continuing with his paper, Gold mentions the contradictions in the current earthquake theories showing that earthquakes have been recorded at depths up to 700km where the pressure would be so great that the sudden slippage of rocks could not occur. He believes this points to another earthquake process at work. He goes on to mention some of the lesser-known earthquake spots not associated with common fault lines and comments that these could very likely be places where the upwelling of gas induces earthquakes from time to time. These spots again, are often associated with known coal, oil or gas deposits consistent with the gas theory. Mud volcanoes are another phenomena that would fit the gas theory as well. Some of these have been known to spontaneously ignite into flaming giants at times, likely from the out gassing of methane.

Finally he discusses some hard evidence for associating out gassing with earthquakes. He points to the earthquake at Loma Prieta on October 17, 1989 where gas output levels in the region, that were recorded for other purposes, showed a spike in output at about the time of the earthquake. One wonders if these readings couldn't be used as predictive data for large earthquakes? In this same batch of data, he also points to another interesting anomaly associated with the same earthquake and that was low frequency EM noise prior to the earthquake. He attributes this to the shifting of currents in the ground water. This may be the case, but I'm reminded that there could be another explanation as well. Based on what we know about some of the electrophonic effects of meteors and comets, this EM spike could be due to an overhead explosion somewhere on the globe possibly.

Reading Thomas Gold's papers was the first time I've encountered this theory. I'd be curious if there are any others studying earthquakes in this manner currently. It seems reasonable given the known facts, but as always, more data would be nice.
Well, reading all of the above brought several things to mind from the Cs sessions:

Cs session 17 Jan 1997 said:
Q: (Terry) Let's see, last week we concentrated on MM, and
you were all busy trying to keep us out of trouble.
A: We would very much like to "concentrate" on things of
worldly/universal import. What do you suppose happens when
the mantle stops, or slows, and the crust does not?
Q: (Laura) Frank had a dream about this the other night,
too. (Terry) About the mantle slowing? Okay, if the mantle
slows and the crust doesn't... (Laura) It's like walking
around the room, carrying a bowl of soup, and then
stopping... (Terry) It sloshes over because the crust keeps
moving... water in all of the oceans is going to slosh...
A: No sloshing.
Q: (Laura) Okay, what happens when the... is it that there
will be lots of earthquakes?
A: Maybe, but what is the bigger picture?
Q: (Laura) The bigger picture is that the earth changes its
orbital position, velocity... (Terry) No. The bigger
picture is that life on earth gets pretty well wiped out.
A: No.
Q: (Laura) It exchanges energy potentials with other bodies?
A: No.
Q: (Jan) Gravity changes...
A: Warmer...
Q: (Laura) Gravity changes, ok... gravity lessens...
A: What have we hinted about gravity.
Q: (Laura) Oh, gravity is the binder... (Terry) and is the
one truth of the universe.
A: Element.
Q: (Terry) The element. Gravity is the one true element. This
is what you're saying?
A: Close.
Q: (Laura) So, if gravity is lessened, and it is the binder,
then, everything... ohhh, I see what you're getting at!
(Jan) Yes, gravity is the binder. Without gravity, it just
all fall s apart...
A: Not "Falls apart," my dear, it all "opens up!"
Q: (Laura) And when it opens up what happens?
A: Change.

Cs session 22 Feb 1997 said:
A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth.
Q: (Laura) All right, I'll take the bait; give me the three factors, and
also the fourth!.
A: 1) Wave approach. 2) Chloroflorocarbon increase in atmosphere, thus
affecting ozone layer. 3) Change in the planet's axis rotation
orientation. 4) Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density
STS forces in a number of different ways. Be vigilant. Be observant. Be
cautious in your planning and be aware. Do not let emotional anomalies
cloud your knowledge base. This is not a "time" to let one's guard down.
Be especially careful of travel to unfamiliar locators, as well as
sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings!!! You are being watched. Or, at
least, it is best to assume you are, and act, think, and prepare
accordingly. Remember what you have been warned about concerning attack.
As you learn more and know more, you become more interesting... and,
when your ranks swell, you are more vulnerable unless you are more
Q: (Laura) All right, were those given in the order in which they are
occurring? The fourth being the one that's coming later?
A: Maybe, but remember this: a change in the speed of the rotation may
not be reported while it is imperceptible except by instrumentation.
Equator is slightly "wider" than the polar zones. But, this discrepancy
is decreasing slowly currently. One change to occur in 21st Century is
sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages
develop much, much, much faster than thought.
[Discussion of new scientific theory recently presented that the earth is
Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but,
is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that's the
theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is
expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly
at points of magnetic significance.
Q: (Jan) What causes the change in the axis?
A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools down in
Q: (Laura) Why does it do that? What's the cause of this?
A: Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by
the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.

Cs 22 Aug 1997 said:
Q: Okay. Now, we are onto the subject of our friendly local volcano
down on Montserrat. What is it up to?
A: Seismic swarms... Much fear and concern by officials; muted...
Q: Can you give us an idea about what this volcano is going to do?
What are the percentages in favor of a cataclysmic eruption in the
near future?
A: Look to geologic map patterning for answer.
Q: What in particular should we be looking for?
A: Sequences, locators, historical telltale hints and signs. The
signs always point the way for those who bother to read.
Q: Is there something about sequences of locators? Is it like a
moving series in a general direction or pattern?
A: Yes.
Q: What general way does the sequence move? East to West? What?
A: Reverberatory.
Q: So, if something occurs in one place...
A: Like the wavelets in a small pool of water.
Q: Well, where does the stone drop?
A: Look to 18 degrees North and South.
Q: What, in specific, is at 18 degrees, that we need to see?
A: Magnetic colliders that balance.
Q: What do they balance? Magnetic fields of the earth?
A: Close.
Q: Would there be specific points along this 18 degree line, and if
so, how many lines of longitude apart would they be?
A: Think of a parallelogram.
Q: What is this parallelogram going to tell us?
A: Cosmic "puncture points."
Q: You mean like cosmic windows?
A: Closer.
Q: And these parallelograms are located along the 18 degree lines of
A: Yes.
Q: And these parallelogram windows... do they straddle this line, or
are they above or below it?
A: Near, as measured on the surface.
Q: Where do they originate from? Within the globe, or externally?
A: Both, as in positive/negative charge.
Q: What is within the globe, the positive or negative?
A: Think of static electricity to "ground" your answer.
Q: How many of these parallelograms are there along this 18 degree
line of latitude?
A: Four shooting energy bars.
Q: Where are they shooting energy to, space?
A: And back.
Q: Okay...
A: Like a double double-helix, centered at core of the planet.
Q: Do you mean a double helix that winds from the core and touches
the surface at the outer turns and then winds back again?
A: Need not "wind." The "strands" can be pervectly straight in
Q: Well, I thought that a helix implied a spiral shape... Are the
ends of it at the core and go to the surface, not winding around the
A: Close. Do not you see Laura. If you were to draw this correctly,
you would unite the very core of any sphere with all of creation?
Q: Well, I am having a hard time creating a mental image here!
A: We will represent it for you. [Planchette inscribes four lines
from center of board to each of four corners and back.] Now,
geometrically expand and interpolate.
Q: So, you have four lines leading out from the center. And each
line represents a 'double helix.'
A: Close.
Q: So, this line is really a double line...? How do we include the
hydrogen bonds?
A: Bonds are not necessary, as we are not speaking of DNA.
Q: So, it does have a positive and negative line?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this just lines, or conduits of energy, or is it segmented in
some way?
A: Conduit which radiates cosmic balancing principle.
Q: Okay, and each point where these conduits reach the surface,
expresses as a parallelogram shaped area on the surface?
A: Close.
Q: And all of these double lines, or conduits, come out in the
general areal of 18 degrees of latitude.
A: Yes.
Q: So, those are the points we are looking for to find activity, to
then relate to other points around the globe?
A: In cyclical sequence. Your "El Nino" ties into this too! Why do
you think the ocean water warms up so much, where it does, and
cyclically at regular intervals?
Q: Seems to me that hurricanes form along this line right off the
coast of Africa... are we gonna have any serious hurricanes the rest
of this year?
A: El Nino will take its toll.
Q: Well, El Nino suppresses them.
A: Yes.
Q: (F) Well, also, when El Nino is active, the winter storms in the
Southern U.S. are also ferocious. (L) So, we are gonna have a nasty
winter? (F) Probably. (L) Is this winter gonna be really cold and
A: Yes.
Q: Well, now that we have experienced a LOT of learning on the
subject of this volcano...
A: It could happen!! Watch closely!
Q: Did Cayce mistake this volcano for Pelee?
A: Maybe, maybe not!
Q: Swell! If it does blow, will we hear it here?
A: Wait and see.
Q: Is it that when one goes in one of these parallelograms, that the
others activate also?
A: Reverberate... 1... 2... 3...
Q: Well, I want to know why I am feeling so dizzy and lightheaded
right now! I feel like I am pressing against the top of my skull
trying to get out of my body!
A: Volcanic magnetic flush.
Q: Good thing I'm not any closer to it! I'm even feeling sick to my

Session 12 Sept 1998 said:
Q: (A) Okay, they don't want to continue this problem. (L)
In the middle of the night the other night as I was going
to sleep, I thought of something that you guys once said
about the Denver airport, TDARM, that both sides can use
airports and that the meaning was 'much, much deeper than
that.' It made me think of what you had said before about
planets and stars being windows or doorways. Is it
possible that there are points in deep recesses or
underground places of our planet where one can enter a
portal and emerge through a portal on another planet or
system. Are the centers of planets and stars the
emergences of wormholes or something?
A: If utilized as such.
Q: (C) So it would have to be intentional. Is anyone
utilizing them as such?
A: Maybe...
Q: (A) What is so particular about the center of a planet as
opposed to the center of a snowball. Both are balls, one
is just a little bit larger than the other. A planet is a
big ball, a snowball is a small ball.
A: Have you ever tried to melt a planet in your hand?
Q: (A) No, because a planet is a little bit bigger than my
hand. What is so particular about a planet. It is just a
piece of matter like a snowball is a piece of matter.
A: Magnetic field gravity profile.
Q: (L) What is the magnetic field gravity profile?
A: Intensity and... here comes that word... density.
Q: (L) Well, off to the side, just what IS at the core of our
A: Fluid crystalline gas core.
Q: (L) And what is this fluid crystalline gas core composed
A: Methane and ammonia.
Q: (L) How does methane and ammonia be crystalline?
A: They can be under the correct magnetic conductivity.
Q: (C) Can the condition found at the core be duplicated on
the surface of the planet?
A: No.
Q: (C) So you couldn't achieve the proper magnetic
A: Right.
Q: (L) What is so particular about methane and ammonia that
it composes the core?
A: Methane binds to the ammonium crystals.
Q: (L) Well, that's the bizarrest thing I ever heard!
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, it's right up there in the top ten! (C) Was
that the beginning of the formation of the earth when the
methane bound to the ammonium crystals?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, how did it get there?
A: Methane collected at the core after cooling. Buoyancy is
determined by gravitational profile. This is why Jupiter
and Saturn, for example, both of which are less dense than
the Earth, but have immensely stronger gravitational
fields, have atmospheres consisting of ammonia as the
dominant gas.
Q: (C) There are a lot of different facts there and there
must be a conclusion to be drawn from these facts. (L)
How does this very strange core in the earth relate to
gravity waves?
A: Well, the wave is an integral factor of the excitation of
the basic substance.
Q: (L) Are you saying that excitation of these substances
produce gravity waves?
A: Excitation of the environment produces a wave of the
foundational entity of that environment.
Q: (L) What is the foundational entity of the environment of
this core?
A: Same as all others.
Q: (L) Well, you have led us in a huge circle here!
A: No.
Q: (A) I have a problem with this Saturn and Jupiter. If
they are less dense, but have stronger gravitational
fields. According to what I know their gravitational
field is stronger because they are bigger. So, even
though they are less dense, they have more mass and their
gravitational field is stronger. And that is all.
A: Yes this is true.
Q: (A) So, what does this have to do with it? (T) Does the
methane have anything to do with it?
A: No.
Q: (L) What about the buoyancy?
A: Wait a moment. Arkadiusz must be unconfused before we can
Q: (A) Well, they said that this is true what I said...
A: How does what we said conflict with what you said?
Q: (T) They didn't say anything about size. (A) What they
say, if they are really gasses then the planet must be
bigger, but they say it has a stronger gravity field
because of that.
A: No, no, no. We did not say it has a stronger
gravity field because of that. Review, please!
Q: (C) Okay, buoyancy. I guess that if we were to walk on
Jupiter or Saturn we would be more or less buoyant than on
the Earth? (L) Now wait a minute. We were asking about
this core, and we were curious as to how this methane
could be at the core because we perceive methane as being
'fluffy,' or buoyant... (C) But it bound to the ammonium
crystals... (L) And they said that buoyancy was
determined by gravitational profile. Jupiter and Saturn
have atmospheres consisting of ammonia as the dominant gas
because buoyancy is determined by gravitational profile.
(C) What does buoyancy have to do with the binding of
methane and ammonia or with the gravitational profile.
(L) That is HUGELY confusing! (C) Well, we are getting a
lot of facts here and we are not putting them together
right. (L) What is the gravitational profile of Jupiter
or Saturn, for example, as contrasted to the gravitational
profile of the Earth?
A: They are much stronger gravitationally.
Q: (L) Is this gravitational profile of Jupiter and Saturn
related in a direct way to the ammonia?
A: Indirectly.
Q: (C) Why didn't their ammonia bind with the methane and
sink to the core?
A: Because density affects buoyancy.
Q: (L) The bounce of what?
A: The gases.
Q: (L) Why are they less dense?
A: Because of their size juxtaposed with their environment
relative to their distance from Sol.
Q: (L) Why did the impact of the comet Shoemacher-Levy, in
this ammonia environment produce these effects that were
measured on these instruments by these Russian scientists?
A: Ponder based upon what we have given you. Now refer to
your knowledge base regarding microdynamic atomic physics.

Cs session 15 April 2000 said:
Q: (L) Okay. I downloaded this article from the internet. It says: "For two days in May, the Solar Wind that blows constantly from the sun virtually disappeared; the most long-lasting and drastic increase ever observed. ...Dropping to a half its normal density, a fraction of its normal speed, the solar wind..."
A: A bit of an unusual event, yes, but the observation equipment has improved, yes?
Q: (T) Just because it was "observed" this time, doesn't mean it isn't something that hasn't happened before.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It says: "Because of the decrease in energetic electrons from the sun, they were able to flow to the earth in narrow beams know as 'stroa.' Under normal conditions, electrons from the sun are diluted and mixed and redirected in interplanetary space and by earth's magnetic field. One of the things that happened was that earth's magnetosphere swelled to five to six times its normal size. This was observed from satellites. There was no "bow shock" formation in the earth's magnetosphere.
A: Permeation.
Q: (L) Is this anything like what you were talking about in terms of the expansion of the earth's magnetic field as being a more permanent state after transition to 4th density?
A: Temporary glimpse.
Q: (L) When you described it this way, you were talking about everything "opening up." You mentioned that if the earth's rotation were to slow, even a minute bit, that everything "opens up" gravitationally speaking. But, this seems to be connected to solar activity, and no so much the speed of the earth.
A: The solar and earth activities are interconnected.
Q: (L) What effects may have occurred as a result of this event on May 5, 1999?
A: Biogenetic, related to disease pathogens.
Q: (L) In what sense?
A: Transmutation.
Q: (L) Did it enable disease pathogens to mutate so that they become more difficult to deal with, or did they mutate into milder forms?
A: Some both ways.
Q: (L) Is that the main event that occurred during this solar wind lapse?
A: For now, it was so brief.
Q: (L) Can you tell us what was the cause of this disappearance of the solar wind?
A: Rotating cyclical wave of cosmic energies.
Q: (L) What was the source of this wave?
A: Deep space "winds," relating to clusters of antimatter particles. Particulate, as in a mirror reflection of matter.
Q: (L) So, that is the source of this wave. Is this going to happen more frequently in the future, or is this just a fluke?
A: You shall know.
Q: (L) Well, that's what I'm asking you!
A: And we refrain!
Q: (A) I think that the answer is in the earlier question; that this is a standard thing, but with the improvement in observational equipment, it was noticed. It is rotating cyclically, so yes, it happens again and again. We don't know how often...
A: And there are cycles within cycles.

Cs session 31 Oct 01 said:
Q: (L) Now according to these guys who are writing this web page about pole shift, they say it can be predicted where the poles will shift to. Is this in fact the case?
A: No.
Q: (L) Why can't pole shifts be predicted? Can't we know where the new pole will end up?
A: Chaotic function here
Q: (L) Okay, in a pole shift does the lithosphere of the planet slide on the core? (A) No. We have to be very precise. There are three possible things that would come under the name pole shift. Only one of them may come, or two, or three, okay? And these are the following - the axis of rotation with respect to stars is changing, straightening out for instance; this is one thing; while all the rest goes with the axis, the lithosphere and the magnetic field. Second, the axis stays where it is, maybe it shifts a little bit; the lithosphere stays where it is - maybe it wobbles - but the magnetic field changes: for instance reverses. Third, axis stays, magnetic field stays, but the lithosphere is moving. So that's three ways a pole shift can happen. And of course there are things that come together. The most dramatic one which is seen from outside is when the axis of rotation changes. The next dramatic one is probably when the lithosphere changes. And the third of unknown consequences is when the magnetic pole changes, okay? So, we want to have an understanding what will be the main change. (L) Well I guess we ought to ask an even more basic question: are we looking at a pole shift happening? That's starting at the beginning. (A) Alright. (L) In the next ten years. Is a pole shift possible in the next ten years?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is a pole shift of the axis...(A) Honey, you ask if the pole shift is possible, of course it's possible. But suppose it's almost zero probability? 'Is it possible' is not the right question. 'Is it going to happen?' That's a question. (L) Okay you ask, carry on. (A) Are we looking at a pole shift during the next ten or so years with a high degree of probability?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) In this concept of pole shift, what would be the main feature of this pole shift, of all those which we were discussing?
A: New axial orientation, and magnetic reversal.
Q: (L) That's fairly dramatic. (A) Alright, now, change of axis or orientation of axis of rotation: can we say we would straighten up, getting almost perpendicular to the ecliptic? Or the other possibility is that it will fall down being almost parallel to the ecliptic. The third is that we'll flip completely by 180 degrees. We know it's highly unpredictable, but can we have a clue from which one is, so to say, dominate?
A: Perpendicularity will be restored.
Q: (A) We know the axis will change dramatically and magnetic reversal will happen. You didn't mention a change or shift of the lithosphere alone. Can we...
A: Lithospheric shift will feature to some extent.
Q: (A) But, that means eventually that the equator will almost not change because...
A: Correct.
Q: (A) So it will just shift a little bit, but its not going to go to Hawaii? (L) Oh rats! That was my theory! Well, it was a good idea. (A) What about changes in the lithosphere: can we predict a little bit of change in geography, coming from motions in lithosphere and changes in water level?
A: Chaotic features predominate but in general it will be safer inland and in mountainous areas since less folding occurs in such locations.
Q: (A) Now, the major, the change of the orientation of the axis, what would be the main trigger, force, or activity, or what kind of event will trigger this change of the axis?
A: Cometary bodies.
Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.
Q: (A) I want to ask about this magnetic pole reversal. It's the current theory or understanding of magnetic field of planets in terms of dynamo mechanism, where there is a liquid metal - iron - which is hot - there are convective currents, and there is self-excitation through magnetic field. That's the present model. They were able to model this magnetic pole reversal using this kind of magneto-hydro-dynamics. Is this model essentially correct?
A: Only partly.
Q: (A) What is the main thing that is important, and that is lacking from this model?
A: Crystalline ammonia core.
Q: (A) Everybody thinks that the core is a crystal iron; that's the present thinking. Say it's an ammonia core: is an ammonia core in all planets with magnetic fields? Is this so?
A: From this perspective, no but from the perspective of organic life, yes.
Q: (A) When we speak about crystalline ammonia, do you mean a new kind of crystalline ammonia that is not yet known on Earth to our scientists?
A: More or less.
Q: (L) I think we need to find out something about this crystalline ammonia. (A) What would make it go into the very core? (L) I don't know. We don't know enough about it to even know how to frame a question. I know we thought it was crazy when they were talking about Jupiter and the ammonia, and then of course all this ammonia shows up on Jupiter. And I remember them saying something about this at the time, but I don't think we ever followed up on it because I thought it was even to crazy to think about. Maybe we need to find out something about ammonia, crystalline ammonia. (A) Is there a mini black hole in the center of the Earth?
A: No.
Q: (L) I remember when I was a kid - this is a funny thing - we got this kind of chemistry experiment. You put these chemicals together and it grew crystals. I think ammonia was part of it. I think you had to use ammonia to grow crystals. (A) Okay, now this crystalline ammonia core inside the Earth, can we have idea how big it is, what radius?
A: 300 km.
Q: (L) What is surrounding it, what is the next layer? (A) Normally people would say it's an iron crystal. What is the next layer?
A: Correct.
Q: (A) There is this ammonia - crystalline... (L) Surrounded by iron crystal. Is it crystal iron? (A) Probably at this pressure that is here, it may very well be crystal. (L) Okay, is the iron surrounding the ammonia, is it crystalline?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What's the next layer?
A: Molten iron.
Q: (A) Okay, now we know that some planets have this crystalline ammonia, and some do not. When we consider planets that have this crystal ammonia inside, how did it get there? Was it a kernel first around which the planet was formed, or first the planet was formed and then during some processes the ammonia sank and crystallized inside? I would like to know how it got there?
A: It is the natural formation process for ammonia to accrete iron from supernovae.
Q: (L) I read somewhere - about supernovae - that the only reason we have iron is because it's produced in supernovas. That would mean that our solar system is formed from a supernova, right? In which case what blew up and when? (A) I understand that this crystalline ammonia core - 300 km radius - must have certain magnetic properties which are important. Because it was mentioned that it was lacking in dynamo theory or certain very important properties concerning heat convection. So there are these two main things in dynamo theory - conductivity and electric properties - on the other hand heat convection properties. Why is this ammonia important for the magnetic field because of what properties?
A: Super conducting.
Q: (A) According to what we know it's very hot inside the earth because of the pressure. Now, is this ammonia also hot, as much as iron?
A: Grows alternately cold and hot.
Q: (A) Is it super conducting even if when it is very hot?
A: No.
Q: (A) When it gets cold, how cold does it get?
A: 55 degrees below absolute zero.
Q: (L) What is absolute zero? (A) That is something you can't get below. That's why it's called absolute zero. It's a new thermo-dynamics. (L) How often does it alternate?
A: Close to hour long periods.
Q: (L) So when it gets so cold and becomes super conducting, the act of super-conducting is what heats it up? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well once it heats up, how does it then get cold again?
A: It stops conducting.
Q: (L) What is it conducting? When something is super conducting what does it conduct?
A: Electrons.
Q: (A) The point is, you see, that when something is super conducting it offers no resistance. Which means that the current it flows through it, is not heating it. Well we learned that it gets hot because it's super conductive, right? Which is somewhat contradictory because when it is super-conducting there's no reason for it to be hot except it can become hot because there is the hot external shell of iron. So that is very likely why it would become hot. Because by the very definition of super conductivity you don't become hot when you conduct, see? Well, if there are big, very big currents, then okay, they can stop super conductivity, then it gets warm.
A: Currents of this nature set the surrounding iron to vibrating which produces heat, not heat produced by the current.
Q: (A) Now, I want to go back to this 55 degree below absolute zero. And here I would like to have a confirmation of this 55 degree below zero. Because. according to the current knowledge of physics, the absolute zero was set by definition, as the temperature on the scale, according to the science of thermo-dynamics, which is - so to say - nothing moves so you cannot go below this temperature. If you say 55 degrees below zero it means we have to redo physics and redo thermo-dynamics.
A: You have entered a different realm.
Q: (A) What?
A: Lack of movement as measured by physics is based upon 3rd density conventions.
Q: (A) What causes this appearance of new physics in the center of the planet? We do not see this need for new physics around us. But somehow there are specific conditions, apparently, in the center of the planet that cause necessity of entering this new physics.
A: Windows.
Q: (L) Let me ask this, if it was possible to measure a temperature of something that was being subjected to a very intense electro-magnetic field what would it show? (A) Well the question is different, you see, because we asked first about why there is this ammonia crystal inside, okay? The answer was it was a natural process. But now we see there is this window inside. What is the reason that there is this window inside? Now you suggest, honey, that the widow inside is because there are - or because who knows what causes what - but there are very strong electro-magnetic fields. Is the window inside related to the fact that we have to go beyond standard physics? Is it related to the fact that there are very strong electro-magnetic field inside?
A: Reciprocal function.
Q: (L) What is ammonia composed of? (A) Ammonia? NH3, one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms, and it kind of rotates, and that's ammonia. (A) What is nitrogen number? Six? Or seven? Seven is phosphorus, yeah? (L) I don't know, I don't remember, I'm too tired to remember.

Cs session 6 Aug 2005 said:
Q: (J) Are the world's oil resources dangerously depleted?

A: Not even close.

Q: (H) So, as we suspected, the whole peak oil thing is a political manipulation to get people behind the Reich?

A: Distract and conquer.
Thanks for posting these. I have read them before, but they take on new light given the context. Although the C's never say explicitly that earthquakes are caused by planetary gas (probably because earthquakes likely have many causes), they give a lot of clues pointing in the direction of this theory. I also recall reading in one of the sessions that they claimed that earthquakes are not felt deep underground? That clue may be relevant as well.

One of the things the C's mention I've failed to grasp is how all of this earthquake, volcano, cosmic information ties together with electro-magnetic phenomena inside and around earth.

Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but,
is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that's the
theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is
expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly
at points of magnetic significance.

So this is interesting that the C's acknowledge that gases are propelled from the interior to the surface. In the context here, this supposedly causes "continental drift". It seems this out gassing would have other less dramatic, but not otherwise insignificant effects as well (such as the occasional earthquake or volcano). When I first read this transcript I never considered the full implications of the propulsion of gases welling up to the surface.

Q: Okay. Now, we are onto the subject of our friendly local volcano
down on Montserrat. What is it up to?
A: Seismic swarms... Much fear and concern by officials; muted...
Q: Can you give us an idea about what this volcano is going to do?
What are the percentages in favor of a cataclysmic eruption in the
near future?
A: Look to geologic map patterning for answer.
Q: What in particular should we be looking for?
A: Sequences, locators, historical telltale hints and signs. The
signs always point the way for those who bother to read.
Q: Is there something about sequences of locators? Is it like a
moving series in a general direction or pattern?
A: Yes.
Q: What general way does the sequence move? East to West? What?
A: Reverberatory.
Q: So, if something occurs in one place...
A: Like the wavelets in a small pool of water.
Q: Well, where does the stone drop?
A: Look to 18 degrees North and South.
Q: What, in specific, is at 18 degrees, that we need to see?
A: Magnetic colliders that balance.
Q: What do they balance? Magnetic fields of the earth?
A: Close.
Q: Would there be specific points along this 18 degree line, and if
so, how many lines of longitude apart would they be?
A: Think of a parallelogram.
Q: What is this parallelogram going to tell us?
A: Cosmic "puncture points."
Q: You mean like cosmic windows?
A: Closer.
Q: And these parallelograms are located along the 18 degree lines of
A: Yes.
Q: And these parallelogram windows... do they straddle this line, or
are they above or below it?
A: Near, as measured on the surface.
Q: Where do they originate from? Within the globe, or externally?
A: Both, as in positive/negative charge.
Q: What is within the globe, the positive or negative?
A: Think of static electricity to "ground" your answer.

It would be interesting to know more about what they meant by "magnetic colliders that balance". I can't quite picture the shape they're describing here with parallelograms. Are there multiple parallelograms formed with points about 18 degrees north and south? It is true there are an inordinate number of volcanoes around the world near 18 degrees north or south.

The term "cosmic puncture points" is interesting too. If whatever comes up from below has a tenancy to erupt around points of magnetic significance, maybe objects falling from above might be attracted towards similar points? I'm reminded that Tunguska explosion epicenter was near the muzzle of an aged volcano. Perhaps there is something about the configuration of volcanoes and their depositions that make them attractive points for highly charged (in the electrical sense) cosmic bodies? Interesting to speculate on.

A: Reverberate... 1... 2... 3...

I like the elipsises. Kind of reminds me of an island archipelago. Points of puncture, like dots on the ocean perhaps?
15 April 2000

A: Rotating cyclical wave of cosmic energies.
Q: (L) What was the source of this wave?
A: Deep space "winds," relating to clusters of antimatter particles. Particulate, as in a mirror reflection of matter.
Q: (L) So, that is the source of this wave. Is this going to happen more frequently in the future, or is this just a fluke?
A: You shall know.

This recent article on SOTT reminded me of the above session.

The number of sunspots for 2008 was the second lowest of any year since 1901. That matters less because of fluctuations in the amount of heat generated by the massive star in our near proximity (although there are some fluctuations that may have some measurable effect on global temperatures) and more because of a process best described by the Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark in his complex, but elegant, work The Chilling Stars. In the book, the modern Galileo, for he is nothing less, establishes that cosmic rays from deep space seed clouds over Earth's oceans. Regulating the number of cosmic rays reaching Earth's atmosphere is the solar wind; when it is strong, we get fewer cosmic rays. When it is weak, we get more. As NASA has corroborated, the number of cosmic rays passing through our atmosphere is at the maximum level since measurements have been taken, and show no signs of diminishing.
In respect of outgassing and the slowing down of the earth's rotation causing things to "open up," one wonders what is going on at yellowstone:

Earthquakes at Yellowstone Supervolcano:
Update January 03, 2009 08:49 AM ET |
James Pethokoukis |
Here is the latest on the earthquake swarms at Yellowstone:

The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory put out an update yesterday evening

Yellowstone Lake Earthquake Swarm Update: 2 January 2008

The University of Utah Seismograph Stations reports that as of 1800 MST on 2 January 2009,
seismicity of the ongoing Yellowstone earthquake swarm continues. Over 500 earthquakes, as large as
M 3.9, have been recorded by an automated earthquake system since the inception of this unusual
earthquake sequence that began Dec. 27, 2008. More than 300 of these events have been reviewed and
evaluated by seismic analysts. Depths of the earthquakes range from ~ 1km to around 10 km. We note
that the earthquakes extend northward from central Yellowstone Lake for ~10 km toward the Fishing
Bridge area, with a migration of recent earthquakes toward the north. Some of the dozen M3+
earthquakes were felt in the Lake, Grant Village and Old Faithful areas. Personnel of the
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory continue to evaluate this earthquake sequence and will provide
information to the NPS, USGS and the public as it evolves.

This earthquake sequence is the most intense in this area for some years. No damage has been
reported within Yellowstone National Park, nor would any be expected from earthquakes of this size.
The swarm is in a region of historical earthquake activity and is close to areas of Yellowstone
famous hydrothermal activity. Similar earthquake swarms have occurred in the past in Yellowstone
without triggering steam explosions or volcanic activity. Nevertheless, there is some potential for
hydrothermal explosions and earthquakes may continue or increase in magnitude. There is a much lower
potential for related volcanic activity.

The University of Utah operates a seismic network in Yellowstone National Park in conjunction with
the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. These three institutions are partners in
the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Seismic data from Yellowstone are transmitted to the University
in real-time by radio and satellite links from a network of 28 seismographs in the Yellowstone area
and are available on the web.

Seismologists continue to monitor and analyze data from this swarm of earthquakes and provide
updates to the NPS and USGS and to the public via the following web pages.

Information on U.S. earthquake activity including Yellowstone can be viewed at the U.S. Geological
Survey web site:

Information on earthquakes can also be viewed at the University of Utah
Seismograph Stations web site:

Seismographic recordings from Yellowstone seismograph stations can be
viewed online at:
2) Here is an amazing attempt at visualizing the earthquake swarm.
3) Here is a bit of what Scientific American has to say on the topic:
In recent years, Yellowstone's caldera has been rising thanks to uplifting magma beneath
it—leading to more cracks, hot springs and even more frequent eruptions of Steamboat Geysers.
Paired with the earthquakes, such magma movement might presage an eruption—either big or small.
Unfortunately, scientists can't really predict when the next such eruption will happen, and the
range of possibilities is large: from later today to a million years from now.

How will we know if we should start worrying? The real warning signs will be rapid changes in the
shape of the ground as well as volcanic gases leaking from the ground, neither of which have been

"Eruptions are far enough apart that there is a very low probability of the next eruption happening
in our lifetimes or anytime soon," Daniel Dzurisin of the USGS told me in 2006. "The flipside is:
[Yellowstone] has been active for millions of years and it's going to erupt again sometime."
Last week I finished watching the BBC's docu-drama "Supervolcano" based on the idea of an eruption at Yellowstone.


Overall, it wasn't bad. The portrayal of the government officials in the movie is quite laughable, but it did seem to present some of the more disaster related facts in an accurate light. Things like the effects of volcanic dust causing all sorts of problems such as widespread power-outages, collapsed roofs, suffocation / breathing difficulties, livestock deaths, large cropland losses and then ultimate a widespread cooling of the planet.

The effects of "moving gas" is mentioned I believe, but without any broader context. The scientists portrayed in the movie separate the seismic events from the ones involving the movement of magma, although in the end one gets the impression that they are related.
I put the Thomas Gold piece on the sott database... and linked to it from a recent article that talks about a significant increase in earthquakes in California.

We sure do live in interesting times!
A: Like a double double-helix, centered at core of the planet.
Q: Do you mean a double helix that winds from the core and touches
the surface at the outer turns and then winds back again?
A: Need not "wind." The "strands" can be pervectly straight in
Q: Well, I thought that a helix implied a spiral shape... Are the
ends of it at the core and go to the surface, not winding around the

Very much like TJJ See's "WAVE-THEORY! Discovery of the Cause of Gravitation!"
We are talking Joseph Cater ...

Q: (L) What is absolute zero? (A) That is something you can't get below. That's why it's called absolute zero. It's a new thermo-dynamics. (L) How often does it alternate?
A: Close to hour long periods.
This alternating compression/expansion cycle is much like Convergence Theory

Thanks for the mind expanding read!
Here are some quotes from the article “The Mysterious Origins of Oil” by Siegfried E. Tischler (Nexus magazine, (NZ/South Pacific Edition), Aug-Sep 2004. Volume 11, Number 5). Tischler’s article references Thomas Gold’s work several times. Tischler disagrees with the conventional account of how oil is formed, i.e. the conventionally accepted theory that it is formed from organic matter decaying in an anaerobic environment on the ocean floor.
The year 1987 saw one of the most significant advances of meaningful cosmology (which was based on fact, rather than the usual fancy) when Thomas Gold, the inventor of radioastronomy, applied to our “little blue-green planet” the results of his decade-long quest to unravel the mysteries of space. He advanced the concept of the “deep, hot biosphere” ([Footnote 15: Gold, Thomas, “The Deep Hot Biosphere”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 89:6045, 1992. It should be mentioned here that in this paper Gold draws attention to the fact that such ideas have been “textbook” wisdom in the USSR for decades. With the takeover of the former Eastern Bloc and especially its oil industry by Western capital, this knowledge has largely “disappeared” from academia in the former Second World [. . .] That it is not permitted even to be considered as an alternative shows Western (geo-) science as a fraudulent enterprise driven by special interests.)

Gold argues that what we call the “geological evolution” of the Earth is not a function of the cooling of the formerly molten astral body, but rather a function of the ongoing equilibration of what initially may well have been a cosmic refuse dump. Gravitational accretion, aided by asteroid impacts, is held responsible for the thermal processes indicated by the geological record.

[. . .]

In his earlier book, The Millenium of Methane (Gold, Thomas, Das Jahrtausend des Methans. Die Energie der Zukunft – unerschöflich, umweltfreundlich, ECON, Dusseldorf, 1987.) Gold presented data on the isotopic composition of the helium content of the methane (natural gas) which accompanies crude oil. Were this oil derived from the remains of “normal” organism that live in what we usually consider the biosphere, then the helium present in trace amounts should have the isotope mix of 3He/4He that occurs in the atmosphere, not the 4He which is observed to emanate from the inner parts of the earth in rift zones and from volcanoes and other environments that are linked to the deeper parts of the Earth. Gold provides a wealth of analytical data to show that helium associated with crude oil (via the associated methane) has an isotopic composition commensurable with a “deep” origin!

[. . .]

None of the above-listed [oil bearing] regions has significant sedimentary formations which could act as “source rocks” or even “host rocks”. What they do have in common is the fact that they are highly mobile parts of the Earth’s crust or are close to structures which penetrate deep into the inner parts of the globe.

It would seem reasonable to assume that these structures provide for channelways along which oil, which is forming constantly in the equilibration of the inner parts of the Earth, escapes to the surface.

[. . .]

As a "hard-rock" exploration geologist for over a quarter of a century, the author has worked on five continents and has had innumerable opportunities to discuss the matter with oil geologists over distilled hydrocarbons. Most of these discussions ended in shouting matches and ad hominem attacks. Not one of the above-cited arguments has ever been considered as relevant to the matter under discussion.

[. . .]

Real scientists use terminology in order to define precisely the more fickle aspects of their work, while the “cash and carry” scientific enterprise of modern times uses terminology to exclude unwanted outsiders who could possibly upset the paradigms. Peer review of academic publications used to be self-censoring to exclude methodologically unsound research from the literature. Of late it ensures that the paradigms are adhered to, and this introduces an entirely different censorship. The consensus of the learned elders of whatever scientific discipline regarding the permitted results of research stifles the progress of science. A case in point: rapid progress “happens” in fields like information technology or genetic engineering – disciplines so new that they have neither a paradigm nor ethical guidelines to keep them sliding from bottomless immorality into criminality.
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