"Frequency" of Attack?


FOTCM Member
Hi all, recently I've had a number of strange events that I would categorize as attack, happen to me at night. I've been torn as to whether I should post these events or not, but after last night, I've decided to go ahead and post it. I won't go into the minute details of each event, because they've happened so frequently lately, but describe the overall of it.

First I think it's important to note that lately I've had a number of dreams involving my car in it. The first one started with me turning on my car to leave it running and music playing in it, while leaving it to go play music. As I'm playing the music, its a clear night sky and I see a UFO, or flying object in the sky, slowly passing by in the sky. All of a sudden the music stops and I realize that someone has turned off my car. I go back, find my flashlight, turn on the light and see footprints around my car. I turn the car back on and see 2 little backward-headed grey aliens try to escape. One gets away, yet I catch up to the 2nd one and step on him. As I take my foot off, it looks at me with a look of anger or malice, burrows into the ground and escapes.

the night after is when the real strange stuff starts happening.
1. (about a month ago) - I was in a half asleep, half awake state, sort off going in and out of consciousness, when all of a sudden I'm in my car. I was surprised because I was thinking what am I doing here, I should be in my bed. The car is taking me somewhere and its dark out. For some reason I do NOT want to get to my destination, so I try turning on the lights. As soon as I do that, the car turns left and as I look outside, I really want to stop this so I press on my brakes. As SOON as I do that, some force just completely paralyses me. I feel stuck, unable to move, and it forces me to turn left. I hear a low faint growl behind me and feel a foreboding presence. I'm completely taken over by fear. I don't know what I saw but there was something behind me and I half wake-up, see a grey backdrop, something scurries across my vision (looked like a small lizard) then I completely wake up.

2. I was sleeping in the middle of a dream I cannot remember at all. The only thing I remember is some force putting pressure on my lower back area, pushing at me, and me pushing back just telling myself over and over, "dont give in, dont give in". The back and forth gets so intense I wake up, scream NO and take a swipe at whatever was behind me.

3. Another dream with me in my car. There is a giant mound or hill with Ark and Laura's auditorium at the top. Someone at the bottom tries to convince me to take a short cut left to get there, but instead I decide I want to take the long route and go up the hill. Near the end of the dream, I'm in the bathroom and SEE myself in the mirror vividly. (I have NEVER actually seen myself in a dream before, ever!) And I notice that I have eyelids but no eyes. I realize I need to do something about this, then I hear Laura and Ark in the other room talking to the C's, and there like "yes yes, he does have a soul", at which point I look back in the mirror and my left eye (maybe both) is glowing brightly. As soon as this happens something starts choking me with incredible force. After the initial shock, I try to stay calm, not panic, and temper my breathing, at which point and wake up and still FEEL the affects of the choking.

4. Last night I was again in some half-awake, half sleep state. My mind was unusually active, as I was basically trying to catch patterns or programs, questioning why I keep having certain thoughts come up, when for some reason, I have this feeling I need to be alert. I see, or sense something, and all of a sudden this incredible ringing hits me like a ton of bricks and this force (yet again) starts putting pressure on my body. I fight it off, yet it repeats 2-3 times! The final time was so intense that I felt like a paper that someone was trying to crumble and saw movement outside my window, even though my blinds were over my windows.

I should note that 2,3 and 4 all occurred within a span of about 10 days or so. The day before events 1 & 4, I dreamt of Ufo's flying in the sky. Also, 2,3 and 4 all occurred on days that I attempted meditating with a "seed" as Laura says. WHere I focused my mind on a saying that I came up with, which focuses on Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth.

I'm not too sure what I'm asking by posting this, but I don't have anyone else to share these experiences with and last night was so incredibly intense. So if anyone has any thoughts or feedback on what I wrote, please feel free...

I would just like to add that the "choking" from #3 was so intense that I actually physically feel the after-effects of it. My throat constantly feels sore (I think dependent upon my thoughts) because it comes and goes. And seeing as the throat is the location of our lower intellectual center, I cant help but think there is some connection between the 2.
I've also had a few dreams recently that where similar (or so I think) to yours.....

As far as I know your car may well represent you/your body (very similar analogy to the carrage/horses in the Work)...

Some commen themes developing here...

All of a sudden the music stops and I realize that someone has turned off my car. I go back, find my flashlight, turn on the light and see footprints around my car. I turn the car back on and see 2 little backward-headed grey aliens try to escape.
The car is taking me somewhere and its dark out. For some reason I do NOT want to get to my destination, so I try turning on the lights. As soon as I do that, the car turns left and as I look outside, I really want to stop this so I press on my brakes. As SOON as I do that, some force just completely paralyses me. I feel stuck, unable to move, and it forces me to turn left.
The only thing I remember is some force putting pressure on my lower back area, pushing at me, and me pushing back just telling myself over and over, "dont give in, dont give in". The back and forth gets so intense I wake up, scream NO and take a swipe at whatever was behind me.
Someone at the bottom tries to convince me to take a short cut left to get there, but instead I decide I want to take the long route and go up the hill.
at which point I look back in the mirror and my left eye (maybe both) is glowing brightly.
I see, or sense something, and all of a sudden this incredible ringing hits me like a ton of bricks and this force (yet again) starts putting pressure on my body. I fight it off, yet it repeats 2-3 times!

There are a few other reoccurring themes (glimpses of movement, diversions, distrations), but these seem to be the obvious ones.
Leaving your car running/music playing, turning on your lights, and your eye(s) glowing seem to be an attempt to see more clearly/increase awareness.....
And the 'left' that scares you...perhaps its to do with your left brain? Something diverting you/pushing you into left brain thinking to control/distract you (through fear)....
The breaking is resisting something trying to control you.....then there is the obvious fighting of this force/pressure....

Its interesting that some of these dreams happened with the seed in your meditation, perhaps you are just seeing things more clearly that where always there??

As to what these events are......a few things come to mind, but I don't personally have enough understanding/knowledge of the subjects to say for sure....screen memories/abductions come to mind....
One thing that I have read that does match a bit more (especially because of the more esoteric element of your dream involving Laura/Ark/C's and your chosen path/attempted distraction from that path) is Laura's account of eclipsing of realities...


The night before the new pictures were to be made, I was worried about being able to go to sleep due to the strange events surrounding the loss of my films as well as other matters. After lying down, I was just trying to be still and calm down the pain, knowing I wasn't going to be able to go to sleep. I was right in the middle of puzzling over those blasted MRI's, when the next thing I knew there was a sort of momentary "blank-spot" and I came to myself, only to discover that I was being floated out of bed, feet first, by 3 or 4 spidery creatures who had me by the ankle and were "pulling" on me.

I was struggling and resisting and apparently had been doing so even while asleep because I found that my paralyzed arm was extended up over my head and was locked on the brass headboard in a "deathgrip" and the bed was shaking and bouncing with the efforts of my resistance. It was virtually a tug of war and I wasn't going to let go!

I looked at them and the creepy little spider guys realized that I had awakened. One of them put its hand on my head and I felt a paralysis coming over me. I became very angry. I wanted to curse them. But it was impossible to resist this paralysis and that made me even madder! I was determined that, even if they had technology that could overcome all of my efforts of resistance, that at least I would give them a piece of my mind! I was going to have my say!

With enormous concentration, I was able to utter a strangled sound. It was not the defiant curse I was working on in my head, but anything was progress against the "frozen" sensation of my entire body. And, it had a startling effect! As soon as I uttered this incomprehensible, cave person type sound, they dropped me like a hot potato and began sort of flitting and chattering like a nest of birds with a cat climbing the tree. They huddled together and sort of melted into a "shimmery" curtain thing alongside my bed. It was much like the mirage effect one sees on the road ahead when driving on a hot day.
Q: (L) Toren, the first thing on my mind is an experience I had several nights ago. It seemed as though there was some sort of interaction between myself and something "other." Could you tell me what this experience was?
A: Was eclipsing of the realities.
Q: (L) What is an eclipsing of the realities?
A: It is when energy centers conflict.
Q: (L) What energy centers are conflicting?
A: Thought energy centers. [...] Therefore, energy centers conflicting involve thought patterns. You could refer to it as an intersecting of thought pattern energies.
Q: (L) Well, it seemed to me that something happened to me that blanked out a period of my experience, and you say this was an eclipsing of energies caused by an intersecting of thought centers. Now, this intersecting of thought centers, did this occur within my body or within my environment?
A: They are one and the same.
Q: (L) Alright. I was lying in bed worrying about being able to get to sleep. The next thing I knew, I came to myself feeling that I was being floated off my bed. Was I?
A: No. When you say "I" you are referring to your whole person. There is more than one factor involved with one's being to any particular definition.
Q: (L) Was some part of my being being separated from another part of my being?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this an attempt to extract my soul or astral body?
A: Attempt is not probably the proper term.
Q: (L) In other words...
A: It is more just an activity taking place. Attempt implies effort rather than the nature present in a conflicting of energies and thought centers.
Q: (L) I also seemed to be aware of several dark, spider-like figures lined up by the side of the bed, was this an accurate impression.
A: Those could be described as specific thought center projections.
Q: (L) I seemed to be fighting and resisting this activity.
A: That was your choice.
Q: (L) Was I successful?
A: Now, we are back to leading again.
Q: (L) Alright, was this the ending of an abduction that had already taken place?
A: Not the proper terminology. It was the conclusion to an event, not necessarily what one would refer to as an abduction, but more what one would refer to as an interaction.
Q: (L) What was the nature of the interaction?
A: The conflicting of energies related to thought center impulses.
Q: (L) Where are these thought centers located?
A: Well, that is difficult to answer because that is assuming that thought centers are located. And, of course this is a concept area in which you are not fully familiar as of yet. So, an attempt to answer this in any way that would make sense to you would probably not be fruitful. We suggest slowing down and carefully formulating questions.
Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have their primary focus?
A: Thought centers do not have primary focus in any level of density. This is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are. We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed many areas involving density level, but thoughts are quite a different thing because they pass through all density levels at once. Now, let us ask you this. Do you not now see how that would be possible?
Q: (L) Yes. But what I am trying to do is identify these conflicting thought centers. If two thought centers, or more, conflict, then my idea would be that they are in opposition.
A: Correct.
Q: (L) Okay, you said I wasn't abducted, that an event of some sort occurred. What was the event?
A: We have already described this, but the problem that you are having is that you are assuming that the description we are giving is more complicated than this. It is not.
Q: (L) Okay, in the experience I felt a paralysis of my body, what caused this paralysis.
A: Yes. Separation of awareness. Which is defined as any point along the pathway where one's awareness becomes so totally focused on one thought sector that all other levels of awareness are temporarily receded, thereby making it impossible to become aware of one's physical reality along with one's mental reality. This gives the impression of what is referred to as paralysis. Do you understand?
Q: (L) Yes. And what stimulates this total focus of awareness?
A: An event which sidetracks, temporarily, the mental processes.
Q: (L) And what event can sidetrack the mental processes to this extent?
A: Any number.
Q: (L) In this particular case, what was it?
A: It was an eclipsing of energies caused by conflicting thought centers.
Q: (L) What energies were being eclipsed?
A: Whenever two opposing units of reality intersect, this causes what can be referred to as friction, which, for an immeasurable amount of what you would refer to as time, which is, of course, non-existent, creates a non-existence, or a stopping of the movements of all functions. This is what we would know as conflict. In between, or through any intersecting, opposite entities, we always find zero time, zero movement, zero transference, zero exchange. Now think about this. Think about this carefully.
Q: (L) Does this mean that I was, essentially, in a condition of non-existence?
A: Well, non-existence is not really the proper term, but non-fluid existence would be more to the point. Do you understand?
Q: (L) Yes. Frozen, as it were?
A: Frozen, as it were.
Q: (L) Was there any benefit to me from this experience?
A: All experiences have potential for benefit.
Q: (L) Was there any detriment from this experience?
A: All experiences have potential for detriment. Now, do you see the parallels? We are talking about any opposing forces in nature, when they come together, the result can go all the way to the extreme of one side or all the way to the extreme of the other. Or, it can remain perfectly, symmetrically in balance in the middle, or partially in balance on one side or another. Therefore all potentials are realized at intersecting points in reality.
Q: (L) Was one of the thought centers me?
A: That is presupposing that you, what is defined as you, or how you define yourself as "me" is of and by itself a thought center.
Q: (L) Well, I am trying to find this out by asking these questions. I am not presupposing here, I am just trying to find out what is going on here!
A: Part of what is you is a thought center but not all of what is you is a thought center. So, therefore it is incorrect to say: "Was one of these conflicting energies or thought centers me?"
Q: (L) Was one of these conflicting thought centers or energies some part of me?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And was it eclipsed by interacting with a thought center energy that was part of or all of something or someone else?
A: Or, was what happened a conflicting of one energy thought center that was a part of your thought process and another energy thought center that was another part of your thought process? We will ask you that question and allow you to contemplate.
Q: (L) Was it?
A: We will ask you that question and allow you to contemplate.
Q: (L) Does it ever happen that individuals who perceive or think they perceive themselves to have experienced an "abduction," to actually be interacting with some part of themselves?
A: That would be a very good possibility. Now, before you ask another question, stop and contemplate for a moment: what possibilties does this open up? Is there any limit? And if there is, what is that? Is it not an area worth exploring?
Q: (L) Okay, help me out here...
A: For example, just one example for you to digest. What if the abduction scenario could take place where your soul projection, in what you perceive as the future, can come back and abduct your soul projection in what you perceive as the present?
Q: (L) Oh, dear! Does this happen?
A: This is a question for you to ask yourself and contemplate.
Q: (L) Why would I do that to myself? (J) To gain knowledge of the future.
A: Are there not a great many possible answers?
Q: (L) Well, this seemed to be a very frightening and negative experience. If that is the case, then a: maybe that is just my perception, or b. then, in the future I am not a very nice person! (J) Or maybe the future isn't very pleasant. And the knowledge that you gained of it is unpleasant.
A: Or is it one possible future, but not all possible futures? And is the pathway of free will not connected to all of this?
Q: (L) God! I hope so.
Q: (L) Okay, when this experience occurred, am I to assume that some part of myself, a future self perhaps, of course they are all simultaneous but just for the sake of reference, came back and interacted with my present self for some purpose of exchange?
A: Well this is a question best left for your own exploration as you will gain more knowledge by contemplating it by yourself rather than seeking the answers here. But a suggestion is to be made that you do that as you will gain much, very much knowledge by contemplating these very questions on your own and networking with others as you do so. Be not frustrated for the answers to be gained through your own contemplation will be truly illuminating to you and the experience to follow will be worth a thousand lifetimes of pleasure and joy.

Of course I may be reading too much into this/completely wrong.....but there is a certain flavour that seems....at least similar to me
Perhaps someone better versed could comment?

My most recent dream/experience I also thought of above during/afterwards, it happened last monday.
I was dreaming of being in a prison. The people there where not happy with a new guy (who I had suspicions about his character type being narcissistic/psychopathic). We appeared to be getting ready to take part in some sort of race/event....because one of my fellow prisoners (goatee/shaved head/tattooed looked like a wrestler) was working (as a mechanic) on a car/engine of some sorts (a white box I couldn't see the workings of?) sat on the end of what looked like a railway track.
The new character 'claimed' to be an expert mechanic/what we needed. The current mechanic was extremely angry about the idea of him working on 'our vehicle'.
I suggested that although we may have our suspicions about him, we wouldn't know for sure that his claims to be a mechanic were truthful or not unless we observed his actions/tested his claims. So I suggest he work on the front end of the vehicle (where he could prove his claims, or not..), and that the current mechanic go work 'for the other team' (to the right) as they could probably need some help. The current mechanics personality changed from macho to mincing (lol), and he took a bag of cash with him?!
I noticed that I was being watched from some sort of platform.....I looked around at these people/prisoners and asked 'so why exactly am I in this prison? can anyone tell me what my crime is/was?'.....silence....I asked again...
I noticed someone staring at me who moved closer and put his right hand to the left hand side of my throat and appeared to press my corroted artery with his finger. I grabbed his arm, the pressure on my neck/artery increased....I began to fight this unable to remove the pressure, so I squeezed his arm with all my might
My vision flashed from the dream to my room with my hands around something black and back again...and a voice in my head said I need to 'let go of it so it could escape'.....I didn't believe it (mostly through fear) because it felt like if I let go it'd stab me in the neck.
My vision flashed back to this thing I appeared to be in stalemate with....then the whole scene sort of flashed in/out with my blood thumping in my head and sharp inhalation of breath on my part....so whatever I'd been fighting was like an after image in my room (I woke up with my eyes open) flashing 3 or 4 times in front of my eyes.
Whatever it was is hard to describe other than it was black/dark, and sort of made of sections, like a scorpions tale coming through the wall and pressing on my neck..
Very odd

The only other time I've felt that sensation/seen eyes like that has been in other 'dreams' of fighting with 'aliens' (getting into there heads and reversing whatever hold they had on me). My neck still hurts thinking about it. This is something I have yet to fully explore (I ordered 'High Strangeness' today).
Like the previous posts I have had dreams in a similiar vein. The dream seems like a "real" event where I am in a struggle with something other than myself. I don't know what these dreams are but what seems to be important is that you fight it.
And the 'left' that scares you...perhaps its to do with your left brain? Something diverting you/pushing you into left brain thinking to control/distract you (through fear)

I was thinking similar things myself. Why is it that I keep going left? Or at least someone is trying to lead me left?

I am left-handed, so isn't it the case for left-handed people to have their Right/Left brain functions in reverse? I've noticed since reading the section in the Wave Series that dealt with hypnotic submission through strobe lights/television screens, etc, that I used to constantly focus and observe through my right eye. My left eye (even in my drivers licence) is somewhat lazy, unable to focus properly. So I have been attempting to "balance" my vision so to speak. To observe through left and right, so I find it strange that its my left eye in the mirror that starts glowing.

Q: (L) Well, I am trying to find this out by asking these questions. I am not presupposing here, I am just trying to find out what is going on here!
A: Part of what is you is a thought center but not all of what is you is a thought center. So, therefore it is incorrect to say: "Was one of these conflicting energies or thought centers me?"
Q: (L) Was one of these conflicting thought centers or energies some part of me?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And was it eclipsed by interacting with a thought center energy that was part of or all of something or someone else?
A: Or, was what happened a conflicting of one energy thought center that was a part of your thought process and another energy thought center that was another part of your thought process? We will ask you that question and allow you to contemplate.
Q: (L) Was it?
A: We will ask you that question and allow you to contemplate.

I guess this part makes a lot of sense. The STO/STS aspects of our beings coming into conflict due to our "push" to change ourselves, so its working into overdrive to put us back into line, to stop thinking and questioning and acquiring free-will. (although im sure its not so simple as that)

I noticed someone staring at me who moved closer and put his right hand to the left hand side of my throat and appeared to press my corroted artery with his finger. I grabbed his arm, the pressure on my neck/artery increased....I began to fight this unable to remove the pressure, so I squeezed his arm with all my might
My vision flashed from the dream to my room with my hands around something black and back again...and a voice in my head said I need to 'let go of it so it could escape'.....I didn't believe it (mostly through fear) because it felt like if I let go it'd stab me in the neck.

Why the neck? Or maybe more specific the 5th Chakra, Throat Chakra, Lower intellectual center. What is it about this area that makes it susceptible? If two people have had this experience, maybe its coincidence, if 3 or more, it could potentially be a pattern, a weak spot, or something else...

My neck still hurts thinking about it.

Me too. It really feels as if somebody physically choked me and my neck is healing from it. The weird thing is that it comes and goes. Like its healed, but comes back, it seems dependent on my thoughts or awareness.

Its interesting that some of these dreams happened with the seed in your meditation, perhaps you are just seeing things more clearly that where always there??

Yeah, I'm not sure about that one. I'll admit, I'm not the most dedicated when it comes to meditating, yet when I do take the time to meditate and focus on my "seed", these events occur. High Strangeness indeed!
RedFox said:
Of course I may be reading too much into this/completely wrong.....but there is a certain flavour that seems....at least similar to me
Perhaps someone better versed could comment?

I agree that there was the same flavor as the eclipsing of realities experience. As has already been mentioned, regardless of the actual origin of these experiences, I think it's important to assert yourself in such "dreams" and to continue to fight against anything you perceive as being a negative force. After all, when your soul is (or may be) under threat, you have every right (in fact you are REQUIRED) to draw a line in the sand and say "no further".
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