Hope? (Laura, Ark, QFG)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi all

Just wanted to share a dream I (literally) just had...which is a rarity when exercising external consideration I think.
I'm still in a semi fuzzy mental state from the dream, but wanted to post before doing anything else (i.e. stay in the same frame of mind as the dream) so as not to loose much detail.

I've started taking transdermal magnesium this last week to get my levels up and one consequence (appart from an abundance of energy!) is clearer thoughts and dreams (including many dreams of things suddenly coming into very sharply detailed focus....startling dreams of UFO's too).

I read this thread before bed, so perhaps Laura's reply influenced the dream?

This one had the strange sense of dreaming more than one dream at once, also my awareness/dream universe continually expanded throughout the dream. It started oddly, viewing a computer screen with characters scrolling up it (the direction they would go if you where reading a document)....but they where blurred and random.
I started to see more and make out some repeating patterns. Part of me (?) felt happy at noticing patterns and suggested I accept this as accurate, at which point I questioned that part of me and the pattern changed. I could make out more and more characters on the screen until it finally was a full screen.
It was scrolling to fast to make out much of a pattern or begin to understand it, at which point it slowed down and became blurred....I didn't want to 'go back to that state' so let it scroll as fast as it wanted. I managed to somehow pause the scrolling, and start it again so I could take a look at things properly.
I tried to work out how I had paused the scrolling and my view shifted from a screen to being in bed looking at a screen on my left side, using my left hand on a keyboard...the screen had gone from scrolling to a command prompt (no info, just waiting for a command to be input), I wanted to continue viewing it and pressed a few keys until a different screen came up and it then flicked to scrolling data. The key I pressed was left alt, I brought up the screen again and it was a picture of a cartoon crocodile (presumably put there by the people who wrote the program) with a blue section of the screen with white writing on....I think it said 'Press L to continue'.

I started to pause the data more and notice some of it was now understandable. For some reason I recognised it as email titles....and tried quite hard (it was surprisingly hard) to read what they said. For some reason I thought they where Laura's emails and wanted desperately to remember one title so to compare notes on waking up (although I only had a vague idea I was dreaming).

I don't remember the exact transition but I was now in what appeared to be Laura's house, sat at a solid wooden table next to a woman (on my left). I think the context was that we had been taken in/arrived at a rather busy time, Laura was rushing around in the background and despite the urgency of her tasks (whatever they where) had prepared a simple meal for us both. I didn't recognise the food, it was very simple (perhaps cold rice brown rice with vegetables?) and had a taste I didn't recognise. I had a sense of tempered bewilderment and mild excitement at being a guest in Laura's house, and felt even more bewildered (and grateful) that she had found time to prepare food for two complete strangers. I could see the same sense of bewilderment on the woman's face to my left. It appeared to be some time before dawn, in that it was dark but the light was slowly getting brighter, again things where a little out of focus but appeared to be coming into focus. I enjoyed my meal!
Despite the early hour the sky was starting to lighten, so I asked if I could see the gardens/trees. To my supprise Laura to time herself to show me around them.

Back in the house it was getting busier and had seemly expanded, it seemed a little bit more like a guest house now? There was already quite a few people around discussing things and there appeared to be more arriving every minute (most if not all Laura greeted herself), I was still in kind of a shock. More a sense of amazement of being there? Trying to take everything in.
Outside Joe and Simon where trying to organise a field trip to the local area. The sky appeared gray and slightly misty but I could tell it was going to be really sunny. Still slightly dazed by all that was going on/the activity around I politely declined the field trip as I was still trying to acclimatise to everything.

Back inside the place was now a site to behold, book shelves of all size and description along every wall, people stood or sat around discussing everything you could imagine, Laura and others rushing around to make sure everything was organised (Laura moving the quickest! :lol: ) Every piece of furniture appeared made of wood, the atmosphere was wonderful!
Ark was around but was working somewhere else other than the main area so I didn't get to meet him (and thought best not to ask given how busy everyone was).

I said that the place seemed more like a hotel at this point! At which point I was shown the outside or a red brick (Victorian style) building, about three/four stories tall set in green hills, near a cliff over looking the sea (reminded me of the south coast of England). The sun was high in the sky with not a cloud in sight. It was a beautiful huge old hotel! 'Wow, that must have cost a fortune' is all I could say.

Back inside I was free to look around at the books and the place in general. I think I looked round most of the book shelves until I saw a slightly smaller section with a half height book shelf with quite a few ornaments (possibly including some purple scented candles) on top of it. There was a window with a wooden frame and a door way also with a wooden frame. There where a few chairs here too. The book I picked up (with my right hand) where three sat on top, I think Joe? had pointed them out to do with anthropology/historical evidence of lizzies visiting the human race.
The top book may have been Heal you Body A-Z by Louise Hey, and the two below it where of similar size/shape. There covers had pictures of things on very similar to some that have been posted in the cryptozoology section. For some reason I had instant recognition of this section (although I don't know what)....I turned round and announced to everyone (as politely as I could given everyone was in lively conversation) that I wanted to say thanks. That I wanted to thank every one for a little glimpse, even if it was the tiniest one (I held up my left hand and made a 1 inch gap between thumb and forfinger) of what could be. And that you'd given me hope and a goal and I'd now made my mind up to persue that goal 110%. I felt (and still do) an absolutely overwhelming sense of gratitude towards everyone for actually making it there (I was pretty choked up, and when I did wake up I had tears flowing down my cheeks, to be able to cry without self pity may well be new for me).

I spent some time looking around this section still so supprised/overwhelmed/excited/grateful about it all. I noticed that my girlfriend had now joined me along with some of her family.
Laura came over and sat in one the chairs by the book shelf (she looked like she was taking a break finally!), everyone else seemed to have dispersed or at least quietened down a bit.
She looked tired, extremely happy and a little older than I'd expected.
The conversation involved the hotel and the running of it amongst other things, I was still so impressed on how she'd coverted it. Oddly we discussed health and safety too and how it must have been a knightmare. She pointed out the door she was sat in front of in this section use to have an 'exit' sign above it (I could now see where it would have sat on the wooden frame), and how they'd all been removed. I suggested some green LED's to light the way (I could wire them up) but she said it wasn't needed and wanted to show me something instead.
Next to the door in the window was a keypad on the wall, and between the window and door was a red fire alarm bell with a pressure gage below it (currently reading near 0).
She said 'listen' and punched in the code to set the alarm off, and nothing happened. Presumably there was not enough pressure in the alarm system to set it off and guide people to the exit? Laura concluded the dream with a smile on her face and 'perhaps I forgot the code?'

Wish I could recall all the details but it felt so overwhelming, like I'd spent an entire week there despite the dream probably lasting only 20 minutes or so.

Fwiw one thing I did want to share was my immense sense of gratitude for Laura/sott et al

There probably a large amount of wishful thinking in all this, and I've definitely not 'made it' anywhere yet but thought it was worth sharing anyway.
I've some vague ideas what it may be about, but if anyone wants to offer input there welcome.
I took it as overwhelmingly positive, but there are two symbols that I did find possibly worrying (given dreams can be the greatest source of disinformation). That of the crocodile program and the books about lizzies.
Hi RedFox

FWIW, just want to say that I dreamt I was there too last night. Bit apprehensive to say so, I wouldn't have mentioned it if you hadn't.
Well, that is interesting.
Its certainly brough many of my programs to the surface...laziness being the chief one I'm trying to deal with. Wishful thinking and day dreaming also.
Given it was quite an emotional dream I wonder if it was positive, or if I was being led down the garden path, as it where.

My girlfriends sons both came to me (after I posted my dream) this morning, one had dreamt of witnessing a plane crash (which I had as well) and woke up holding onto me, the other dreamt of the dog going missing/the dog being kicked out of the family and wept in my arms, bless him.

Combine that with this thread about other reporting a lot of emotions recently and there seems to be some connection, but what it is I am not aware of....

It felt important for me to record this one in detail (and it did seem at least a little relevant to post it), but that could just be a program talking. I will say it was an extremely rich and consistant (in a sort of flowing way) dream.

Anyway, I think I need to stop investing to much into this.....it could easily become a sacred cow for me if it hasn't already. I didn't feel self-important in the dream (too many people around, I felt like an observer more than anything and just so supprised to be there), but now I think its starting to rear its head.
Well i had a dream a few days that i was with Laura in a church of all places.

Well i think it was Laura and family and then just Laura.

I don't really bother analysing my dreams at the moment unless they have high emotional content to it.

Though it is a bit odd to dream about people you havent met/seen.

More pleasant than UFO/cataclysm dreams atleast :)
Honestly, I found the description of your dream to be enjoyable. While reading it, I felt a sense of joy for you, and ALMOST shed a tear ;D

If I can, I'd like to also share a dream I had with Laura in it as well. I visited her house one time (it was very hot from what I remember) and the gentleman with the thick Irish/Scottish accent from the SOTT podcast was talking to me. And he was going on about something, but I just couldnt focus on what he was saying. I felt "bogged" down, hot and tired. All of a sudden, Laura comes into the room with a tray of food wearing a purple dress (the colour purple has some important signifance to me for some reason, as a child I used to paint EVERYTHING in purple). I guess because of the state I was in, I was embarrassed to say anything to her, and couldnt even look her in the eyes. As she puts down the tray and starts to walk away she turns her head around and says "Hello Daniel". I'm shocked, look up at her and say "You know my name!?". She responds "And you know mine".

I'm not sure why, but that interaction just felt so meaningful, her voice, and the way my voice sounded, and I was taken in by this rush of emotion in the dream, at which point all the tiredness, and such was instantly gone.

Great Post Redfox, thank you for sharing.
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