Grand Theft Economics


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Back in the old days when Laura ran the Cass site all by herself, she did some writing about the questionable type of economics (Keynesian) that was being taught in the US universities, specifically Princeton, and how it served the purposes of STS. Boy was she ever spot on there. This nudge was all it took for me to take an interest in this subject. What a weird trip it has been, but very educational.

I often find information on this topic that I would like to post to the forum, since this topic is one of the most powerful of all the visible aspects of the control system, but there really isn't a forum category that it fits comfortably into. Since there is a Grand Theft Economics section on the Signs front page, why not one for the forum? If there was ever a field where conspiracy, ponorology and psychopathy merge, this is it.

For example, I want to post this today but couldn't figure out where it fit:

Gold Panic Inside The Oval Office
By Bix Weir

I was watching the NBC special called "Inside the White House" last night and was struck by a meeting with Larry Summers and the President.


It was touted as an "all access" day in the life of the President but at 7:15 minutes into Part 1 Larry Summers and a man who I believe is Austan Goolsbee comes into the Oval Office for a call with "the Germans". Summers is obviously on edge and shuts down the cameras when he begins to discuss the problem.

Summers: "Life has changed..ahh..since the briefing…ahh”

Obama: "For the better or for the worse?"

Goolsbee: "Net-net for the better…wouldn’t you say Larry?" (Goolsbee speaks loudly and unconvincingly for the cameras.)

Summers: “(nervous laugh)..there’s elements of both. The Germans...actually we should stop (the cameras) here."

The cameras and staff are quickly “ushered out” of the Oval Office.

For those who don’t know, Austan Goolsbee is on the Presidents Council of Economic Advisers and is touted as Larry Summers’ “Economic Internet Guru”. In that capacity there is no doubt in my mind that he monitors all the gold internet sites as well as being in charge of coordinating all the “gold disinformation” articles. Like Summers, Goolsbee believes in a kind of “Psychological Tendencies Economic Model” touting that it is perception that steers the worlds economic markets not necessarily fact. Having fought the gold manipulation battles for so long we all know perception can be managed and manipulated as I discussed in my articles “Operation Confidence Con” and “Geithner Plan=Sustained Manipulation”.

On May 28th, the night before the White House taping, Jim Willie of posted an article called “The Hitman Cometh” where he claimed the Germans are trying to withdraw all their physical gold from US control and several “hit men” have been hired to take down the COMEX (NY Commodities Exchange) and the LME (London Metal Exchange):

"The Germans have demanded that gold bullion held in US custodial accounts be returned to their owners, with physical gold shipped back to Germany ."

I'll bet my last gold Kruggie that the Oval Office phone call was a desperate plea to buy more time before the Germans destroy the physical gold manipulation scheme.

This together with rumblings of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Dubai scrambling to get their hands on physical gold has put the Obama Manipulation Team in major gold panic mode.

It's amazing to see these few people in the White House scrambling to prolong a failed policy of trying to manipulate the gold markets of the world.

What a sad state we find ourselves in.

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Any suggestions where this type of information could/should be posted, if at all, in the existing thread topics?

The manipulation of the world gold markets began during the Clinton administration, suggested by Volker and implemented by then Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Rubin and his bagman, Larry Summers. This was the linchpin of the entire Clinton "strong dollar policy" hoax. Its MO was simply to strangle the economic canary in the coal mine, gold. Gold, honest money, became "that barbarous relic"... "which earns no interest". Look where this rationale has led us to today.

There are a lot of people out there making some very objective observations about what is currently going on in FOREX, banking and the markets. 4D STS uses the economy as one of its primary tools for herding the masses to a finer degree of control. Perhaps there are enough readers interested in this subject to warrant its own thread heading.
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