tschai said:
There are definetley some real nasty entities in other space though-and they do sometimes get a foothold in this realm and wreck havoc. I read a book on magic rituals and came to the chapter on summoning elementals and decided (stupid!) to give it a whirl-thank goodness I got scared and stopped short because it seemed to be working! I realized after that that such entities are WAY too powerful for any mere mortal to handle-and they answer to no master. Once unleashed on this plane they would be unstoppable.
Has anyone ever encountered one of these beings?
I posted an experience here http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1213&p=2 if you want to read about it.
This next account probably belongs in another section, but since you post the question here, I'll reply in the same thread.
I used to hang out with people associated with occult and new age directions, actually thinking about working with some of them. It became obvious that these were not on the level after a while. These people did not take kindly to my wanting to dissociate myself from them, and pretty soon I started meeting others who were also involved in the same matters. Many of these people did not know each other, but they all would talk about a gathering of forces, of the time for them to rule being at hand, about a new order (different than anything political) coming.
I left all this to attend the University of Atlanta and get my Masters, and for a while I thought I was safe. My friend lives in Ohio where all these people were either congragated or passing through, and from phone conversations it was becoming clear they were starting to affect him. And when I got my Masters a few years later, I noticed it started to affect me. So having my degree, I dropped everything and went back to Ohio, because it felt something needed to be confronted that would end up confronting me if I didn't make the first move.
It's a long story, so I'll stick to this particular portion of it. After returning to Ohio, and situating myself at my friend's place, I started seeing dark shapes out of the corner of my eye, and noticed that everyone with whom I interacted was affected by these without realizing it. There was just a prevalent air of malevolence, and people were constantly talking about hating this or that and wanting to crush the competition in their lives, and looking at me as if they were not themselves. It's hard to describe, but it seemed that the very air around me was possessed, and I had constant and painful nightmares of people trying to rip my organs from my body, telling me to give up, submit and other such distasteful suggestions.
Then I heard of cases (from peopl who knew other people) where similar symptoms were described, leading to feelings of extreme persecution, paranoia and isolation, where the victims started seeing people's faces morph into demons or reptiles or shadows everywhere, and it seemed to them they were in hell. It almost seemed that these cases were brought to my attention to make me despair, because the victims that all considered themselves under psychic attack either commited suicide or ended up in some institution or else were never the same again.
In this situation there was nothing I could do in terms of raising energy, invoking light or any "good" forces or psychic self defense or anything that is usually advised here. If I would leave a glass of water out at night the next day the water felt so toxic and malevolent that I needed some kind of towel to carry it and pour the water down the toilet or I would start gagginig. Pouring salt on the ground helped a bit, and I noticed on humid days the effect would increase, and be presented differently but just as intense on dry days.
This led me to assess that the very water vapour in the air was charged somehow, and when there was no water vapor, it was the dust. So I decided since I could not go forward in this, and because the situation was getting worse, (and it was not my sanity, since I was thinking rationally, but rather a powerful stress factor that was trying to break me through pain at night and constant malevolence coming from everywhere in the day).
So I got into what was supposed to be very dangerous, "demonic" evocation. The grimoirs are mostly hoaxes, but because so many occultists use them, negative thoughtforms just accumulate around the images and come into precipitation, although some grimoirs have images based on deities, elementals and other archetypes that might be redeemable IMO under the right circumstances.
Anyway, I got this hoaky book called the Necronomicon by Simon, which has 50 "seals" based on Mesopotamian deities. Since I noticed that somehow these vibrations accumulated around matter, such as water and dust and may be related to some kind of physical effect, I went to a local rock shop selling raw gemstones, quartz, dinosaur bones and other minerals for cheap.
By that time I could feel that different minerals had a different feel to them and played with certain combinations. Then I bought some magnets. I crushed the minerals, bones and magnets into a fine powder combining them in a way that would maximize the feedback energy I got from the mix. I combined the mix with epoxy and pasted it on the back of the seal with another paper over it to create a kind of wafer.
At first I tried to do rituals, but that was very fishy. Things were going "too well" you might say with the presence contained and friendly, but it did not feel right. So I mispronounced words, faltered and added improvisations and it seemed like something would snap around me and a whilwind of malevolence would break loose, making things worse than before. Actually, this is what my intuitive sense told me was needed, to get the malevolence riled up and concentrated as much as possible, since it was already saturating everything.
What these seals of this particular book did was bring the malevolent energies into greater organization because each seal represented a certain pattern. In the beginning the energies were acting friendly and seemed to disregard my lack of ritual. They came anyway. I had thoughts of promises of this or that power, but since I didn't seem to comply the energies would turn hostile. So I was actually giving a name to the chaos even though the names may have been bogus.
Then I grabbed another grimoir called Theurgia Goetia, or the Lesser Key of Solomon. The Necronomicon book was quite new and grounded these forces in a way that was not stable. At the same time it made them accustomed to being grounded in my presence, although I realized they were imitating the seal pattern rather than representing it. So I cracked all 50 seals and then smashed the broken pieces even more with a hammer and threw them away. This dissociated the energy from the seal, which you could practically feel as a kind of upsetting wind coming out of them. If you closed your eyes you could practically see in your mind's eye nasty images of however your imagination would depict different patterns of hatred.
I ran into the other Grimoir by accident in a bookstore right after the throwing away of the other seals, and decided to repeat the wafer making since the malevolence was still strong, but less of a choatic jumble having been somehow affected by the initial attempt to define it into distinct patterns.
So this time I took it upon myself to construct out 72 wafers and invoking whatever they represented in a spontaneous (non-ritualistic) manner, simply by intending it and focusing on the wafer. This seemed to draw energy from the field of pervading malevolence into the wafer, which would then act as a source of the presence. In many of these there seemed to be a small portion of benign energy trapped with the rest that would appear first and then degrade into pure hatred expressed as the distinct archetypal pattern corresponding to the particular "entity".
When the malevolence was defined in this particular manner, however, it took center stage and the surrounding field was pushed away by its concentrated influence. It was as if the formation of hatred was so distinct that it repelled the more chaotic verision, which seemed like a field of shard fragments in contrast the the entity's greater pattern organization.
And when I had interacted with one wafer to the point of identifying the pattern through experience with it (which amounted to being blasted by that particular form of malevolence, and observing how it affected others around me), I would set it aside and proceed to making the next, whereupon the previous went dormant as if drawn in the material of the wafer. I kept these wafers covered with salt, which seemed to insulate them because they still radiated malevolence.
By the time I had completed all 72, I was able to meditate again, and feel myself as myself, to circulate energy and start healing my stressed if not damaged meridian system and to access forces of a more benign nature. It seemed this prolonged maneuver opened and cleared a lot of space, and increased my immunity to such malevolence.
After all was said and done, the pieces were smashed and thrown out like the former. However, this time, probably due to the fact that these symbols were used for a longer time, the energies identified with them more, and so turned into distinct patterns that repelled each other and could not combine into a chaotic field of broken energy fragments.
And my creation of the wafers and naming and concentrating them allowed my own body and/or energy to develope resistence if not immunity because it new what it was up against somehow, and could access hidden reserves to hold its own. I stayed with my friend for 3 years, and this episode lasted for about two of those, so I was basically very immersed in it. All in all it amounted to accumulating little psychopathic genies and gaining resistence to their presence through proximity. It was a grueling ordeal and was done because it needed to be done, so by all means I don't want to give anyone any ideas here.
And all of this didn't particularly elliminate these forces, although I sense it weakened them because from then on those who boasted claims of power basically disappeared from my venue. After another year I returned to Greece where I was able to work on my PhD, and there discovered that my grandmother and others were practicing what you might call sorcery against my family. That was a nasty ordeal from which I am still recovering, but as they say: what does not kill you makes you stronger.
Anyway, I hope my experience answers some questions.