Are you a "cass boardlurker"? Yes? Then this definitely applies to you. And no, we are not interested in bored lurkers. :)
A couple of quotes to get you going.

A couple of quotes to get you going.
Session 15 Aug 09 said:A: Those individuals who still think that you can get something for nothing will find themselves blocked.
Session 020731 said:A: He who sits on fence gets splinters.
Q: (M) That is so true.
A: And they can be particularly nasty when one jumps off in haste upon realizing that fence sitters are prime targets for snipers.
Now check out the Forum Guidelines and if that is agreeable, come on in and get off that fence!!Galahad said:I can't stress enough the importance of participating. All of you lurkers on the forum, all of you who read and then don't post, finding all sorts of excellent excuses, do you understand that you are hurting yourselves? Maybe you are here only to get the latest news from the Cs, or the latest bits from Laura. Part of you may think that you are special because of that, or that you'll be able to save yourselves because you have information that others don't have.
And maybe there is some information here that can help you in 3D, help you to better face a future that isn't looking too bright.
Maybe you think that because you are trying to apply the information there, alone in your corner of the universe, that you are doing the Work.
But at some point, you need to make a choice and get off the fence.
If we are going to pull our buns out of the fire, it takes a group. And if you aren't participating, then you aren't part of that group. And if you aren't participating, then maybe those who are won't be enough. The group might not be strong enough. Will you really want to look at yourself some day and ask "What if?"