Morgellons: Controversial disease doctors refuse to treat


FOTCM Member

May 9, 2006

By Janice Williamson / KHOU

Imagine being so sick you're unable to work, but can't find a doctor who will help you.

KHOU discovered that is exactly what is happening to a growing number of people in Texas, Florida and California.

Morgellons disease is an illness first documented more than 300 years ago, yet it is still considered a mystery.

Cheryall Spiller moves slower than she once did around her Rosharon farm. The 59-year-old suffers from what she believes is a mystery disease.

"Small white worms that come out of my ears, you can feel them itching in there. You can get a Q-tip and dig them out," she explained.

Spiller is not alone.

"The sores come up and these fuzzy things come out," said Stephanie Bailey, Austin resident. "It's almost like spores or something like that."

Lesions and scars cover Stephanie Bailey's arms and legs.

Travis Wilson is a victim too.

"Feeling like bugs are crawling all over you. You can't sleep. It's freaky. So he'd go days without sleep," said Lisa Wilson, patient's mother.

According to nurse practitioner Ginger Savely, all three may have an emerging sickness called Morgellons disease.

"it just looks you know like somebody picked at something and it got a little infected," Savely said.

When magnified 60 times the sores take on a different look.

"So you focus a little more you can see the black fibers the white fibers," Savely said.

Savely admitted the idea of creatures living inside our bodies seems more like science fiction than science.

"I don't think a person can believe it until they see it with their own eyes," she said. "The problem is people aren't looking hard enough, most practitioners are not looking because they are not taking them seriously."

Mainstream medical professionals don't believe Morgellons is real.

"I think if we look at what is truly evidence-based medicine, what has been proven based on scientific fact we know we don't have a means to substantiate her observations," said Dr. Adelaide Hebert, U.T. Health Science Center Houston.

Dr. Adelaide Hebert said Morgellons exists only in the patient's mind.

"Many of these patients do have delusion of parasitosis," Dr. Hebert said. "It is actually not uncommon to have patients come in and describe the sensation that something is crawling on their skin."

11 News could not locate any Houston doctor who believes in or treats Morgellons. At Oklahoma State University research is underway on a volunteer basis.

Ginger Savely has documented 100 cases and treats her patients with oral and topical antibiotics.

"They can't get anybody to help them in the medical profession. It's just a nightmare, a living nightmare. I can't imagine any worse disease," she said.

Lisa Wilson's son became so distraught about his condition he took his own life two weeks ago.

"He would tell me he'd rather have cancer because then he'd know what he was up against," Lisa Wilson said.

"They're worried about the bird flu coming, you've got something here right now that's spreadable and it's being hush-hushed," Spiller said.

"They told me I was doing it to myself and that I was nuts," Bailey explained. "I stopped going to doctors because I was afraid they were going to lock me up."

The scars are more than skin deep.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Could these bizarre symptoms be the consequence of whatever the population was sprayed with via chemtrails? I remember them finding wierd fibers on the ground in Texas after a chemtrail spraying. Black tar-like sweat? That sounds like an X-Files storyline where a tar-like entity bodysnatched people. I also had a fleeting thought that the fibres could be nanoprobes, although the article says they are tentatively made of cellulose. AIDS and prions are bad enough to worry about, much less this horrific "disease" !

Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection surfacing in South Texas
Deborah Knapp
KENS 5 Eyewitness News
05/11/2006 11:22 PM CDT

If diseases like AIDS and bird flu scare you, wait until you hear what's next. Doctors are trying to find out what is causing a bizarre and mysterious infection that's surfaced in South Texas.

Morgellons disease is not yet known to kill, but if you were to get it, you might wish you were dead, as the symptoms are horrible.

"These people will have like beads of sweat but it's black, black and tarry," said Ginger Savely, a nurse practioner in Austin who treats a majority of these patients.

Patients get lesions that never heal.

"Sometimes little black specks that come out of the lesions and sometimes little fibers," said Stephanie Bailey, Morgellons patient.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Well heck! I had a reply all ready to submit...I was previewing it...when we suddenly experienced a very small 'flicker' in our electrical power. So small I wondered if I'd imagined it. Then my computer suddenly shut down, and I lost everything I had up. Strangely, the video game my daughter was playing on the TV wasn't at all affected, and when I checked with other residents in the building I learned no one's TV had been affected, and the only computer that shut down was mine, although two others also had theirs on. In fact, the only one who was negatively affected at all seems to be me...yet everyone in the building I talked to (those who were home) also experienced the same 'flicker'.

So...with that in mind (okay...I admit I may be experiencing some unwarranted 'paranoia' about this...but maybe not!) I've decided to make the effort, and take the time, to try to re-do the post....but this time with a whole lotta savin' goin' on all the while. I do sometimes learn from my mistakes. :)

Abbey Road said:
Could these bizarre symptoms be the consequence of whatever the population was sprayed with via chemtrails?
I wouldn't be surprised to find this disease is from a 'manmade source'. Chemtrails? Well...certainly there are some things about it that remind me of 'material' (that I know of anecdotally to be) associated with chemtrails. And then there is the 'skin' factor...where chemtrail exposure would be very likely to show up, I would think.

When I came across the associations with autism in children and fibromyalgia in adults along with other neurological and behavioral problems, I immediately thought of vaccines. I also came across a connection with Lyme disease...which like West Nile could be a manufactured disease. And then there is the 'parasite' aspect. Seems we've been coming across 'parasites' a lot lately, here on the forum.

From the website:
Morgelloris website FAQS page.

How do people get Morgellons Disease..?
The vector and delivery mechanism of the disease are, as yet, undetermined.

Is this a parasite..?
Various organisms may be found on the skin of individuals with this disease, but are not currently the focus of this investigation. The only consistencies observed by laboratories affiliated with this foundation, have been the fibers and other abnormal conditions of the skin. These consistent findings are the main focus of our investigation into the primary cause of Morgellons Disease.

Could this be bio-terror..?
As yet, undetermined.
On the FAQS page they state "[parasitic organisms]are not the focus of our investigation." Since their 'mission' is to find a cure this would seem reasonable, at least at first glance. But is it?

Under "Case Definition" they point out there is often "...the presence of easily seen insects, arthropods, and other human and non-human associated parasites that require serious attention from the observing clinician."

Also-- Patients so often, and strongly, complain of intense itching sensations, as if "bugs are crawling under their skin," that many have even been diagnosed with "Delusional Parasitosis" by their doctors.

So, frankly, this 'response' to the parasite question puts me in mind of Scott McClellan at a White House Press Conference using a lot of words and still managing to dodge the actual question.

The Morgellons Research Foundation website offers a fairly comprehensive overview of Morgellons, looks very professional, and appears to be well funded. It lists business/corporate sponsors and asks for volunteers, especially medical professionals.
I was surprised that I didn't find an appeal for public/private contributions, which in my experience is rather unusual for such 'foundations'. If there is one somewhere on the site, it's certainly not prominent, since I didn't see it.

One thing I did notice, and all over the website, is a very strong push to get people to "register" with them. Okay, that could be reasonable. However, there is this: Evidently many who suffer from Morgellons have received little or no help from traditional medicine, because of "delusional" label, prompting many to turn to alternative medicine. That is a hindrance to keeping track of the patients, and of such things as clusters, such as in families or geographic areas. It occurs to me this could actually be a circumstance not 'forseen' by the designers, which is hindering the gathering of date, and which this website is, perhaps, attempting to rectify, if in fact this disease is some form of bio-terrorism experiment.

The website lists a multitude of strange symptoms and has some interesting graphics, including magnified (icky/scary!) photos of the horrific skin lesions and fibers from this disease.

The geography section shows it is now in all fifty States as well as New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. They also have a map showing areas of infection in Western Europe.

The Media/PR Section lists some TV, print and radio coverage they've received,including Coast to Coast, along with articles in several publications, including the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology and Popular Mechanics.

Hmmm...Coast to Coast and Popular Mechanics. Ring any bells?

Q- Could this be bio-terror..?
A- As yet, undetermined.
There are 'strangeness' factors to this disease that are very suspicious to me. As with SARS and West Nile, this could be an experiment...
or a 'test-run' being perpetrated on unwitting human test subjects. Hence the intense need for 'tracking' it and for gathering data on clusters, etc. It would also explain why, it is most intense in Texas, Florida and California; those three places may be where it was originally 'unleashed'.

And-- although it can be found over a large part of the world...
it's not found just 'anywhere'...
....The geography section shows it is now in all fifty States as well as New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. They also have a map showing areas of infection in Western Europe.
See what I mean!

Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Somebody else is pondering along the same lines as me (with pictures of a chemtrail fiber) :
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

What struck me was the reports of terror, the physical and psychological pain the victims have to go through. Even-though nobody has died yet of the disease the first victim killed himself as he could not take it anymore. Straight from the worst horror-movie.
The potential for 4D STS-FOOD seems tremendous!
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Today is Monday, May 15, and these are the TOP (first box) of articles featured on Rense:

Morgellans - The Mystery Disease
From Hell Hits South Texas

Is Morgellons Disease Caused By Chemtrail Spraying?

Red Blood Cells Indentified In Chemtrail Fallout

The Smoking Gun For Morgellans Disease
Frankly, Rense has been identified as a disinformation site, most probably Cointelpro. There seems to be something very wrong in Rense-ville. (Readers can do a 'search' on this forum for details.) Therefore, that this story is receiving 'top' attention over there, and linking the disease to chemtrails, makes me suspicious. In fact, it is also, somewhat obliquely rather than 'in your face', linking it to "abductions."

Abbey Road said:
Somebody else is pondering along the same lines as me (with pictures of a chemtrail fiber) :
The link provided by Abbey Road leads to the article that brings up abductions. Hmmm...

The article at that link is by Ted Twietmeyer of, who has written a book: "What NASA Isn't Telling You About Mars". Is anyone reading this familiar with Twietmeyer and/or his book?

I'm not saying that Morgellons isn't connected with chemtrails, but I am saying that due to the nature of things at Rense, and that this is a 'top' story over there 'leading' readers in a certain direction, I find myself wondering why they're doing this. It seems evident they 'want' readers to 'think chemtrails'. They make it easy for the reader to do so. Maybe even too easy?

As I said in my earlier post:
Lucy said:
When I came across the associations with autism in children and fibromyalgia in adults along with other neurological and behavioral problems, I immediately thought of vaccines.
With a simultaneous "bird flu scare" going on right now, and vaccines being touted as one of the weapons the gov't will use to 'save' us...I have to be skeptical about this so obviously being pointed towards chemtrails.

Certainly, nothing is certain from all that I've read so far, so I'm not going to jump to any premature conclusions regarding the 'vector' of this disease. The only 'conclusion' I'm inclined to 'jump to' is that it appears to be a manufactured disease, not one from nature.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Fifth Way said:
What struck me was the reports of terror, the physical and psychological pain the victims have to go through. Even-though nobody has died yet of the disease the first victim killed himself as he could not take it anymore. Straight from the worst horror-movie.
The potential for 4D STS-FOOD seems tremendous!
Same with me. In fact, when I read about the 23 year old young man who commited suicide I started to cry! Strange, that. I didn't just "tear up," I full out cried! And then there is the aspect of children suffering with this, which is horrible to imagine, and even the 'imagining' or 'fear' of contracting this oneself. So, it seems not only the 'victims' can be milked for 'food'...those of us just reading about it can provide a certain amount of 'food' for 4DSTS as well as we become aware of the horror of it.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

I also find it interesting, that when I did a 'dogpile' search on Morgellons disease, every entry on the first page referred to it as a delusional disease, or a hoax. Even one person claiming to have the disease called it delusional - very odd. How can you call something delusional if there are fibers growing out of your skin? There is a major effort to discount this disease as something 'not real'. I too would love to know what correlation there is between vaccinations received and victims of the disease.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Lucy said:
It seems evident they 'want' readers to 'think chemtrails'. They make it easy for the reader to do so. Maybe even too easy?
Your right. It feels like 'knowing on the morning of 911 that Osaman did it'. The news breaks and Rense already has the answer.
Lucy said:
I immediately thought of vaccines. ...[]....The only 'conclusion' I'm inclined to 'jump to' is that it appears to be a manufactured disease, not one from nature.
That seems like a very good bet. After all, today we know AIDS was also spread by vaccine.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

anart said:
There is a major effort to discount this disease as something 'not real'.
Reminds me of UFO's, alien abduction and satanic ritual abuse!

Are victims telling the truth, are they delusional, is this disease real? What is 'real' may be subjective to the 'person' and what they've 'experienced' in SOME WAY.

To speculate a bit: What if Morgellons has more to do with HAARP than anything else...and the Morgellons Foundation website is working to "register" people in order to track the success of a particular 'signal'? Also/and/or, perhaps the website is the primary 'source' of images and information the patients 'need' to explain what they're experiencing? To self-diagnose?

Here are some things I found while doing some web-research, that you may find interesting:

From the Museum of Hoaxes:
Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?
Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area.

One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre.

Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:
She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links) Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 | Total Comments: 377 Category: Health/Medicine, Psychology
Next, from Popular Mechanics (note the author!):
Making Their Skin Crawl
People with creepy symptoms find a diagnosis on the Internet. But are they jumping to conclusions?
Photograph by Brent Humphreys
Published in the June, 2005 issue.

Miles Lawrence, a landscaper in Florence, Texas, was supposed to be packing for a road trip to Las Vegas when he noticed his finger tingling. He stared in disbelief, he says, as "little spiny things" sprouted out of the skin where he'd just removed a splinter. He grasped one of the spines with tweezers and pulled. Instantly, he says, a bolt of pain shot up his arm. He tugged on another one and the pain snaked up his neck. Then the really creepy part began. "It felt like bugs under the skin of my arms, in my joints," Lawrence says. "I freaked out."

Across the country, thousands of people complaining of the same horrifying phenomenon have formed an illness subculture. They share lists of symptoms, medical speculation and tales of run-ins with mainstream doctors at, the official Web site of a group called the Morgellons Research Foundation. It was founded in 2002
by Mary Leitao in McMurray, Pa. Leitao named the condition Morgellons Disease--after a disease with similar symptoms mentioned in a 16th-century medical text--while investigating skin affliction on her then-2-year-old son.

Morgellons has barely registered on the radar of mainstream medicine. Few doctors have heard of the condition; fewer still know what to make of it. So when people walk into an examination room and announce they have Morgellons, they are often met with skepticism.

Conflicts would seem to be inevitable.

"Dermatologists are afraid to see these patients," says Dr. Peter Lynch, professor emeritus of dermatology at the University of California, Davis. He says he has examined about 75 people with Morgellons-like symptoms in the past 35 years and believes they suffer from delusional parasitosis--literally, delusions of parasites in the skin. It's a diagnosis people don't like. One patient, threatening malpractice, convinced the state medical board to investigate Lynch.

Another warned he had a pistol in the glove compartment of his truck, Lynch says. "He told me, 'I'm going to shoot the next doctor who tells me it's in my head.'"

Members of the Morgellons online community say that, like those who suffer from breast
cancer and AIDS, they merely want appropriate resources devoted to their illness. A letter-writing campaign recently netted a modicum of high-profile attention when U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin contacted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asking whether the organization had investigated the illness. The answer was no. "Our laboratories are available," says CDC spokeswoman Jennifer Morcone. "But we need a clinically appropriate sample." So far, she says, they've only received samples sent in by patients.

There's a reason for that. Lynch and a number of other doctors say they have sent samples to hospital pathologists, medical labs and state health boards, which have uniformly failed to find any sign of an infection. If there's nothing tangible to investigate, there's no reason to call in the big guns at CDC headquarters.

When Miles Lawrence sped to the hospital, he was told he had delusional parasitosis and that the weird spines were "just dirt." But over the next week his symptoms got worse. He scratched at his elbows and noticed more fibers, and little black specks. "It was like they were fighting back," he says.

Eventually, he found his way to a medical professional who does take the idea of Morgellons seriously. Ginger Savely, a nurse practitioner in Austin, Texas, says she has treated 35 patients with symptoms.

"Everyone tells the exact same story," she says. "It's just so consistent." Savely prescribes her patients a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics. "If I knew what I was dealing with," she says, "it would be easier to treat." Yet, she says, her patients--including Lawrence--improve within weeks.

Other clinicians have likewise prescribed antibiotics. Dr. Raphael Stricker, a Lyme disease specialist in San Francisco, sees a handful of Morgellons patients--all of whom have tested positive for chronic Lyme disease. He thinks that Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria behind Lyme disease, has set his patients up for another, as-yet-unidentified, infection. And Dr. George Schwartz, a Santa Fe, N.M., trauma specialist, treats his patients with antibiotics targeted to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia--a usually harmless waterborne bacterium--and says he's seen them improve in only 48 hours.

The apparent success of antibiotic treatment for Morgellons hasn't swayed doctors like Lynch--mainly because pathologists have failed to find an infectious agent. "These scientists can recognize things down to the prion level, and viruses that do everything to evade detection," he says. Lynch's preferred treatment: the antipsychotic drug risperidone--which works, he says, in as little as two weeks.

Another prominent dermatologist, who insisted on anonymity out of concern for his safety, says he has diagnosed 50 or so Morgellons patients with cutaneous dysaesthesia--a neurological disorder that can result in the sensation of scuttling insects. And the spiny things? "In every case I've seen it's a textile fiber, and it's on the surface of the skin," he says.

He typically puts a cast over the lesions to prevent further irritation and after four weeks removes it. "Guess what?" he says. "The lesions are healed."

Leitao and other Morgellons activists say that, with the Web as a primary tool, they'll continue working to have the illness investigated as an infectious disease. Doctors interviewed by PM say this unilateral approach hinders objective analysis of symptoms they've seen for decades.

Well, all symptoms except for one: Widespread reports of the strange fibers date back only three years, to the time they were first described online, at Copyright
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Okay - this is really odd - years ago, I had several dreams that were exactly like this...

Lucy said:
He grasped one of the spines with tweezers and pulled. Instantly, he says, a bolt of pain shot up his arm. He tugged on another one and the pain snaked up his neck. Then the really creepy part began. "It felt like bugs under the skin of my arms, in my joints,"
I mean, exactly like this - and in the dream, I then went to a doctor who examined my blood and found little thin, whispy, solid black 'things' swimming through my blood veins. The doctor tried over and over to catch one, but when he would grab hold of it, it would break off and swim away. These dreams were re-occurring over several years, many years ago. A related dream would be that I would pull on a stringy black thing poking out of the skin of my foot - almost like a thin black worm, and I would feel an accompanying jerk in my ankle and knee, with vomitous revulsion ensuing from the realization that this thing was that long and inside my body (sorry for the grotesque details - but these dreams were always very graphic). There were several other small variations, but, I have to tell you that I'm rather relieved that it has been years since I've had one of these distrubing parasite dreams (knock on wood). The similarity of the dreams to what this man has described is stunning.

Related to HAARP, eh? Brings to mind some odd broadcast that is being propogated, and I was just lucky enough to only dream about it instead of 'ingesting' it and having it become 'real'. Very odd idea, I know, but -- at this point, who knows?
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

anart said:
Okay - this is really odd - years ago, I had several dreams that were exactly like this...


Related to HAARP, eh? Brings to mind some odd broadcast that is being propogated, and I was just lucky enough to only dream about it instead of 'ingesting' it and having it become 'real'. Very odd idea, I know, but -- at this point, who knows?
Well that's really creepy!

Strange that these dreams happened "years ago" and the disease is just now 'coming out' into the open. The dreams do seem to bolster the HAARP-related hypothesis. Perhaps it was 'tested' at an earlier date, but actually 'unleashed' more recently? Or programmed 'into' people over a long period?

I can't get past the fact that this story is currently being spread by three 'outlets' of very dubious reputation, and that, so far, it looks as though everything leads back to the same original Morgellons Foundation website. It appears the idea is to spread the story, but control it at the same time, keeping it on the 'fringes', just like alien abduction.

This 'disease' could conceivably serve several several ways. At the very least there is a lot of confusion about it, it's downright scary, and many people are suffering.

With the suicide factor added to the above, I can easily imagine the mayhem that would result from a lot of people who 'have' this disease 'losing it' or 'going off' at the same time.

Basically, I'm thinking the chemtrail connection, and the vague references (on Rense) to "abduction" are deliberate distractions, or red herrings. However, I'm still intrigued by the apparent, or reported, connection to Lyme disease (and some other illnesses) and the possibility that vaccines somehow play into this.

But of course, I could be entirely wrong in my conclusions. As anart says: "Who knows?"
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

As soon as I was informed by this Morgellon's disease, first time by Laura in this thread
Morgellons: Controversial disease doctors refuse to treat

I tried to read more about it. At first, I thought about this as the colonization of a new niche by cooperation between different organisms. Lyme was very close, with the typically bad healing of infected open wounds. Also certain fungi passed my mind. But when I read about Collembola or Springtail (an insect) I freaked out. You can see a picture overhere. Springtail
I remembered that I read somewhere how Collembola, in rare circumstances could infect animals but I haven't found any references yet that I myself read, many years ago. All, I found at first was that they live of decaying organic matter, which is usually of herbal nature. Anyway, one would expect that Collembola would not infect or keep on infecting healthy people. In other words, did Collembola change, or did certain humans change? Or is it a reciprocal process wherein the presence of humans with weakened immune systems for instance, or infection with say Lyme (the slowly growing bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi), provided the opportunity for certain virulent Collembola variants to adapt for a new niche. Literally, this can be seen as a typical case of speciation, the emergence of a new species, because certain environmental changes created a new feeding ground with no "predation" and/or "parasitism" yet. A co-infection with other organisms however could also clear the way. But this does not exclude the possibility of speciation going on.

This Collembola thing didn't let loose. So today I typed Colloidal silver and Morgellon as keywords, to finally find this excerpt from another forum:

Cascadians said:
I realized my former diagonal upstairs neighbor years ago, Mark, had this. He was an exceptionally good, creative guy who encountered unfair wrongness, got stressed, and had immune system problems, and then got these things under his skin. I remember his doctors didn't believe him and he and his mother were doing a bunch of their own research. I moved before I heard the rest of his story.
You will have to go to page 3 of
to get to this excerpt.

Also, on this forum a link was provided with more information on infection from Collembola. Here is a picture of an 80 years old woman infected with Collembola on her back.

The link is:

I can imagine that infected people feel like their skin is crawling with insects!

This woman was 80 years old. Did she have a particular immune deficiency?

The amount of people that are plagued with allergies and auto-immune diseases is still rising. Often, there are tough chemical cortisones being given as treatment. Most of the time these chemically synthesized cortisone-like molecules are laced with fluorine adducts. Is it any wonder that they could permanently deregulate the immune system?

In the case of this Morgellon's diseases, I'd say it is more a co-infection with another pathogen. I have had the impression that many of those extremely slowly growing bacteria, as in Lyme, but also mycoplasmas, will disrupt our immune system in the end.

Are you also scratching all over your body by reading all those things? Gosh.
I do.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Good research Charles! You've made some very interesting observations, and drawn some good conclusions, I think.

Charles said:
I thought about this as the colonization of a new niche by cooperation between different organisms. Lyme was very close, with the typically bad healing of infected open wounds. ... But when I read about Collembola or Springtail (an insect) I freaked out. You can see a picture overhere. Springtail
Ewww...! Parasites are always so disgustingly ugly and creepy!

Charles said:
[...] one would expect that Collembola would not infect or keep on infecting healthy people. In other words, did Collembola change, or did certain humans change?
Very good question! My 'wild guess' is that certain humans have 'been changed'.

Charles said:
Or is it a reciprocal process wherein the presence of humans with weakened immune systems for instance, or infection with say Lyme (the slowly growing bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi), provided the opportunity for certain virulent Collembola variants to adapt for a new niche.
Parasites don't typically 'want' to kill their hosts because in doing so they are killing their food supply...and supposedly Morgellons itself doesn't kill people, although it reportedly can make them so miserable they may want to kill themselves. And, of course, just as U.S. soldiers who don't "die on the ground" in Iraq aren't counted as casualties of the war in Iraq, so goes the statistics with other deaths.

I took special note of the Morgellons article, because my older brother (who died this past January) suffered from Pemphigus, an autoimmune, intraepidermal blistering disease, that causes blistering and raw sores on skin and mucous membranes. As with other autoimmune disorders, it is caused when the body's defenses mistake its own tissues as foreign, and attack the cells. He had this for around ten years, and it caused him a lot of pain and misery, drastically changing his life, and eventually completely disabling him. It wasn't the disease itself, though, that "directly" cost him his life, but the treatments, which had severe side effects. His heart was so weakened that it simply stopped while he was sleeping. Also, it seemed he had lost his will to continue fighting this disease. He was tired of the misery and could see no end to it.

Charles said:
The amount of people that are plagued with allergies and auto-immune diseases is still rising. Often, there are tough chemical cortisones being given as treatment. Most of the time these chemically synthesized cortisone-like molecules are laced with fluorine adducts. Is it any wonder that they could permanently deregulate the immune system?
This is likely part of the story of what happened to my brother. Steroids, cortizones, and other "new and experimental" treatments were used. His 'treatment' probably started him down a path of no return. Makes me wonder if those Morgellons patients who use alternative treatments do better than those who see traditional doctors.

Charles said:
In the case of this Morgellon's diseases, I'd say it is more a co-infection with another pathogen. I have had the impression that many of those extremely slowly growing bacteria, as in Lyme, but also mycoplasmas, will disrupt our immune system in the end.
Makes sense, especially in light of the other conditions so often associated with it: Lyme, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.
Your theory could also, I think, explain a link to vaccines, if there is one.

For me there is the persistent issue of the "fibers" nagging at me, that I keep coming back to, and the question that they 'may or may not' be real.

If they are...what the heck does that mean?

If they aren't, are they, or the idea/perception of them, implanted in some way...which would certainly distract from Morgellons being taken seriously, I would think. Perhaps that's 'being done' as a distracton/diversion to pull attention 'away' from the reality that Morgellons is, in fact, a fatal conditon because it will "disrupt our immune system in the end." Perhaps people are being diverted from that idea 'long enough' to 'allow that to happen' to as many victims as possible? Or to have people labeled as delusional, and therefore marginalized? Or simply to cause as much stress and misery as possible? mind doesn't seem to be baroque enough to catch all the twists and turns that may be taking place, although I can certainly 'get an idea' of this.

In a way it could be similar to the way the anti-smoking campaign is used as a blind for the increasingly toxic nature of the world we live in...and what it's doing to people.

Charles said:
I can imagine that infected people feel like their skin is crawling with insects!

Are you also scratching all over your body by reading all those things? Gosh. I do.
Well, as a matter of fact, yes! As soon as I started websearching Morgellons I started 'scratching' -- to the point where I developed a bruised/scratched itchy/rashy ugly-looking patch of skin on my left arm from scratching, without even being aware of what I was doing. Now that I'm 'aware' it's getting better.

Thanks Charles, for sharing your research and conclusions on this.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Greetings Cherished Forumites and Reader Friends

Speaking of mycoplasmas, some of the world's deadliest moulds, these organisms, and aspergillus moulds, have been the favourites of bioweapons researchers for the past 50 years, including U.S. bioweapons labs. These moulds are very bioactive and diverse, easily modified and linked to other organisms, and productive of some of the most universally deadly biotoxins ever discovered.

Just as penicillin is a potent, wide-spectrum anti-biotic derived from a mould source, every mould produces "anti-biotics." But with two particular families of moulds, mycoplasma and aspergillus, (apergillus is the deadly "black mould" that is very contagious, often fatally so) the "anti-biotics" produced are so potently and universally lethal, to every living thing not only to bacteria and other micro-organisms, that there is nothing they won't kill.

For general information on aspergillus moulds and the infections they cause the best source I've yet found is:

There are in fact several skin conditions caused by aspergillus that bear some apparent similarities to the Morgellons lesions, and photos of them are available at the above web site.

There is also an excellent recent article on genome sequences of the three species of Aspergillus: fumigatus, terreus and nidulans, most commonly causative of invasive aspergillosis infections in humans, available from the Journal Nature at:

No "practical" uses for the biotoxins produced by either of these two families of moulds has ever been possible for their pure, seemingly unlimited lethality. But bioweapons researchers have found these lethal, organic substances very interesting. The toxins from both mycoplasmas and aspergillus are largely, medically, publicly and officially "unknown." Most would however, theoretically at least, be very difficult to detect in the bloodstream, post mortem for example, as they bear a strong resemblance to the tetracycline and cephalosporin families of common, wide-spectrum antibiotics, which are derived from related but far less deadly moulds. Not to mention the purely lethal nature of the moulds themselves having been "enhanced" greatly by the bioweapons "engineers," the potential for the entrance of something horrendous into the human population is huge.

Morgellons might be a "testing" or an accidental release of a new, "designer" infectious agent, or perhaps a runaway "side effect" of adaptation by natural micro-organisms to environmental toxins and pollutants. Let us not overlook the incredible bio-disaster of more than 400,000, Hiroshima-sized, atomic detonations-worth of highly radioactive Ceramic Uranium Oxide particulates and gases that have been released into the global atmosphere by the U.S.'s use of Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan for just the past 5 years. It is not at all impossible that this may be a mutation of micro-organisms that is being specifically generated by the worldwide radioactive fallout from DU.

It is not an exaggeration but a statement of hard, cold facts to report that harmful levels of mutagenic radioactive particles and gases are now and forever more present in every drop of rain that falls to Earth, every breeze that blows, every drifting snowflake, every molecule of air we breathe and every bite of food we eat. The half-life of DU is 4.5 billion years, at which point it will have degraded into something only marginally less radioactive. The life of the Universe is not likely long enough for it to entirely lose all of its radioactivity and become harmless to organic life.

One is reminded of the old saying "He who plays with matches will get burned." The U.S. military machine has been playing with the most lethal "match" of all, the highly toxic radioactivity and fallout produced by its DU armaments, with every bullet, rocket, grenade, mortar and bomb it has used since 1991, or possibly longer.

When one considers the "randomising principle" of significant, uncontrollable and now utterly unavoidable exposure to radioactivity that has now been added to even "wild" moulds as deadly as these, and to all other organisms on Earth, the only sure prediction is that there will be serious negative consequences that will impact every living thing on this planet adversely. With the global spread of radioactive poisons produced by DU munitions, there is simply no telling what, but there is no question of whether. Then too, there are exponentially increased global levels of toxic emissions and pollutants of all kinds, from heavy metals to automobile exhausts, that have been encouraged to happen by the Bush junta, and they had reached the highest levels ever yet recorded in one year by 2003 - 2004 with no limits in sight.

One cannot begin to estimate what the possible mutations might be, but one can certainly suspect Morgellons may be but the "tip of the iceberg" in terms of what is yet to come.


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