Dreams of Death


Jedi Master
I just had to put this somewhere. I know how many different kinds of interpretations dreams can take on, but lately I have been having a lot of dreams involving my death or severe injury.

For instance, two nights ago I had a dream that I was severely burned in a house fire. It was excruciatingly painful and I can remember the smell of burnt flesh from the dream, even though I can't say I remember ever smelling burnt flesh in real life. I did not die in that one, but I was scarred severely for the rest of my life on a large part of my body.

I had another dream where I was already dead, but don't remember knowing/thinking about how I had died. I was trying to evaluate my life and decide if I was ready for a new life yet.

I had a dream maybe a month ago of being in a cave in the chill of winter, clothed in animal furs. I was stabbed under my ribs and died. It was a very short dream, but painful.
Hi Brenda86 --

I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but I was wondering if you can correlate any of this to E-E --either to how long you've been doing it, or to specific sessions? I know that one thing that may happen as a result of E-E is integration of other-life experiences. What you are describing during your dreams sounds kind of like that -- maybe even on steroids! But like I said, I don't know much about dreams, so its just a thought.
shijing said:
Hi Brenda86 --

I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but I was wondering if you can correlate any of this to E-E --either to how long you've been doing it, or to specific sessions? I know that one thing that may happen as a result of E-E is integration of other-life experiences. What you are describing during your dreams sounds kind of like that -- maybe even on steroids! But like I said, I don't know much about dreams, so its just a thought.

I had considered this, but I try not to be overly presumptuous. I do know I don't remember having any dreams like this until after I started EE. And the dreams like this and even a few others I've had not even involving death, have given me a sort of feeling of being "me" but different. I know the night I had the dream of being burned in a fire, I had been mentally reciting the POTS as I relaxed and fell asleep.

I just had to post because I tried talking to family/friends, but they just think I'm being morbid. :/
Brenda86 said:
I just had to post because I tried talking to family/friends, but they just think I'm being morbid. :/

That's too bad, because even if dreams are no more than just random gobbledy-gook (which a lot of them are), they are still experienced as real and can leave real emotional and psychological impressions after waking. No matter where they are coming from, I think talking about experiences that are this jarring helps you to process them, so I'm glad you posted here, and I hope it helps! It is also good to have a record of stuff like this on the forum for reference, just in case it ends up being E-E-related.
Back in 1995, november and december, I had three very powerful death dreams (my own death) that totally shook me. Well, there was a "death" three months later: I ended my marriage even though, at the time in December, I had NO intention of doing that. It's like the decision was being made in my subconscious and this was the only way to communicate it to my conscious mind that I was going to end my old life and begin a new one. When the decision finally did come to consciousness, it was strong and well-formed and had enough "substance" that it carried me through the ordeal.

I also had a dream in February of 96 that my friend was in the hospital dying and I was angry at her sons. Well, in that case, the dream was directly prophetic because the exact drama that played out in the dream played out in real life. The difference was, in the dream, my friend was on the verge of death and I never dreamed of her actually dying. When the drama played out in real life, she was on life support, brain dead, and some time later the machine was unplugged and she died.

So, death dreams can mean many things.
Laura said:
Back in 1995, november and december, I had three very powerful death dreams (my own death) that totally shook me. Well, there was a "death" three months later: I ended my marriage even though, at the time in December, I had NO intention of doing that. It's like the decision was being made in my subconscious and this was the only way to communicate it to my conscious mind that I was going to end my old life and begin a new one. When the decision finally did come to consciousness, it was strong and well-formed and had enough "substance" that it carried me through the ordeal.

I also had a dream in February of 96 that my friend was in the hospital dying and I was angry at her sons. Well, in that case, the dream was directly prophetic because the exact drama that played out in the dream played out in real life. The difference was, in the dream, my friend was on the verge of death and I never dreamed of her actually dying. When the drama played out in real life, she was on life support, brain dead, and some time later the machine was unplugged and she died.

So, death dreams can mean many things.

I'm glad you added this. That's exactly why I said I try not to be too presumptuous. I know dreams can mean any number of things, including nothing at all.

I've also had a dream of someone else dying - my mother. I dreamed she had a heart attack and died. That one probably shook me more than the others. But I didn't mention this one at first because I know I have had a lot of anxiety in relation to her recently, though I am finally dealing with it. I won't say it is completely gone, but I have made vast improvements in that area.

But in one sense, I know I am afraid of the "death" of our relationship because every time I think she is ready to "grow up" and I offer to help her, I can feel her start to try to take advantage again.
Brenda86 said:
But in one sense, I know I am afraid of the "death" of our relationship because every time I think she is ready to "grow up" and I offer to help her, I can feel her start to try to take advantage again.

Let me share something with you that I wrote to a QFS member who is going through a similar struggle, though with a brother instead of a sister.

In short, you want your mother and brother to be other than they are.
And you often imagine that they are other than they are, or could be
other than they are. And when they don't behave according to your
imaginings/wishful thinking, you get upset because you feel let down,
betrayed in some way.

All of that would stop if you would just see them as they are:
mechanical creatures who may not ever be anything more than that - in
fact, probably will never be otherwise.

Stop wishful thinking about your mother and brother altogether, accept
them as machines, and don't extend yourself into their reality bubbles.
You don't fit there, it is foreign, so why keep on doing it?

You are wishfully thinking if you imagine that they can see how their
behavior affects you, much less that they can care. It's not that they
don't WANT to see, they CAN'T. And you can't make them. You can't turn
a machine into a human being unless there is some essence in that
machine that stirs and seeks to awaken. But being told that they are
wrong/flawed will only drive them deeper into mechanical behavior making
it even less likely that they will ever want to wake up. (If they have
the potential which is not likely or they would have manifested the
inclination on their own.)

Hopefully, you will repeat to yourself 1,000 times per day: They are
only machines, they cannot act different than they do, the cannot be
different than they are.

It suits your purposes for now to live there. So, distance yourself
emotionally. Stop falling back into that child that wanted mother and
brother (and the whole world) to be as she wanted them to be and was
really hurt and angry when it just wasn't that way. Think about them as
machines that you have to learn how they work so as to have the least
friction. External considering! It makes life easier for them and for
you. It's not about being a "good girl," it's about ruthlessly facing
the facts of life and the fact is, they are machines, nothing more. And
as long as they can push your buttons, you are acting like a machine too.

Please realize that I know exactly what you are going
through and feeling - been there, done that, still do it occasionally
though it does get easier.

Getting this stuff into the emotional center where you viscerally
understand it is not easy, but that is what is necessary in order to
regain control of your mind. As long as your mind is understanding one
thing, but your emotions don't understand, or understand a different
way, your centers are not in synch and you will spend a lot of time
wasting energy.

It hurts - it hurts like hell to face the truth about our illusions.
But there is something about that truth that is truly beautiful even if
it is cruel.

It is a cruel world, but maybe some of us can bootstrap ourselves out of
it and create a different one.

I want to add that if those of us who CAN see don't figure out how to conserve our energy so that we CAN use it to create a new world, then there is no hope for the mothers and sisters and brothers at all! They don't realize that they are shooting themselves in the foot by draining you. They don't see ANYthing but their own narcissistic needs/wants. They don't see that the house is on fire. But YOU do.

So, see the truth of the situation and find out what works and do it. THEIR lives depend on it too!
Brenda86 said:
I know dreams can mean any number of things, including nothing at all.


I've also had a dream of someone else dying - my mother. I dreamed she had a heart attack and died. That one probably shook me more than the others. But I didn't mention this one at first because I know I have had a lot of anxiety in relation to her recently, though I am finally dealing with it. I won't say it is completely gone, but I have made vast improvements in that area.

I once dreamed that some friends of mine died. It was very distressful and upsetting. But a little while later I heard they were getting married. So I wonder if the dream wasn't symbolic of a major change for them - a good one! Dreaming of death is not always bad.

But in one sense, I know I am afraid of the "death" of our relationship because every time I think she is ready to "grow up" and I offer to help her, I can feel her start to try to take advantage again.

In that case, maybe the way to help her grow up is by letting her take steps on her own and getting out of the way?
I think this definitely applies in my situation, too, and I appreciate you sharing that with me.

I had a similar thought earlier, but did not really let it sink in - that I do not think she CAN be different than how she is.

And it is not doing either one of us any good to keep going in circles.

Since I have been spending time at my boyfriend's house instead of at my mother's, I have not had any headaches except for the first day when I was still brooding over it, feeling guilty. When I just let myself be, and allowed myself the distance, I started to feel so much better.

And thinking in that sense, my dreams could even be reflecting a part of me that truly is dying, even though it is not my physical body. Because I am trying to do away with that part of myself that ALLOWS myself to be drained.

And I may never know if my dreams mean that or anything at all, but I am glad because the search itself is still helping me grow as a person, and I think I can be okay if I never know exactly what they mean as long as I am working towards increasing my understanding.
Brenda86, I thought I'd share my experience with dreams of death after reading this excerpt of yours:

Brenda86 said:
And thinking in that sense, my dreams could even be reflecting a part of me that truly is dying, even though it is not my physical body. Because I am trying to do away with that part of myself that ALLOWS myself to be drained.

My experience is something similar to what Windmill Knight has related about his friends.

Around 4 and a half years ago, me and my partner got together. During that first week when we assumed our relationship I had 2 very strong dreams of myself dying first, the second himself dying.
Our lives have since changed completely, turning into a very positive experience. It took me a while to be able to see what had happened and I am now seeing it in perspective 4 and half years later, understanding that my old "life" as well as his had just died on the moment we committed to each other.

The dreams were very painful and I woke up in tears never to forget I had dreamt them. At the time, the painfulness of those dreams made me scared of whether I had made the right decision. As I see it today, me and him were letting go of all the "luggage" we no longer needed to finally start this new life. The letting go process was painful but very much worth it for both of us.

As you and others have said dreams can indeed have several meanings, and a painful dream might not necessarily mean something negative
Hi I been having extremely weird dreams since several months. I dreamed with the destruction of the earth by meteors a couple of months ago. At the end of the dream I so red fire ball falling from the sky what is weird about this is that three days later I saw the same image in sott I one of the side spaces. It was exactly the same thing I saw at the end of my dream.. And things like that.
Ihad another one where some people went onto the store I work in. And they chased us, when I saw the one behind me I stoped running not scare and put my hands down letting him shoot me in the face. I literally felt death I knew I was dreAming but in "my death time". I felt an odd sensation of energy in my spinalcord coming out and didn't feel my body at all. I woke up in the dream and six months had passed ... I felt that sensation all day long
lately I have been having a lot of dreams involving my death or severe injury.

Death dreams could ultimately mean change, or it could mean you are
having a hard time handling death. it could also mean you are having a
hard time with your marriage or relationship. This is like a lot of other
dreams dealing with emotion. Here is a article I found on the subject.

celtic said:
lately I have been having a lot of dreams involving my death or severe injury.

Death dreams could ultimately mean change, or it could mean you are
having a hard time handling death.
it could also mean you are having a
hard time with your marriage or relationship. This is like a lot of other
dreams dealing with emotion. Here is a article I found on the subject.


I don't talk about it a lot, but several times at different points in my life... even as a kid, I have had this nagging feeling that my life would be cut short somehow. Well, of course, I don't WANT it to be cut short. Maybe this is part of what's been nagging at me as well... especially since I really could have died from the abscess I had recently and that whole experience. And I've had some experiences where it's amazing how lucky I was that I didn't die or get severely injured. Maybe my mind is trying to deal with this now... especially since these dreams started after I began doing E-E. I don't know. It seems to me like there are often multiple layers of symbolism in many of the things that we experience.
It seems to me like there are often multiple layers of symbolism in many of the things that we experience.

I totally believe this a lot of things that I have experience it always
seems like a symbol. Either if I have a dream or go to the library
and find an interesting book. Or if a teacher mentions a topic that
I may have been thinking about earlier. There is always a sign or
a symbol in everything we do.
After doing the EE breathing (including Ba Ha) I dreamt that I was going to die soon (a week or so). Even though it was a scary topic it was not a nightmare, at least I was not frightened and did not suddenly wake up. I observed the fact that I was going to die and that seemed to be OK.

It is the first time I had a dream about me dying, but not the first time I have pretty scary dreams where I am not scared. I dream after EE quiet a lot about horrific things, but I just seem to observe.

quote from Gertrudes

Around 4 and a half years ago, me and my partner got together. During that first week when we assumed our relationship I had 2 very strong dreams of myself dying first, the second himself dying. Our lives have since changed completely, turning into a very positive experience. It took me a while to be able to see what had happened and I am now seeing it in perspective 4 and half years later, understanding that my old "life" as well as his had just died on the moment we committed to each other.


Are you trying to free yourself from something? You may want to leave your old self behind so that a new you can be reborn. Free yourself of emotional burdens and open yourself to new potentials. There is no need to be a martyr. The way forward is to establish a new set of values that are beneficial to you and others.

This seems to be a possible explanation for the dream of my own death. I have been Working on the narcissistic side of myself and see changes happening in the way I relate to my wife and children. The family situation has been improving greatly and there is much more life in the house. I could of course be way of.
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