Sesssion 31 October 2001


FOTCM Member
October 31, 2001
Laura, Ark

Q: (L) Hello
A: Hello! My dears
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Hifaa
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Well Bruce has some questions so I'm going to take Bruce's questions first. Bruce asks, Is the concept of Orgone energy as rediscovered by Albert Pike the same as the Odic Force as presented by Baron von Reichenbach?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is understanding the Scottish rite helpful in understanding and using this energy?
A: Not really.
Q: Is orgone the energy used to power the pyramid at Giza?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is orgone the energy used to power Stonehenge?
A: No
Q: (L) Can orgone energy be used to cure disease?
A: Helps.
Q: (L) Is it the same energy used in the silicon wand that you have previously discussed?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is silicon needed to use orgone energy?
A: No.
Q: (L) Can orgone energy be used to activate the part of the DNA that has been burned away or deactivated by light?
A: Not necessary
Q: (L) Okay, is the geometry of the Elder Futhark alphabet helpful in harnessing orgone energy?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the orgone energy concept helpful in completing Unified Field Theory?
A: Portal necessary for UFT, orgone is universal.
Q: (L) Is orgone energy the same force that was discovered by the Vril Society to develop propulsion into outer space?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this Odic Force the same that emanates from crystals as used in Atlantis?
A: No, this has been covered.
Q: (L) Yes I know. Ummm...Did the Egyptians use this force with a metal head band wrapped around the forehead?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is iron necessary to use this energy?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does this force have a positive and negative component to it?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did Einstein acknowledge the concept of orgone energy?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did it help him with his UFT?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did the government use orgone energy in the Philadelphia Experiment?
A: No.
Q: (L) Can orgone energy be used for transportation from one spot on Earth to another?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did the Odic Force originate with the Nephilim?
A: No
Q: (L) I know these are silly questions. Did the Nephilim intermarry with the Tribe of Benjamin?
A: No.
Q: (L) Since Odic Force is Scandinavian is it involved with Sinclair and Oak Island?
A: Nonsense.
Q: (L) Did the Ark of the Covenant activate the Vril Force?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it composed of gold and rutilated quartz?
A: No.
Q: (L) He must be reading some real trash. Is the Vril Energy the same as Kundalini?
A: No. Yes it is nonsense
Q: (L) Ah, Bruce is off on a tangent. He gets to reading these damn Dan Winter type things and he's just sure that he's found something that's going to tune him in. Alright, enough of that. Now, I suppose that we should ask some reasonable questions. We've already covered this WTC...Ohhhh! (A) I have a lot of questions about this pole shifting. Well go with your question. (L) That's probably where I was going. I was going off to Novosibirtsk. You once made the remark that the secret lies in a mountain pass in Russia and something about a line drawn between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. Is there a mountain pass in this area where something important is waiting for us to find it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Now according to these guys who are writing this web page about pole shift, they say it can be predicted where the poles will shift to. Is this in fact the case?
A: No.
Q: (L) Why can't pole shifts be predicted? Can't we know where the new pole will end up?
A: Chaotic function here
Q: (L) Okay, in a pole shift does the lithosphere of the planet slide on the core? (A) No. We have to be very precise. There are three possible things that would come under the name pole shift. Only one of them may come, or two, or three, okay? And these are the following -1) the axis of rotation with respect to stars is changing, straightening out for instance; this is one thing; while all the rest goes with the axis, the lithosphere and the magnetic field. 2) Second, the axis stays where it is, maybe it shifts a little bit; the lithosphere stays where it is - maybe it wobbles - but the magnetic field changes: for instance reverses. 3) Third, axis stays, magnetic field stays, but the lithosphere is moving. So that's three ways a pole shift can happen. And of course there are things that come together. The most dramatic one which is seen from outside is when the axis of rotation changes. The next dramatic one is probably when the lithosphere changes. And the third of unknown consequences is when the magnetic pole changes, okay? So, we want to have an understanding what will be the main change. (L) Well I guess we ought to ask an even more basic question: are we looking at a pole shift happening? That's starting at the beginning. (A) Alright. (L) In the next ten years. Is a pole shift possible in the next ten years?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is a pole shift of the axis...(A) Honey, you ask if the pole shift is possible, of course it's possible. But suppose it's almost zero probability? 'Is it possible' is not the right question. 'Is it going to happen?' That's a question. (L) Okay you ask, carry on. (A) Are we looking at a pole shift during the next ten or so years with a high degree of probability?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) In this concept of pole shift, what would be the main feature of this pole shift, of all those which we were discussing?
A: New axial orientation, and magnetic reversal.
Q: (L) That's fairly dramatic. (A) Alright, now, change of axis or orientation of axis of rotation: can we say we would straighten up, getting almost perpendicular to the ecliptic? Or the other possibility is that it will fall down being almost parallel to the ecliptic. The third is that we'll flip completely by 180 degrees. We know it's highly unpredictable, but can we have a clue from which one is, so to say, dominate?
A: Perpendicularity will be restored.
Q: (A) We know the axis will change dramatically and magnetic reversal will happen. You didn't mention a change or shift of the lithosphere alone. Can we...
A: Lithospheric shift will feature to some extent.
Q: (A) But, that means eventually that the equator will almost not change because...
A: Correct.
Q: (A) So it will just shift a little bit, but its not going to go to Hawaii? (L) Oh rats! That was my theory! Well, it was a good idea. (A) What about changes in the lithosphere: can we predict a little bit of change in geography, coming from motions in lithosphere and changes in water level?
A: Chaotic features predominate but in general it will be safer inland and in mountainous areas since less folding occurs in such locations.
Q: (A) Now, the major, the change of the orientation of the axis, what would be the main trigger, force, or activity, or what kind of event will trigger this change of the axis?
A: Cometary bodies.
Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.
Q: (A) I want to ask about this magnetic pole reversal. It's the current theory or understanding of magnetic field of planets in terms of dynamo mechanism, where there is a liquid metal - iron - which is hot - there are convective currents, and there is self-excitation through magnetic field. That's the present model. They were able to model this magnetic pole reversal using this kind of magneto-hydro-dynamics. Is this model essentially correct?
A: Only partly.
Q: (A) What is the main thing that is important, and that is lacking from this model?
A: Crystalline ammonia core.
Q: (A) Everybody thinks that the core is a crystal iron; that's the present thinking. Say it's an ammonia core: is an ammonia core in all planets with magnetic fields? Is this so?
A: From this perspective, no but from the perspective of organic life, yes.
Q: (A) When we speak about crystalline ammonia, do you mean a new kind of crystalline ammonia that is not yet known on Earth to our scientists?
A: More or less.
Q: (L) I think we need to find out something about this crystalline ammonia. (A) What would make it go into the very core? (L) I don't know. We don't know enough about it to even know how to frame a question. I know we thought it was crazy when they were talking about Jupiter and the ammonia, and then of course all this ammonia shows up on Jupiter. And I remember them saying something about this at the time, but I don't think we ever followed up on it because I thought it was even to crazy to think about. Maybe we need to find out something about ammonia, crystalline ammonia. (A) Is there a mini black hole in the center of the Earth?
A: No.
Q: (L) I remember when I was a kid - this is a funny thing - we got this kind of chemistry experiment. You put these chemicals together and it grew crystals. I think ammonia was part of it. I think you had to use ammonia to grow crystals. (A) Okay, now this crystalline ammonia core inside the Earth, can we have idea how big it is, what radius?
A: 300 km.
Q: (L) What is surrounding it, what is the next layer? (A) Normally people would say it's an iron crystal. What is the next layer?
A: Correct.
Q: (A) There is this ammonia - crystalline... (L) Surrounded by iron crystal. Is it crystal iron? (A) Probably at this pressure that is here, it may very well be crystal. (L) Okay, is the iron surrounding the ammonia, is it crystalline?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What's the next layer?
A: Molten iron.
Q: (A) Okay, now we know that some planets have this crystalline ammonia, and some do not. When we consider planets that have this crystal ammonia inside, how did it get there? Was it a kernel first around which the planet was formed, or first the planet was formed and then during some processes the ammonia sank and crystallized inside? I would like to know how it got there?
A: It is the natural formation process for ammonia to accrete iron from supernovae.
Q: (L) I read somewhere - about supernovae - that the only reason we have iron is because it's produced in supernovas. That would mean that our solar system is formed from a supernova, right? In which case what blew up and when? (A) I understand that this crystalline ammonia core - 300 km radius - must have certain magnetic properties which are important. Because it was mentioned that it was lacking in dynamo theory or certain very important properties concerning heat convection. So there are these two main things in dynamo theory - conductivity and electric properties - on the other hand heat convection properties. Why is this ammonia important for the magnetic field because of what properties?
A: Super conducting.
Q: (A) According to what we know it's very hot inside the earth because of the pressure. Now, is this ammonia also hot, as much as iron?
A: Grows alternately cold and hot.
Q: (A) Is it super conducting even if when it is very hot?
A: No.
Q: (A) When it gets cold, how cold does it get?
A: 55 degrees below absolute zero.
Q: (L) What is absolute zero? (A) That is something you can't get below. That's why it's called absolute zero. It's a new thermo-dynamics. (L) How often does it alternate?
A: Close to hour long periods.
Q: (L) So when it gets so cold and becomes super conducting, the act of super-conducting is what heats it up? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well once it heats up, how does it then get cold again?
A: It stops conducting.
Q: (L) What is it conducting? When something is super conducting what does it conduct?
A: Electrons.
Q: (A) The point is, you see, that when something is super conducting it offers no resistance. Which means that the current it flows through it, is not heating it. Well we learned that it gets hot because it's super conductive, right? Which is somewhat contradictory because when it is super-conducting there's no reason for it to be hot except it can become hot because there is the hot external shell of iron. So that is very likely why it would become hot. Because by the very definition of super conductivity you don't become hot when you conduct, see? Well, if there are big, very big currents, then okay, they can stop super conductivity, then it gets warm.
A: Currents of this nature set the surrounding iron to vibrating which produces heat, not heat produced by the current.
Q: (A) Now, I want to go back to this 55 degree below absolute zero. And here I would like to have a confirmation of this 55 degree below zero. Because. according to the current knowledge of physics, the absolute zero was set by definition, as the temperature on the scale, according to the science of thermo-dynamics, which is - so to say - nothing moves so you cannot go below this temperature. If you say 55 degrees below zero it means we have to redo physics and redo thermo-dynamics.
A: You have entered a different realm.
Q: (A) What?
A: Lack of movement as measured by physics is based upon 3rd density conventions.
Q: (A) What causes this appearance of new physics in the center of the planet? We do not see this need for new physics around us. But somehow there are specific conditions, apparently, in the center of the planet that cause necessity of entering this new physics.
A: Windows.
Q: (L) Let me ask this, if it was possible to measure a temperature of something that was being subjected to a very intense electro-magnetic field what would it show? (A) Well the question is different, you see, because we asked first about why there is this ammonia crystal inside, okay? The answer was it was a natural process. But now we see there is this window inside. What is the reason that there is this window inside? Now you suggest, honey, that the widow inside is because there are - or because who knows what causes what - but there are very strong electro-magnetic fields. Is the window inside related to the fact that we have to go beyond standard physics? Is it related to the fact that there are very strong electro-magnetic field inside?
A: Reciprocal function.
Q: (L) What is ammonia composed of? (A) Ammonia? NH3, one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms, and it kind of rotates, and that's ammonia. (A) What is nitrogen number? Six? Or seven? Seven is phosphorus, yeah? (L) I don't know, I don't remember, I'm too tired to remember. (A) You're too tired.
Q: (L) We haven't received any offers, you said we'd get an offer and we should do something.
A: Soon, have faith.
Q: (A) Yet, I would like to know what can we do, how can we change our focus, priorities or something, to make it come sooner? Should we?
A: You are doing just fine.
Q: (L) Okay, anything else we can think of we ought to ask before there going to be any kind of terrorist attacks tonight or tomorrow?
A: Not likely.
Q: Are there going to be any further terrorist attacks in the United States?
A: Possible but not probable.
Q: (L) What is the next...can you give us clues about the next major significant event in our lives?
A: Light will break in a big way.
Q: (L) Well that's pretty amorphous. What kind of...(A) Lightening strike?
(L) Yeah, are we going to get another lightening strike (laughter)? Alright, well, anything that we should've asked that we didn't ask?
A: Love one another.
Q: (L) Well, that was kind of...okay, I'm too tired. Good night, thank you.
A: Goodbye

End of Session
Reading transcripts like this one and knowing people like Ark and Laura are 'around' makes me feel REALLY optimistic about the future.
Thank You!!!
Ellipse said:
Q: (A) When it gets cold, how cold does it get?
A: 55 degrees below absolute zero.
Is it Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees ?

Aboslute Zero is usually referred to in degrees Kelvin. (0 degrees Kelvin)

So, since it is defined as 0 on the Kelvin scale, that would equate to −273.15°C on the Celsius scale and −459.67°F on the Fahrenheit scale.

Laura probably knows exactly which scale they're using regarding the -55 degrees, but my guess is they mean 55 degrees K, since they're referring to Absolute Zero - but - I could be wrong - it's just a guess.
Thanks for sharing! 55 degrees below absolute zero forces the entrance into a new realm. I hate the cold. But that is interesting. Why does the entire populace not sense the realm crossings every hour? Then again this does not quite mesh with my cognitive process entirely so I may very well be missing the significance.
And here I had a model of matillic hydrogen for the earth's core working in a phase change .... Neal Christonson wasn't far off ;)

And yes vibration not current !

2nd law of Thermodynamics is broken on a daily basis lol

Thanks for the session...
Chopper said:
2nd law of Thermodynamics is broken on a daily basis lol

It was interesting, but as yet no proof, no cigar.

As for 2nd law, you might be interested in reading "The 5th Option" for some fascinating ideas on that topic vis a vis life.
Chopper said:
Ok I will , just add it to my list :cool2:

Thanks Laura

Edit: just read the covers and Ya right up my ally !

It's a very tedious book, written by an engineer, but it was one of the most interesting books I've read in a long time and that's what I talked about at Barcelona.
Q: (A) What is the main thing that is important, and that is lacking from this model?
A: Crystalline ammonia core.

I think we might have a hit here.

I was just (re-)reading this transcript a couple of hours ago. I'd somehow missed the 'crystalline ammonia core' part during previous readings. And then, this paper was just posted on astro-ph:


A stable all nitrogen metallic salt at terapascal pressures

Nitrogen, as the seventh most abundant element in the universe, is an important constituent of the atmospheres and interiors of planets such as the Earth and the surfaces of moons such as Triton. The phase diagram and equation of state of dense nitrogen is therefore of interest in understanding the fundamental physics and chemistry of planetary processes and in discovering new materials. We predict stable phases of nitrogen at multi-TPa pressures, including a $P4/nbm$ structure consisting of partially charged N$_{2}^{\delta+}$ pairs and N$_{5}^{\delta-}$ tetrahedra, which is stable in the range 2.5-7.1 TPa. This is followed by a modulated $Fdd2$ structure at 7.1-11.5 TPa, which also exhibits significant charge transfer. The $P4/nbm$ metallic nitrogen salt and $Fdd2$ modulated structure exhibit strongly ionic features and charge density distortions, which is unexpected in an element at such high pressures and could represent a new class of nitrogen materials.

My hair is standing up a bit, I'll admit.
And another hit! (Apologies if this is already recognized on the forum somewhere).


Q: (A) When it gets cold, how cold does it get?
A: 55 degrees below absolute zero.
Q: (L) What is absolute zero? (A) That is something you can't get below. That's why it's called absolute zero. It's a new thermo-dynamics. (L) How often does it alternate?
A: Close to hour long periods.
Q: (L) So when it gets so cold and becomes super conducting, the act of super-conducting is what heats it up? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well once it heats up, how does it then get cold again?
A: It stops conducting.
Q: (L) What is it conducting? When something is super conducting what does it conduct?
A: Electrons.
Q: (A) The point is, you see, that when something is super conducting it offers no resistance. Which means that the current it flows through it, is not heating it. Well we learned that it gets hot because it's super conductive, right? Which is somewhat contradictory because when it is super-conducting there's no reason for it to be hot except it can become hot because there is the hot external shell of iron. So that is very likely why it would become hot. Because by the very definition of super conductivity you don't become hot when you conduct, see? Well, if there are big, very big currents, then okay, they can stop super conductivity, then it gets warm.
A: Currents of this nature set the surrounding iron to vibrating which produces heat, not heat produced by the current.
Q: (A) Now, I want to go back to this 55 degree below absolute zero. And here I would like to have a confirmation of this 55 degree below zero. Because. according to the current knowledge of physics, the absolute zero was set by definition, as the temperature on the scale, according to the science of thermo-dynamics, which is - so to say - nothing moves so you cannot go below this temperature. If you say 55 degrees below zero it means we have to redo physics and redo thermo-dynamics.
A: You have entered a different realm.
Q: (A) What?
A: Lack of movement as measured by physics is based upon 3rd density conventions.
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