The Living Force
I recently came into contact with the work of Dr Lester Fehmi, the director of Princeton Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback Clinic, which deals with the topic of attention and its relationship with brain waves. I think some of his ideas are very relevant to some topics discussed in this forum. I got the bulk of the material from a paper written by Dr Fehmi named "Attention to attention" which is available for free download (after registration) at the website _http://www.openfocus.biz/publications. I have read some additional material to gain a better understanding of this paper and to also find some supporting research material. Hope this would be useful.
Brain Waves
It is well known that the brain produces electrical activity which can be recorded in a EEG . The following material about brain waves is taken from wikipedia, _http://www.hypnosis-and-health.com/brain-wave.html and Finding Spirit In the Fabric of Space and Time .
Brain wave frequencies are usually grouped into the following categories
Delta : 1-4Hz: Seen in deep sleep. Highest in amplitude. It is usually most prominent frontally in adults and posteriorly in children
Theta: 4-8Hz: For adults, this is seen in light sleep . It is seen frequently in young children. It is associated with hypnagogia (onset of sleep from wakefulness) and hypnopompia (onset of wakefulness from sleep). Also reported in meditation.
Alpha: 8-12Hz: Brought about by relaxation – closing eyes. It is attenuated with eye opening or mental exertion. This is activity is seen in the posterior regions of the head on both sides, being higher in amplitude on the dominant side. This activity is now referred to as "posterior basic rhythm," the "posterior dominant rhythm" or the "posterior alpha rhythm." The posterior basic rhythm is actually slower than 8 Hz in young children (therefore technically in the theta range).
[my comments: could there be a connection to young children often "seeing" stuff that is not visible to others?]
Beta: 13-40Hz: Normal, active waking state. It is seen usually on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally. Beta activity is closely linked to motor behavior and is generally attenuated during active movements. Wide awake, alert, focused, analyses and assimilates new information rapidly, complex mental processing, peak physical and mental performance, cannot be sustained indefinitely otherwise exhaustion, anxiety, and tension result.
Gamma: 40-100Hz: Gamma rhythms are thought to represent binding of different populations of neurons together into a network for the purpose of carrying out a certain cognitive or motor function. It is distributed in different parts of the brain. Important in harmonizing and unifying thoughts processed in different parts of the brain. Combines different perceptions.
High levels of gamma synchrony has been observed in Tibetan meditation masters who were operating in the 80-100Hz region.
40 Hz: Important in cognition, especially coordinating simultaneous processing in all parts of the brain. Deficiencies exhibit learning difficulties. Produced during hypnotic states.
Some propose that gamma synchrony is related to having conscious experiences or flickers of awareness.
Brain Synchrony
Brain processes and conducts information most efficiently when the neurons fire synchronously. Simultaneous in-phase activity of a number of brain cells spread over an area is termed brain synchrony. If the area of activation is narrow or localized, then it is called local synchrony. If the area is spread over different regions of the brain, then it is called global synchrony. In general, brain synchrony measures how well coordinated are the different parts of the brain.
Here is an excerpt from a recent paper from NIMH ( _http://www.nih.gov/news/health/mar2010/nimh-31.htm)
Research has also shown that synchronous neuronal firing is a fundamental mechanism to increase the amplitude and power of brain signals which represent important stimuli – or in other words improve the “signal to noise” ratio.
Alpha Waves and Synchrony
Alpha brain waves are found to be related to creativity and other desirable characteristics.
Following are excerpts from an article by Johnson, T (2010, June 29). Alpha Brain Waves: What Are The Benefits? from _http://uberarticles.com/health-and-fitness/alpha-brain-waves-what-are-the-benefits
In general, research has shown that the alpha frequencies are one range of frequencies where brain is most synchronous with most neurons being simultaneously excited. Dr Fehmi’s hypothesis is that conscious control of alpha frequencies might be a key to enhancing brain function. Hence one of his research goals was to increase the ambient level of multi-lobe alpha synchrony and amplitude. To this end, various methods were tried.
[quote author=Dr Fehmi: Attention to Attention]
We studied the effects of relaxation and imagery protocols, instructions and learning goals, music, lighting, colors, darkness, silence, incense, light strobing, efficacy of visual vs auditory vs tactile stimulation as the feedback signal, analog vs digital versions of the feedback signal, hemispheric dominance and feedback delay regarding learning to control the production of brain wave synchrony. All these variables and others appeared to have at least mild learning effects, for a time upon a small percentage of individuals. Effects were generally positive to a small degree but some were to our surprise negative. For example, almost any detailed instructions about how to produce more alpha amplitude or abundance had immediate negative effects, even when the instructions were well understood.
The greatest general and most reliable production of alpha synchrony occurred in response to what I have come to call “object less imagery”. Questions that refer to the multisensory experience of space, nothingness, emptiness or “absence” often elicit large amplitude and prolonged periods of alpha activity. I wanted to understand why this object less imagery is more generally powerful than well-known relaxation and imagery protocols in producing alpha synchrony and how it comes to impact us.
He also mentions that one of the most effective and immediate increase of alpha amplitude happened when subjects were asked to visualize the space between their eyes. In general it was also observed that synchronous alpha activity was enhanced with closed eyes and opening the eyes desynchronized the brain waves. Also imagining objects desynchronized the brain waves. When space is imagined, the attention cannot grip onto a particular object and more relaxation is possible leading to production of synchronous alpha wave activity.
Brain Waves
It is well known that the brain produces electrical activity which can be recorded in a EEG . The following material about brain waves is taken from wikipedia, _http://www.hypnosis-and-health.com/brain-wave.html and Finding Spirit In the Fabric of Space and Time .
Brain wave frequencies are usually grouped into the following categories
Delta : 1-4Hz: Seen in deep sleep. Highest in amplitude. It is usually most prominent frontally in adults and posteriorly in children
Theta: 4-8Hz: For adults, this is seen in light sleep . It is seen frequently in young children. It is associated with hypnagogia (onset of sleep from wakefulness) and hypnopompia (onset of wakefulness from sleep). Also reported in meditation.
Alpha: 8-12Hz: Brought about by relaxation – closing eyes. It is attenuated with eye opening or mental exertion. This is activity is seen in the posterior regions of the head on both sides, being higher in amplitude on the dominant side. This activity is now referred to as "posterior basic rhythm," the "posterior dominant rhythm" or the "posterior alpha rhythm." The posterior basic rhythm is actually slower than 8 Hz in young children (therefore technically in the theta range).
[my comments: could there be a connection to young children often "seeing" stuff that is not visible to others?]
Beta: 13-40Hz: Normal, active waking state. It is seen usually on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally. Beta activity is closely linked to motor behavior and is generally attenuated during active movements. Wide awake, alert, focused, analyses and assimilates new information rapidly, complex mental processing, peak physical and mental performance, cannot be sustained indefinitely otherwise exhaustion, anxiety, and tension result.
Gamma: 40-100Hz: Gamma rhythms are thought to represent binding of different populations of neurons together into a network for the purpose of carrying out a certain cognitive or motor function. It is distributed in different parts of the brain. Important in harmonizing and unifying thoughts processed in different parts of the brain. Combines different perceptions.
High levels of gamma synchrony has been observed in Tibetan meditation masters who were operating in the 80-100Hz region.
40 Hz: Important in cognition, especially coordinating simultaneous processing in all parts of the brain. Deficiencies exhibit learning difficulties. Produced during hypnotic states.
Some propose that gamma synchrony is related to having conscious experiences or flickers of awareness.
Brain Synchrony
Brain processes and conducts information most efficiently when the neurons fire synchronously. Simultaneous in-phase activity of a number of brain cells spread over an area is termed brain synchrony. If the area of activation is narrow or localized, then it is called local synchrony. If the area is spread over different regions of the brain, then it is called global synchrony. In general, brain synchrony measures how well coordinated are the different parts of the brain.
Here is an excerpt from a recent paper from NIMH ( _http://www.nih.gov/news/health/mar2010/nimh-31.htm)
Large scale asynchronous brain wave activity has been shown to produce disease states like ADD, schizophrenia, depression and other conditions.Successful performance of such tasks [working memory tasks — holding information in mind from moment to moment.] depends on good connections in a circuit linking the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. To measure such functional connections, Gordon and colleagues monitored signals emitted by single neurons implanted in the two distant brain structures while mice performed a working memory task in a T-maze.
The more in-sync the neurons from the two areas fired, the better the functional connections between the two structures — and the better the mice performed the task. Moreover, the better the synchrony to start with, the quicker the animals learned the task. The more synchrony improved, the better they performed.
Research has also shown that synchronous neuronal firing is a fundamental mechanism to increase the amplitude and power of brain signals which represent important stimuli – or in other words improve the “signal to noise” ratio.
Alpha Waves and Synchrony
Alpha brain waves are found to be related to creativity and other desirable characteristics.
Following are excerpts from an article by Johnson, T (2010, June 29). Alpha Brain Waves: What Are The Benefits? from _http://uberarticles.com/health-and-fitness/alpha-brain-waves-what-are-the-benefits
To cause more alpha brain waves it is necessary to be relaxed. This can be done through meditation, controlled breathing and listening to certain kinds of music.
There are some useful reasons to do this such as aiding memory and creativity. Scientists have found that creative people have more alpha waves and when they are presented with a problem they have high bursts of them. This means when you have a problem the best thing to do could be to relax and try to induce this state. It is thought that this may happen because it is easier to access the subconscious and imaginative parts of the brain.
If you are trying to learn a new skill, especially one which requires you to remember a lot of new things then the alpha state can help. It could improve your memory and thinking skills. The state is characterized by less neural activity which could mean that the thoughts are less crowded and more energy can be used to form memories. Listening to some types of classical music while studying could really improve your abilities.
Muscle relaxation is a concept used by many top athletes and musicians. Once a skill is learned a level of relaxation is possible while performing and this is thought to help the performance. Scientists have shown that at these times these people also have bursts of alpha waves so it may be that the brain is helping the muscles.
In general, research has shown that the alpha frequencies are one range of frequencies where brain is most synchronous with most neurons being simultaneously excited. Dr Fehmi’s hypothesis is that conscious control of alpha frequencies might be a key to enhancing brain function. Hence one of his research goals was to increase the ambient level of multi-lobe alpha synchrony and amplitude. To this end, various methods were tried.
[quote author=Dr Fehmi: Attention to Attention]
We studied the effects of relaxation and imagery protocols, instructions and learning goals, music, lighting, colors, darkness, silence, incense, light strobing, efficacy of visual vs auditory vs tactile stimulation as the feedback signal, analog vs digital versions of the feedback signal, hemispheric dominance and feedback delay regarding learning to control the production of brain wave synchrony. All these variables and others appeared to have at least mild learning effects, for a time upon a small percentage of individuals. Effects were generally positive to a small degree but some were to our surprise negative. For example, almost any detailed instructions about how to produce more alpha amplitude or abundance had immediate negative effects, even when the instructions were well understood.
The greatest general and most reliable production of alpha synchrony occurred in response to what I have come to call “object less imagery”. Questions that refer to the multisensory experience of space, nothingness, emptiness or “absence” often elicit large amplitude and prolonged periods of alpha activity. I wanted to understand why this object less imagery is more generally powerful than well-known relaxation and imagery protocols in producing alpha synchrony and how it comes to impact us.
He also mentions that one of the most effective and immediate increase of alpha amplitude happened when subjects were asked to visualize the space between their eyes. In general it was also observed that synchronous alpha activity was enhanced with closed eyes and opening the eyes desynchronized the brain waves. Also imagining objects desynchronized the brain waves. When space is imagined, the attention cannot grip onto a particular object and more relaxation is possible leading to production of synchronous alpha wave activity.