Certainly, after every move we make that begins to go in a positive direction, helping people, recovering hope, etc, the attacks follow fast and furious. It's always interesting to see through whom those attacks come. More often than not it is through people very close to you.
As I've mentioned many times before, one of my weaknesses is my children. I began my work and they got taken along for the ride long before they were even aware of the implications and complications. Some of them are gradually growing into it, some of them are not. But, of course, many people think that, because they are my children, somehow they must have chosen "the work" and they must be "very advanced" in it. Well, they are all very smart, that's true, but like everyone else, they are working on themselves.
Then, there are the people who think that they will get close to me or have some control over me through my children and seek to form a relationship with them. That's rather problematical because my children have learned the hard way that a lot of people will pretend interest in them to get close to me. Therefore, they do a lot of "testing" to try to discover how sincere the individual really is.
At the same time, situations will arise where it looks like my kids are being attacked - or have been led into a trap - and the real object is me. That is, people who think they are operating on their own steam can be easily used as vectors and not even realize it. Like now, for instance, when I am not only exhausted from the past few weeks activities, but also am trying to recover from a nasty bug, AND have a killing workload that includes working on a whole lot of legal documents/issues which takes concentration.
It's a very stressful dynamic and we have all learned here in the family to rely on each other and, when any issue arises, to be totally open and forthcoming with ALL information and data so that the threat level can be assessed. Right now, I'd say the threat level is high... Orange, at least.
But I wasn't born yesterday. And I do have the Cs...