Shocking dream about Laura.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Last night I had a shocking dream about Laura, I was trying to figure out what it meant, but I hope you are doing okay.

I remember the shocking part the best, most of the other parts I have forgotten,

Laura started to walk towards an edge and she stood there, it was mountain like in a place somewhere on earth, and she suddenly jumped off the mountain edge and hit the ground very hard.

I was completely shocked asking why and how? Laura stood up and her face was bruised. She stood up and said ''it's OK.''

I have been worried and you have been in my thoughts.
Certainly, after every move we make that begins to go in a positive direction, helping people, recovering hope, etc, the attacks follow fast and furious. It's always interesting to see through whom those attacks come. More often than not it is through people very close to you.

As I've mentioned many times before, one of my weaknesses is my children. I began my work and they got taken along for the ride long before they were even aware of the implications and complications. Some of them are gradually growing into it, some of them are not. But, of course, many people think that, because they are my children, somehow they must have chosen "the work" and they must be "very advanced" in it. Well, they are all very smart, that's true, but like everyone else, they are working on themselves.

Then, there are the people who think that they will get close to me or have some control over me through my children and seek to form a relationship with them. That's rather problematical because my children have learned the hard way that a lot of people will pretend interest in them to get close to me. Therefore, they do a lot of "testing" to try to discover how sincere the individual really is.

At the same time, situations will arise where it looks like my kids are being attacked - or have been led into a trap - and the real object is me. That is, people who think they are operating on their own steam can be easily used as vectors and not even realize it. Like now, for instance, when I am not only exhausted from the past few weeks activities, but also am trying to recover from a nasty bug, AND have a killing workload that includes working on a whole lot of legal documents/issues which takes concentration.

It's a very stressful dynamic and we have all learned here in the family to rely on each other and, when any issue arises, to be totally open and forthcoming with ALL information and data so that the threat level can be assessed. Right now, I'd say the threat level is high... Orange, at least.

But I wasn't born yesterday. And I do have the Cs...
Wow....every time I think I have a clue about the horrors you guys go through daily it seems I'm not even close. :O
The symbolism of your dream sure does seem to fit Bo.....
I hope you are all doing ok.
RedFox said:
Wow....every time I think I have a clue about the horrors you guys go through daily it seems I'm not even close. :O
The symbolism of your dream sure does seem to fit Bo.....
I hope you are all doing ok.

exactly, i cant even imagine how difficult it must are all in my thoughts.
Laura said:
It's a very stressful dynamic and we have all learned here in the family to rely on each other and, when any issue arises, to be totally open and forthcoming with ALL information and data so that the threat level can be assessed. Right now, I'd say the threat level is high... Orange, at least.

But I wasn't born yesterday. And I do have the Cs...

Laura, you and yours are always in my heart and mind and hoping the threat level is not as dangerous as when you wrote the above.
I hope you are getting enough rest and feeling better. I await an update! Thank you with all of my heart, for all you do and give.
Holy! When I read this my jaw almost dropped! I had a vivid dream last night that woke me up in the middle of the night.

During the meeting, from what I remember, Laura seemed kind of out it, not as actively involved, and during the hugging portion, someone went up to her and wanted to kiss her on the neck. I didn't even think much about it until now, but the back of the neck is related to the knot where the C's say jealousy emanates from.

What woke me up was that another dream occurred where I was trying to flush a giant snake of poo that I pooped out and not all of it flushed and it came crashing through the glass. I took this as a sign of some release but having a lot more work to do.

But when I was making breakfast my mom said she woke to a terrifying dream where she said it felt like her heart almost exploded. Having to do with a number of trust and betrayal issues and a number of us in her life and some 'trigger' incident that set off a chain of events that lead up to me knowing about it but not saying anything which was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Laura said:
It's a very stressful dynamic and we have all learned here in the family to rely on each other and, when any issue arises, to be totally open and forthcoming with ALL information and data so that the threat level can be assessed. Right now, I'd say the threat level is high... Orange, at least.

Reading that I thought I would at least share this. Don't know if there is any connection. But this is what happened last night!

Mods note deleted invalid link.
My First 'Laura Dream'

Like Bo, I had a vivid dream last night that had Laura in it.

I dreamt that I hosted a large dinner party. (In real life I love to cook for friends and family and once made cioppino for ~50 people to celebrate my in-law's 50th anniversary.)
This party was the second one inwhich I had invited Laura and Ark, but I felt guilty in not being able to sit and talk with them at the first dinner party, so I made a point of going over to them, rather sheepishly, to apologize for not being a good host at the first one.

I was met with open arms and a huge outpouring of love came from not only Laura and Ark, but also from Laura's "sister" who was sitting on her left, and Ark was sitting across from Laura's sister, and who I thought to be Scotty in the dream, was sitting to the left of Ark. There was a presence sitting to the left of Scotty, but I couldn't see who it was.

Laura stopped me from speaking right away, and she and her "sister" said, "The fire is out. You are free."

Laura's "sister" was not what I expected her to look like. She seemed older than Laura, had below-shoulder length hair, was wearing shades of purple and blue, and she had spacings between her upper teeth. I got an energy from her that was a mixture of controlled insanity and deep mysticism. It strikes me now that she was a shaman.

It was a joyful experience, and it was a relief to be so welcomed by people I so admire.

In my waking state, as I was driving in to work, I realized that I made a strong connection between what Laura and her sister said, and to the reality of having not had any wine with my meals for the last 2 nights. I am making an effort to stop drinking wine and spirits, and I realize from looking at this dream, that the decision to stop drinking was made on a deeper level than my conscious mind.

I am just now beginning to become aware of the processes of thought that comes from the heart, or the efforts of the emotional center, making their presence known in my intellectual center.

In any case, I wish all of you at the Chateau the best of health and I send my best wishes to all of you.
Re: My First 'Laura Dream'

Wow that's really interesting, at least yours was positive :) It's funny everybody brings up a recent "Laura dream" cuz I had one too in the last few days. I only remember some of the details, but I know there was channeling of the C's involved and I remember either being in the room or reading the session on the forum (not sure which one, but there was a large group there with me, so I'm leaning towards the forum, or the session was done in the presence of all forum members, who knows, it's a dream), but the session included some sort of numerical code, the C's said something like "10, 100, 1000..." and then Laura asked the group about any ideas for what it could mean and what the rest of the code may be. I don't think we came up with a solid answer, but there was a lot of networking and thinking going on, and then I woke up. I'm sure there was more to it but that part really stuck in my mind.
Just a note that my daughter told me when I picked her up from school today that she's had bad dreams the last two nights that she can't remember, but she wakes up depressed from. I don't know if it could be related in any way, but there seem to be a lot of dreams going on right now so I thought I'd mention it for the record.
Wow! It seems a lot of us are having dreams.

Upon returning from my recent trip I was having a lot of dreams with many of the forum members. It mostly seemed like a lot of flashbacks or maybe even future events, who knows? Recently however my dreams have become a bit more disturbing. Two nights ago I had a dream that I was speaking with a particular member and all of a sudden Laura entered the picture and said "okay, say goodbye now". I remember having this feeling of heart break as the two of them went off into the distance. After that I saw group photos start to flash before my eyes but as they went by I would only notice that one particular member in each pic. It was quite sad but I thought maybe it just had to do with the fact that I miss you guys and maybe some more than others.

But then last night, same thing, different member! Speaking to them, Laura comes in, say goodbye and off into the distance they went. Photos started to slide by my vision with my focus only picking up that one particular member.

I just want to take a minute to say I hope everyone is okay and to remember to always stay vigilant especially with our alert status on high. :flowers:
I remember dreaming about Laura last night. I have not had a Cassiopaea related dream for at least a month or two. interesting coincidence. there was some strange scenes with laura. I was just an observer. one of the scenes was that laura was on the other side of the door that enters into my apartment, talking to someone. Another scene is that she was being interviewed by Kerry Cassidy in front of a purple archway in what looked to be a pumpkin patch. though there was lots of conversation going on I never heard any of it, and I was possibly 30 feet away in the interviewing scene. It's hard to place myself, that's a guess. There was no connected plot of my dreams really, I just woke up and recovered some of these images/scenes.
Woah. That's crazy Bo. Thank you for sharing it.

Good Vibes to all y'all at the Chateau, I can only imagine. :scared:
Well, from the number and variety of dreams, it seems that the "wave beaming" activity may have been ramped up and having a slightly different effect on different people though there are similarities in the basic scenario. I think the best thing to do in such cases is to gird up our loins and get to work doing whatever we can to advance our particular mode of service. AND, at the same time, keeping eyes open and expecting attack!
Uhm ok that may explain why Mrs Tigersoap and I have both fallen suddenly sick with a strong flu since monday.
I had a terrible dream last night where pieces of comets were falling to the ground and people were catching fire, psychopaths used the chaos around them to go on a killing spree... :|

Take care everyone.
Laura said:
Well, from the number and variety of dreams, it seems that the "wave beaming" activity may have been ramped up and having a slightly different effect on different people though there are similarities in the basic scenario. I think the best thing to do in such cases is to gird up our loins and get to work doing whatever we can to advance our particular mode of service. AND, at the same time, keeping eyes open and expecting attack!

Now we just need to print up a new line of T-shirts that read, "I joined the Cassiopaea forum and all I got was this lousy wave beaming" :P

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