Session 22 July 2000


FOTCM Member
July 22, 2000

Ark, Laura, Frank, LC, CF, AK, IT, SF, PC

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Vostorra.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: We have guests tonight, guys! You notice?

A: Really?? You're kidding, right?

Q: Actually, I wasn't. You are the one who is kidding.

A: Yes.

Q: (IT) Is quantum tunneling important?

A: Vague, dear.

Q: (IT) Why did that pop in my head while I was meditating on the subway?

A: Has to do with the concept of enclosure, combined with motion. The enclosure is a space defined by the visualization of the perceptor , more than an actual physical state.

Q: (IT) [Attempts to read back remark with some difficulty.]

A: Suggestion: try to inscribe letters without trying to break into words while writing. Otherwise, you will lose step!

Q: (IT) That's right! I'm trying to anticipate what they are going to say. (L) And the interesting thing about this exercise is, it conditions your mind to NOT anticipate!

A: Which is good, indeed.

Q: (IT) This visualization of a perception, more than an actual physical state, is it that I am perceiving something and trying to put it into words? What am I perceiving? What is quantum tunneling? I was trying to think about it and said "forget it! Nothing travels faster than the speed of light..."

A: You will know soon enough. As we have said before: learning is fun!

Q: (IT) So, I should take each step as it goes. Was I abducted?

A: You have had some experiences relating to ancestral occurrences, especially. We see two females in your "bloodline" who were unusually strong in a psychic sense, my dear!

Q: (IT) I don't know! (L) I guess that, for whatever reason, it was because of your bloodline. (IT) Was that the Scottish thing?

A: No.

Q: (IT) Maybe my mother. I don't want to ask all these things relating to personal issues, but now they've got me thinking! Does this have something to do with why my grandmother decided to just die?

A: Of course. You see the connections as you reflect.

Q: (IT) That is so right. I'm trying to think. My grandmother left because she couldn't handle it, maybe?

A: No. Your grandmother transitioned because it was her time. Others saw it less well-intentioned.

Q: (IT) I don't understand at all. Now I am totally confused.

A: She "left" at the correct juncture. But, other persons were less than pleased, therefore, casting a slight pall over the situation.

Q: (L) Were there people who made comments about the time and place of your grandmother's passing; did they make an issue of it?

A: Feelings, Laura.

Q: (IT) I know that my mother and my grandmother kind of had a reconciliation. My grandmother didn't raise my mother; there's a whole crazy issue there. I only saw my grandmother twice in my entire life. I saw her once when I was very young, then we moved here and she moved to the Bahamas. My mother and her had no relationship, and then suddenly - I don't know what happened, I think my grandfather died - and my mother decided to get to know her mother better. My grandmother came to visit us in New York, and everything went very well. That was the second time I saw her. She started communicating with my mother. She was supposed to come visit and we were waiting for the house to be finished before she came, but she died before she could come. I think my mother feels very guilty about it. It hit my mother very hard. She is still unable to deal with it. Anyway, I think my mother is psychic. She's probably the other psychic person. (L) What does all this have to do with whether or not IT was abducted?

A: We did not discuss abduction.

Q: (IT) But, this is the answer you gave when I asked about being abducted!

A: Yes. We gave the best answers on the current situation. Before one is prepared to hear about abductions, one must be properly conditioned. This includes proper level of awareness to the complex mechanical nature of abduction!

Q: (L) I guess that they want you to think about your bloodline, about your relationships, about all the related factors...

A: Okay, Laura, each student is on their own path.

Q: (IT) I agree. I never sensed an abduction, I never saw an UFO, so maybe I just should not be thinking about abduction...

A: Open mind.

Q: (IT) Maybe I am focusing too much on the wrong thing?

A: You are doing fine, but there is much more to come.

Q: (IT) So, whatever comes up, comes up. (LC) I'm really curious. I feel like all of us here have been drawn together for a reason. We had a hell of a time getting here, every one of us, but we did, and I'm just wondering what is this all about? Why did all of us feel so drawn that we just HAD to be here?

A: You are not wondering so much as you are seeking confirmation.

Q: (IT) You probably sense that we have a purpose together, or that we know each other at another level, and you just need confirmation... I don't know. Why do YOU think we are drawn together? (LC) I don't know. I just feel something powerful.

A: Every one here thinks on more than one level. This already puts everyone into a different category than the status quo. You all have quite well developed senses, a more difficult task is learning to trust the messages. Remember, you all have received negative programming at the third density level, which is designed to derail your higher psychic awareness. You by now know that this is false programming, but we realize that the subconscious centers are more difficult for you to overcome. Patience will pay off for you big time!!!

Q: (PC) This is my feeling about the whole thing: us coming together, the energy created by each of us being in each other's presence is a key; it's unlocking something that we agreed to come together at this time, though it may not be apparent now, it's going to be. That's the way I have felt about this whole thing. (IT) Yes. I HAD to come. No matter what. (PC) Yes. (LC) I guess I was wanting confirmation of WHY I felt I HAD to come! (L) And they are telling us that "patience will pay off big time!" They don't say that sort of thing often, and when they do, it really means something big. But, we can't have a clue, because if we start anticipating, we block it! [Laughter] If we just keep doing what is before us to do, things will keep happening to guide us. (F) The energy is this room is really powerful tonight, I notice. (PC) Yes. I just feel like crying. I'm tired, but energized. (IT) And I'm having so much trouble keeping up. I'm trying to listen to the letters one at a time... (L) And that's how we have to deal with this whole thing. It's sort of like listening to the letters one at a time. (LC) And my hand won't move until three letters after I hear one! It's so frustrating! It goes so fast. (A) What kind of programming do we all have? I know it's negative, but what kind in specific?

A: You receive programming daily from many sources, but the ultimate root is essentially the same.

Q: (IT) Yes, TV, cell phone towers, all of that, I guess...

A: Childhood training, etc.

Q: (IT) I was bombarded with religion when I was a child. I hated it. I tried to read the Bible from cover to cover, but by the time I got to Exodus, I knew that this was crap. I tried the Mormons. I didn't get past the second chapter because all of that was crap, too. I tried the Jehovah's Witness thing, and that was crap. I tried being an athiest, and that was crap. Everything that came to me, was crap. (L) Yep. We are in the doodoo for sure!

A: Yes, but the "doodoo" promotes powerful learning opportunities...

Q: (IT) That is SO true. I've been in the doodoo so many times before - and I'm STILL in the doodoo! (LC) Okay, another question, and this is a kind of selfish one I am thinking about...

A: Wait a minute, remember, your plane of existence is STS by its very nautre and that is okay, because you're all where you are for a reason... Now LC, fire away and be just as selfish as you please, dear. [Laughter]

Q: (LC) Well, if that's the case! I want to ask about past life relations between us. I'm sure there is.

A: Be specific.

Q: (IT) Do we all have some kind of past life connection?

A: IT is not LC.

Q: (L) It's LC's turn! [Laughter] (LC) But she put it so well! (L) But, they are trying to make you think here. (LC) Let me just parrot what IT said. Are there any specific past life connections between any of the women in this room?

A: Who?

Q: (LC) Well, let's start with Laura. Do I have a past life connection with Laura?

A: Before we answer that, we wish to hear from you what you perceive a past life circumstance to be.

Q: (IT) For some reason I feel a past life connection to SF. I feel like she was either a parent or someone who taught me a lot about me. I felt that just from reading her correspondence. What do you think? (LC) I don't know... the question didn't really form in my head until I got here...

A: How do you perceive the reincarnation process to be?

Q: (LC) I perceive it as you come back with people you choose to come back with, and that you choose people that you are karmically connected to. (IT) I see it a little bit differently than that...

A: Aha! We have a variance!

Q: (IT) I think that when we die and go to 5th density, that we make pacts with people in each incarnation, so when you come back, it is coming back to fulfill that pact. (LC) Yes, that is the way my line of thinking is going. But, when they asked that question, I was thinking that you have people you come back with because of closeness. Somebody may be your mother in one life, and there is a love bond, and then there are other people that you come back with because you have to resolve something to let go of that person rather than to get closer.

A: This is partially correct. But, there is more to it than this. For example, one can incarnate on various planes of existence, not just the one you perceive currently. And, one may actually reincarnate on more than one plane concurrently, if one is advanced enough to do this.

Q: (IT) You know, a psychic told me that I had two lives going on at once... (L) Are you suggesting that ...

A: Yes, we are!

Q: (L) I was thinking it, but they didn't let me finish. For the record, I was thinking that we are all part of the same soul unit here.

A: To an extent, but you may not yet understand what exactly a "soul unit" is in that sense. And of course, there is more than one sense for this as well. The "trick" that 3rd density STS life forms will learn, either prior to transition to 4th density, or at the exact juncture, is to think in absolutely limitless terms. The first and most solid step in this process is to not anticipate at all. This is most difficult for you. We understand this, but this as also why we keep reiterating this point. For example, imagine if one of your past lives is also a future life?

Q: (IT) There we have quantum tunnelling!

A: Yes.

Q: (IT) This has to do with past lives and future lives.

A: Yes.

Q: (IT) But somehow I can't put it together yet. I can't connect it.

A: You will. "All in due time, my pretty, all in due time."

Q: (L) That was a line from the Wizard of Oz! When Dorothy wanted to know where Toto was. (PC) Now, I just want to say that I think that we have all of us here traveled back in time to change the way things are now. We inserted ourselves into this time period to wake up and see what is really happening. This is 3rd density thinking, I know, but it is the only way I can describe it. We looked back on the way things happened, the way the world is now, and we have come back to change things. We have come from the future, to wake up now, because we didn't wake up before. (C) Maybe that's our "past life/future life" connection here? (PC) Right, we all agreed to insert ourselves in this time line.... (L) So, we ARE from the future... (PC) Because the world is going in this direction, and SOMETHING had to be done. That's what I see. (IT) Yes. We all decided to come back, but there was a strong possibility that we would not be able to wake up and link up. And that's why so many things happened to attempt to keep us from getting together. (PC) Not just that, things happen to keep us from waking up period! We've all been bombarded with stuff all our lives. (IT) Yes, and when we started waking up, and realized that we HAD to come together to "link" to DO whatever it is we are going to do, there has to be all kinds of things to prevent it - like Caroline's cats, even! [Laughter] (S) I would like to ask a question about synchronicity...

A: Wait a minute... someone said something a short while ago that is surprisingly close to the truth. Now just a moment... reflect please.

Q: (L) PC was saying that we have come back from the future and inserted ourselves into this timeline...

A: Yes. That is close to being totally correct!

Q: (L) In terms of reincarnation, that we were talking about a few minutes before that, we are possibly incarnations of ourselves incarnated at different levels. This just happens to be one of the levels of reality that we are occupying, but there are other selves at other levels thinking and doing other level stuff, and these other levels are perceived by us as the future...

A: Maybe for some of you, but let us not get ahead of ourselves.

Q: (PC) The C's say that they are US in the future. So, we, being THEM in the future, some of who they are in the future, have come back as us, to do what we are doing, to undo what is happening on Earth...

A: Close, but more complex than that. It would be difficult for you to completely understand at this point, but let us just say that you are close.

Q: (C) I wonder if we, living here, as we are now, are also living in all the densities, one through six, at the same time, so that some part of us now, understands some part of us at all the other levels. Like, I am a tree, I am the water, I am here in this body, and I am in other densities also?

A: No, not really, but a good effort!

Q: (A) Well, PC bingoed on what she said about coming back from the future. (IT) They said I should reflect, so maybe we should reflect on other things...

A: You should reflect upon all that is in the reflection!

Q: (L) Everything. What is the reason for the use of the term "reflection?" (A) We never have left our source of origin...

A: "Alice through the looking glass."

Q: (L) When she went through the mirror, she was in an alternate reality. (IT) Are we in an alternate reality?

A: Yup. But then again, are not all realities "alternate?"

Q: (IT) True, because the source is the REAL reality, everything else is alternate.

A: Pretty close, IT. You earn a silver star!

Q: (IT) You guys are hilarious! I like stars and I like silver.

A: Cool, yes, but the gold ones are even better!

Q: (IT) I was writing something in my journal about supernovae being steps toward the Big Bang, in the sense that each supernova represents a reflection of ourselves...

A: In a more physiological sense, supernovae present cosmic energies which "up the ante" of awareness, when one is in close enough proximity.

Q: (IT) Now, this supernova that happened in fairly recent times - the Cas A supernova of 1658, or thereabouts - does that have anything to do with our awareness thing going on right now?

A: It has some to do with this conduit.

Q: (IT) I had that feeling. I went back and read "Supernovae, Vehicle of Ascension?" Did whatever happen with that supernova , is it affecting us....

A: The more interesting question would be, what about the NEXT supernova?!?

Q: (IT) There is one coming up, and that's going to be the wave? Or...

A: No, no, no. No anticipation, please.

Q: (L) Well, that's pretty hard when you said "what about the NEXT one!"

A: Reflection, yes, but anticipation? No!

Q: (IT) We have to go back to this reflection thing because they keep sending us there. (C) One thing that was said awhile ago was that maybe we, as a group, have created some kind of energy or barrier. (PC) I think we are creating a possibility that would not have existed if we had NOT come together here.

A: Yes, but that is generally true in most similar circumstances. The question is the degree to which there is significance.

Q: (IT) How significant a possibility are we creating here now?

A: That is for you to see.

Q: (IT) So, we don't know. We sense something very important about changing the universe. (L) I think that it is also up to us, individually and as a group, to choose how we respond to the upcoming events. The saying "many are called, few are chosen" should be rephrased to say "Many are called, but few choose to answer the call." (PC) Everyone is called! (L) Yes. But so many succumb to the attacks, can't overcome the blocks and barriers, and choose to continue to view life in mundane, surface terms. When push comes to shove, how many really DO answer. It is a very subtle thing to read the signs and "see the unseen" in the morass of conflicting signals that the 3rd density reality sends to block our vision. (PC) Yes. Animals have an abundance of young in order that some will survive. I think there is an abundance of us so that some WILL wake up. The odds are against it, so there HAS to be an abundance of us that have come back for this reason. (S) The sea turtles. (PC) There is no guarantee that we would all wake up. (IT) Yes, and SOME of us could go back to sleep! (PC) Yes. (L) It is a constant danger to all of us. There was an interesting thing that a reader sent to me about the fact that there is a moment, a crucial point of choosing, and it is called in the Don Juan tradition "The Cry of the Eagle." A soul is called to choose a singular act that will change their life forever, and either they respond, or they don't. And, once the call has come, once the moment has come, if they don't choose, the call never comes again because the moment is gone forever. It's a soul summons. If they turn away from it, or think that it will come again, or that there will be other opportunities, then they are choosing to NOT respond, and it never comes again. Either you do it or you don't. (LC) And, of course, that is when the attacks really start!

A: No, LC, the attacks are ongoing.

Q: (IT) The attacks are always there, but it is just when you start to awaken you start to become aware of what they are and have the choice of perceiving the nature of them and choosing to overcome them, or to think that it is just stuff that happens, and you have to "go with it." or submit to the circumstances...

A: Yes. Awareness is the key; knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (IT) Yes, I could have just stayed home when we realized that our money wasn't going to be there as we planned. It was definitely an attack to prevent us from coming. (LC) Yes, the same thing happened to me. But, I had some money put aside that I called my "end of the world money." I had been saving it for a long time, and I told my husband I was going to use my "end of the world money." [Laughter] (IT) Yes. I was determined to come regardless. And then, at the airport, when I missed my flight, and it was possible that we might not get another flight... I was even thinking about AMTRAK, renting a car, whatever. (LC) Yeah! IT doesn't even drive, and she was gonna rent a car! (IT) Yes, that is the choice that we were all faced with: is it important enough?

A: Its the lack of awareness of the attack. But that is okay, as we all learn at our own pace.

Q: (LC) Well, Caroline didn't come because her cat was going to have kittens. (L) I suppose that the conduit might have been the vet? (LC) But, she also is in that situation where she has had clear warnings, but says that the astrology chart says this or that so that the energies aren't "right" to leave. (L) Well, that can be a form of attack to, to buy into all that stuff. Especially considering the timing and source of the information. But, let's change gears. I had a call from Vincent Bridges who informed me that the Wave series was really creating a stir. It seems that he has had a connection to this Dr. Hammond of the Greenbaum lecture fame, and also had a number of exchanges with Andrija Puharich, and it is Vincent's contention that the UFO phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and the many and varied other things we talk about and study and discuss, are a product of super advanced technological, human controlled mind-programming projects using the technology of Puharich and Tesla. Yes, it is supposed to be so advanced that they can not only read minds and can control minds, but that it is, in the end, merely human engineered programming. Is he, even in part, correct?

A: Well, there are elements of the phenomenon which may be connected to human, 3rd density STS engineering, but by and large, this is not the case.

Q: (L) He also said that it was his opinion, that the center of the web of all of this mind programming conspiracy, is in Tyler, Texas. Is that correct?

A: The what?!?

Q: (L) Well, what about the center of the human branch of the programming conspiracy?

A: We feel that Vincent needs to recharge his batteries a bit.

Q: (L) He also said that the area we are living is the center of a particular programming experiment, something like Nazi/Black magick cultists or something like that.

A: Better not to get too carried away. Remember, the root of all "negative" energies directed at 3rd density STS subjects, coming from 4th density, is essentially the same.

Q: (LC) Are we being currently monitored by 4th density STS?

A: You are always!

Q: (A) That's the helicopters.

A: That is more likely 3rd density. Suggest a review of the transcripts relating to the situation in Nazi Germany for better understanding here.

Q: (A) Is that why you can't leave Tyler...

A: We wish to review some things first. The concept of a "master race" put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.

Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a "vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak?

A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.

Q: (L) So, that is why they are programming and experimenting? And all these folks running around who some think are "programmed," could be individuals who are raising their nastiness levels high enough to accommodate the truly negative STS 4th density - sort of like walk-ins or something, only not nice ones?

A: You do not have very many of those present yet, but that was, and still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types.

Q: (A) And that's who are operating the helicopters?

A: Helicopters are STS 3rd density, no doubt influenced from 4th density STS.

Q: (A) Was that woman at the SCIONS meeting who kept interrupting one of those programmed individuals sent in as an agent of disruption?

A: Scatterbrain.

Q: (A) I want to know what is going on in East Texas! (L) Yes. Even if Vincent is not right about it being the center of the web, he says that the first phone call Hoover made after the Kennedy assassination was to somebody in Tyler, Texas...

A: One thing that is interesting about East Texas, or more specifically, Northeast Texas, is that the water is very heavily fluoridated. This makes one more susceptible to intense forms of ELF mind programming. There have been some experiments conducted in this area relating to this.

Q: (A) That's Extremely Low Frequencies?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) But the water tasted so GOOD! It was the best water I ever drank! I'm serious!

A: That is by design.

Q: (A) Oh, they're so tricky! I mean, you drink the water there and you just say "This is SO good!" And you want more and more!

A: If you wish to catch bees, are you going to use a net, or some honey, maybe??

Q: (A) That makes total sense. (IT) Does Brooklyn have this problem?

A: No, Brooklyn has other problems.

Q: (IT) Yes, Dwayne and I discussed how the kids in the neighborhood are just interested in their clothes and their music - they don't even ask or think about the questions of their reality.

A: There is something located under the "East New York" neighborhood...

Q: (L) Where are the ELF waves in East Texas generated from? (IT) So, what's going on in East New York? (L) Let's get finished with Texas first!

A: Centered in two generation points: Bryan/College Station, Secret government facility connected to NASA/NORAD and located in Fort Bend County west of Houston.

Q: (A) West Texas? All the way up there from Houston? (C) Bryan College is only about an hour away from us!

A: Satellites are used to concentrate the signal in a "bounce back" mode. Power station covers underground facility in East New York. Very unobtrusive looking. The healthiest borough to live in in New York City is the Bronx.

Q: (IT) Yes. I believe that. When I had that breakdown in 94 or 95, I was literally going crazy. Dwayne and I moved to the Bronx, but we ended up moving back because we got this house with my parents. But living in the Bronx was the best experience for me. It was so healing. (PC) I have something to say. I'm kind of frustrated right now. I feel that - and this is maybe my own anticipation - but I feel frustrated with the questions tonight because I feel that we are supposed to go somewhere ... (IT) Yeah, I feel that too... (PC) And I am feeling frustrated that this opportunity - which is a big deal for me - is not going where it is supposed to go. I feel that there is something we all need to know. What is that thing -what we all need to hear - since we are all here?

A: When you leave this grouping that you perceive as your immediate present, the layers will unfold more and more rapidly for you. Patience is the key, as all learning is a continuity... In other words, when new realities are revealed for you a week, a month, a year from now, and soon, as a result of these experiences, the value will be just as strong for you as it would be if it were all revealed for you tonight.

Q: (A) For me, just being here and making the connection is what is important. I don't feel let down at all. I didn't anticipate some sort of great revelation just because I'm here...

A: This is an ongoing process.

Q: (PC) Well, everybody is saying "don't anticipate!" But it is so very serious to me! I can't even think! I'm here for a reason. I'm not just here for a good time, though that is part of it. I just feel that being here, for me, is a monumental event in my life....

A: But did you expect the significance of it to all be resolved right now?

Q: (PC) No. But, I feel that I have missed something tonight. I feel that there was something I was supposed to say or ask and I haven't. (Ark) We always miss something! (PC) I feel like I am going to go home and think "I blew it" because I wasn't paying attention or something. There is too much commotion in the room and my mind is... I can't focus... (F) Well, it's like when you go to the grocery store, there is always something that you forget. (PC) Yeah. But if I'm going to the grocery store and forget something, it's no big deal. (IT) We can always meet again....

A: It is okay to feel this way, but do not be surprised if it all comes together when you least expect it.

Q: (PC) So, I was right. My physical presence here was the main thing. (L) Maybe it is like some sort of subliminal key?

A: You were given a key to put on your keychain!

Q: (L) So, there IS some sort of exchange going on here at levels we don't even understand. (LC) I want to go back to that question about the supernova. They said it was a more interesting question as to whether there was going to be another one...

A: Wait and see.

Q: (IT) Yes I have a long way to go and a lot of work to do just to understand what I need to know...

A: All of us have a long way to go, but getting there is half the fun. And on that note, good night.

End of Session
Laura said:
(L) I had a call from Vincent Bridges who informed me that the Wave series was really creating a stir. It seems that he has had a connection to this Dr. Hammond of the Greenbaum lecture fame, and also had a number of exchanges with Andrija Puharich, and it is Vincent's contention that the UFO phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and the many and varied other things we talk about and study and discuss, are a product of super advanced technological, human controlled mind-programming projects using the technology of Puharich and Tesla. Yes, it is supposed to be so advanced that they can not only read minds and can control minds, but that it is, in the end, merely human engineered programming. Is he, even in part, correct?
Did VB have connections with dr Hammond for real? Is there any information available about whether dr Hammond is a reliable source, or only is out to make a career on the Greenbaum claims?
Thanks for the session, very interresting as usual. The time travel topic always fascinated me, but it's a really mess when I try to put things in place, in order to understand what are the relations between reincarnation and "alternate" realities and time travel. And in the end, it became so confuse that I ended up thinking of "Timecop", with Jean-Claude Van Damme. That's not funny.
hithere said:
Laura said:
(L) I had a call from Vincent Bridges who informed me that the Wave series was really creating a stir. It seems that he has had a connection to this Dr. Hammond of the Greenbaum lecture fame, and also had a number of exchanges with Andrija Puharich, and it is Vincent's contention that the UFO phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and the many and varied other things we talk about and study and discuss, are a product of super advanced technological, human controlled mind-programming projects using the technology of Puharich and Tesla. Yes, it is supposed to be so advanced that they can not only read minds and can control minds, but that it is, in the end, merely human engineered programming. Is he, even in part, correct?
Did VB have connections with dr Hammond for real? Is there any information available about whether dr Hammond is a reliable source, or only is out to make a career on the Greenbaum claims?

Well, that was back when I thought VB was a decent sort of person and didn't know he was a pathological liar. I think we can discount those tidbits as more of his falsified bio. Notice that the Cs were not terribly impressed.
This is one of the most interesting sessions for sure. Thanks for sharing! :)

A: We wish to review some things first. The concept of a "master race" put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.

Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a "vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak?

A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.

It is so interesting to think that in hindsight, the C's were talking about the psychopaths. And that our FRV are so important. That is why the discovery and continuous knowledge input about such things is so vital to soul growth and uplifting/changing our FRV from STS.
A: You will. "All in due time, my pretty, all in due time."

Q: (L) That was a line from the Wizard of Oz! When Dorothy wanted to know where Toto was. (PC) Now, I just want to say that I think that we have all of us here traveled back in time to change the way things are now. We inserted ourselves into this time period to wake up and see what is really happening. This is 3rd density thinking, I know, but it is the only way I can describe it. We looked back on the way things happened, the way the world is now, and we have come back to change things. We have come from the future, to wake up now, because we didn't wake up before. (C) Maybe that's our "past life/future life" connection here? (PC) Right, we all agreed to insert ourselves in this time line.... (L) So, we ARE from the future... (PC) Because the world is going in this direction, and SOMETHING had to be done. That's what I see. (IT) Yes. We all decided to come back, but there was a strong possibility that we would not be able to wake up and link up. And that's why so many things happened to attempt to keep us from getting together. (PC) Not just that, things happen to keep us from waking up period! We've all been bombarded with stuff all our lives. (IT) Yes, and when we started waking up, and realized that we HAD to come together to "link" to DO whatever it is we are going to do, there has to be all kinds of things to prevent it - like Caroline's cats, even! [Laughter] (S) I would like to ask a question about synchronicity...

A: Wait a minute... someone said something a short while ago that is surprisingly close to the truth. Now just a moment... reflect please.

Q: (L) PC was saying that we have come back from the future and inserted ourselves into this timeline...

A: Yes. That is close to being totally correct!

If memory serves me right, the C's did mention that 4D STS tend to go back in time in order to change their past and do this by inserting themselves in a previous timeline thereby creating an alternate reality or also just by interfering with past events. This resembles to what has been discussed in this session. The C's did say that once we transition to 4D, time travel will be a common occurrence. But I guess it could be something different altogether.
Q: (PC) The C's say that they are US in the future. So, we, being THEM in the future, some of who they are in the future, have come back as us, to do what we are doing, to undo what is happening on Earth...

A: Close, but more complex than that. It would be difficult for you to completely understand at this point, but let us just say that you are close.
If it helps, the way I understand it is: when in expanded consciousness we occupy past, present and future simultaneously, as in 4d.
Time is measure of intensity. An intense experience in the Now presents itself on a sine wave as peaks along a continuum extending pre-causally into the past and proto-causally into the future.

Lets say: Past is potential, Future is probability; then Time is just a semantic device to describe from which perspective we are looking at Now. We occupy the experience is where it is most intense, called Now, which is any point on the timeline we fix our attention.

Perception collapses waves into particles of matter, creating what we call reality. This is attended by the creation of its own self-consistent fractal history. Consequently any moment we occupy creates a unique timeline, determined by the quality of the experience. This quality reflects our growth as determined by how we process catalyst. Catalyst stimulates experience. If I were able to recall being at all points in time and space continuously, I'd already be in 4d right now.
Q: (A) I want to know what is going on in East Texas! (L) Yes. Even if Vincent is not right about it being the center of the web, he says that the first phone call Hoover made after the Kennedy assassination was to somebody in Tyler, Texas...

A: One thing that is interesting about East Texas, or more specifically, Northeast Texas, is that the water is very heavily fluoridated. This makes one more susceptible to intense forms of ELF mind programming. There have been some experiments conducted in this area relating to this.
Samsung is building a $17B fabrication plant making AI chips.
Q: Well, the question still is, if ten people think they see a UFO, and three don't, DO the three non-believers see a UFO
This Q is from a previous session or two. I came across this recently. One of three particpants did not recall seeing the UFO. It's easy enough if one blinks, turns their head, depending on their free will. They also might deny seeing it because of the stigma.

On a fundamental level it takes enhanced energy to recall an event discarded by the conscius mind but stored in the subconscious. Who remembers all their abductions? Were you allways lucid? It takes moar energy to process a higher frequency by translating it into a lower harmonic. Getting the person to recall the stored encoded event may be a function of how much energy they have to process the subconscous, unprocessed memory into a describable experience.

I can recall some events, but lately I am aware of episodes of blacking out during dreams which gently concearn me (mind you, they were not lucid dreams). I believed I had demonstrated a good track record of remaing lucid during superluminal events. Is it Samadhi. the nurturing black void? I've dabbled at the periphery. I suspect my spirit simply did not have the cash to integrate the experience, sustain the memory by maintaining the energy in that state to provide spontanious lucid awareness or recall. Theres a profound supression of intellect of our habitual daily awareness, requiring a different mechanism to remain aware. Perhaps it is a state which intersects through all realities, and I cannot sustain or translate that thought in 3d. Laura's been there and lived to tell about it I think.
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