Need help with burned esophagus



4 days ago I burned my esophagus and top of the stomach by having undiluted magnesium citrate with a sip of tea. I have always drank it diluted in water, but this time in a rush I decided differently and it seems that it triggered a reaction similar to drinking pure acid. Now the damage is done.

The doctors don't seem to know what to advice me except for taking medicine to reduce stomach acid. This seems to be a situation they have not yet seen. They are not sure of what to so, neither am I, hence my post.

My esophagus and top of stomach feel incredibly painful, and whenever I eat (I'm on a liquid diet) it sets for an hour of pain, where the stomach gases rise up through the congested esophagus. I'm considering not eating at all for the next days and just having water, but I'm not sure whether this would be wise. On the one hand not eating might exacerbate stomach acidity (and I'm getting thinner by the minute), on the other hand eating, even if just liquid food, is very, very painful and I wonder whether it isn't irritating the esophagus even more. Any insights are welcomed.

I can't lie down, for some reason it makes everything worse. My guess is because the stomach juices raise up, but I don't really know. It doesn't seem to be getting better which is worrying me.

Also, any ideas on what could I take to protect/coat the walls of the esophagus would be greatly appreciated.

My partner suggested for me to take some supplements to at least get some nutrients in, but I'm not sure whether it wouldn't be too much for my stomach to digest :huh:
Hi Gertrudes,

What come to my mind immediately is Smecta but I don't know if outside France it's distributed under the same name. This is a powder wich act as a dressing for the stomach.

Otherwise bicarbonate or perhaps aspirin.

DMSO diluted in water and sipped slowly. It's great for healing burns and reducing pain, swelling, inflammation.
Also DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) which gives a protective layer to the lining, it boosts the production of mucin, a natural compound that coats and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines.
Ellipse said:
What come to my mind immediately is Smecta but I don't know if outside France it's distributed under the same name. This is a powder wich act as a dressing for the stomach.

I'm taking something prescribed by the doctor that is probably similar. In UK it's called Gaviscone but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be doing anything :(

Laura said:
DMSO diluted in water and sipped slowly. It's great for healing burns and reducing pain, swelling, inflammation.

I just ordered it. That was actually one of the first things I thought of when this first happened, but I put the thought aside.
It will take a couple of days to reach me though.

Psyche said:
Also DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) which gives a protective layer to the lining, it boosts the production of mucin, a natural compound that coats and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Are capsules ok?
Gertrudes said:
Psyche said:
Also DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) which gives a protective layer to the lining, it boosts the production of mucin, a natural compound that coats and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Are capsules ok?

I think chewable tablets or capsules are better. Make sure it doesn't have aspartame, some do as I recently discovered. I think that the one from Now company is sweetened with xylitol. It is a good thing to have in your medical cabinet, in case someone has a bad reflux.

I hope the DMSO will arrive soon.

Take care.
Pure aloe juice perhaps? It is sold in American health food stores but I am not sure about elsewhere. One could always just buy a plant or two.
Psyche said:
Gertrudes said:
Psyche said:
Also DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) which gives a protective layer to the lining, it boosts the production of mucin, a natural compound that coats and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Are capsules ok?

I think chewable tablets or capsules are better. Make sure it doesn't have aspartame, some do as I recently discovered. I think that the one from Now company is sweetened with xylitol. It is a good thing to have in your medical cabinet, in case someone has a bad reflux.

I hope the DMSO will arrive soon.

Take care.

I found one from Enzymatic therapy sold in the United Kindom that doesn't have aspartame, but has sorbitol. It also has magnesium stereate, but the one from Now Foods also has it, so I went for Enzymatic therapy since I need to get it FAST.

DMSO will take 4 to 5 days. I thought many times that I should just get it for any event, but under tight finances I kept deciding to postpone it. This is a lesson on how to always have at hand things that might prove urgent and crucial to have, health is a priority over everything else!

Patience said:
Pure aloe juice perhaps? It is sold in American health food stores but I am not sure about elsewhere. One could always just buy a plant or two.

Will look it up Patiente. Thanks for the tip.

Many thanks for the advices!
Gertrudes said:
I found one from Enzymatic therapy sold in the United Kindom that doesn't have aspartame, but has sorbitol. It also has magnesium stereate, but the one from Now Foods also has it, so I went for Enzymatic therapy since I need to get it FAST.

I was wrong, Enzymatic therapy's DGL will take nearly a month. Found another one online on a shop in London. My partner will get it for me tomorrow. Bonus is, only added ingredients are: Silica, vegetable cellulose, purified water
This reading address a case with the same problem as you. Even if the root of the problem is perhaps different you can try a similar treatment if you have someone to do it:


GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them:
EC: Yes, we find there are disturbances here. These have to do with some very unusual happenings with this body. These arise from an injury received by the body at the cardiac portion of the stomach, and this pressure produced upon the esophagus itself has caused in throat and in portions of the esophagus those disturbances whenever the body attempts to swallow.
In the main the physical forces of the body are very good, but this irritation - and it appears more in the area of the trachea and bronchi - causes pains at times at the esophagus or cardiac portion of the stomach and the end of the esophagus.
As we find here, the relaxings of the body or through suggestions made as to almost hypnotize the body will help. This should be done by the power of suggestion at the same time that applications would be made for magnetic healing. This may be done by the very close associates of the body:
Place the right hand (of the one making these applications) on the back, opposite the pit or the cardiac portion of the stomach, and the left hand over the cardiac portion of stomach. Hold for three to four minutes. This should be directly on the body, not through the clothing. At the same time there should be those suggestions for the increasing of the flow of blood, the increasing of the flow of nerve forces, as to the relieve these tensions that have been produced there.
These forms or manners will be much preferable to attempting to use counter-irritants with any form of plaster, mustard plaster or musterole or minute rub or any of those combinations where mustard or other characters of counter irritants are used.
It will be well that this be done at least once each day for at least fifteen to eighteen days.
After this is done, do have corrections made in that area of the 6th dorsal, the 3rd cervical.
And do change the diets so that greater quantities of raw, green vegetables are taken.
Do these, setting up or giving better eliminations, and we will correct these conditions.
Ready for questions.
(Q) What should be done for the trouble in my head?
(A) This is mostly reflex. The adjustments made osteopathically in the upper dorsal and throughout the cervical, head and neck will relieve these tensions that are left after the corrections are made through the magnetic and suggestive treatments.
(Q) Will these treatments also correct trouble in my left side?
(A) They will.
(Q) Will these treatments also correct trouble in my circulation?
(A) Do these things indicated. The circulation is that that is disordered. Do these and we will bring better conditions for this body.
We are through with this reading.
Hi Gertrudes.....I keep a jar of raw honey for burns and sore throats. Not sure how well it would work in your circumstance but is easy to test.

Gertrudes said:
4 days ago I burned my esophagus and top of the stomach by having undiluted magnesium citrate with a sip of tea. I have always drank it diluted in water, but this time in a rush I decided differently and it seems that it triggered a reaction similar to drinking pure acid...
Ow! I am sorry to hear that. I don't know anything additional to suggest for treatment, but there might be something else to consider. I had a mishap with hot tea a couple of weeks ago, though fortunately not involving magnesium citrate -- I was taking something else, I forget what. The tea burned all the way down, and I felt parts of me that I had never felt before, but it seems to have healed without complications. I haven't had any more tea, yet. The problem for me was multitasking and "morning rush." One lesson from this is to never use a hot liquid to swallow anything else.

Like others here I have made many life changes over a short span of time, and one of the bigger changes has been to eliminate nearly all processed foods. That means preparing every meal (either just before eating or in advance), and that takes time that it seems like I don't have. (And EE takes time, as does the FIR blanket, and other things as well.) So there is yet another thing to learn -- how to choose the most important activities and somehow make them all fit, without rushing and making dangerous mistakes.

By the way, another potential danger for some people could be "knife safety." I have been cooking and using knives for many years, but I was never properly taught. I learned basic knife skills from a short "hands on" cooking class I took last month (at Whole Foods Market), and my vegetable and meat chopping is both safer and faster now.
They sell slippery elm bark lozenges in herb stores in the US. I think the supplier is called Thayers. It coats mucus membranes and is very healing to both the throat and stomach.
Gertrudes said:
DMSO will take 4 to 5 days.

If you wanted to try to get ahold of it sooner (which means buying another bottle, but sounds like it might be a good idea), it looks like you can sometimes buy it directly from a veterinarian (particularly one that specializes in horses, where DMSO use seems to be rather commonplace). Searching for something like "horse veterinarians" in your town might bring up some hits if you wanted to try to pursue this. You might have to say that you're buying it for your horse, though.

Patience said:
Pure aloe juice perhaps? It is sold in American health food stores but I am not sure about elsewhere. One could always just buy a plant or two.

I can vouch for aloe -- it grows abundantly where I live, I have it in my garden, and I've used it for both external burns and cuts as well as taking the juice internally. There's something about it here. I've also read about it being combined with chamomile tea, which helps to prevent stomach acidity.

opossum said:
They sell slippery elm bark lozenges in herb stores in the US. I think the supplier is called Thayers. It coats mucus membranes and is very healing to both the throat and stomach.

The same is also supposed to be true for marshmallow root (they both contain mucilage, which is thought to coat and soothe the lining of the esophagus).

Also, your GP may have already gone over this, but just in case:

Occasionally an injured esophagus can develop a hole, causing sudden worsening of chest pain, shortness of breath or fever. Report these symptoms to your doctor immediately, because bacteria from your digestive tract can contaminate your chest cavity and cause a serious infection.
opossum said:
They sell slippery elm bark lozenges in herb stores in the US. I think the supplier is called Thayers. It coats mucus membranes and is very healing to both the throat and stomach.

I actually have slippery elm, so will start taking it. Thanks opossum.

Shijing said:
If you wanted to try to get ahold of it sooner (which means buying another bottle, but sounds like it might be a good idea), it looks like you can sometimes buy it directly from a veterinarian (particularly one that specializes in horses, where DMSO use seems to be rather commonplace). Searching for something like "horse veterinarians" in your town might bring up some hits if you wanted to try to pursue this. You might have to say that you're buying it for your horse, though.

Many thanks Shijing. I don't really care about buying another bottle at the moment, I really need this now.

Shijing said:
Also, your GP may have already gone over this, but just in case:

Occasionally an injured esophagus can develop a hole, causing sudden worsening of chest pain, shortness of breath or fever. Report these symptoms to your doctor immediately, because bacteria from your digestive tract can contaminate your chest cavity and cause a serious infection.

That's what's really worrying me. I have all the symptoms, although they are not getting worse. Fever is lower today and I can take slightly deeper breaths. But the chest is still hurting as much as it did a couple of days ago, and moving, ANY movement is very difficult.

They took an x ray to my chest at the hospital and the doctor concluded that there were no holes. However, when I told this to my GP he raised his eyebrow and asked: "how on earth could he see whether you had holes in your esophagus with an x ray?" So I have been worried since then.
I am going to the hospital again today. I'll ask them to do a proper test (they have to insert a tube through my esophagus as described by my GP).
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