Dreaming of the Fellowship


Jedi Council Member
Has anyone else experienced dreams where various members of this forum/group and/or the Fellowship were present?

I have had quite a number of them now, starting with one of the very first sessions of E/E.

Most prominent has been Laura and Andromeda, a few times each and in some instances both in one dream, but also dreams of members that only seemed to be a "thought" or "signature" if that makes sense, rather than an image. What I mean are dreams with messages from people on this forum according to their avatar, though I may not know who that avatar is in real life.

Just the other night was a dream where I was traveling with Perceval, we were in a car, he was driving, the car felt familiar but in its image was unlike any I've owned and we arrived at a large government type building. Kind of a fancy, schmancy corporate high-rise type building. We had an appointment with someone, though I cannot recall with who. Anyways our credentials were checked, or asked for, as we sat out in the lobby and I remember quite definitely seeing him present his passport whereas I presented a series of old government ID's. We were allowed access at this point, but that is about all I recall of the dream.

Over the years and knowing various people I have always been a fairly persistent dreamer. My understanding of what dreams may symbolize or mean has changed over the years as well and so I am not implying that any type of real meetings have taken place with any of the dreams where I felt the presence of someone or other from this forum.

Perhaps it is subconscious signals only from my mind meant to make hints, perhaps it is nothing but thought patterns, I dunno. Just thought I would share. Oh, I should also add that I have not met anyone from this forum in real life, so that seems a bit strange too, as in the past I used to dream quite frequently of people I knew.

With the exception of a few dreams concerning various celebrities at times ya'll are the only people I've ever dreamt of whom I've never met!


with kind regards.
It is interesting you mention this, for I did have a dream a few nights ago where I 'met' several members of either the forum or fellowship.

There was a 3 story building, and as the dream began I was outside the building, at night time. I "knew" in the dream that this was a building which was officially recognized, or used by, folks common to these forums. I was about to go inside, and then suddenly I paused, and started second guessing myself. Who was inside? Was I allowed to enter without more advance knowledge? Was anybody already inside?

Before I could answer these questions, a young (perhaps same age as me, early 30s) female arrived, who had clearly been here before. We acknowledged each other, and I followed her in. Upon arriving on the third floor, there were about 12-18 other members already assembled. Someone asked me what my forum name was, another female. I replied in full, and the person's face immediately turned to...I'm not sure what exactly, but red and flustered, and it immediately made me very self conscious. At this point, other members started asking me why I was so self-conscious, and this only made me withdraw more, and I believe my face turned quite red as well. The meeting continued nonetheless, and I was glad to have joined, if for no other reason than to have faced my fear of showing myself in person to the group. Everyone started to assure me that there was nothing to actually be ashamed of, to lighten up and relax, etc.

Fwiw, the next night I had a dream about Laura (only the second I've ever had) and we were in an environment quite similar to Florida (or my few memories of the state anyhow). We were in a kitchen of a house, and she was explaining something to me (don't remember what at all). I do remember what happened next - she offered me and a friend of mine some jello-like substance from a container in the refrigerator, to eat. One spoonful. She then explained that when the proper voltage was applied to said 'jello' it would actually become luminescent (glow in the dark), though this did not necessarily relate to its edible qualities.

It was all quite strange, and the dreams followed the recent swamp posts I made, so I wrote them off as pertaining to those topics. The meeting of the group was pretty neat though, despite the embarrassment I seemed to feel within the dream. I have also not met any members of these forums in real life. But I have dreamt of people I've never met before, though it was never clear who those people were (usually quite interesting ones tho!).

I've also dreamed about various forum members.

I think there are quite a few possibilities as to the reasons for dreaming of forum members.
One thing to consider would be that we're spending time with each other here, be it by discussing with each other or simply reading what others write. So I think this makes it not especially unusual to be dreaming of forum members even if no meeting has ever taken place.
Another thing to consider is that dreaming of another member would be nothing else but representing parts of ourselves, chosen by subconsious because of some association/characterization we've made with someone. For example, when I dream of Laura, she's always teaching something or being a guide in a situation.
I think what could also come into play is that the more emotional importance we feel for the group, the more likely we are to dream of other members.
Also, there was this one session with the C's, who were commenting on the member's progress with EE, saying that connections are being formed between forum members.
So I personally think that in a way we are meeting each other here daily, thus it's pretty natural to be dreaming of other members.
Puzzle said:
I've also dreamed about various forum members.

I think there are quite a few possibilities as to the reasons for dreaming of forum members.
One thing to consider would be that we're spending time with each other here, be it by discussing with each other or simply reading what others write. So I think this makes it not especially unusual to be dreaming of forum members even if no meeting has ever taken place.
Another thing to consider is that dreaming of another member would be nothing else but representing parts of ourselves, chosen by subconsious because of some association/characterization we've made with someone. For example, when I dream of Laura, she's always teaching something or being a guide in a situation.
I think what could also come into play is that the more emotional importance we feel for the group, the more likely we are to dream of other members.
Also, there was this one session with the C's, who were commenting on the member's progress with EE, saying that connections are being formed between forum members.
So I personally think that in a way we are meeting each other here daily, thus it's pretty natural to be dreaming of other members.

FWIW, I would tend to agree with this assessment. Even though we don't know each other personally, as Puzzle says we spend time with each other here, so it makes sense that we would dream about each other in different ways, just like we dream about other things in our lives. I have also had dreams involving "forum members" even though I haven't met anyone in person. I usually try to look at the emotions involved and the situation and how this could relate to my life situation. For instance I have had dreams where "Laura" is angry with me, or disapproving in some way, which could relate to my need for approval, my need to please and my feelings of inadequacy. I've had dreams where I am with a group of forum members and we are working together and I am leading in some way, possibly relating to my need to be accepted, to fit in, and to feel important.

If the dream was a message to me, what would that message be? Is the dream encouraging me to open further? Is it warning me of danger?

I tend to go through periods where I have more intense dreams and there are more dreams that I can remember. I find it helpful to write them down when I wake up. Even if I don't understand what the dream was about right then, I can go back to them later and sometimes they make more sense to me. You might find this helpful, or you might not.

These threads might be helpful
Dreams and how you interpret them _http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=20602.0
Dream Work _http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=17503.45
This may be helpful too. :)

Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

And, from a Fourth Way perspective,
Approaching Infinity said:
… Basically, in the deepest (i.e. normal) sleep, there are no dreams. Most dreams are left over energy from one or several of the centers, and the dream content reflects this. Vaysse lists three normal kinds of dreams: associative (reactive/mechanical), compensatory (emotional), and symbolic (higher emotional). (Also telepathic, prophetic, etc.)

So … it's important to know if the dream is actually symbolic and not either of the former options. And even then, your higher self will speak in symbols specific for you, ...

To help you in your dream interpretation – of what is subjective, unique to you, and whether you recognize the images or not (and they are in you and pertain to you; they are aspects arising in your-self) - here are some questions to ask your-self. They may help, or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is ‘§§§’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know §§§), what is ‘§§§’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘§§§’ mean to you? What kind of person might you consider ‘§§§’ to be like?

What is ‘§§§’ like in your dream? What is ‘§§§’ doing in your dream?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘§§§’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘§§§’?

Ask similar questions about ‘an X friend’.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

What does the ‘§§§dreamobj§§§’ mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

What is the ‘§§§dreamobj§§§’ like in your dream? How do you feel about it?

Does ‘§’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Ask similar questions about ‘§§§’.

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

Rooms suggest areas of concern – living = daily living; bed = private, tranquillity, sex, refreshment, etc; basement/attic = concerns or values, unconscious, forgotten, rejected

Water is about emotions and spirit of life

Shoes represent footing, quality of understanding

Cars represent the physical body or ways of getting around in life – personality, drive, ambition, etc.

Death usually implies part of self is losing influence in life/died, unconscious within.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.
Puzzle said:

Another thing to consider is that dreaming of another member would be nothing else but representing parts of ourselves, chosen by subconsious because of some association/characterization we've made with someone. For example, when I dream of Laura, she's always teaching something or being a guide in a situation.
I think what could also come into play is that the more emotional importance we feel for the group, the more likely we are to dream of other members.

I had a couple of dreams this year with forum members –apparently-. In them and after waking up, I refer them as forum members, but their physical appearance its quite different -or so I had think, I hadn't meet them in person/photo, except for Laura and Ark, I do not give too much importance for one part because it is due to a mixed of my subconscious ingredients –as mentioned above, and at the other part I recall them easily because they had affected me somehow, for I had awoke … anxious? And I do think about them … well they had been more like nightmares …

Thanks Trevrizent for the questionnaire, it will be of help in trying to understand much better my dreams.


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