Session 13 Feb 2011


FOTCM Member
Session Date: February 13th 2011

Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, Galaxia, Psyche, Mr. Scott, Burma Jones, PoB, Atriedes

The remote microphone was not working so we spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong. We finally gave up and just used the internal mic of the tape recorder.

Q: (L) Hello?

A: Finally!! Project Frustrated Mic complete.

Q: (L) Hello. Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Soinorqa

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea/Leo.

Q: (L) Okay. (Ark) Question 1: Gravity. There is a man by the name of Harold Puthoff. And this Harold Puthoff invented a new kind of gravity which is based on the idea that there is a thing called physical vacuum. He did not really invent it, but he propagated it and developed it. (L) Who invented it? (Ark) Probably 19th century. But the main idea is that gravity is an effect of what we call permeability of the vacuum; electric and magnetic. So this way we can have a kind of unified field theory also. And I would like to know whether the main idea about gravity being based on flat space and time, and that all gravity is in the properties like this permeability of the physical vacuum, whether this idea is going in the correct direction?

A: Not even wrong.

Q: (Ark) But I like this idea! (laughter) It fits my own idea. Is my own idea also not even wrong?

A: If you think that gravity is an effect.

Q: (Ark) Alright, that's enough for first question. I was badly beaten. Back to the drawing board. Second question concerning space and time: Sometime ago, we have been told that Einstein's idea of space-time is not the correct one, and that we should go back to some other ideas. Now these other ideas are that space and time of Galileo when we have absolute time - time is distinguished and it's absolute. Before that, there was the idea of Kant. For Kant, there was separate space and time - absolute space, and absolute time. And I am thinking that maybe the correct idea is the third one, which is to have absolute space but not absolute time. Am I on to something?

A: Getting close.

Q: (Ark) What should I do to get even closer? Anything?

A: Remember that time does not exist except as a perception.

Q: (Ark) Alright, I will remember. I am done. (Andromeda) Okay, first on our list is the bird, fish, and animal die-offs. Are they related to each other?

A: Some are; some are not.

Q: (Perceval) The claim by the Department of Agriculture - or whatever it is - where they claimed that they killed some birds - some starlings - was that a lie?

A: They did.

Q: (L) That's just some starlings. (Perceval) It's just strange that they're killing starlings at a time when these other die-offs are happening, ya know? (Andromeda) Well, what killed the birds in Arkansas on New Year's Eve?

A: Overhead explosion.

Q: (Ailen) So some animals may be just dying because of that. (L) I think you'd almost have to go through a list of each incident. There are so many different causes, and some could be related to earth changes, some could be coincidental, some could be deliberate obfuscation and confusion of the matter...

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) I can end those questions then. Number 2: Did the sun actually rise two days early in Greenland?

A: No.

Q: (Andromeda) Did Psyche feel an earthquake... (L) Don't we want to ask what happened?? (Andromeda) I suppose! (laughter) (L) I mean, just moving right along, there! (Andromeda) Well, it's a list! (laughter) (L) I want to know why people thought that the sun came over the horizon two days earlier in Greenland than it has in years past?

A: Change in atmospheric density and temperature plus dust loading. But be aware that the planet's spin and orbit are being modified.

Q: (L) When you say, "being modified", modified by what?

A: Approach of companion.

Q: (L) Is that what is leading to all of the... it seems like there is a whole lot of electrical phenomenon. Ya know, they keep trying to blame it on the sun is doing this, the sun is doing that. But the thing is that the sun is not really that active considering that we are moving into a solar maximum. Compared to previous solar maximums?! They make a big deal about small clusters, small sunspots, as though it's some kind of crazy or unusual thing. They're really, relatively speaking, small and insignificant compared to past sun cycles. And I remember quite a few sun cycles. But something definitely seems to be making a current flow in the solar system. Is that what we're looking at here, this approach of the companion? Is that the cause?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ark) Why astronomers are not perceiving this changes of planetary orbits?

A: McCanney has a good explanation. Similar to the reasons for the "accidental" evolution meme in other branches of science.

Q: (L) And that reason is?

A: Necessity of control or the illusion of same. Slow and steady doncha know?!?

Q: (L) So in other words, the inability to open their minds to the electrical nature of the universe is tied in to the older cosmologies where everything was at least... (Ark) No, but I was asking why astronomers were not seeing these changes. And there was no answer to this question. (Burma Jones) I think the idea was that McCanney's explanation was that NASA hides it. (Ark) But it's not just NASA. There are probably thousands of observatories. Amateur astronomers. (L) That's not how you asked your question. You says why can't they... (Ark) No, I didn't say "can't". I said why astronomers are not seeing this changes. (L) Well, that's not the same as asking... (Burma Jones) Well, amateur astronomers must have seen this. (Ark) Somebody must have seen it, and there are thousands of amateurs. (L) Well, that's not the way I understood your question. I understood that you were asking why... (Ark) Okay, so let me ask a further question: Why thousands of astronomers, professionals and amateurs, are not seeing the planetary orbits changing?

A: These changes are miniscule but significant nonetheless. The instruments that are capable of measuring are tightly controlled.

Q: (L) Next. (Andromeda) Did Psyche feel an earthquake last night?

A: No.

Q: (Galaxia) Was it a personal earthquake?

A: No.

Q: (Galaxia) Okay, what was it please?

A: Breaking of the dimensional barrier.

Q: (Andromeda) Did the house really shake?

A: Yes.

Q: (Mr. Scott) So what caused the dimensional barrier to break?

A: That is happening a lot lately. The wave approaches.

Q: (Mr. Scott) Alright then. (Galaxia) I have a question. They mentioned us having powers in 4 D and being able to hear colors. Is one of these powers being able to taste music?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Next question. (Andromeda) Will Comet Elenin interact with and cause a major disruption of earth this year?

A: Possible yes.

Q: (Perceval) It's probably not possible to know exactly when. (L) Yeah, I think it depends on the conditions of the planet and so many other variables. It hasn't even gone through the asteroid belt yet. That traversal... The asteroid belt is between Jupiter and Mars, and it won't go through that until March and April. And of course that means it still has to pass Jupiter. (Ark) It has already passed. (L) It passed Jupiter? You're sure? (Ark) Yes, I was looking yesterday. (L) Okay. So, it's past Jupiter so they can have a better idea of the orbit, but it still has to go through the asteroid belt, and that's a crap shoot. (Andromeda) We'll have to ask closer to the time. The thing is that...

A: Elenin is already taking its toll.

Q: (Perceval) How big is it?

A: 500km diameter along the long axis.

Q: (Perceval) At least it's not Venus...

A: It is growing.

Q: [discussion of answer] (L) Anything else about it?

A: And that is only the core.

Q: (Psyche) Yeah, and the tail... (Andromeda) Anything else on Elenin? (Perceval) We'll have to wait and see? (Psyche) Are we going to see a return of the Black Death?

A: Extremely likely.

Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.

A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.

Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"

A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.

Q: (L) A clue to the genetic profile?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) Oh, interesting. [everyone lights a cigarette and starts laughing] (Psyche) Everybody lights up! I feel like smoking! (laughter)

A: It is not just aliens that don't like to eat people that smoke! But from a certain perspective the viruses that cause such illnesses as the Black Death are "alien".

Q: (Belibaste) So it means that aliens like the Black Death virus because they don't like people that smoke? (L) What? (Psyche) No, you should read the article in the next issue of The Dot Connector magazine: "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection". (L) If you look at it from a 4th density perspective, when something like the Black Death comes and there is global suffering - and when you read about it, the Black Death is just horrible - but if there was such suffering on our planet from something like that, 4D STS would be getting a rich feast of suffering which is what they feed on. So, an alien virus would be interactive with 4D reality by providing its food.

A: Close enough!

Q: (Andromeda) When will this start? (Atriedes) That's kind of a prediction... (laughter) (Galaxia) Soon, or long term?

A: 18 months to 2 years.

Q: (L) In other words, if Elenin or something else has something like that in its tail, and the earth goes through the tail, it can still take a year or so for it to precipitate onto the earth?

A: Yes

Q: (Galaxia) Will colloidal silver help us fight the plague?

A: Not alone, but very helpful.

Q: (Galaxia) Will our dietary changes help us fight it off?

A: Enormously!!! Especially fat consumption for cell protection.

Q: (Ark) What kind of cookies are especially good? (laughter)

A: Shortbread!

Q: (Andromeda) With coconut oil?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Is the outburst of asteroid 596 Scheila related at all to Comet Elenin?

A: Yes. And other bodies. See McCanney.

Q: (Andromeda) So what caused that asteroid to become a comet?

A: It became electrified!

Q: (Perceval) I just thought of something... That explosion in the Scottish forest a couple of months ago, was that a meteorite impact?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Was the comet storm the sun went through recently the first big raindrops before the storm, or just an aberration?

A: Neither as put. Part of building storm but when the "big raindrops" come there will be no mistaking it!

Q: (L) So, it was the way the question was framed. I would say if they were "big raindrops" they would be falling on earth. (Andromeda) Are any of the predicted supernova expected to manifest in the next two years?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Do we want to ask anything else about that? Has Betelgeuse already gone supernova?

A: No.

Q: (Ark) What you mean already? Already when? (L) Like in the past so that we would soon be likely to see it. (Ark) Well, if it went in the past so that we would see it, we would see it, which means it didn't yet went off. (Andromeda) Well, doesn't it take time from the time it goes supernova? (Ark) How many? Like 3000 years. (L) Right, so that's what she means.

A: Who said Betelgeuse was going to go?

Q: (Andromeda) There was an article on SOTT. (Perceval) Oh yeah, but they said that we might see Betelgeuse go maybe this year or the next million years. (laughter) (L) They said that? (Perceval) Something long term like that, yeah. But they framed it in terms of how there might be two suns this year, and then down at the bottom, "could be this year, could be in a thousand years..." or whatever. (L) What's next? (Andromeda) Were the protests in Egypt orchestrated by the US and Israel?

A: No, but once started they certainly put their team in position. Global revolution is desired by them exactly as Reed described.

Q: (L) Douglas Reed? As in “The Controversy of Zion”?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) So that leads to the next question: How close are the Zionists to fulfilling their biblical end time scenario?

A: They expect things to ripen within two years.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible that it's a preparation for a war of some description in the Middle East with Israel vs. the Arabs?

A: Possible but not likely as you imagine it.

Q: (L) I think he's imagining that they're really adversarial. The people are being made to be adversarial, but I think the powers in control even in the Arab world are all in cahoots. (Perceval) I was thinking in terms of basically where there would be a major conflagration in the Middle East and the Jews and the Palestinians and everybody would be destroyed. They would set scene where there would be a sort of pan-Arab nationalism that would turn against Israel... (L) Yeah, I think that's really possible, but they think they're going to be able to do a controlled burn and I think it's going to get out of control in ways they don't suspect.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Israel is a country that's full of the most concentrated bunch of psychopaths probably on the entire planet, and they certainly don't want to destroy their own kind. But they do want to destroy the Arabs. (Perceval) And in their hubris, they may end up destroying themselves. (L) Well, that's usually what they do. Lobaczewski said that the germ doesn't understand that it's going to be killed and destroyed and burned along with the death of the body it's infecting. And I also think that they don't take into account real earth changes. It's not that they can't think about preparing for some of these things, because obviously some of them do and they are preparing. But they don't seem to have this ability to really understand... they're able to plan for something that's going to happen, like if scientists tell them there's going to be some kind of comet or whatever, they can build some seed bank. Okay, so they can do that. But they're not ABLE to understand the implications and outcome of an action they're taking right now as an immediate response to something that they think is going to turn a certain way. They think that what they're going to do is totally rational - it's like game theory. They've found that game theory doesn't work on everybody! I think it's like Lobaczewski said: they're trying to fish out all of these people who are going to respond the way they think they are, and then they are repeatedly disappointed that so few actually do when push comes to shove. In real human beings, something responds in them. (Perceval) So, they can't imagine how normal human beings could react when their backs are against the wall and they're in a real state of chaos. (Ailen) Or if there's a real food shortage. (Perceval) They've never been there really, what they're planning for.
(L) Okay, what's next?
(Andromeda) Why have crop circles suddenly appeared in Indonesia?

A: The wave cometh. Crop circles are a sort of grace offered to those slated for ultimate destruction. Why do you think so many have appeared in England? Those that receive such gifts and do not take their messages into their hearts will damn themselves and their own descendants to oblivion.

Q: (L) Somebody's been offering them grace over the years, and they've rejected it again and again. They get these crazy people to go out there and fake them, make fun of them... I mean, the universe is talking to these people and the farmers go out and mow them down!

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can you imagine? The universe, the cosmos – fer gawd’s sake - speaks to you and all you're worried about is that your crop got messed up! It is so incredible to even conceive of it. (Ailen) But why mostly in England and not in other countries? (L) Well, they've appeared in other places, but the thing is that it's been mostly assigned to England. England is like the financial center of the world, where all the people came from who have dominated the planet. The whole "Western Civilization" thing... And what did they say? It's a warning to them and their descendants. And where are their descendants? All over the planet!

A: Yes. Exactly!

Q: (Andromeda) Is a massive worldwide thinning of the veil responsible for a lot of the high strangeness experienced recently? Well, we already know that.

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) What was the horse and rider apparition that was seen in Egypt?

A: Thinning of the veil.

Q: (Belibaste) But this knight, what was the meaning? Was it a ghost, a creature, was it fighting with the Egyptian people? (Perceval) It looked like an apparition of...

A: Saladin.

Q: (Belibaste) The knight or prince... the Arab fighter. (Perceval) It was on a bridge, over water. (Andromeda) What about the UFO in Jerusalem?

A: Same.

Q: (Perceval) The thing that we thought was a comet over Kazakhstan, was it a rocket from the Russians as reported?

A: No.

Q: (Perceval) Was it a comet?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) It looked like a comet from what we know about comets.

A: Fragment. Expect a lot of the "rocket launch" excuses. If it was really a "rocket launch" they would have been able to announce it in advance.

Q: (Perceval) According to the two people who recorded the UFO over Jerusalem and the comet, they seemed to happen at very close to the same time. Was there any connection between the two?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) What was the connection?

A: Thinning of the veil. Electrical phenomena can do that.

Q: (Perceval) Would the UFO that was there normally not have been visible, but was seen because of the thinning of the veil?

A: More or less. The electric charges also can affect human perception.

Q: (Andromeda) Was the thinning of the veil also responsible for the UFO some people saw at PaleoFest?

A: Oh indeed! But here the reason was a network enhancement of perception.

Q: (Andromeda) What's up with the cracked airplane windows that have been showing up in the news?

A: Electrical charges have many effects. By the way, that is the reason for some of the animal deaths: electrical discharges.

Q: (Belibaste) Because there's more dust between the ionosphere and the surface of the earth. (Galaxia) Is that also why I've been getting shocked by electrical equipment recently? (L) Could be.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is that electrical discharges from the sun, or...

A: Sheets of rain, or dust plus electricity. Snow too.

Q: (Andromeda) Have chemicals from the Gulf oil spill reached the coast of Europe and the UK?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Are they having physical effects on people already?

A: Not noticeable. As long as you don't eat the bottom fish.

Q: (Andromeda) Are veggies not really good for us as we have begun to suspect from our research?

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Why?

A: Every living thing has a protective life preserving mechanism. For animals it is their ability to run and hide or fight. For living things that do not have those capacities nature has still not abandoned them.

Q: (Ailen) Basically lectins... (Psyche) And anti-nutrients. (Ailen) Geez... between that and the low-fat propaganda, most people are dead.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible for us to get all of our nutrients from animals without taking supplements?

A: It would be better if they were "wild fed" but you are able to figure this out.

Q: (Andromeda) Are we heading in the right direction with the change in SOTT's focus?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is there anything that we should've asked that we didn't ask? Consider it asked, and give me the answer! (laughter) I’m tired.

A: Right!!!! Sweet dreams! Goodbye.

Thanks for posting that. You guys are really working to get this stuff out. Thanks again. :)
Thank you for the new session !

Wow...Black death, comets, magnetic changes, crop circles...I should be scared somehow but I am more excited than anything else !!
Thanks to all at the chateau for the session.

Q: (Andromeda) Are veggies not really good for us as we have begun to suspect from our research?

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Why?

A: Every living thing has a protective life preserving mechanism. For animals it is their ability to run and hide or fight. For living things that do not have those capacities nature has still not abandoned them.

Q: (Ailen) Basically lectins... (Psyche) And anti-nutrients. (Ailen) Geez... between that and the low-fat propaganda, most people are dead.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible for us to get all of our nutrients from animals without taking supplements?

A: It would be better if they were "wild fed" but you are able to figure this out.

I saw the black death in a dream last month so I'm not surprise that it will reappear but geez, it is still hard to accept. Just a few days ago I was discussing it with my wife, told her to be prepare to face the massive death because of the plague and all that it imply for the survivor. The living will envy the death, I told her, but we will do what we will do.

Forget to ask my question, is wild fed mean wild game or is grass fed included in it. I may by a bow after all and see if I still got the marksmen ship.
(Psyche) Are we going to see a return of the Black Death?

A: Extremely likely.

Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.

A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.

Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"

A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.

Q: (L) A clue to the genetic profile?

Fascinating! Great session - thank you!

Concerning the Black Death, I've been reading about an essential oil remedy called Thieves oil, which reportedly was used in the fourteenth century by a group of thieves to successfully protect themselves from the bubonic plague when they robbed the bodies. The remedy, consisting of cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary is supposedly very effective against airborne bacteria. It's claimed to be antiviral, anti bacterial, and antiseptic. I wonder if this would be a good thing to have on hand as well as plenty of tobacco.
THANK YOU. Tis enjoyable to accumulate possibilities while "watching" what does happen. If I do "see" a big rock falling & I'm at ground zero... Will I Fear? Or Will I say "That Figures, and enjoy my last cigarette???
Thanks for the new session :flowers:

Tigersoap said:
Thank you for the new session !

Wow...Black death, comets, magnetic changes, crop circles...I should be scared somehow but I am more excited than anything else !!

Me too.....which I find pretty odd....especially given the potential for mass death/suffering :(
I guess this is what having a front row seat is all about?
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