Jewish Rabbi Explains Why Baby Penis Is To Be Sucked


Jedi Master
Maybe this topic is better under Psychopathy...

A friend just posted this video on facebook along with the comment below. What a disturbing and disgusting "religious" ritual:

- Jewish Rabbi Explains Why Baby Penis Is To Be Sucked

The mezizah, the ancient Talmudic practice of sucking the blood from the baby's penis with the mouth of the mohel, is practiced still today, and the purpose of which is to get high off the DMT and adrenalin in the blood of the child caused by the massive trauma of the circumcision - the REAL reason for this mutilation - an ancient blood rite and sacrifice. It's a predatory practice, not un-similar to or distant from pedophilia, that the child has no say so over - against his will, and very often causes sexually transmitted diseases with these orthodox rabbis sucking the cock, most often syphilis, and sometimes even causing the loss of the penis itself. The mezizah is one of Judaism's greatest secrets...

More info on this hideous ancient sex rite here: _

That is so disturbing. :shock:

Anybody who practices that has got an awful lot of questions to ask themselves, the most primary one being "Is my religion sick or what?".

What with the paedophiles running rampant and unchecked in the catholic church, and some pretty sick reports I recall reading a few years back in the Jewish Chronicle, old monotheism is finally revealing itself to be a filthy den of raving perverts. But of course it is an increasingly evident epidemic afflicting our society. Sick, sick minds, if you can call what is in their heads minds at all, that is.

People like this should never be allowed near children, full stop. So creepy. :shock:
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