Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Current Updates From Arnie Gundersen, from FAIRWINDSASSOCIATES

Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it mean & why does it happen?

Update from Gundersen on Robert Knight's Five O'Clock Shadow - WBAI, New York-Audio November 14, 2011

Update From Gundersen on If You Love This Planet With Dr. Hellen Caldicott-Audio November 14, 2011

Information You Tube from Ground Zero:
tokyobrowntabby's Channel, and Website: http://torajiyama.blog.fc2.com/ :日本語で

Fukushima - This Used to Be My Playground Nov 26, 2011

Life in the Deathzone (by German WDR-TV, Oct. 18 & 24, 2011): In der Deutsch Sprache
Here is new You tube presentation of the 2011 earthquakes begin with 2011 January 01 at 00:00
Kaigen said:
Here is new You tube presentation of the 2011 earthquakes begin with 2011 January 01 at 00:00

that's simply unbelievable !
16699 earthquakes in Japan this year (and the year is not over yet).
are there any stats from past years for comparison ?

the explosion of earthquakes after the 9.0 is terrifying...
Pashalis said:
Kaigen said:
Here is new You tube presentation of the 2011 earthquakes begin with 2011 January 01 at 00:00

that's simply unbelievable !
16699 earthquakes in Japan this year (and the year is not over yet).
are there any stats from past years for comparison ?

the explosion of earthquakes after the 9.0 is terrifying...

I didn't found any jet but similar World presentation is from year 2004, just to see how it increased in the time.

Kaigen said:
Pashalis said:
Kaigen said:
Here is new You tube presentation of the 2011 earthquakes begin with 2011 January 01 at 00:00

that's simply unbelievable !
16699 earthquakes in Japan this year (and the year is not over yet).
are there any stats from past years for comparison ?

the explosion of earthquakes after the 9.0 is terrifying...

I didn't found any jet but similar World presentation is from year 2004, just to see how it increased in the time.


that one is not from Japan it depicts the whole world as far as I can see

PS: upps you said World I didn't saw that
Recent News:

December 4th http://the-news.jp/archives/8406
"Demonstrations are also held in suburbs. Old people, handicap people, and everyone can express their will in their commnity."

December 5th http://the-news.jp/archives/8419
[Occupy the Ministry of Economy] Stop nuclear power. Desperate women held a sit-in outside the Ministry of Economy for ten months and ten days. (=the duration of ptrgnancy, but traditional calculation)

December 8th http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Asia/Story/STIStory_741766.html
"Japan baby formula Meiji Step shows radiation contamination "
The mainstream media has reporting the contamination in food one by one: tea, rice, beef ..and now baby's formula.

December 10th http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20111209p2a00m0na038000c.html
Massive signature campaign on nuclear power launched in Tokyo, Osaka

December 11th http://the-news.jp/archives/8515
"Nuclear power protest against 8 electric companies in Tokyo. The new year comes and people are still in fear." -1000 people demonstrated in Tokyo.
I just saw this today's Japan top news. This is one of the major lies that we hear in the century, I was so shocked that my mind became a blank for a minute. :O

Noda's declaration on Fukushima met with cynicism

Noda's declaration on Fukushima met with cynicism Fukushima nuclear accident AFP


Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s announcement Friday that Japan finally had control of leaking reactors at Fukushima was met with criticism from various quarters.

In a live press conference, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told the country the crippled reactors “have reached a state of cold shutdown.”

Stabilization of the reactors, whose molten cores spewed radioactive particles into the air and sea, marks the end of what the government has dubbed “Step Two” of the nuclear clean-up.

The initial success of “Step One”—the stable cooling of reactors and used fuel pools—was announced in July, after the quake-triggered tsunami pummelled the plant on March 11 and laid waste to much of the northeast coast.

“Today we have reached a major turning point with regard to the nuclear accident,” said the prime minister.

Yuhei Sato, the governor of Fukushima prefecture, who has been an outspoken critic of Tokyo’s response to the disaster, said the cold shutdown changed little.

“I wish this was a new step toward helping evacuated residents go home. But there is no change in that. There is a long and rocky road ahead toward the resolution of the accident,” he said.

Takashi Sawada, vice chairman of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, a pro-nuclear group of academics and industry specialists, said Noda’s declaration of cold shutdown was not a dramatic shift.

Sawada stressed that the use of the term “cold shutdown” did not indicate that all four disaster-hit reactors were now completely normal.

Environmental campaign group Greenpeace dismissed the announcement as a “smokescreen”.

“By triumphantly declaring a cold shutdown, the Japanese authorities are clearly anxious to give the impression that the crisis has come to an end, which is clearly not the case,” said Junichi Sato, executive director of Greenpeace Japan.

“Instead of creating a PR smokescreen… the government’s priority should be to ensure public safety and begin the shutdown of all nuclear reactors in Japan.”

“The ongoing radiological threat posed by the Fukushima nuclear disaster remains enormous.”

Akira Yamaguchi, a nuclear physicist at Osaka University, said that the government’s definition of cold shutdown is disputable.

“But what’s most important right now is that there aren’t any massive radiation leaks any more,” he said.

Putting longer-term issues aside, he warned that much of the backup equipment installed at the plant since the crisis began is makeshift and may break down. He said winter cold could test their strength.

“A turning point was to have successfully established a circulation system for cooling water,” said Kazuhiko Kudo, a nuclear reactor expert and professor at Kyushu University in Fukuoka.

“But the circulation system is not a proper one for nuclear reactors and is still a stop-gap measure,” Kudo said.

“The system in Fukushima, which is placed outside the reactor and connected with long pipes, is quite unstable,” he added. “It is necessary to further improve the system as quickly as possible.”

With ongoing fears of high radiation levels, workers have since battled to maintain the cooling system so that reactor water temperatures remain below 100 degrees centigrade (212 Fahrenheit)—a condition necessary for Friday’s “cold shutdown” declaration.

One of the major challenges TEPCO will face in the longer term is the removal of spent fuel from containment vessels.

“Removing fuel is quite challenging as the status of the fuel rods has yet to be confirmed,” Kudo said.

One option under consideration is the possible covering of reactors with outer shells, a measure technicians hope will prevent further radioactive release.

The construction of wave barriers to guard against the effects of another tsunami in geologically unstable Japan is also a key priority, as is the containment—and eventual disposal—of contaminated water.

“Cooling water itself is still seeping out through cracks into underground water, which is eventually leaking into the sea,” said Tetsunari Iida, director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, an anti-nuclear body.

“We now need to worry about different isotopes, such as strontium, which are more water soluble and could contaminate the marine food chain,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal wrote: “There can be few firm declarations about the plant’s status. Daiichi’s reactors are littered with debris. Many measurement and control systems are on the blink. Radiation levels are too high for people to get close to the reactors, leaving engineers and scientists to make important judgments using computer simulations, scattered bits of data and guesses.

The New York Times said that Noda’s declaration was out of touch with reality.

Also Goshi Hosono:Minister of Environment and Nuclear Accident announced to close TEPCO's press interview that has been held everyday since the accident. He said some people in media suggested him to halt the interview at this point.
Here is Arnie Gundersen's December 14th address.

Fukushima - Could it Have a China Syndrome?

Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen discusses whether the accidents at Fukushima were a meltdown, a melt-through, or a China Syndrome. Whatever the accidents are named, thousands of tons of water contaminated with plutonium, uranium, and other very toxic radioactive isotopes are flooding the site, the surrounding water table, and the ocean.


December 14, 2011
[view transcript]
Links, to more current information, and assessments to the on going issues that face the Japanese people, and the world from the continuing nuclear fallout from 3-12-11.

nuclear news from japan

Current front page topics as of JANUARY 27, 2012






A past article (via YouTube user AluminumStudios), from the site. OCTOBER 24, 2011

Also, "The Fukushima Timeline Project"

Our goal is to create a dynamic database of information that readers can access, filter, and export with as much information as required.

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster was one of the top news stories of 2011, and has generated an enormous stockpile of information, spread throughout the internet. The Fukushima Timeline Project is an attempt to collect and incorporate this data into a growing pool of information, and processing it to incorporate it seamlessly through many visual aids

Enfromable Nuclear News

Mission Statement:
Enformable is focused on providing critical information about energy related topics for readers around the world.

The functional goal of the project is to provide a user-friendly public resource, complete with database of supporting research materials and data.
c.a. said:
Here is another link, the "FUKUSHIMA UPDATE " with more current information, and assessments to the on going issues that face Japanese people, and the world from the continuing nuclear fallout from 3-12-11.

nuclear news from japan


Thanks c.a. for the updates. Noted the one above - article is by James Corbett January 26, 2012

Hot on the heels of news that the Japanese government somehow lost its records of its early meetings on the Fukushima disaster comes a leak of a document we previously reported on that outlined a worst-case scenario for the nuclear meltdown that included the evacuation of Tokyo.

The leaked report was obtained by the Associated Press earlier this week and details the recommendations of a team of nuclear experts who concluded “we can not rule out further developments that may lead to an unpredictable situation” and urged the government to prepare for the need to evacuate as many as 35 million people from a region that included Tokyo and its suburbs. Last year, then-Japanese PM Naoto Kan was quoted as saying that the report represented “a crucial moment when I wasn’t sure whether Japan could continue to function as a state.” Ultimately, he rejected the plan outright and publicly proclaimed that there was no need to prepare for evacuations because it would cause too much chaos.

Lost amidst the leak of this report, however, is the strange drama that unfolded earlier this week when NHK reported that the government’s taskforce on the nuclear disaster “did not keep any records of its meetings after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster.” As of the writing of this article, the original NHK report has been scrubbed from their website but parts of it have been preserved by the invaluable ENEnews.com.

According to Trade Minister Yukio Edano, no records were kept of the earliest top level meetings that occurred in the immediate wake of the disaster. The admission has stunned onlookers on all sides, with Kenji Sumita, a professor of nuclear engineering at Osaka University saying “It is inconceivable that there were no records kept. It may have been difficult to keep official logs during the extreme confusion after the crisis, but they could have taken simple memos.” Meanwhile, one Fukushima worker has been reported as tweeting that they do have the records, but are simply hiding them.

The missing minutes came to light after NHK requested the documents under Japanese law, but only received tables of contents for meetings after 3/12/2011, with nothing being supplied from the meeting on 3/11/2011.

The meetings included discussions of evacuations, decontamination guidelines, food testing requirements and other such items. “It is truly regrettable that records of the task force’s meetings were not consistently kept,” Edano told reporters earlier this week.
From the FDA............... :pinocchio: :nuts: :pinocchio:

Radiation Safety

New and Updated Information
Updated - As of February 8th, FDA import investigators had performed 30, 405 field examinations for radionuclide contamination. FDA had tested 1250 samples, 192 which were seafood or seafood products. 1249 samples had no Iodine-131, Cesium-134, Cesium-137, or other gamma-ray emitting radionuclides of concern. 1 sample was found to contain detectable levels of Cesium, but was below the established Derived Intervention Level (DIL) and posed no public health concern.

How will water contaminated with radioactive materials affect seafood safety?
FDA does not anticipate any public health effect on seafood safety. This is due to a number of factors:

Little or no harvesting of fish is taking place in the area around the reactor. The initial earthquake and tsunami caused significant damage to fishing vessels and dock areas prior to the release of radiation. Additionally, many of the remaining ocean-worthy vessels are being used for recovery missions. Because of this, fishing is not a priority at this time.

Water acts as both a shield and a diluent. :pinocchio: Airborne radioactive particles settle on the surface of the water. The volume of water between particles and fish absorbs radiation, “shielding” the fish.:nuts: In the case of a direct release into the sea, the amount of water in the ocean rapidly dilutes and disperses the radiation to negligible levels.

Some radioactive isotopes rapidly decay. The half life of I-131 is about eight days. That means that the level of radiation drops by half every eight days. :umm: This process is called “radioactive decay.” This drop in the level of radiation means that the level does not stay constant through the lifetime of the fish. While Cesium isotopes have longer half-lives (Cs-134 has a half-life of about two years, Cs-137 a longer half-life of about 30 years), the radionuclides also undergo biological excretion and do not continue to build up in fish forever. :pinocchio:

FDA and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are screening all imported food from Japan. Fish harvested in Japan undergo the same screening for radiation when they arrive in the U.S. as other food products from Japan. This means that whole shipping containers are screened by CBP. FDA field staff also conduct field examinations. They carry hand-held equipment that detects radiation. If the detectors indicate radiation above background levels, FDA samples and tests the shipment to determine the amount of radiation
. :pinocchio:
There are so many distortion's to what they say they are doing here, as to what they are really actually doing, obviously.

Anthony Gucciardi background:

Anthony Gucciardi, Co-Founder, Editor, Investigative Journalist

Anthony is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide. A health activist and researcher, Anthony’s goal is centered around informing the public as to how they can use natural methods to revolutionize their health, as well as exploring the behind the scenes activity of the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA.

Articles featured on top health & political websites read by millions worldwide
Special reports writer for #2 alternative health website NaturalNews
On-call health expert for nationally syndicated radio shows
Author of hundreds of articles on natural & alternative health, political analysis, and finance
Co-founder of Shatter Limits Health Guidance

Anthony Gucciardi discusses the effects of the Fukushima disaster on the Power Hour with Joyce Riley from February 16, 2012.

Inside the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (1/4) - YouTube

Inside the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (2/4) - YouTube

Inside the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (3/4) - YouTube

Inside the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (4/4) - YouTube

Fishing industry in Japan : Zoambo --------Sorry this site is loaded with annoying pop up adds.

Al Jazeer: Video Credit
Fukuashima poses long-term threat to ocean ecosystem.
During the peak of Ukraine's Chernobyl cataclysm of 1986, the Black Sea was registering 1,000 becquerels per cubic metre of water; this appears miniscule in comparison to nuclear levels at Fukushima's peak recorded at 100,000 becquerels.
New Madrid Fault Line Earthquakes and Dangers of Nuclear Power Plants :Feb 24, 2012-Uploaded by NotForSale2NWO

You can listen to the full interview here
This is a great article showing the cooperation of organized crime, corporations, & governments. It's not the first, and it really isn't surprising ie Afghanistan and drugs, Franklin Scandal, etc.
Tepco has long been a scandal-ridden company, caught time and time again covering up data on safety lapses at their power plants, or doctoring film footage which showed fissures in pipes. How was the company able to get away with such long-standing behaviour? According to an explosive book recently published in Japan, they owe it to what the author, Tomohiko Suzuki, calls “Japan’s nuclear mafia… A conglomeration of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, the shady nuclear industry, their lobbyists…” And at the centre of it all stands Japan’s actual mafia: the yakuza.
Where have we heard of that before. sigh
It might surprise the Western reader that gangsters are involved in Japan’s nuclear industry and even more that they would risk their lives in a nuclear crisis. But the yakuza roots in Japanese society are very deep. In fact, they were some of the first responders after the earthquake, providing food and supplies to the devastated area and patrolling the streets to make sure no looting occurred.


As the scale of the catastrophe at Fukushima became apparent, many workers fled the scene. To contain the nuclear meltdown, a handful of workers stayed behind, being exposed to large amounts of radiation: the so-called “Fukushima Fifty”. Among this heroic group, according to Suzuki, were several members of the yakuza.

The yakuza are not a secret society in Japan. The government tacitly recognises their existence, and they are classified, designated and regulated. Yakuza make their money from extortion, blackmail, construction, real estate, collection services, financial market manipulation, protection rackets, fraud and a labyrinth of front companies including labour dispatch services and private detective agencies. They do the work that no one else will do or find the workers for jobs no one wants.

“Almost all nuclear power plants that are built in Japan are built taking the risk that the workers may well be exposed to large amounts of radiation,” says Suzuki. “That they will get sick, they will die early, or they will die on the job. And the people bringing the workers to the plants and also doing the construction are often yakuza.” Suzuki says he’s met over 1,000 yakuza in his career as an investigative journalist and former editor of yakuza fanzines. For his book, The Yakuza and the Nuclear Industry, Suzuki went undercover at Fukushima to find first-hand evidence of the long-rumoured ties between the nuclear industry and the yakuza. First he documents how remarkably easy it was to become a nuclear worker at Fukushima after the meltdown. After signing up with a legitimate company providing labour, he entered the plant armed only with a wristwatch with a hidden camera. Working there over several months, he quickly found yakuza-supplied labour, and many former yakuza working on site themselves.

Suzuki discovered evidence of Tepco subcontractors paying yakuza front companies to obtain lucrative construction contracts; of money destined for construction work flying into yakuza accounts; and of politicians and media being paid to look the other way. More shocking, perhaps, were the conditions he says he found inside the plant.

His fellow workers, found Suzuki, were a motley crew of homeless, chronically unemployed Japanese men, former yakuza, debtors who owed money to the yakuza, and the mentally handicapped. Suzuki claims the regular employees at the plant were often given better radiation suits than the yakuza recruits. (Tepco has admitted that there was a shortage of equipment in the disaster’s early days.) The regular employees were allowed to pass through sophisticated radiation monitors while the temporary labourers were simply given hand rods to monitor their radiation exposure.
Did you catch that "former yakuza" it's like being a "former mafia member" or better yet a "former CIA/MI5&6, mossad, etc agent"
A former yakuza boss tells me that his group has “always” been involved in recruiting labourers for the nuclear industry. “It’s dirty, dangerous work,” he says, “and the only people who will do it are homeless, yakuza, or people so badly in debt that they see no other way to pay it off.” Suzuki found people who’d been threatened into working at Fukushima, but others who’d volunteered. Why? “Of course, if it was a matter of dying today or tomorrow they wouldn’t work there,” he explains. “It’s because it could take 10 years or more for someone to possibly die of radiation excess. It’s like Russian roulette. If you owe enough money to the yakuza, working at a nuclear plant is a safer bet. Wouldn’t you rather take a chance at dying 10 years later than being stabbed to death now?” (Suzuki’s own feeling was that the effects of low-level radiation are still unknown and that, as a drinker and smoker, he’s probably no more likely to get cancer than he was before.)

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-in/9084151/How-the-Yakuza-went-nuclear.html

Needless to say, the pathocracy is everywhere working for their own benefit which of course means the detriment of the entire earth and it's inhabitants. sigh.
It’s one year anniversary from 3.11 accidents and I would like to add something to this recent article about Japan.


Unfortunately, the Japanese media did not broadcast to validate or criticize about the accident at all even once throughout the year. Instead, the media were complicit in hiding the facts and objective situations, focused solely on the reconstructions of the economy and infrastructure after the disaster.
At the same time, it is sad to see that words and experiences of people are not heard or talked much about for Fukushima in particular.

The disaster of situations in Japan is the beyond belief as the same way as the great tragedy that has happened throughout the world history. Honestly, I think that no one has any idea of how bad things are the effect from the accident on the world at large; no one has ever experienced this kind of accident in a life time. And I do think that the situation is no surprise -terrible- than the most people imagine. It is not only from considering the fact that the amount of radiation has been released from the sight hasn’t changed since in May last year, and the immeasurable amount of toxins has been spread all over the world, but also top elites in Japan has done really good job to confuse people, keep letting things as go by and create misfortunes one after the other.

In Fukushima, the place where foreign journalists and reporters come in wearing masks and protective clothing, children are still living a normal life without those protections.
However, as normal as it may seem, if someone talks about TEPCO or the accident in Fukushima, the most people would say “the subject gets in the way of reconstruction of the city…” "It makes us just depressed…", so a lot of people are anxious but not much opportunity to express their true feelings and to frighten to be judged to think that they are different. (I think the situation encourages by the habits of its people.)

Moreover, if somebody evacuates from the area, rest of the people tell them that they are “Anti-Fukushima”. And if a child wears a mask, he/she is called “mask-man” and is called a fool and laughed at.


Tokyo looks normal and not much different but behind the scenes, the situation is still chaotic. People are still saving “electricity” (which is promoted or threatened by the government=TEPCO so that they can keep nuclear plants, and apparently a lot of people are still buying it.) I talk to my mother and she has been reporting me the situation about Tokyo every week. Nowadays, she says to me that the amount of the aftershocks has been increasing, and the mainstream media reports over and over again to claim people to be ready and get protection for the next massive earthquake in Tokyo, which can happen apparently within 4 years. (In the last year, the media was keep reporting that it was going to happen within 30 years.)

My mother said to me that “Another major earthquake can happen at any time now. We are getting daily aftershocks and it sometimes makes me feeling unwell. I can feel that something is bubbling beneath the ground as if it starts boiling. And I hear a rumbling of the ground! “

I was hoping to visit Japan in the summer, I am not sure if it is going to happen. My mother also said to me that I should not come back and definitely better to stay where I am now, if it is possible in any way I can.
I feel sorry every day and the sadness for the accident and the result of the world we live in.
Everytime I think about my family, I remember the danger of country is holding. And everytime, I see the ocean I remember the vision of tsunami hitting my grandparents house. And when I eat good food or breathe in the fresh air, I remember that it is priceless because it is no longer available where I use to be.

It is hard to find words to describe the disaster of the world we live in. And it is difficult to see the danger right in front of our eyes but we can only go forward. I feel deep sorrow and I think I needed to share with you. I know there is not much “time” before the next BIG one is going to hit my hometown...
Thank you Aya for your thoughts, I can feel with you. It is in the media, what people want to hear, about progress in things getting better in Fukushima. Nothing actually about the miserable conditions people are living in the contaminated areas.

My family in Tokyo is planing to go back to Kyushu, because of the daily aftershocks and unstable future.
Another thing is, to sale a house in Tokio right now will be a problem.
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