The Maze of Malta


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Officials dont even deny that there is maze of tunnels streching all over this tiny island.
There is even a legend (I still regard it as urban myth but I wouldnt be surprised at all if this was true) that there is one tunnel which links Malta with Sicily.
British Colonial forces seem to have explored this maze of tunnels the best but as far as explanation for the public goes only their existance is acknowledged. yet we know very little of its origin and possible purpose.
I have been living on this beautiful island for almost 10 years now and one of the first things I noticed ( consciously I have became aware of it only after some time) is extraordinary energy this rocky Island vibrates with.

There is evidence of ancient civilizations all over the place and few megalithic temples that still stand are still very impressive.
Also there are so called "cart ruts" which could be everything but cart ruts, some of them continuing on the sea bed.
Again there is no any data on culture that has produced these material objects and we can just speculate their real purpose. ( Cassiopeian explanation for Cart Ruts is quite close to what I have always guessed)

Talking back about the maze of tunnels it is very strange that one of the first thing that British government did was to seal the most of these tunnels.
End then there is an incident that took place shortly before WWII. Again I thought this was another urban myth until I found out there was even National Geographic ( issue 1940 if I am not mistaken) coverage of this story. also recently I talked to my friends grandparents who are native islanders and who still remeber the whole story:

Hypogeum is underground temple situated centraly in the island , official explanation is that this is a neolitic human sacrifice site as multitude of human bones was found here. The place is really astonishing with spiral shaped underground dome and extrourdinary accoustic properties. To me it looks as if some sound magic was preformed here many years ago.
Anyways, this place is connected to above mentione maze of tunnels and after the incident British Governor ordered 99 percent of coridors at this site to be sealed with concrete blocks. The place is open to the public but admission is controled and restricted to small groups. The level of supervision imposed on the visits to this place is something I have never seen at any archeological site.
The incident took place in 1939 when group of local scool children ( 14 if I am not mistaken) descended to hypogeum with their teacher and they never came back.
Funnily enough no search parties were sent after them.

And then there is account of British Consulate official who has visited the site just days after this incident. This woman describes her encounter with some strange beings - very tall and very hairy who appeared to have telepathic abilities.
She also claims that mothers of the children who hanged around the tempe could hear their children screams for three consequtive nights.

The whole story is very interesting but it is very diffficult to investigate further as most of the prehistoric archeological sites in Malta are closed to public.

Also interesting detail - Mnajadra Temple was vandalized at least 4 times. It seems as if someone was systematically trying to destroy this megalitic temple. This is very unusual a this is a national heritage which generates alot of turist income.

I have heard different stories, the wierdest one is that Malta lays on the reptilian stronghold.
here is relatively reliable link:

Independent is the second biggest daily magazine in malta and it is controlled by opposition party.
There a few other curiosities.

There are some spiral symbols in the Maltese caverns which have been found in ancient Ireland according to John Philup Cohane. I spoke to Patrick Riviere about this and he said it was found all over Europe.

A Maltese priest once told me that elelphant and hippopotamus skeletons were found in Malta during some building excavations.

The Knights of St John is a whole other interesting subject in itself. Malta has always been a strategic stronghold in the Mediterranean, the Germans tried unsuccessfully to bomb the Maltese into submission, they never relented.

well it is all very interesting
this is a tiny rock which is the most densly populated area in Europe. There is also biggest number of churches per square meter. maltese are regarded as staunchest catolics in the world and until recently more than 60 % percent of this country property was owned by Vatican. Labour party came in power during sixties and changed this, still you will find very strong influence of the church in this island.
Throughout the history mostly ruled by Knights of St. John which can be linked to iluminati.
Today this order is allegedly very transparent.

somwhere I heard metnions of Malta being situated on top of reptilian stronghold.

Whatever the case the Island vibrates with strong spiritual energy in contrast to very materialistic phoenician mentality of the natives.
Natives regard themself as descendants of phoenician traders and although historians overuled this once you can still see this in their genetics - phenomenon called phoenician eyes. Their language is clearly arabic with some Italian, French and english words and they are probably the only Catolic semitic people in the world.

Today you can find people of almost every nation and religion under the sun living on this tiny island.

Re those sceletons- during last Ice Age water level was much lower and malta was linked to sicily hence the remains of megafauna.

Indeed - the spiral is a motiv very frequently encountered here

Also recently there was a theory ( for me quite rediculous) that malta is the tip of Atlantis.

Laura discusses Malta in the Adventures series in particular the significance of the cart ruts. This link provides some great pictures of the ruts
that is a cool text, but I was totally dissapointed with answers Cassiopeans gave- when Laura asked them who built the temples and why
Yes, I have the idea that the answer to the first question about Malta was completely "off" and have disregarded it completely. I often wonder if it was simply an attempt to steer me away from the subject for some reason.

Just for the record, here is everything in the transcripts about Malta in chronological order:

9 November 94
Q: (L) Who built the temple complex on the island of Malta?
A: Moors.
Q: (L) When?
A: 800 a.d.

4 April 98
Q: Okay, I get the connection. In the studies of the Triple
Goddess, I came across some interesting things. You
suggested that I should research the Third Man Theme. I
have discovered that the origin of the word 'man' meant a
female - the goddess. The oldest word for the male of the
species was 'wer' as in 'werewolf.' So, the Third Man
Theme could mean actually, the Triple Goddess. Am I

A: Close, if viewed through "sheets of rain."

Q: Okay. Tracking the Triple Goddess back to the oldest
references, we get to KaliMa. There are all kinds of
derivations of this name, but the thing that strikes me is
the relationship to the goddess Kell, or Kella, as well as
to the word kell, Celts, and how this might be transformed
into the word 'Cassiopaea.' Can you comment on this?
A: Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?

Q: Yes. So. What does 'green' have to do with it?

A: Keep searching... learning is accomplished thusly, and
learning is fun!

Q: Yes. I know. Okay, if that is related to Celts, then it
must also relate to the Goddess 'Car' which would make the
'philosophers of Dancar' the philosophers of the Goddess
Car, the equine term for 'mother' being 'dam' which could
easily be coverted to 'Dan,' not to mention the relation
to the Goddess Danae...

A: Need now to turn you research to Malta.

20 June 98
Q: First question: okay, this book, The Key, by Cohane,
is talking about a rock drawing in the Hoggar region of the
Sahara; there is a figure of this man on these rock drawings
surrounded by these various other figures; the man is pictured
without a face.

Where his face should be there are parallel brownish black
lines that look like two things, the slats of a bed or the
grill of a barbeque. Then, it says that "in the West
Indies, and throughout North America, the indians had, as
one of their most vital implements, a device that served
as both bed and as a cooking utensil. It consisted of an
oblong metal frame, three feet high, with slats or bars
across the framework much like the slats of a modern bed.
The indians cooked their meat on this grill over an open
fire, and then, when the fire had died down, they wrapped
themselves in their blankets and slept on the grill above
the embers. To nomadic people, this object was the very
center of their life. On this device, they not only
cooked and slept, but also begot children. Out of this
simple invention came what we today call a barbeque."

Anyway, the thought that came to my mind as I read that
was the idea of the magnetite in the brain and the
representation of the darkened bars across the face of
this god figure as being symbolic of iron magnetite, and
some kind of energy transition going on in the head. Can
you comment on this idea?

A: We need you to be more specific, if you please.

Q: Well, do the dark lines represent a)iron or b)the
magnetite of the iron?

A: Seldom are answers so readily obtainable as in the "key"

Q: You got that right! It blew me away! So, in other words,
the answer was very close to the description of the

A: Interesting that they should mention "barbeque," as the
lines described could very well denote the effects of the
"grill" after one's face had been pressed upon it, while
the fires burned underneath!

Q: What would be the source of such fires? The nature of the

A: Firewalkers could tell you that.

Q: What is the nature of the grill? Is it an external iron
object, or an internal effect of iron?

A: Both.

Q: Why would this be represented as dark lines across the

A: When one is shamed, one is no longer seen, only sees...

Q: Are you saying that this is a representation of hiding
one's face in shame?

A: More like being hidden.

Q: What figure did this god represent that had these lines
drawn across the face?

A: The figure was more collective than individual.

Q: So, it was a collective rather than an individual god...
(C) How do you know it was a god? (L) Because it was...
well, we don't. It was just that the size was so huge.
Was it one of the Nephilim?

A: When it comes to the Nephalim, references all point to a
unified legend.

Q: Was this figure the fertility god of the Hoggar region?

A: Better study more material relating to Mediterranean
region, particularly Malta.

Q: Okay, that is at least the third time you have brought up
Malta. I will look for something on Malta.

27 May 2000

Q: (L) ... I want to know what is the cause of the so-called "cart tracks" on the island of Malta?

A: Grooves.

Q: (L) Well, I KNOW that! But they are grooved in such a way that they cannot possibly be cart ruts, as they are called. I just recently purchased a book about the archeology of Malta which talks on and on about the temples and so forth, and then, on the very last page, devotes a single paragraph to the "cart ruts." This book says:

"The enigmatic cart ruts are too obvious in the Maltese rocky landscape to be ignored in any work, however concise, on Maltese archeology even though they are still not easy to locate in the chronological sequence. according to the traditional view, they should be placed in prehistory, more precisely in the Bronze Age, the main argument being that some specimens are cut by "Punic" tombs and, therefore, should be prior to that period. The validity of this argument is, in my view, highly questionable particularly since for Temi Zammit, its originator, 'Punic' could mean anything from the 7th century BC to the 3rd century AD, especially as far as tombs are concerned.

"In my search and study of ancient quarries over the last fifteen years, I found cart ruts very frequently, almost invariably, associated with them. The best example is, perhaps, the Buskett group which lies next to the largest and most important of Malta's ancient quarries. For this reason I cannot refrain from believing that they were intended for the transportation of construction blocks from the quarry face to the road in ancient (i.e., not prehistoric) times.

"This view is supported by a good number of parallels abroad (for instance in Sicily, southern France and Greece) as well as by their concentration in several areas around Melite which must have required a constant supply of ashlar masonry for its buildings. "
There is a single picture of the ruts in this book. In the 1975 Lexikon der Archaeologie, the entry under Malta reads:

"More emigrants from Sicily came to the island around 3200 BC. An astonishing number of megalithic temples were constructed between 2800-1900 BC. The still extant temples, some thirty in number, exhibit a highly developed plan and superstructure

...This population possibly followed warlike immigrants from western Greece...

The strange 'cart-ruts' belong to the same period."
Now, the problem with this cart rut theory is the following: When you look at these furrows impressed in the ground, most of them parallel as they should be, the natural thing is to think of them as ruts. But, apparently, close examination - according to Von Danniken - shows that they CANNOT have been ruts in the ordinary sense of the word. The reason is that the tracks of the two parallel furrows are not only DIFFERENT FROM RUT TO RUT! but also vary in the course of a single stretch!

They run through valleys, over hills, and sometimes exist in several "pairs" side by side which then unite into single two track stretches, followed by sudden curves. They also run off straight into the Mediterranean. Others end abruptly at cliff edges.

They are from 65 to 123 cm wide. The furrows themselves are frequently over 70 cm DEEP! At one place, on rut runs in a curve over a hill and cuts 72 cm into the limestone ground. If a cart ever ran in these ruts, it could not have taken a curve because of the great depth of the ruts! Either the axle would have vanished in the deep imprint or the axle must have been at least 72 cm high which would have given the wheel a diameter of 1.5 cm. But that presents the problem that such a large wheel could NOT have taken such a tight curve! It would get stuck or break.

Such wheels that would be necessary to navigate the depth of the ruts could not have maneuvered in the narrowness of them which is approximately 6 cm. Since every single-axle cart has two wheels which must run absolutely parallel in the furrows, we are faced with an impossibility. Even a double axled cart would not work because when taking a curve, the rear wheels have to trace a narrower track than the front wheels which is why large trucks have to make a wide swing to take a tight curve. At another point on the island, four pairs of ruts join together into one rut. They all have different "gauges" a prior to this union.

Nearby, there is a rut that crosses another, but they are of different depths. Another rut is up to 60 cm deep, and has a width of 11 cm at the deepest point, and 20 cm at the highest.

As noted, in many places, the ruts run straight into the waters of the Mediterranean. It was assumed until recently that the ruts would end underwater a few meters from the coast, which would suggest that they had originated when the sea level of the Mediterranean was lower. However, divers have discovered that the ruts continue in the stone to great depths below sea level.

Now, recently, a German real estate investor who was also a part-time archeologist, claimed to have identified a megaliths temple similar to Mnajdra on the sea-bed in Malta's territorial waters. Supposedly, the discovery was made by two Maltese divers who noted the structure during a dive on the 13th of July in 1999. They took photographs. This was some 3 KM off the eastern coast of Malta. If this discovery were "authenticated," it would overturn existing history as we know it! In order for a temple to lie on the bed of the Mediterranean sea, it would have to date to the last ice age. The implication would then be that the Maltese temples are at least 6,000 years older than previously thought.

Following this announcement, which really set the archeologists on their ears, there was a report printed in the "Malta Independent" on Sunday, November 7th, 1999 which said:

"The initial caution and scepticism with which the news was received by local archaeologists would now appear to be vindicated. After an on-site dive carried out by the Museums Department last Friday, a spokesman for the Department expressed serious doubts that the underwater structures in question have any archaeological importance at all, let alone constitute a complete prehistoric temple, as suggested by amateur German archaeologist Dr. Huber Zeitlmair, who took credit for the discovery. An official press statement to this effect is expected to be released shortly.

"The structures which elicited such widespread interest and even excitement were first filmed by local divers Shaun and Kurt Arrigo on an underwater plateau some three kilometres east of Malta. At its deepest point the plateau is over 25 metres below sea level; at its shallowest, about seven metres. Strewn about the area are several large rectangular stones which give the impression of fallen menhirs. Beyond, there are a number of what appear to be kidney-shaped chambers, bearing some resemblance to the apses of above ground temples such as Mnajdra and Hagar Qim.

"For Dr. Zeitlmair, video footage was evidence enough to publicly assert that the structures represent a complete megalithic complex, constructed at a time when the plateau would have been above sea level. the fact that it is now underwater could be due to the melting o the polar ice caps during the last ice age, which would mean that the structures were inundated between 8,000 and 10,000 BC.

"The implications are, to say the least, dramatic. Sadly, though, his interpretation has not stood up to preliminary investigations, and it now appears that what we are dealing with is most likely a natural phenomenon. Meanwhile, contacted independently of the Museums Department, Professor Anthony Bonanno of the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Malta, described the possibility of an underwater temple as "extremely improbable."

"'The fact that Dr. Zeitlmair is part of a society of 'Palaeoastronauts' automatically puts me on my guard" , he says. As for the theory of an antediluvian temple culture, Prof. Bonanno dismisses it out of hand.

"'Our existing temples have been very reliably carbon-dated to the period 3,600 to 2,500 BC. In that space of time we have traced a regular evolution in style, from the small and rudimentary to the large and complex." The good professor then goes on to suggest that, if the ruins ARE validated, the only way they could possibly have gotten where they are is if they were contemporary to the ruins on the island, and were on an adjacent part of the island that "sank because of a fault in the rock."
So, what it amounts to is another discovery is being co-opted by the authorities who immediately pooh pooh it, cover it up, explain it away with their circular cerebral gymnastics.

The bottom line is: I want to know what was the cause of these crazy cart ruts that cannot have been cart ruts! They cannot possibly be cart ruts!

A: Energy grooves.

Q: (L) What kind of energy?

A: Something like short circuit at time of disturbance in magnetic field of planet.

Q: (L) Was there something inlaid there that conducted this energy? I mean, did this rock melt like this because it had lines of conductors laid into the ground?

A: Crystal generators were once used to collect and redistribute cosmic and terran energy fields.

Q: (L) How long ago were these ruts or grooves formed?

A: 14019 years ago as you measure it.

Q: (L) Was this before the temple structures were built on Malta?

A: Yes. Survivors built those.

Q: (L) These ruts are certainly in the way. They are a definite hazard to walking. Maybe they filled them in with dirt that later washed away.

A: Magnetic disturbance, human cause.

Q: (L) What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the magnetic disturbance was caused by humans, or that the magnetic disturbance contributed to the cause of the ruts, and that the ruts were caused by humans, in such case, how did they cause the ruts in relation to the magnetic disturbance?

A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a global crystal power grid short circuited due to magnetic disturbances, and these human constructed grid lines all over the planet - I'm sure they must have existed in other places if that is the case - did it just melt the rock?

A: Maltese condition is somewhat unique from a preservational standpoint.

Q: (L) Again, did the rock just melt along these laid out grid lines?

A: More like atomic changes structurally.

Q: (A) I don't understand if they were built or were they natural lines of conduction? Was this power grid artificial or natural?

A: An artificial utilization of natural energy fields.

Q: (L) Well, archaeologists like to explain them as cart ruts. But to dig such ruts 72 cm deep would take a VERY long time. And there is no consistent size or depth or direction, so that they are completely unexplainable as cart ruts. Yes, there ARE places where you see real cart ruts. In ancient Rome, they placed stones in the streets for pedestrians to walk across because the streets were often muddy or full of waste or water. But the stones were placed at specific intervals to accommodate a standard axle width. Here, there is NO standard! There is not standard axle width, there is no standard depth, there is no standard anything.

Another explanation offered was that the Maltese were "dragging" things with something like the Native American travois deal. Get real! 72 cm deep in solid rock?! That's a LOT of dragging !

Another explanation was that the ruts were used to contain rolling balls on which things were slid along the ground. Only problem is that there is no consistent width of individual ruts, and many of them are incised as "V's" in the rock, not rounded as would be thought if balls were being used. None of the explanations make any sense. But, let's move on.
So, as you can see, later encouragement to study Malta and answers to questions about Malta, are totally contradictory to the first question which returned a rather prosaic answer about "Moors."

I later included a small chapter in Secret History about Malta:

The Mystery of Malta

I have on my desk a slim archaeological guidebook to Malta which proclaims on its first page that the first humans on the island arrived around seven thousand years ago from Sicily. The last page of the book mentions, in one paragraph, the enigmatic "cart ruts" that are "too obvious in the Maltese rocky landscape to be ignored." Well, a brief paragraph at the end of the book is about as close to being ignored as something can get that is declared to be so obvious in the landscape of the area under discussion. The author of the little guidebook informs us he believes they were intended for the transportation of construction blocks from the quarry in ancient times. He then makes a point of saying that he does not mean "prehistoric."

The temples of Malta are its main attraction. Anthony Bonanno , the author of the above mentioned booklet, declares in a news article that the temples of Malta are "very reliably carbon-dated to the period 3,600 to 2,500 BC. In that space of time we have traced a regular evolution in style, from the small and rudimentary to the large and complex."

The first of these "Temples" was discovered in 1902 by a workman digging a trench for the foundations of a house. His digging activities broke through to a huge subterranean temple and cemetery, cut from solid rock. Twelve years later, a farmer kept hitting stones in his field as he ploughed, and this turned out to be a complex of temples. As time went by, more and more structures were revealed, and they have become known as the world's most impressive prehistoric monuments.

The first thing that I notice about this is that all of these things were buried for a very long time - so long that they were completely unknown to the inhabitants of the region. But uniformitarian science tells us that the surface of the earth is constantly being subjected to the processes of erosion unless, of course, we are talking about a river delta or a landslide or something. Apparently on Malta, things work backward. They get covered up by some conditions unknown to uniformitarian science, and then require millennia to be uncovered again.

As fascinating as they are, I don't want to discuss the "temples." There are numerous layers of them, and many of them are actually built on top of the thing that has my attention, the "cart ruts" which are so evident everywhere that they cannot be ignored. Yet, these "cart ruts" only receive a brief paragraph and most certainly are not being protected by the Maltese government, since they are of so little importance!

It's difficult to find a good set of photographs of the ruts, but with persistence, a photo here and another there, enough can be assembled to make some observations. The facts are that, for cart ruts, they follow strange rules. Very often, indeed, there are two parallel furrows; but they differ not only from rut to rut, but a single parallel expanse can vary in width and depth from one end to the other. That's a strange cart that has an axle that expands and contracts. The ruts run through the valleys, up the hills, down the dales, and sometimes more than one set run side by side for awhile until they suddenly merge into a single set of ruts. What is more amazing is that they often just keep going - right into the Mediterranean - or right off the edge of a cliff.

Erich von Daniken paid a visit to the island to examine them and thoughtfully took his tape measure. It seems that the distance between a parallel series of ruts can range from 65 to 123 cm. What is more amazing is that some of them are up to 70 cm deep, going around sharp curves. Anyone who has ever played with toy cars and trucks in the sandbox, or driven a sulky, has some idea of the problem here. A wheel large enough to make a rut that deep could not possibly make such a curve. At one point near San Pawl-Tat-Targa, four pairs of ruts, with four different gauges, join up to make a single pair of ruts. Nearby, one set crosses another, each with different rut depths. Another rut that extends up to 60 cm deep is only 11 cm wide at its deepest point and 20 cm wide at its shallowest point.

The ruts that run into the Mediterranean are most interesting. Divers have discovered that the ruts continue a long way below the sea level. What is more fascinating is that in July of 1999, amateur German archaeologist Hubert Zeitlmair discovered a megalithic temple on the sea-bed in Malta's territorial waters about 3 kilometers off the eastern coast. The problem with this is, in order for a temple to lie on the bed of the Mediterranean, it would have to date to the last ice age. The implication is that the Maltese temples are at least six thousand years older than Bonnano and his colleagues propose. Naturally, Bonnano was called upon to pronounce sage words regarding this discovery.

If the underwater temple does prove authentic, it would have to be a contemporary of those built on the mainland. The only possibility that springs to mind is that of a separate island, or even part of the mainland, which sank because of a fault in the rock. It is highly unlikely, but it does remain a possibility. There are after all no written records of any kind dating back to that period.
It "sank because of a fault in the rock." It absolutely could NOT have been covered by rising water levels!

Malta's temples and tombs are unique in their construction: the massive piling of stone upon stone, and the deep excavations. According to the experts, they are a tremendous engineering feat, and they must have been the sole focus of the society that built them. All the people of Malta worked to build "temples" to the exclusion of all else, except for subsistence. According to the experts, the people of Malta neither built houses of stone nor learned how to write. They evolved all of their techniques for one reason and one reason only: to build "temples" to house their cult activities. How these people created a society that was ready, willing, and able to spend all their efforts and energy to labor incessantly in the work of tunneling and building, remains a great mystery.

The distribution of the "temples," plotted on a map, fall into clusters which command a major area of territory. The island seems to be divided into six major areas of this type. The problem arises when we consider the fact that the island, at its best, could never support more than 11,000 people divided up into these six areas, at no more than 2000 people per section. So, how could a group of about 2000 people at most, mobilize the labor to excavate all those caverns and build all those "temples" in each of the sections, particularly when you consider the fact that the evidence shows that the area could not have supported so many people in terms of food production. That leads to the problem of where they were getting their food and how were they getting their food, if all they were doing was building "temples" and performing cult activities? Colin Renfrew has proposed the "Big Chief Theory" whereby the building of "temples" was instigated to awe the howling savages and keep them in line.

Why do I keep putting the word "temples" in quotes? Well, when I looked at the photographs of these structures, the ground plans drawn to scale, and the plaster models made of them, the only thing they reminded me of was simply houses - places where people lived. After all, why would there be so many "temples?" Of course! Because the natives devoted their energies to building temples while they, themselves, lived in grass or bearskin huts! That's it. Megalithic stone structures MUST be temples because what other reason could there be for such Herculean efforts to create them? That is, of course, assuming that the ability to manage large blocks of stone were unusual when they were built. It certainly would be for us today. So we cannot imagine that the ancient peoples might have done it as easily as we nail gypsum board on cheap two-by-fours to build our houses.

As noted, archaeologists explain the cart ruts by saying that they are evidence of the transporting of the blocks used to build the "temples." But, we see from our descriptions of the cart ruts above, that the idea that these grooves in the ground are really cart ruts runs into serious problems. Any effort to explain them in this way falls apart if an engineer instead of an archaeologist looks at them. In fact, in my humble opinion, archaeologists ought to be required to have a degree in engineering before they are allowed to say a word about anything. In the end, no one seems to have a single rational explanation for these "cart ruts." One of the great mysteries on the planet, and nobody seems to care. What a waste.

Do I have an idea to propose? I would like to suggest that these "ruts" look an awful lot like places where lightning has struck, and the electricity has blasted away the dirt and rock as it shoots along some sort of natural earth power grid conductor. The only difference is that the cart ruts are not random. Were the cart ruts some sort of networked energy conduction system? Could some sort of element have been placed in the ground by an ancient civilization; something that conducted power to their homes the way our vulgar power poles and lines criss-cross the landscape? And then, at some point in time, was the earth hit by such a surge of energy from some unknown source that these power "lines" melted the rock in which they were "strung?" Perhaps a surge of some kind of cosmic energy source? Maybe even the electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion? Maybe it was neither of these, but merely a massive overheating of the surface of the earth so that the conduction element and its insulating covering melted and was swept away?

Among the artifacts discovered at Malta are a number of truly extraordinary "goddess" images. They are, without exception, extremely corpulent by today's standards. There are many representations of spirals and other "goddess" motifs, including waves of water. According to the experts, the very oldest form of religion that can be archaeologically identified anywhere was the worship of the Mother Goddess by wandering "hunter gatherers." It was thought, for a very long time, that such cultures were very primitive and narrow, but it has now been discovered that this is not the case. New archaeological sites are being excavated at the present time that show very advanced levels of art and culture among these "husbandmen" of the Earth. An example is the Japanese Jomon culture.
Later in Secret History, there is the following:

Geoffrey Ashe writes in The Ancient Wisdom:

From Greece to the Indus Valley, we find people holding Ursa Major in reverence almost as far back as we can document... In various ways they introduce the Bear into beliefs that connect the centers Above and Below. [...] We have enough to reconstruct a common myth that might underlie all primary versions of the seven-mystique [...] from which the rest follow.

In the far north there is a high and paradisal place, peopled by an assembly of beings of superhuman longevity and wisdom. They have associates and contacts at lower levels. [...]

Biblical editing never quite censored out the northern mountain and Zion's mystical identity with it. [...] The prophet's imagery is baffling, and rabbis in later ages claimed that it concealed a great secret, an occult wisdom. Only the wisest and holiest could expound the Work of the Chariot. Robert Graves has maintained that the God of the Chariot actually is Apollo.[...]

Is there reason to believe that the northern Something was literally there [...] that a cosmic system was actually taught by the Rishis on a real Meru, and carried south and west along several routes? [...] The inquiry has [...] led to what no one ever identified before - an arguable locale, to which the search can be narrowed down.

[W]e are justified in reverting to Guthrie's theory of Apollo. If this god was brought to Asia Minor and thence to Greece from a Siberian birthplace, a real Land of the Hyperboreans, then he implies a northern Something which actually was there: a center of an influential species of shamanism, with Hyperborean Apollo as one of its gods. [...] If Apollo did make this journey from Siberia, the bear-goddess Artemis was probably paired with him at an early stage.
The story of Apollo and his twin sister Artemis is interesting and connects us back to Orion. Some sources say that Artemis fell in love with Orion and was going to give up her avowed virginity to marry him. Apollo, her brother, did not approve and tricked Artemis into shooting Orion who was swimming in the sea. In her grief, Artemis placed Orion in the sky to honor him.

Other sources say that Orion had raped one of Artemis' female followers, and so Artemis killed him as punishment. She sent a scorpion after him, which stung him and poisoned him. When Orion and the scorpion were placed among the stars, they were given places opposite each other, so that Orion would be out of danger. When Scorpius is just rising, chasing after Orion, the hunter is just starting to disappear behind the western horizon.

The veneration of the bear is so ancient that we even find it in the French cave remains of almost unspeakable antiquity. The symbolism is deep here. A bear is supposedly born as a tiny shapeless lump and "licked into shape". His winter sleep symbolizes death-and-rebirth - or, more significantly, "survival in an Ark". The bear stands on his legs and is an omnivore, like humans.

The point is that the bear, Arca, Arthur, takes us back to his origins in Northern and Western Europe and Siberia. The Siberian shamans tell that in former ages all men had access to the gods, whereas now, only shamans have it and that Shamanism itself has been degraded. Shamanism presents itself as the remnant of an Ancient Wisdom teaching which once flourished across the Northern Hemisphere. The main feature of the Shaman's universe is the cosmic center, an axis connecting earth with both heaven and hell. It is often represented as a tree, a ladder, or a pole. The shaman can utilize this tree to travel upward to commune with the gods, or downward to battle demons. Numbers are important: there are a fixed number of steps, or celestial stages. The cosmic tree can also be represented as a mountain with seven stories. The mountain is made of gold and the name "Altai" itself actually means "gold." We note that the Scythians were famous goldsmiths. What is more, even the most untrained eye can see that the art of the Scythians is identical to the art of the French caves and the art of the Celts of Europe.

It is clear that shamanism, as it is known, has declined from its original unified and coherent system. One reason for thinking so is that, while there are many local terms for a male shaman, there is only one for a female shaman. Shamanism, it seems, was formerly a woman's activity. In one Tartar dialect, utygan, the word for a woman-shaman, also means "bear."

There is a place called Mal'ta, fifty-five miles north-west of Irkutsk, in country where the remnants of Altaic shamanism are still active. Carvings have been discovered there which include an oblong panel of mammoth ivory with designs on it. The dominant design is a spiral of dots which goes around seven times, and winds into or out of a central hole - a spiral maze. This is the oldest known heptad in the world - almost 30,000 years old.
Thank you Laura,
the problem with Cassiopean material is that it is so excessive and so far I have only superficially delved in it

Pitty you didnt ask anything about this maze of tunnels that supposedly streches all the way to Vatican hill
having said that I am sure they would reply - Unimportant,

still this subject really tickles my imagination
Deckard said:
Their language is clearly arabic with some Italian, French and english words and they are probably the only Catolic semitic people in the world.
I don't speak it as fluently as I would like, but it is most definitely Arabic-based, and there are French and Southern Italian/Sicilian words thrown in there too, such as "bonswa" and "caw" (pronounced the same as "ciao"). Written Maltese, however, is Latin-based. Not the easiest language to learn.

Since reading about the cart ruts in The Secret History of the World and the mention of the tunnels in the thread, I have asked my grandparents and members of my extended family (both in Australia and in Malta) and am still in the process of doing so. I have been frustrated with my results so far as no one seems to know anything or, if they do, they know less than the stories we have read already. The inhabitants of Malta appear to be largely clueless to their existence (or maybe it's just my relatives who are clueless! :P), but if I dig up anything that contributes further to this thread I will be sure to post it.

I've only seen "phoenician eyes" on traditional Portuguese fishing boats. How do they look in real life?
Phoenician eyes, well this is very hard to describe. Only someone who has spent some time amongst nations descended from Carthaginians would know what I am talking about.
Let me begin by saying that these are the most beautiful human eyes I have ever seen.
They are huge and dark, almond shaped. What first springs to my mind are those frescoes from Knosos palace in Crete. Obviously 3 D experience is more stunning.
These eyes give person an aura of ancient mysteries. Whatever the expression of the face they are still and hypnotizing.

Yes, Maltese is only Semitic language written with Latin alphabet.
After reading Laura's Secret History many things about ancient remains in Malta have become clearer but still there is alot of controversy.

The question that hounts me the most is the relation between megalithic temples and hypogeum.
The energy of hypogeum seems to be portrayed as evil by many New Agers.
I have visited both places and havent felt anything extraordinary, while person who claims to be sensitive to energies claims hypogeum is evil place,
multitude of human remains found in this place seem to be fitting this notion.
On the other hand, Mnajadra temple is seen as a good place.

My guess is that Hypogeum was abused by those who came later similar to Mayan sites in America.

Ms. Jessup's story which you can find on the link I posted at the begining of this thread cannot be completely disregarded and could in fact be in accordance with this hypothesis, but it could also be seen as cointelpro.

It is extremely dificult to pay a visit to Hypogeum these days but I intend to do so as I will certainly look at it differently in light of this new information I acquired in the meantime. Same goes for megalithic temples which I intend to explore in detail.
Hey deckard you might want to check out the book "underworld" by graham hancock. In it he presents a very different take on how global flooding could of taken place at the end of the last ice age - and how it was possible that this flooding was responsible for the way the skeletons were found in the hypogeum. There is something that has creeped me out about malta ever since I first saw pictures of the temples there, and I seriously doubt it has anything to do with what the original builders of the hypogeum had intended - The place remindes me of a womb and the numerous goddess images that have been found on the island would seem to support a goddess cult of some sort, but then of course malta is not terribly far from egypt ... perhaps that is where the corruption came from - who knows?
I had the same thoughts

also lets not forget this is the bigest stronghold of the most important institutions of the control system i.e catholic church, secrec societies etc.

what strikes me as courious is all that activity throughout the history, it seems as everyone wanted to take control over this tiny rock in Mediteranean, Knights of St. John, Brits, Napoleon you name it.
The Cultured Traveler said:
For most people, a visit to the Hypogeum is an experience that defies description.

This is my nomination for the place on earth with the most mystery per square inch: the Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum located in the village of Paola on the island of Malta. You may have seen it featured in a TV show for the Discovery network: "Places of Mystery". In Britain, it was showcased in "Secrets of the Stone Age."

Usually called simply "The Hypogeum", this site is a 5,000-plus-year-old underground mortuary temple, created by architects of a vanished civilization. There is nothing like it anywhere on earth. (That is to say, other than on the Maltese islands on which there are known to be comparable but unexcavated sites.) Created by the removal of an estimated 2,000 tons of solid rock, the Hypogeum is a three storey 3-D sculpture concealed below the crust of the island. It is a site of eerie shadows, booming echoes and potential for imagination overload.

In the 1990's, with help from UNESCO, a state-of-the-art visitor center was constructed to float above the fragile Hypogeum complex. Today's visitors view a short introductory film at one stop in an air-lock ventilation system. At the back of the theatre hall, huge glass walls enclose a vast rough cavity beyond. The film ends. A curator leads everyone down a broad metal stairway and orients them to the site's original entrance. While low-voltage lights go up and down in various hewn chambers on either side, the visitors stand for a moment poised to go deeper as the curator prepares the group with further background explanation. All thoughts of the outside world are suspended.

The story unfolds of a mysterious culture that flowered on these islands and built megalithic monuments that are the oldest buildings in the world. The Stone Age people developed in peace and isolation for nearly two thousand years, becoming far advanced for their time. Then they abruptly disappeared without explanation at around 2,500 BC. Down here, as in the other subterranean hypogeum complexes associated with the Neolithic "Temple Period" on Malta, they lay their dead. It is estimated that the remains of 7,000 people were once entombed in the Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum. (One small deposit has been left for future study, undisturbed and out of sight.)

But this place was much more than a prehistoric cemetery. In addition to ochre-treated human bones, exquisite sculptures and pottery were found when the Hypogeum was discovered in the early 1900's. Archaeologists suspect that the prehistoric people had regular sessions of trance and other rituals here. In fact, there is every indication of a full-blown and highly structured religion being practiced by the "Temple Builders" at a time when Egypt was still a thousand years from its first pyramid. The artifacts representing this culture are highly stylized and artistically expressive. They show furniture, textiles and structured garments, intricate hairdo's and headdresses. Even the most abstractly modeled face holds personality.

As one is guided along the railed walkway into the darkness of the middle and most elaborate level of the complex, hints of the spaces beyond can be glimpsed through strange openings and windows in the stone. The lighting must be carefully controlled with dimmers. If there is too much light, there is a problem with algae that damages the ancient paintings: red ochre applied thousands of years ago in mystical patterns of swirls and disks.

In a stunning example of architecture in reverse, the Hypogeum was carved to mimic features of the above-ground temples that still stand in several locations on Malta. It is astonishing to see the degree of stone finishing that was accomplished without the use of metal tools: doorways with holes punched for hinges, post and lintel systems, corbelled ceilings, and sacrificial libation holes. One hall looks as if it is being viewed through a camera's fish-eye lens. It was carved that way on purpose, with all its lines curving and arcing as if it were the inside of a giant egg.

The curator may demonstrate an amazing acoustical effect generated from the "oracle chamber" where a low voice directed to the right spot reverberates through the entire complex. The visitor may be shown the routes to deeper parts of the Hypogeum that are too dangerous for general entry. The pure spirit of the place has the power to fire the mind's eye.

There are secrets here. There are clues to a society vastly different from our own, yet hauntingly familiar. A hundred unanswered questions lead to Stonehenge and other megalithic monuments in the British Isles, to Minoan Crete, to ancient Anatolia and the revolution of the Neolithic Age.

Mysterious? Oh yes.

I was privileged to make my first visit to the Hypogeum in the old days, when the procedure was simply to arrange for someone to come with the key. To say that it was impressive is an understatement. I entered via the old house that used to exist above the site and descended by spiral staircase to wander at will... once with only a flashlight. It was more physically dangerous to navigate then, but it was wild and fabulous and mind-boggling. It inspired me to write a novel and a screenplay; now it forms the core of a documentary film in development



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