Curso Éiriú Eolas intensivo – España, Barcelona, 8-10 julio 2011


FOTCM Member
For the first time, an Éiriú Eolas course for Spanish speakers!!! :clap: We hope to see you there!

Estimados practicantes del programa Éiriú Eolas:

Tenemos el agrado de comunicarles que, por primera vez desde la creación del programa, y gracias a todos los mensajes que nos han enviado, hemos organizado un curso intensivo en Terrassa, cerca de Barcelona, del 8 al 10 de julio de 2011. Como podrán leer en el prospecto, realizaremos una práctica intensiva, y daremos charlas complementarias acerca de varios temas relacionados con los fundamentos científicos de Éiriú Eolas, además de compartir con ustedes toda nuestra investigación sobre la nutrición y la psicología o, en otras palabras, las diferentes fuentes de intoxicación y cómo liberarse de ella con la ayuda del programa. Todo esto, en un grupo y un ambiente muy amenos, lleno de momentos para divertirse, quitarse el estrés y compartir esta experiencia. Por último, estaremos a su entera disposición para ayudarlos con cada técnica del programa, e introducirlos a ciertos ejercicios más avanzados.

El curso está abierto tanto a principiantes como a quienes ya practican el programa, ya sea en línea o con el set de DVDs/CD. Y asistiendo podrán notar cómo los efectos se acentúan al practicar en grupo.

El cupo es limitado, y ya quedan pocas plazas, por lo que rogamos nos contacten cuanto antes si desean participar. Encontrarán la ficha de inscripción debajo de este mensaje, y podrán descargar e imprimir la ficha de inscripción, completarla y enviárnosla para confirmar su presencia.

¡Los esperamos!









Para descargar la ficha de inscripción, realice un clic aquí. Rogamos lo complete y nos lo envíe por correo electrónico o correo ordinario antes del 15 de junio. ¡Gracias!

Para hacer una reservación, o pagar la totalidad del curso por adelantado, puede hacerlo con tarjeta de crédito, o por su cuenta de Paypal, haciendo un clic en el botón Paypal debajo de este mensaje.

Visite la página oficial para ver las opciones:

También puede realizar una transferencia bancaria utilzando la informacion siguiente:

Beneficiario: Association Eiriu Eolas
Numéro de cuenta : 05321846299
Banco : BPOC Castelsarrasin, Francia
Códico Banco : 17807
Códico Guichet : 00034
RIB : 83
IBAN : FR76 1780 7000 3405 3218 4629 983
In which lenguage it will be translated/speaken, spanish, english, catalonian?

I have a friend living over there and I had already passed him the link.
mabar said:
In which lenguage it will be translated/speaken, spanish, english, catalonian?

I have a friend living over there and I had already passed him the link.

Will be spoken in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and possibly French.
Perceval said:
Will be spoken in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and possibly French.

That's good to know because people that I know stop short due to lack of english skills, hopefully EE is already in spanish at the website, but it is a great opportunity to have it in person?

mabar said:
Perceval said:
Will be spoken in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and possibly French.

That's good to know because people that I know stop short due to lack of english skills, hopefully EE is already in spanish at the website, but it is a great opportunity to have it in person?


Actually, I got a little confused here (too many simultaneous things going on!) I'm also dealing with the planned Laura and Ark conference in Barcelona later in the year and mixed that up with the EE course.

There'll be no English spoken at the EE course in Terrassa, it will all be in Spanish of course.


Indeed, mabar, this course will be all in Spanish. And we will give talks and hand out material, all in Spanish too. For someone who is interested in our research but has trouble reading the forum, this is a great way to get up to speed with a lot of subjects, all the while benefiting from learning and practicing EE with others.

Your friends are welcome to ask us other questions too during the breaks, if they have doubts about other topics discussed here on the forum that aren't really discussed during the course for lack of time.
Just curious ... :P How many people more or less are going to attend the course?

Es sólo curiosidad... :P ¿Cuánta gente más o menos va a asistir al curso?
OrangeScorpion said:
Just curious ... :P How many people more or less are going to attend the course?

Hard to say exactly at this point, but roughly 20-25, I would say. 30 would be the maximum, since we want to be able to talk with everybody and have a good time too.
Actually, I got a little confused here (too many simultaneous things going on!) I'm also dealing with the planned Laura and Ark conference in Barcelona later in the year and mixed that up with the EE course.

There'll be no English spoken at the EE course in Terrassa, it will all be in Spanish of course.


There's going to be a conference with Ark and Laura in Barcelona? Is there any more info on when this will be and what it will be about?
Don Genaro said:
Actually, I got a little confused here (too many simultaneous things going on!) I'm also dealing with the planned Laura and Ark conference in Barcelona later in the year and mixed that up with the EE course.

There'll be no English spoken at the EE course in Terrassa, it will all be in Spanish of course.


There's going to be a conference with Ark and Laura in Barcelona? Is there any more info on when this will be and what it will be about?

I think that you can find some info at that website :
See you all tomorrow!!! A really nice group has formed. No anticipation, but I feel we're going to have fun and learn a lot together. :D
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