I've had tornado dreams since childhood. I used to be afraid, not anymore. Again, it's a very calm feeling. I had a nap today, and had an interesting dream. (The "time" would be about 1:30 p.m. CDT; I say this because there were a lot of people in the dream, which is unusual for me, so I thought of dream linking.) It was a tornado dream, but the tornado was different. I was at the same house I always am (the one I've built in my dreams for many years), instructing people on the best place in the basement to shelter. I hadn't seen any tornadoes yet, like my other dreams, but I knew they were coming. When they finally appeared (this is also different since I usually dream of one), they were not tornadoes in the usual sense, but looked like metallic ribbons descending from a long, slender, horizontal wavy cloud. They didn't get any denser, they sort of "poured" the tail onto the ground and then raced across the ground toward us. While sheltering, I was afraid (again, very unusual), but then my head fell back, my eyes closed, I felt a tremendous peace, and I was okay. We came out of the basement and looked at the house. The only thing standing was the basement foundation, the floor, four cornerposts and the roof. Everywhere was desolation. I was awed that so much of the house stood, then woke up. There was so much "more" to this dream it puzzled me: More people, more confusion, more tornadoes, more desolation. I'm still thinking of this, and while I agree that tornadoes/vortices are indicative of problem solving, I have no "problems" in my life at the moment. Any links with anyone? I'm trying not to beat a dead horse, but anything out of the "ordinary" always intrigues me. (Yeah, I'm the type of person who if you told "Jump!", I wouldn't ask how high, I would ask "Why?") :P