The Human Sex Drive



Just something I have been thinking about.

Animals seem to have periods of "being in heat" during which mating occurs, it is not a continuous drive. Correct me if I am wrong. Humans however seem wired to a sex drive that knows no bounds.

I remember reading in the Cassiopaea transcripts that sex really draws 4d STS beings who for one are very interested in it and who also feed off the energy. In Castenada's "The Fire within" the Nagual discusses this point, saying that when people have sex they lose energy from their energy cocoon and that people with low energy levels should do it as little as possible to conserve their Energy.

I practice t'ai chi ch'uan and I know that my teachers have said (and it is also in the literature) that sexual energy is stored through training so in order to make a considerate breakthrough it is important to abstain for a period from all sexual activity.

Do you think the (incessant) human sex drive is something wired into us by the bad guys so they always have an abundant source of energy? What does this tell us about the whole pornography industry? A scary thought.

Speaking for myself, when I get close to breakthroughs in my development I always find some kind of sexual distraction will come along.

I am interested to hear what others have to say.

I am not sure whether this is the right section of the forum to post this or not, sorry.
Hello Abeofarell,

I think these threads may be of interest for you :

Sex/Romantic Love and the Work :

Caricature of love :

Pornography :
"The Caricature Of Love" is highly recommended. Also here is Gurdjieff's quote on abuse of sex from ISOTM
[quote author=ISOTM]
"Speaking in general, there are only two correct ways of expending sexual energy— normal sexual life and transmutation. All inventions in this sphere are very dangerous.

"People have tried abstinence from times beyond memory. Sometimes, very rarely, it has led to something but in most cases what is called abstinence is simply exchanging normal sensations for abnormal, because the abnormal are more easily hidden.

"But it is not about this that I wish to speak. You must understand where lies the chief evil and what makes for slavery. It is not in sex itself but in the abuse of sex.

"But what the abuse of sex means is again misunderstood. People usually take this to be either excess or perversion. But these are comparatively innocent forms of abuse of sex. And it is necessary to know the human machine very well in order to grasp what abuse of sex in the real meaning of these words is.

"It means the wrong work of centers in relation to sex, that is, the action of the sex center through other centers, and the action of other centers through the sex center; or, to be still more precise, the functioning of the sex center with energy borrowed from other centers and the functioning of other centers with energy borrowed from the sex center."

"Can sex be regarded as an independent center?" asked one of those present.

"It can," said G. "At the same time if all the lower story is taken as one whole, then sex can be regarded as the neutralizing part of the moving center."

"With what 'hydrogen' does the sex center work?" asked another.

This question had interested us for a long time but we had not previously been able to answer it. And G., when he had been asked before, had never given a direct reply.

"The sex center works with 'hydrogen' 12," he said on this occasion, "that is to say, it ought to work with it. This is si 12. But the fact is that it very rarely works with its proper hydrogen. Abnormalities in the working of the sex center require special study.

"In the first place it must be noted that normally in the sex center as well as in the higher emotional and the higher thinking centers, there is no negative side. In all the other centers except the higher ones, in the thinking, in the emotional, in the moving, in the instinctive, in all of them there are, so to speak, two halves—the positive and the negative; affirmation and negation, or 'yes' and 'no,' in the thinking center, pleasant and unpleasant sensations in the moving and instinctive centers. There is no such division in the sex center. There are no positive and negative sides in it. There are no unpleasant sensations or unpleasant feelings in it; there is either a pleasant sensation, a pleasant feeling, or there is nothing, an absence of any sensation, complete indifference.

"But in consequence of the wrong work of centers it often happens that the sex center unites with the negative part of the emotional center or with the negative part of the instinctive center. And then, stimulation of a certain kind of the sex center, or even any stimulation at all of the sex center, calls forth unpleasant feelings and unpleasant sensations.

"People who experience unpleasant feelings and sensations which have been evoked in them through ideas and imagination connected with sex are inclined to regard them as a great virtue or as something original; in actual fact it is simply disease.

"Everything connected with sex should be either pleasant or indifferent. Unpleasant feelings and sensations all come from the emotional center or the instinctive center.

"This is the 'abuse of sex.'

"It is necessary, further, to remember that the sex center works with 'hydrogen' 12. This means that it is stronger and quicker than all other centers. Sex, in fact, governs all other centers.

"The only thing in ordinary circumstances, that is, when man has neither consciousness nor will, that holds the sex center in submission is 'buffers.' 'Buffers' can entirely bring it to nought, that is, they can stop its normal manifestation. But they cannot destroy its energy. The energy remains and passes over to other centers, finding expression for itself through them; in other words, the other centers rob the sex center of the energy which it does not use itself.

"The energy of the sex center in the work of the thinking, emotional, and moving centers can be recognized by a particular 'taste,' by a particular fervor, by a vehemence which the nature of the affair concerned does not call for.

"The thinking center writes books, but in making use of the energy of the sex center it does not simply occupy itself with philosophy, science, or politics—it is always fighting something, disputing, criticizing, creating new subjective theories.

"The emotional center preaches Christianity, abstinence, asceticism, or the fear and horror of sin, hell, the torment of sinners, eternal fire, all this with the energy of the sex center. ...

"Or on the other hand it works up revolutions, robs, bums, kills, again with the same energy.

"The moving center occupies itself with sport, creates various records, climbs mountains, jumps, fences, wrestles, fights, and so on.

"In all these instances, that is, in the work of the thinking center as well as in the work of the emotional and the moving centers, when they work with the energy of the sex center, there is always one general characteristic and this is a certain particular vehemence and, together with it, the uselessness of the work in question.

"Neither the thinking nor the emotional nor the moving centers can ever create anything useful with the energy of the sex center. This is an example of the 'abuse of sex.'

"But this is only one aspect of it. Another aspect consists in the fact that, when the energy of the sex center is plundered by the other centers and spent on useless work, it has nothing left for itself and has to steal the energy of other centers which is much lower and coarser than its own. And yet the sex center is very important for the general activity, and particularly for the inner growth of the organism, because, working with 'hydrogen' 12, it can receive a very fine food of impressions, such as none of the ordinary centers can receive. The fine food of impressions is very important for the manufacture of the higher 'hydrogens.' But when the sex center works with energy that is not its own, that is, with the comparatively low 'hydrogens' 48 and 24, its impressions become much coarser and it ceases to play the role in the organism which it could play.

"At the same time union with, and the use of its energy by, the thinking center creates far too great an imagination on the subject of sex, and in addition a tendency to be satisfied with this imagination. Union with the emotional center creates sentimentality or, on the contrary, jealousy, cruelty. This is again a picture of the 'abuse of sex.'"

"What must be done to struggle against the 'abuse of sex'?" asked somebody present.

G. laughed.

"I was just waiting for that question," he said. "But you already ought to understand that it is just as impossible to explain to a man who has not yet begun to work on himself and does not know the structure of the machine what the 'abuse of sex' means, as it is to say what must be done to avoid these abuses.

"Right work on oneself begins with the creation of a permanent center of gravity. When a permanent center of gravity has been created everything else begins to be disposed and distributed in subordination to it.

"The question comes to this: From what and how can a permanent center of gravity be created?

"And to this may be replied that only a man's attitude to the work, to school, his valuation of the work, and his realization of the mechanicalness and aimlessness of everything else can create in him a permanent center of gravity.

"The role of the sex center in creating a general equilibrium and a permanent center of gravity can be very big. According to its energy, that is to say, if it uses its own energy, the sex center stands on a level with the higher emotional center. And all the other centers are subordinate to it. Therefore it would be a great thing if it worked with its own energy. This alone would indicate a comparatively very high level of being. And in this case, that is, if the sex center worked with its own energy and in its own place, all other centers could work correctly in their places and with their own energies."
obyvatel said:
"The Caricature Of Love" is highly recommended. Also here is Gurdjieff's quote on abuse of sex from ISOTM
[quote author=ISOTM]
"Speaking in general, there are only two correct ways of expending sexual energy— normal sexual life and transmutation. All inventions in this sphere are very dangerous.

"People have tried abstinence from times beyond memory. Sometimes, very rarely, it has led to something but in most cases what is called abstinence is simply exchanging normal sensations for abnormal, because the abnormal are more easily hidden.

"But it is not about this that I wish to speak. You must understand where lies the chief evil and what makes for slavery. It is not in sex itself but in the abuse of sex.

"But what the abuse of sex means is again misunderstood. People usually take this to be either excess or perversion. But these are comparatively innocent forms of abuse of sex. And it is necessary to know the human machine very well in order to grasp what abuse of sex in the real meaning of these words is.

"It means the wrong work of centers in relation to sex, that is, the action of the sex center through other centers, and the action of other centers through the sex center; or, to be still more precise, the functioning of the sex center with energy borrowed from other centers and the functioning of other centers with energy borrowed from the sex center."

"Can sex be regarded as an independent center?" asked one of those present.

"It can," said G. "At the same time if all the lower story is taken as one whole, then sex can be regarded as the neutralizing part of the moving center."

"With what 'hydrogen' does the sex center work?" asked another.

This question had interested us for a long time but we had not previously been able to answer it. And G., when he had been asked before, had never given a direct reply.

"The sex center works with 'hydrogen' 12," he said on this occasion, "that is to say, it ought to work with it. This is si 12. But the fact is that it very rarely works with its proper hydrogen. Abnormalities in the working of the sex center require special study.

"In the first place it must be noted that normally in the sex center as well as in the higher emotional and the higher thinking centers, there is no negative side. In all the other centers except the higher ones, in the thinking, in the emotional, in the moving, in the instinctive, in all of them there are, so to speak, two halves—the positive and the negative; affirmation and negation, or 'yes' and 'no,' in the thinking center, pleasant and unpleasant sensations in the moving and instinctive centers. There is no such division in the sex center. There are no positive and negative sides in it. There are no unpleasant sensations or unpleasant feelings in it; there is either a pleasant sensation, a pleasant feeling, or there is nothing, an absence of any sensation, complete indifference.

"But in consequence of the wrong work of centers it often happens that the sex center unites with the negative part of the emotional center or with the negative part of the instinctive center. And then, stimulation of a certain kind of the sex center, or even any stimulation at all of the sex center, calls forth unpleasant feelings and unpleasant sensations.

"People who experience unpleasant feelings and sensations which have been evoked in them through ideas and imagination connected with sex are inclined to regard them as a great virtue or as something original; in actual fact it is simply disease.

"Everything connected with sex should be either pleasant or indifferent. Unpleasant feelings and sensations all come from the emotional center or the instinctive center.

"This is the 'abuse of sex.'

"It is necessary, further, to remember that the sex center works with 'hydrogen' 12. This means that it is stronger and quicker than all other centers. Sex, in fact, governs all other centers.

"The only thing in ordinary circumstances, that is, when man has neither consciousness nor will, that holds the sex center in submission is 'buffers.' 'Buffers' can entirely bring it to nought, that is, they can stop its normal manifestation. But they cannot destroy its energy. The energy remains and passes over to other centers, finding expression for itself through them; in other words, the other centers rob the sex center of the energy which it does not use itself.

"The energy of the sex center in the work of the thinking, emotional, and moving centers can be recognized by a particular 'taste,' by a particular fervor, by a vehemence which the nature of the affair concerned does not call for.

"The thinking center writes books, but in making use of the energy of the sex center it does not simply occupy itself with philosophy, science, or politics—it is always fighting something, disputing, criticizing, creating new subjective theories.

"The emotional center preaches Christianity, abstinence, asceticism, or the fear and horror of sin, hell, the torment of sinners, eternal fire, all this with the energy of the sex center. ...

"Or on the other hand it works up revolutions, robs, bums, kills, again with the same energy.

"The moving center occupies itself with sport, creates various records, climbs mountains, jumps, fences, wrestles, fights, and so on.

"In all these instances, that is, in the work of the thinking center as well as in the work of the emotional and the moving centers, when they work with the energy of the sex center, there is always one general characteristic and this is a certain particular vehemence and, together with it, the uselessness of the work in question.

"Neither the thinking nor the emotional nor the moving centers can ever create anything useful with the energy of the sex center. This is an example of the 'abuse of sex.'

"But this is only one aspect of it. Another aspect consists in the fact that, when the energy of the sex center is plundered by the other centers and spent on useless work, it has nothing left for itself and has to steal the energy of other centers which is much lower and coarser than its own. And yet the sex center is very important for the general activity, and particularly for the inner growth of the organism, because, working with 'hydrogen' 12, it can receive a very fine food of impressions, such as none of the ordinary centers can receive. The fine food of impressions is very important for the manufacture of the higher 'hydrogens.' But when the sex center works with energy that is not its own, that is, with the comparatively low 'hydrogens' 48 and 24, its impressions become much coarser and it ceases to play the role in the organism which it could play.

"At the same time union with, and the use of its energy by, the thinking center creates far too great an imagination on the subject of sex, and in addition a tendency to be satisfied with this imagination. Union with the emotional center creates sentimentality or, on the contrary, jealousy, cruelty. This is again a picture of the 'abuse of sex.'"

"What must be done to struggle against the 'abuse of sex'?" asked somebody present.

G. laughed.

"I was just waiting for that question," he said. "But you already ought to understand that it is just as impossible to explain to a man who has not yet begun to work on himself and does not know the structure of the machine what the 'abuse of sex' means, as it is to say what must be done to avoid these abuses.

"Right work on oneself begins with the creation of a permanent center of gravity. When a permanent center of gravity has been created everything else begins to be disposed and distributed in subordination to it.

"The question comes to this: From what and how can a permanent center of gravity be created?

"And to this may be replied that only a man's attitude to the work, to school, his valuation of the work, and his realization of the mechanicalness and aimlessness of everything else can create in him a permanent center of gravity.

"The role of the sex center in creating a general equilibrium and a permanent center of gravity can be very big. According to its energy, that is to say, if it uses its own energy, the sex center stands on a level with the higher emotional center. And all the other centers are subordinate to it. Therefore it would be a great thing if it worked with its own energy. This alone would indicate a comparatively very high level of being. And in this case, that is, if the sex center worked with its own energy and in its own place, all other centers could work correctly in their places and with their own energies."


Sorry man, I have absolutely no idea what that passage is talking about. Hydrogen? Gravity center? No idea. Sorry. Thanks for trying, anyway. Peace.
abeofarrell said:
Sorry man, I have absolutely no idea what that passage is talking about. Hydrogen? Gravity center? No idea. Sorry. Thanks for trying, anyway. Peace.

You may want to read "In Search Of the Miraculous" by Ouspensky when you get the chance. We make use of that quite a lot here in the forum.
Here are some explanations of the above terms from cassiopedia
Center Of Gravity
abeofarrell said:
Animals seem to have periods of "being in heat" during which mating occurs, it is not a continuous drive. Correct me if I am wrong. Humans however seem wired to a sex drive that knows no bounds.

I think it's the addictive aspect of the desire for sex that can distort natural cycles, otherwise I would say that both men and women have natural periods of sexual energy.

abeofarrell said:
Do you think the (incessant) human sex drive is something wired into us by the bad guys so they always have an abundant source of energy? What does this tell us about the whole pornography industry? A scary thought.

Well, I would say it is more of a program than anything else, one that has it's origins from pathological types. I'd also recommend The Caricature of Love to get some glimpses of what is behind such things.
There are also different levels to the sex drive. You may find Dabrowski's explanations helpful here:

Sexual Behavior

Level I

Sexual behavior is undifferentiated: it is controlled entirely by biological factors. It is directed towards more or less attractive but stereotype representatives of the opposite sex. It is marked by lack of sensitivity and consideration for the needs of the partner. Sexual needs are imposed on the other without a feeling of personal relatedness; the other is an object of sexual gratification. In consequence a human relationship of love cannot be formed, equally there is no parental responsibility.

The dominance of biological factors is evident by the following traits: the lack of consideration for age, state of health, emotional condition of the partner, little inhibition in the use of force, little inhibition in sexual expression in the presence of others, sexual behavior is understood primarily in terms of its physiology and absence of retrospection and prospection in sexual fife. After the sexual act a state of depletion may follow which in some psychopathic individuals leads to violence, even murder.

Level II

Gradual loosening of the dominant biological structure of the sexual instinct takes place. This occurs through periodical states of reflection, changeable syntony with the partner, occasional retrospection and prospection, disequilibrium of sexual excitations and inhibitions. Sexual tension builds up easily, often with some inclination toward perversion but not without the consent of the partner. This indicates that sexual aggressiveness is not as strong as in primary integration. Certain sensitivity and responsibility for the partner and the family is present and may increase but because it is generally weak and unsteady it cannot be relied upon. These vacillations are a manifestation of the dynamisms of ambivalence and ambitendency.

At times the biological force of the sexual instinct diminishes due to inhibition arising from an increase of sensitivity, syntony, and consideration for the emotional needs of the partner and the family. Sexual experience is influenced at this levelby the interplay of stimuli and reactions but is not subject to clear hierarchization of values, only to occasional “moods of reflection”. Group opinion, the influence of advertising and vogues in sexual life play a big role (second factor).

In summary, sexual behavior in unilevel disintegration is governed by diverse tendencies. Occasionally they cooperate, but more often there is manifest need for a variety of sexual experiences, which may be unexpected and inharmonious. Stability and exclusivity of emotional bonds is not understood and is not sought, instead there is the facility for turnover of the objects of love. These diverse, fluctuating and alternating sexual tendencies correspond to diverse and conflicting disposing and directing centers, none of which gives direction or stability.

Level III

Reflection and valuation begin to play an increasingly significant role in the hierarchization of sexual fife. Their expression is sexual selectivity and a need for more personal and exclusive relationships. Selectivity is the result of a felt need for more meaningful emotional life; it is also the result of the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions. Exclusivity and stability of feelings begin to manifest strongly, as well as responsibility for the partner and the family. In sexual life emotional components prevail over physical. Sexual instinct gradually loses its character of a biological species drive and becomes an instinct with an expression individually human. The predominance of emotional over physical attachment finds its expression particularly in the need for exclusivity. Exclusive attachments lead to strong sexual inhibition, even impotence, when the partner leaves or dies. For example, in my clinical practice I met a 40 years old man, father of seven children, who became impotent after his wife left him. His impotence lasted several years until the time when his wife returned to him. This is an example of an inhibition of the lower level of an instinct (biological level of sexual drive) by a higher level of the same instinct (emotional and exclusive attachment).

Such behaviors develop as a result of the action of the dynamisms of spontaneous multilevel disintegration. These dynamisms promote the development not only of an increasing responsibility for the family but also of strong tendencies toward idealization of sexual life and seeking its fulfillment in deeply emotional relationships.

Astonishment with the phenomena of one’s own sexuality occurs when one is surprised and embarrassed by the strength of the biological level of sexual impulses arising easily and unselectively. For instance, a person experiences a wave of sexual tension but the mate is weak because of menstruation, or tiredness, seeing this he retreats and realizes with surprise that his biological urge is blind to more personal empathic consideration for the other. In consequence the urge is inhibited, looses tension, and subsides without a need of actual release.

Disquietude with oneself precipitates an experiential grasp of one’s deficiencies. To come face to face with one’s own sexual primitiveness, lack of control, or compulsions, is something of a shock. In consequence one becomes aware of deficiencies in other forms of behavior as well. A negative attitude arises toward the sexual instinct in oneself. Disquietude about one’s sexual behavior subjects it to inhibition, weakening, and differentiation which leads to its greater emotional complexity.

Inferiority toward oneself plays mainly a critical role in the evaluation of one’s sexual life; it is less essential in the diagnosis of the level of sexual behavior. It results from depressive feelings as a reaction to having yielded to various still primitive sexual manifestations and tendencies in oneself. The feeling of inferiority acts as a strong emotional factor in breaking away from the lower levels of sexual life. There is a feeling of distance from what one begins to feel to be ideal in sexual life. The individual becomes sensitive to higher, i.e. emotional and more inspiring experiences of sexual life, such as sharing experiences of beauty in nature, art, and experiences of trust. Recognition of higher and lower levels in oneself and identification with the higher ones results in a sense of confidence in opposition toward the lower ones.

Feelings of shame and guilt are essential for the diagnosis of the developmental level of sexual behavior. Shame and guilt loosen the cohesive primary structure of sexual instinct; they inhibit and weaken its biological level of control by bringing it to the higher emotional level of exclusivity and responsibility. Shame and guilt are most often recognizable in the concern over harm or embarrassment caused the partner in sexual life. Shame produces an impulse to flee, to disappear from the sight of others in order to reflect and sort out the disjunctions of one’s sexual behavior. Guilt produces the experience of heightened sensitivity to one’s primitiveness, carelessness, and inconsiderateness in relation to the partner, or to the family. Guilt generates a sense of responsibility. Guilt here acquires the deeper meaning of feeling responsible for failure in loyalty towards one’s ideal: for betraying one’s ideal.

Dissatisfaction with oneself is of great significance in the diagnosis of a level of a function. It is a more global diagnostic dynamists than those previously discussed. Dissatisfaction is an expression of strong discontent with yielding often to frequently arising sexual impulses. It is thus a measure of an already occurring separation from lower levels of biological functioning. Dissatisfaction brings about inhibition of primitive behaviors in oneself and prevents their unchecked expression. As a pervasive feeling it produces a state of alertness to oppose such expression in their incipience. Dissatisfaction intensifies the need for endowing sexual life with deeper emotional meaning. It thus builds a bridge toward higher more personal levels and more individual, levels of sexual experience.

Positive maladjustment is manifested by an awareness already on a higher level of the disparity between the situation at hand and one’s own evaluation of it. It is frequently concurrent with a program of abandoning the present level of reality “what is” and adjusting oneself to a higher reality of “what ought to be”. Positive maladjustment cooperates closely with dissatisfaction with oneself. It is, in a way an active demand to develop a hierarchy of sexual life. Positive maladjustment expresses an actively negative attitude toward primitive manifestations of the sexual instinct in one’s own life, in one’s social environment, in the exploitation of sex for effect or commercial gain, or in prescribing for others the norms of morality and individual sexual behavior. At the same time positive maladjustment is an expression of idealization of sexuality and of a need of “what ought to be” in sexual life. It may take the form of aversion to the rituals of dating, or to the competition for the favors of the opposite sex.

Creative instinct shapes sexual behavior by looking for new and more enriching expressions of sexuality. At this level of development creative instinct helps to experience the “other” and the “new” (most often also the “higher”) in sexual life. By itself the creative instinct does not enable one to develop universally toward the highest level. This is possible only in conjunction with the instinct of self-perfection. The creative instinct usually begins by a more or less extensive disintegration of the lower levels of an emotional or instinctive function, in this case of sexual behavior. This might be transiently manifested by some strong sexual primitivisms or perversions. This happens because the creative instinct by destroying sexual automatisms and stereotype sexual behaviors, acts, so to speak, upward and downward seeking new fields of expression. Nevertheless there soon arises a need for evaluation and selectivity of such expression. Emotional sensitivity accelerates this process.

Identification and Empathy introduce the emotional components of attention to the subjective needs of the partner, and of selectivity and exclusivity of relationships of love. Sexual behavior becomes a function of the more significant and more pervasive process of building a relationship.

Level IV

The organization and synthesis of the inner psychic milieu, primarily by emotional-cognitive dynamisms, such as third factor and subject-object in oneself, results in deep transformations in attitudes toward sexual fife. The ideal of exclusivity and permanence of an emotional relationship develops as a deeply reflective philosophical attitude. (By ‘philosophical’ we mean the principles a person believes in and fives by as a function of an examining and searching attitude). The loved one becomes the subject endowed with individuality and uniqueness. A program of sexual life and of its sublimation is developed through retrospection and prospection. Meditation and highly developed empathy and responsibility for the family play here a crucial role.

Self-awareness and Self-control play an important role in shaping sexual expression at this level. It is inconceivable to find a primitive manifestation of sexuality in behavior if at the same time there is a highly developed self-awareness and self-control. Both dynamisms are essential to the diagnosis of this level of sexual behavior. The lower levels of sexuality are weakened and inhibited, and replaced by higher, increasingly more exclusive and more reflective components, together with an increasing responsibility for the partner and the family. Self-awareness and self-control are not to be mistaken for self-observation or just a form of introspective checking of inner events. Rather, they provide a strong active barrier against sexual behaviors of lower levels, which is maintained without effort and without tension. At the same time they augment the need to experience more often, if not solely, sexuality of a higher level, such as one offering unique, faithful, and ideal emotional relations.

Subject-object in oneself takes sexual life as an object of penetrating observations and experiences. It interrupts frequently and systematically the “habitual routine” and turns a person into a sharp observer of himself. Example: “In this moment of a sudden vision of myself I saw a dissociation -- on one side my attraction toward an almost perfectly beautiful body, on the other a repelling commonness of sexual excitement, its species appeal and its common animal quality. My ‘physical’ rapture broke like a soap bubble”. Sexual instinct, as in this example, is subject to a split between its lower level, which grows weaker and is being transformed, and its higher level approaching to personality and its ideal.

Third factor works toward a high level of sexual life by separating and selecting what is to be curtailed and eliminated from what is to be accepted and developed. Third factor determines what constitutes a positive or a negative experience in relation to higher and lower levels of sexual fife. It eliminates all that is animalistic and selects all that is authentic, individual, social, and empathic. Third factor thus chooses exclusivity of emotional ties, responsibility for the partner and the family, and the unrepeatability of the union of love. In cooperation with empathy, self-control, self-awareness, prospection, retrospection, third factor creates a ‘school’ of marital and family life. Example: “I would not exchange for anything her unique ‘power’ over me. Always unity of the physical with the moral and the spiritual. Union of minds and hearts, never the physical union alone. I feel disgust toward the tyranny of the physical aspect of love, but in its spiritual aspect I feel close to something like an ‘immortality of sex’ .
Inner psychic transformation acts in close cooperation with all other dynamisms of level IV. Sexual needs and their realization undergo a deep change so that their fulfillment occurs in harmony with the higher emotional and experiential aspirations of the individual. No external or internal sexual stimuli are accepted without first being screened and modified, if necessary, to harmonize with the ideal. Under the influence of this dynamism sexual behavior is characterized by exclusivity, responsibility, and uniqueness of emotional ties. It is marked by very deep care and concern for the family.

Education-of-oneself and Autopsychotherapy. Autopsychotherapy operates on the borderline of levels III and IV. In relation of sexual life autopsychotherapy may come into action at a time of emotional and sexual conflict in a relationship, or with the lower instinctive levels in oneself. Previous experience, memory of errors, failures and previous psychoneurotic sexual conflicts (Dąbrowski, 1972, p. 100) enrich the analysis of one’s sexual behavior and establish it at higher level. What remains from previous times are only traces of therapy, struggles and victories achieved in the development of the sexual instinct. In level IV, a program of systematic self-development, which results in lowering of inner tension but greater calmness and harmony, affects and smoothes out the unevennesses that may still be experienced in sexual life. This level of sexual life is clearly subordinated to the operation of empathy and ideal.

Identification and Empathy. It is hard to separate the activity of these dynamisms from all other dynamisms of organized multilevel disintegration since the emotions of empathy are now the dominant emotions in shaping a relationship. The sexual aspect of a relationship becomes sublimated. Love and friendship may flourish without much interference of demands from the biological level of the sexual instinct.

Identification and empathy shape understanding, sympathy, desire to help in various difficulties in life; they also express a distance and separation from lower manifestations of sexuality, such as the distinctly physiological, selfish aspect of sexual release, which acts outside of empathy, exclusivity, intellectual, esthetic and moral rapport. Moral emotions press for separation from such manifestations of sexuality. A person on this level of development cannot display symptoms of undifferentiated, irresponsible and nonexclusive sexual behavior. Such a person will love in an exclusive way, will long for fully individual contacts, will desire to create with his partner a “school of life together”, will need him intellectually, morally, esthetically for his own and their mutual growth, and for the sake of others as well. Such a person will value more highly mental, emotional, and physical individuality of his partner than his sexual potency. Such is the way to higher levels of sexuality.

Identification and empathy also promote an understanding for all manifestations of sexuality including such aspects as perversions or inversions, which are often considered only in the narrow context of rigid and insufficiently studied “norms” of human sexual behavior and emotional development. Such “norms” are provided either by social standards or by psychoanalytic theories. Let us discuss as an example necrophilia and homosexuality. In certain individuals necrophilia is a function of association of love with death. In others, who may be very idealistic, there might be a fear of actual sexual intercourse, but at the same time there is an attraction to the body of a dead person because it might feel less threatening. There may be no urge to undress the body or perform the sexual act, rather, it all occurs in the imagination. Masturbation may serve to release mental and sexual tension. In homosexuality again the expression of feeling and affection may be more important than the actual physical contact and sexual release. When emotional and human factors play a directive role then there is no interference with individual development. Such behaviors are understood as forms of stepping out of the rigid norms of common stereotypes of sexual behavior and its procreative service to society and the nation. These two dynamisms form an attitude of affirmation of sexuality in its expression on higher levels, and at the same time the acceptance and affirmation of divergent ways of sexual experience which may lead to the higher levels.

Level V

In addition to profound responsibility for the partner and his development there is also an even greater responsibility for the development and sublimation of sexual instinct in others. There is an effort to make the hierarchization of sexuality an individual reality in human life. The means to it are envisaged to be through a subordination of sexual instinct to a highly developed hierarchy of values, moral ideals, emotional and ideological closeness with the partner and responsibility for the family -- one’s own and the larger family of mankind. Friendship replaces sexual love. Spiritual union is realized through love (Kierkegaard).

Autonomy and Authentism establish the highest level of exclusivity, uniqueness, unrepeatability, and responsibility for the partner and the family. There is complete independence from the primitive (animalistic) levels of sexual instinct. Autonomy is characterized by reflection, thoughtful and idealistic, yet not naive, approach to the loved one. The physical and sensual aspect of sexuality is transcended. The power of sex is perceived and experienced as the universal power of life, to be treated with reverence and guarded against shortchanging it through moments of pleasure. However, individuality is perceived as shaped by the history of personal experience and by its aspirations.

Responsibility takes development and its direction as a whole, of which sexuality is just one of many aspects. We see an increasing attitude of responsibility for the “I-and-Thou” relationship in marriage and in friendship. No aspect of sexual aspirations and realizations at this level can be isolated from the context and experience of responsibility, as well as empathy.

Personality ideal. Under the influence of personality ideal sexuality is approached through an ideal of uniqueness, the highest exclusivity, unrepeatability, and in a certain sense, transcendence. This is expressed in the highest attitude of “I-and-Thou” in respect to the partner and the family.

Empathy together with personality ideal inspires the highest level of love that transcends separation and death.
EmeraldHope said:
There are also different levels to the sex drive. You may find Dabrowski's explanations helpful here:

Sexual Behavior

Level I

Sexual behavior is undifferentiated: it is controlled entirely by biological factors. It is directed towards more or less attractive but stereotype representatives of the opposite sex. It is marked by lack of sensitivity and consideration for the needs of the partner. Sexual needs are imposed on the other without a feeling of personal relatedness; the other is an object of sexual gratification. In consequence a human relationship of love cannot be formed, equally there is no parental responsibility.

The dominance of biological factors is evident by the following traits: the lack of consideration for age, state of health, emotional condition of the partner, little inhibition in the use of force, little inhibition in sexual expression in the presence of others, sexual behavior is understood primarily in terms of its physiology and absence of retrospection and prospection in sexual fife. After the sexual act a state of depletion may follow which in some psychopathic individuals leads to violence, even murder.

Level II

Gradual loosening of the dominant biological structure of the sexual instinct takes place. This occurs through periodical states of reflection, changeable syntony with the partner, occasional retrospection and prospection, disequilibrium of sexual excitations and inhibitions. Sexual tension builds up easily, often with some inclination toward perversion but not without the consent of the partner. This indicates that sexual aggressiveness is not as strong as in primary integration. Certain sensitivity and responsibility for the partner and the family is present and may increase but because it is generally weak and unsteady it cannot be relied upon. These vacillations are a manifestation of the dynamisms of ambivalence and ambitendency.

At times the biological force of the sexual instinct diminishes due to inhibition arising from an increase of sensitivity, syntony, and consideration for the emotional needs of the partner and the family. Sexual experience is influenced at this levelby the interplay of stimuli and reactions but is not subject to clear hierarchization of values, only to occasional “moods of reflection”. Group opinion, the influence of advertising and vogues in sexual life play a big role (second factor).

In summary, sexual behavior in unilevel disintegration is governed by diverse tendencies. Occasionally they cooperate, but more often there is manifest need for a variety of sexual experiences, which may be unexpected and inharmonious. Stability and exclusivity of emotional bonds is not understood and is not sought, instead there is the facility for turnover of the objects of love. These diverse, fluctuating and alternating sexual tendencies correspond to diverse and conflicting disposing and directing centers, none of which gives direction or stability.

Level III

Reflection and valuation begin to play an increasingly significant role in the hierarchization of sexual fife. Their expression is sexual selectivity and a need for more personal and exclusive relationships. Selectivity is the result of a felt need for more meaningful emotional life; it is also the result of the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions. Exclusivity and stability of feelings begin to manifest strongly, as well as responsibility for the partner and the family. In sexual life emotional components prevail over physical. Sexual instinct gradually loses its character of a biological species drive and becomes an instinct with an expression individually human. The predominance of emotional over physical attachment finds its expression particularly in the need for exclusivity. Exclusive attachments lead to strong sexual inhibition, even impotence, when the partner leaves or dies. For example, in my clinical practice I met a 40 years old man, father of seven children, who became impotent after his wife left him. His impotence lasted several years until the time when his wife returned to him. This is an example of an inhibition of the lower level of an instinct (biological level of sexual drive) by a higher level of the same instinct (emotional and exclusive attachment).

Such behaviors develop as a result of the action of the dynamisms of spontaneous multilevel disintegration. These dynamisms promote the development not only of an increasing responsibility for the family but also of strong tendencies toward idealization of sexual life and seeking its fulfillment in deeply emotional relationships.

Astonishment with the phenomena of one’s own sexuality occurs when one is surprised and embarrassed by the strength of the biological level of sexual impulses arising easily and unselectively. For instance, a person experiences a wave of sexual tension but the mate is weak because of menstruation, or tiredness, seeing this he retreats and realizes with surprise that his biological urge is blind to more personal empathic consideration for the other. In consequence the urge is inhibited, looses tension, and subsides without a need of actual release.

Disquietude with oneself precipitates an experiential grasp of one’s deficiencies. To come face to face with one’s own sexual primitiveness, lack of control, or compulsions, is something of a shock. In consequence one becomes aware of deficiencies in other forms of behavior as well. A negative attitude arises toward the sexual instinct in oneself. Disquietude about one’s sexual behavior subjects it to inhibition, weakening, and differentiation which leads to its greater emotional complexity.

Inferiority toward oneself plays mainly a critical role in the evaluation of one’s sexual life; it is less essential in the diagnosis of the level of sexual behavior. It results from depressive feelings as a reaction to having yielded to various still primitive sexual manifestations and tendencies in oneself. The feeling of inferiority acts as a strong emotional factor in breaking away from the lower levels of sexual life. There is a feeling of distance from what one begins to feel to be ideal in sexual life. The individual becomes sensitive to higher, i.e. emotional and more inspiring experiences of sexual life, such as sharing experiences of beauty in nature, art, and experiences of trust. Recognition of higher and lower levels in oneself and identification with the higher ones results in a sense of confidence in opposition toward the lower ones.

Feelings of shame and guilt are essential for the diagnosis of the developmental level of sexual behavior. Shame and guilt loosen the cohesive primary structure of sexual instinct; they inhibit and weaken its biological level of control by bringing it to the higher emotional level of exclusivity and responsibility. Shame and guilt are most often recognizable in the concern over harm or embarrassment caused the partner in sexual life. Shame produces an impulse to flee, to disappear from the sight of others in order to reflect and sort out the disjunctions of one’s sexual behavior. Guilt produces the experience of heightened sensitivity to one’s primitiveness, carelessness, and inconsiderateness in relation to the partner, or to the family. Guilt generates a sense of responsibility. Guilt here acquires the deeper meaning of feeling responsible for failure in loyalty towards one’s ideal: for betraying one’s ideal.

Dissatisfaction with oneself is of great significance in the diagnosis of a level of a function. It is a more global diagnostic dynamists than those previously discussed. Dissatisfaction is an expression of strong discontent with yielding often to frequently arising sexual impulses. It is thus a measure of an already occurring separation from lower levels of biological functioning. Dissatisfaction brings about inhibition of primitive behaviors in oneself and prevents their unchecked expression. As a pervasive feeling it produces a state of alertness to oppose such expression in their incipience. Dissatisfaction intensifies the need for endowing sexual life with deeper emotional meaning. It thus builds a bridge toward higher more personal levels and more individual, levels of sexual experience.

Positive maladjustment is manifested by an awareness already on a higher level of the disparity between the situation at hand and one’s own evaluation of it. It is frequently concurrent with a program of abandoning the present level of reality “what is” and adjusting oneself to a higher reality of “what ought to be”. Positive maladjustment cooperates closely with dissatisfaction with oneself. It is, in a way an active demand to develop a hierarchy of sexual life. Positive maladjustment expresses an actively negative attitude toward primitive manifestations of the sexual instinct in one’s own life, in one’s social environment, in the exploitation of sex for effect or commercial gain, or in prescribing for others the norms of morality and individual sexual behavior. At the same time positive maladjustment is an expression of idealization of sexuality and of a need of “what ought to be” in sexual life. It may take the form of aversion to the rituals of dating, or to the competition for the favors of the opposite sex.

Creative instinct shapes sexual behavior by looking for new and more enriching expressions of sexuality. At this level of development creative instinct helps to experience the “other” and the “new” (most often also the “higher”) in sexual life. By itself the creative instinct does not enable one to develop universally toward the highest level. This is possible only in conjunction with the instinct of self-perfection. The creative instinct usually begins by a more or less extensive disintegration of the lower levels of an emotional or instinctive function, in this case of sexual behavior. This might be transiently manifested by some strong sexual primitivisms or perversions. This happens because the creative instinct by destroying sexual automatisms and stereotype sexual behaviors, acts, so to speak, upward and downward seeking new fields of expression. Nevertheless there soon arises a need for evaluation and selectivity of such expression. Emotional sensitivity accelerates this process.

Identification and Empathy introduce the emotional components of attention to the subjective needs of the partner, and of selectivity and exclusivity of relationships of love. Sexual behavior becomes a function of the more significant and more pervasive process of building a relationship.

Level IV

The organization and synthesis of the inner psychic milieu, primarily by emotional-cognitive dynamisms, such as third factor and subject-object in oneself, results in deep transformations in attitudes toward sexual fife. The ideal of exclusivity and permanence of an emotional relationship develops as a deeply reflective philosophical attitude. (By ‘philosophical’ we mean the principles a person believes in and fives by as a function of an examining and searching attitude). The loved one becomes the subject endowed with individuality and uniqueness. A program of sexual life and of its sublimation is developed through retrospection and prospection. Meditation and highly developed empathy and responsibility for the family play here a crucial role.

Self-awareness and Self-control play an important role in shaping sexual expression at this level. It is inconceivable to find a primitive manifestation of sexuality in behavior if at the same time there is a highly developed self-awareness and self-control. Both dynamisms are essential to the diagnosis of this level of sexual behavior. The lower levels of sexuality are weakened and inhibited, and replaced by higher, increasingly more exclusive and more reflective components, together with an increasing responsibility for the partner and the family. Self-awareness and self-control are not to be mistaken for self-observation or just a form of introspective checking of inner events. Rather, they provide a strong active barrier against sexual behaviors of lower levels, which is maintained without effort and without tension. At the same time they augment the need to experience more often, if not solely, sexuality of a higher level, such as one offering unique, faithful, and ideal emotional relations.

Subject-object in oneself takes sexual life as an object of penetrating observations and experiences. It interrupts frequently and systematically the “habitual routine” and turns a person into a sharp observer of himself. Example: “In this moment of a sudden vision of myself I saw a dissociation -- on one side my attraction toward an almost perfectly beautiful body, on the other a repelling commonness of sexual excitement, its species appeal and its common animal quality. My ‘physical’ rapture broke like a soap bubble”. Sexual instinct, as in this example, is subject to a split between its lower level, which grows weaker and is being transformed, and its higher level approaching to personality and its ideal.

Third factor works toward a high level of sexual life by separating and selecting what is to be curtailed and eliminated from what is to be accepted and developed. Third factor determines what constitutes a positive or a negative experience in relation to higher and lower levels of sexual fife. It eliminates all that is animalistic and selects all that is authentic, individual, social, and empathic. Third factor thus chooses exclusivity of emotional ties, responsibility for the partner and the family, and the unrepeatability of the union of love. In cooperation with empathy, self-control, self-awareness, prospection, retrospection, third factor creates a ‘school’ of marital and family life. Example: “I would not exchange for anything her unique ‘power’ over me. Always unity of the physical with the moral and the spiritual. Union of minds and hearts, never the physical union alone. I feel disgust toward the tyranny of the physical aspect of love, but in its spiritual aspect I feel close to something like an ‘immortality of sex’ .
Inner psychic transformation acts in close cooperation with all other dynamisms of level IV. Sexual needs and their realization undergo a deep change so that their fulfillment occurs in harmony with the higher emotional and experiential aspirations of the individual. No external or internal sexual stimuli are accepted without first being screened and modified, if necessary, to harmonize with the ideal. Under the influence of this dynamism sexual behavior is characterized by exclusivity, responsibility, and uniqueness of emotional ties. It is marked by very deep care and concern for the family.

Education-of-oneself and Autopsychotherapy. Autopsychotherapy operates on the borderline of levels III and IV. In relation of sexual life autopsychotherapy may come into action at a time of emotional and sexual conflict in a relationship, or with the lower instinctive levels in oneself. Previous experience, memory of errors, failures and previous psychoneurotic sexual conflicts (Dąbrowski, 1972, p. 100) enrich the analysis of one’s sexual behavior and establish it at higher level. What remains from previous times are only traces of therapy, struggles and victories achieved in the development of the sexual instinct. In level IV, a program of systematic self-development, which results in lowering of inner tension but greater calmness and harmony, affects and smoothes out the unevennesses that may still be experienced in sexual life. This level of sexual life is clearly subordinated to the operation of empathy and ideal.

Identification and Empathy. It is hard to separate the activity of these dynamisms from all other dynamisms of organized multilevel disintegration since the emotions of empathy are now the dominant emotions in shaping a relationship. The sexual aspect of a relationship becomes sublimated. Love and friendship may flourish without much interference of demands from the biological level of the sexual instinct.

Identification and empathy shape understanding, sympathy, desire to help in various difficulties in life; they also express a distance and separation from lower manifestations of sexuality, such as the distinctly physiological, selfish aspect of sexual release, which acts outside of empathy, exclusivity, intellectual, esthetic and moral rapport. Moral emotions press for separation from such manifestations of sexuality. A person on this level of development cannot display symptoms of undifferentiated, irresponsible and nonexclusive sexual behavior. Such a person will love in an exclusive way, will long for fully individual contacts, will desire to create with his partner a “school of life together”, will need him intellectually, morally, esthetically for his own and their mutual growth, and for the sake of others as well. Such a person will value more highly mental, emotional, and physical individuality of his partner than his sexual potency. Such is the way to higher levels of sexuality.

Identification and empathy also promote an understanding for all manifestations of sexuality including such aspects as perversions or inversions, which are often considered only in the narrow context of rigid and insufficiently studied “norms” of human sexual behavior and emotional development. Such “norms” are provided either by social standards or by psychoanalytic theories. Let us discuss as an example necrophilia and homosexuality. In certain individuals necrophilia is a function of association of love with death. In others, who may be very idealistic, there might be a fear of actual sexual intercourse, but at the same time there is an attraction to the body of a dead person because it might feel less threatening. There may be no urge to undress the body or perform the sexual act, rather, it all occurs in the imagination. Masturbation may serve to release mental and sexual tension. In homosexuality again the expression of feeling and affection may be more important than the actual physical contact and sexual release. When emotional and human factors play a directive role then there is no interference with individual development. Such behaviors are understood as forms of stepping out of the rigid norms of common stereotypes of sexual behavior and its procreative service to society and the nation. These two dynamisms form an attitude of affirmation of sexuality in its expression on higher levels, and at the same time the acceptance and affirmation of divergent ways of sexual experience which may lead to the higher levels.

Level V

In addition to profound responsibility for the partner and his development there is also an even greater responsibility for the development and sublimation of sexual instinct in others. There is an effort to make the hierarchization of sexuality an individual reality in human life. The means to it are envisaged to be through a subordination of sexual instinct to a highly developed hierarchy of values, moral ideals, emotional and ideological closeness with the partner and responsibility for the family -- one’s own and the larger family of mankind. Friendship replaces sexual love. Spiritual union is realized through love (Kierkegaard).

Autonomy and Authentism establish the highest level of exclusivity, uniqueness, unrepeatability, and responsibility for the partner and the family. There is complete independence from the primitive (animalistic) levels of sexual instinct. Autonomy is characterized by reflection, thoughtful and idealistic, yet not naive, approach to the loved one. The physical and sensual aspect of sexuality is transcended. The power of sex is perceived and experienced as the universal power of life, to be treated with reverence and guarded against shortchanging it through moments of pleasure. However, individuality is perceived as shaped by the history of personal experience and by its aspirations.

Responsibility takes development and its direction as a whole, of which sexuality is just one of many aspects. We see an increasing attitude of responsibility for the “I-and-Thou” relationship in marriage and in friendship. No aspect of sexual aspirations and realizations at this level can be isolated from the context and experience of responsibility, as well as empathy.

Personality ideal. Under the influence of personality ideal sexuality is approached through an ideal of uniqueness, the highest exclusivity, unrepeatability, and in a certain sense, transcendence. This is expressed in the highest attitude of “I-and-Thou” in respect to the partner and the family.

Empathy together with personality ideal inspires the highest level of love that transcends separation and death.

Wow, you must be way more intelligent than I am. That went mostly over my head.
abeofarrell said:
Just something I have been thinking about.

Animals seem to have periods of "being in heat" during which mating occurs, it is not a continuous drive. Correct me if I am wrong. Humans however seem wired to a sex drive that knows no bounds.

I don't think this is a bad thing in itself. If that 'unlimited sex drive' can be subsumed towards creative endeavours, the whole machinery can shift up a gear or ten. But yeh, you're right, I look around me and see that the world is hardwired for complete control via sex.

abe said:
I practice t'ai chi ch'uan and I know that my teachers have said (and it is also in the literature) that sexual energy is stored through training so in order to make a considerate breakthrough it is important to abstain for a period from all sexual activity.

I used to practice chi gung, especially the heavy duty stuff as a prelude to kung fu. I had to stop because I began having recurring headaches in a specific point in the top left hand side of my head. I would be doing the exercises and the energy or chi, if that's what it was, would build up to a crescendo. I was pretty scared that I'd developed a tumour or something. Rather than have it checked out, I just quit and reasoned at the time that it could have been to do with faulty circuitry.

Anyway, I realised that to make a breakthrough I had to abstain from all this "energy manipulation". I felt that I was messing about with something which I didn't understand. Soon after I came across this thread on 'kundalini' energy.

abe said:
Do you think the (incessant) human sex drive is something wired into us by the bad guys so they always have an abundant source of energy? What does this tell us about the whole pornography industry? A scary thought.

Not only that but we have the porn industry at one extreme and the castration of sex at the other extreme (in the form of religious taboos about sex). The two combined would provide a bountiful source of negative emotional loosh!

abe said:
Speaking for myself, when I get close to breakthroughs in my development I always find some kind of sexual distraction will come along.

It's inevitable, like the woman in the red dress :) I'd say that most if not all of us can relate to that. I reckon it's their favourite herd control programme!
Hi Abeofarrell,

Understanding sexual energy and how it drives human behavior is probably one of the complex topics - at least that is what I think. My own understanding on this matter is very far from complete. I cannot speak for others but when I quote some passage from a book regarding this topic, it does not mean I understand all of it but it is something that is interesting and others may want to take a look at it too :) So here are my thoughts on it.

Like you observed, we can find sexual distractions and stimuli all around us. There is the porno industry providing explicit stimulus. But even advertisements, tv shows provide these type of distractions all the time - sometimes in a subtle way. When we stop to think about it, why should an advertisement for a car have a provocatively dressed female model? It seems that we are bombarded with these types of images from all around us. The purpose could very well be energetic feeding from a higher level like you stated.

Sexual energy is perhaps fundamentally creative in nature. Animals express this creative energy in the way they are capable of expressing it - that is through procreation. But for humans, it becomes more complex. We use sexual energy for procreation as well as self-gratification. In the Wave, Laura talks about the pleasure center of the brain which can get addicted to a lot of things that result in "feel-good" chemicals to be released - and sexual gratification would perhaps be up there along with others. Excessive sexual indulgence probably does deplete human energy levels.

What is also interesting is that human sex drive can also be at the root of other activities which we do not usually associate with it. For example, according to Gurdjieff, indulging in extreme sports, somewhat dangerous physical activities etc may be an expression of sexual energy. The same drive can also lead to a fundamentalist type zeal seen in religious affairs. Someone can even indulge in intellectual activities using the same energy. In 4th Way terminology, this is referred to as the "wrong use" of sexual energy.

Due to this potential for wrong use of sexual energy, simple abstinence may or may not work in every case - I guess it depends on what the person is trying to do with the energy. It kind of feels like peeling an onion - osit.
Hi abeofarrell,

There was a discussion of the book Cupid's Poisoned Arrow a little while ago.

The book talks about how there are two basic programs in regards to sex: a mating and bonding program. The sex of the porn industry and what we see all around us on tv, movies, advertisments is mostly set up to appeal to our mating program, which ultimately leads to brain chemical imbalances and other problems, as the authors claim.

The authors of this book have put together some interesting research on their website: _

I thought the website had some good information about the human sex drive and the issues of dealing with it, fwiw.
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