weird dream with Laura in it


Jedi Council Member
OK... So normally, I don't really give any thoughts to dreams. My most symbolic ones usually occur after doing POTS, and I rarely invest any time or energy in trying to decipher them as I figure that stuff at some deep level is sorting itself out. I woke up this morning from a dream that was so odd that I thought I would share it. I am not necessarily asking for feedback, but any is of course welcome.

the dream:

I was somewhere, not the Chateau in France, but it was a place where I was expecting to see the folks that live there. I saw a few of them, but I only remember specifically Laura and Dr. Psyche.

I saw Laura and started talking to her. She looked many years younger. By this, I don't simply mean in a state of increased vitality and health but literally as if she was 20 years younger. She did not recognize me at all, and it was confusing to me.

Then, a woman, whom I recognized in the dream as being associated with the chateau but whom I don't recognize in my real life, started talking to me. She said that I should not worry. That Laura recognized neither her nor myself because an "event" had happened to her. She further said that the "event" would soon happen to me and her as well, and then Laura would be able to recognize us again. I asked when that would happen, and the woman told me that it would happen at 12h15. I looked at my watch (??I NEVER wear a watch??), and it was 11h40. I was relieved that the event would happen soon.

I woke up soon after that. And with a splitting headache by the way... As soon as I began going to bed early in total darkness per the recent sleep research done by the forum members, I found that if I sleep more than 15 minutes after there is sunlight, I wake up with a headache. Anyway... There it is. My strange dream...
Well, I like the part about rejuvenation so let's see if you have any prophetic powers!
Laura said:
Well, I like the part about rejuvenation so let's see if you have any prophetic powers!

Hi Patience, hi Laura,

I wrote about a dream yesterday with a similar feel to it, especially the part about rejuvenation or being quite young and energetic. In the dream you were physically thinner/smaller, clearly in very good health and physical shape.

Very curious that some are starting to have these dreams lately?

Wish someone would dream about me . . . :cry:

:lol: :P :
a view weeks back I had also a dream with Laura and she was young too
I've written about it in the EE thread:

Pashalis said:
recently I had a dream where I saw Laura as a young asian woman asking questions. (I think that was triggered from something I've read before; that Laura seems to ask questions without the self like a child would ask a question.)
I dreamed Laura yesterday. She wasn't younger :), actually I cant remember how she looked, only knew that it was her. She was teaching me to breath and how breathing is very important for good sleep. It was very positive feeling, and I really woke up good rested.
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