Subliminals work REALLY well.


The Living Force
I've been noodling on and off with a big mess of ideas about how media works and how to explain it all in an essay or two, and while getting bogged down in this endeavor, I've come across several really fascinating ideas and bits of material. Some of it is just too useful and inspiring not to share immediately rather than have it wait around for me to get my ducks in a row.

So please check out this video. It demonstrates how we are MUCH easier to control than many are willing to allow.


I think my favorite example, (in the YouTube comment section) of the ferocity of rejection this particular example elicits was one poster who simply said, "Fake and gay". That made me laugh. A great deal of this planet is still in kindergarten.

Another example was that of a friend who I wanted to discuss media manipulation with and get some opinions from. She was quite excited, apparently thinking we were going to be discussing things which she was too smart to be taken in by and have a chance to show off her wisdom. When I explained this example, she went gray in the face and physically backed up a few inches.
Wow! That was amazing. I also watched some of the others and it got me thinking if someone in 3D can so easily manipulate us, imagine what 4D can do. Kind of mind blowing. I've read enough to know intellectually that we are manipulated all the time, but this brought it home. Thank you Woodsman.
:rotfl: :headbanger:

Wow, that takes me back to art college, where we learned the basics of this. The book "Subliminal Seduction" was touched on in a lecture, and a few of us got the paperback and monkeyed with the ideas on our own. It shocked me then, but now it just makes me laugh like a hyena. And yes, you'd be amazed at how hard we are all hit over the head with this stuff....and no, its not always a good thing to be able to spot it. It can wear on you after a while. ;)

Its cool that this guy is educated people about it.
To think those guys thought they were reaching into the depths of their own imagination and creative abilities, WAM. Nope.... :shock:

That was pretty creepy! Thanks for sharing!
Dawn said:
To think those guys thought they were reaching into the depths of their own imagination and creative abilities, WAM. Nope.... :shock:

That was pretty creepy! Thanks for sharing!

You could see how embarrassed the ad guys were, they get paid a lot of money for their 'creative' ideas. Shocking!
From UK we get a 'blocked due to copyright restrictions', guessing from the comments is it Derren Brown. Is this the one you're referring to? _
Yes, this is the same video. :)

Pob said:
From UK we get a 'blocked due to copyright restrictions', guessing from the comments is it Derren Brown. Is this the one you're referring to? _
Thanks for the video! I gotta say, I found myself shocked. I suppose it goes to show that we notice and store WAY more things than we realize.... and how much so-called creativity is just pulled from the recycling bin.
When I was growing up in the 70s, we had a few courses in grade school that discussed subliminal advertising. We were shown, for example, a liquor ad in a magazine where the ice cubes had the letters s-e-x in them, or where an image of a naked woman was hidden in the background, etc. The purpose of such instruction, in my opinion, was to draw awareness of manipulation, that you can believe everything you see,especially when it comes to advertising. We also touched briefly on propaganda, but use typical examples from communist regimes, although there were a few Western examples from WWII. This had a considerable affect on me and made me wary of everything I saw from that day onward. I did notice though, that it didn't have the same effect on everyone in the class. Some thought it was "cool", some were concerned (I was a mix of both) and many were indifferent.

Flash forward to my kids' education. In 2003, their teacher was a woman who was a decade older than myself as seemed aware of big brother, the corporate attempts to takeover of our children's minds and the manipulation of news media. Since she was teaching in the Catholic school board, she couldn't go on the tirade she would have preferred to deliver, but she did manage to show them how advertising and branding are affecting their minds and gave examples of how their subconscious is being manipulated.

However, what disturbed me was that, in the gap between my exposure to subliminal advertising and theirs. Surely, the industries researching such things and the industries implementing them have advanced considerably and yet the public knowledge remains basically the same.

By now, I would expect subliminal inserts of audio tones, visual cues, scents, etc., in just about eery environment where goods are sold and thoughts directed.

While I find this video an excellent example of the use of subliminals, it is really an an academic application of knowledge at least 30 years old.

thank you for sharing. Subliminals works as human brain works with association and we don't remember ourselves and our impressions and feelings for each image we see, it can be easy to predict for the practioners. We are victim of our own forgetfulness. I feel that there is another component to this showman ship probably we will not be knowing until some body blows the whistle. that is "how many times he failed to predict, but they edit it out".

the last guy who predicted is commented saying " I will go back to my pitiful life". He must have talked to him before to lay a strategy or he might have chosen a weak minded person or it is a simple card trick. yes we are all Easy suggestible.

One good thing is he is not saying he is a psychic. None the less it is impressive.
I've always enjoyed Derren Brown's videos. I think they provide excellent demonstrations to back up G's teachings about man being in a hypnotic state that is very close to sleep and how mechanical (predictable) man is.
Bud said:
I've always enjoyed Derren Brown's videos. I think they provide excellent demonstrations to back up G's teachings about man being in a hypnotic state that is very close to sleep and how mechanical (predictable) man is.

I agree. I would like him to explain more about the techniques he uses though. A lot of the manipulations he does he never explains. I guess that's what keeps him popular but he could be doing a much better job of making people aware.
That is interesting but I have to say a little disappointing. I began to think it would be like those Chris Angel Mind-Freak tricks where he tells you to pick a card and knows the card at the end of the trick.

So when they got underway and thoughts came into mind, for a logo, LogosX (not terribly creative and I think it might be one of the forum members here so maybe that was the subliminal thought) and then for a slogan thought, "Stuffed-by-Us" akin to Toys-R-Us and the the thought of teddy bears, I guess, well when these thoughts came into mind I almost expected to see those ideas at the end.

But it was interesting to see the trek in review with all the "subliminals" - I am sure I am not totally immune to persuasion, but I am pretty stubborn, and when it comes to knowing that I am about to dance with someone who is trying to pull the wool over my eyes, politicians, car salesman, etc, I am generally NOT buying it.

In the rare instances I watch TV I like to "read between the lines" and then laugh at the idiocy of it all and often give dialogue reflecting the real intent of the story, whether that is what the script calls out or not.

Gonzo said:
When I was growing up in the 70s, we had a few courses in grade school that discussed subliminal advertising.

Yeah. I did too. Seems every decade of public education is sliding down that social engineering slippery slope. Just the other day the fact that Indiana is no longer going to teach cursive writing is indicative (to me) the intentional dumbing down of children according to someones/somethings plan.
While encouraging better typing skills is a must for today's digital age, TIME's NewsFeed brings up a valid point: How will Indiana children know how to sign their name?

:evil: :evil: :evil:
I thought that the video was a fun watch. Especially when at the end they showed all the subliminal icons. Just goes to show you how we humans can manipulated.

Back in the 1980's I worked for a recording studio that did voice overs for commercials. I got to learn first hand about advertising agencies. How they would gear products to certain demographics. Like the company Burg*r K#ng had what they called the black demographic and geared specific commercials for specific tv channels that they knew were watched by africian americans. After 6 months working there I was totally put off by the business of marketing and saw from my perspective how manipulating they can be. The consumer is just a dollar sign.

It reminds of the movie "They Live" by John Carpenter. A 1983 movie about a man that discovers that aliens rule the world and have subliminal messages on just about everything from billboards, street signs to magazine ads,etc... Examples were a billboard of a beautiful woman in underwear. When you put these special sunglasses on you did not see the ad, but a message that says "money is your God". And you got to see that all the rich and politicians were the aliens in human disguise. You can read about it here _

It was not the greatest movie, but it sure did make me think when I first saw the movie way back when.

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