Night Terrors


Well I've had dreams thar come true. I've also had what The History Channel calls Night Terrors. Is there any amonst those on this site have them? If you had, the word "Terror" really applies here.
DGF said:
Well I've had dreams thar come true. I've also had what The History Channel calls Night Terrors. Is there any amonst those on this site have them? If you had, the word "Terror" really applies here.


I'd guess that most all forums have no idea what 'the History Channel calls Night Terrors' -- so it'd be helpful if you could explain what that means based on your understanding.
See I knew I should had explained. My bad. Well they aren't nightmares, they're truely terrifying, to the point you are scared to go back to sleep. There seems to be a common theme in that those who have them seem to see what one might describe as a witch, there's also and old man. Though I've never seen either. Mine are somewhat different that I saw on THC.

The ones I had started with a hich pitched ring in my ears, then a sound that sounded like grease poping and sizzling. Then each dream would be different, but they all ended the same. I woke up I couldn't talk or move, it felt like I was being held down. My bed actually lifted when whatevefr it was got off of me.

They've morphed over the years, Now I can see the room around me and there's a presence, that I can only describe as evil. Once I heard a high pitched voice saying "And you think you control the wind.

On The History Channel they recorded a session where they had a priest eveoking the name of Jesus. During the playback you could hear a scowling noice which seemed to become aggitated once Jesus was mention then left. The scowling sound sounded almost like the voice that I heard in the dream I mentioned.
what ever may be external details of events, the internal reactions looks like panic attack. search the forum under 'panic attack'. Hopefully that will help.
I'm not inclined to agree with you on the panic attack theory. I't hard to explain. One of the last one's I've had I felt a presence before going to sleep. I just knew one was coming. It's like looking at the Rodriguez guy, you know "The Night Stalker" Murderer, you can just sense evil.
If you have already checked under panic attacks and that didn't match it is well and fine. If you have not searched on it and think it is not right, then I want to suggest this. some of us often tend to end up in emotional thinking ( what ever may be the reason ) .i.e. if one feel bad about situation means it is bad. feel good means it is Good. So you may want to check it out.

I am no way discounting the phenomenon. It is possible, but the question is what can we do to take control of over selves. We have so many holes in psychic environment, that can be used by other phenomenon or our own predator programs comes in million different ways or some form or others. Giving in to them is a trap and not easy to resist.

If you haven't read the Wave series or Wave 2 book you may want to read. Also you may want to do some dream analysis.
Some questions, DGF. What does your diet look like? Are you aware of the ee meditation and if you are, are you doing it (I'd suggest leaving out the baha portion)? How much sleep are you getting? What kinds of trauma did you experience in childhood?

I ask these questions because quite often what appears to be 'high strangeness' are really issues that stem from poor digestion/gut issues which affects how we think as well as our emotional state. I realize that it may seem difficult to believe but I have noticed the difference now that I have removed gluten, corn, sugar, dairy and soy from my diet.

In terms of trauma, you may want to do a search on the forum regarding the big 5 - these are books that deal with narcissistic wounding, something we all have. They'll help you to better understand things that happened in your childhood so that you can begin to deal with them effectively. This might be one possible reason for night terrors as they may be unresolved issues that are attempting to make themselves known to you through your dreams. In other words, an attempt by your unconscious to solve old traumas. The diet and ee will assist your body by helping you sleep better and relax while giving you the nourishment that supports you in dealing with this.

Also, have you ever seen a therapist for this?
truth seeker said:
I ask these questions because quite often what appears to be 'high strangeness' are really issues that stem from poor digestion/gut issues which affects how we think as well as our emotional state. I realize that it may seem difficult to believe but I have noticed the difference now that I have removed gluten, corn, sugar, dairy and soy from my diet.

I remember reading years ago where Edgar Cayce had said something very similiar. That poor diet can cause bad dreams or nightmares.
I fully empathize with what I imagine you must be feeling. It can be a terrifying experience.

If you haven't already, you might want to search the forum for the following:
sleep paralysis, hypnagogia (also hypnogogia - popular misspelling), hypnagogic (also hypnogogic - popular misspelling), dark man.

You may find that sleep paralysis comes very close to what you are describing. Unfortunately, science tries to explain away paranormal phenomena and so, doesn't take into account things like psychic attack, hyperdimensional beings, etc.

However, often one need not look beyond the physical world as we know it for explanations like childhood traumas, dietary causes of hallucinations (including the playing out of childhood traumas through hallucinations), the horror of learning and acknowledging the effect psychopaths have on us, our society and environment, mental health issues including psychotic breaks from reality, etc.

I'd be looking at these before considering the paranormal. As well, if hyperdimensional nasties do exist, they would find one of the easiest ways to mess with us would be through our diet to weaken our mental and physical health and then through our mind.

Changing one's diet therefore fixes many of the potential reasons. Working on one's mental health fixes another part of the equation. Growing in knowledge and, therefore, awareness, protects and, finally, the EE program pulls together the physical, psychological and spiritual components holistically, to complete the equation.

Hope that helps.

I used to experience something similar, but I wouldn't use the word night terrors to describe what I had, but I did have nightmares. I never saw or heard anything in real life, but I would feel a dark presence at times. I used to have recurring dreams with a witch like figure, although I would use the word succubus. I don't remember what Wave book it was described in, and I can't find the post, but there was a story about this woman who had a dark lady / entity attachment. This dark lady would sweep her cloak around the woman, take her to other worlds and into the past. Her description of this dark lady fit pretty well with what I would see in my dream. Evil looking, gaunt, and with weird eyes. She stopped making an appearance once my breathing straightened up and I cleaned up my emotional center some.

I also used to have really bad sleep apnea and sometimes my legs would be paralyzed and cramped. It would be so painful it would wake me up sometimes. There was a feeling of a dark presence, a feeling of dread. My sleep apnea was so bad I would wake up every morning with very painful stomach cramps, as if I wasn't breathing at all during the night and my abdominal muscles were locking up. Often my nightmares were of a post-apocalyptic setting with a dark red sky, and me just kind of wandering around. These also went away when I fixed my breathing.

What you describe sounds like it could be sleep paralysis and/or sleep apnea to me. The negative feelings and imagery could just be the way your mind interprets the extreme negative situation of not breathing through the night. I imagine when the body feels like it is being slowly suffocated, it sends out pretty powerful messages to the brain. Or it could be the type of opening needed for negative entity's to mess with you. Either way, I would recommend checking out the EE program and making sure you have a healthy habitual breathing pattern.
Well it's been awhile since I had one. As to the diet thing I can't say one way or another on that. The latest ones seem similar to sleep paralysis, so that might be. The last one I had, I did a mental scream, as to say go away I'm not scared of you anymore, and I haven't had one since. I was just interested in sharing notes with someone who's had them. One common denominator is when I had them. My mom would come home and start a fight and on several occasions I woke up with a .25 automatic pointed at my head, and her saying I'm going to kill you, DF, course I took that as being aimed at my Dad. We have the same name, accept for our middle name. I would just say," what are you doing, put the gun away". Oddly when whatever that was forcing me down would let up off of me, the first words out of my mouth was Momma. These happened a long time ago. The last time I had one like that was, the night that Elvis died. Mom really liked Elvis. Me and my Mom had a love hate relationship, bless her heart, she's long gone from this world, and I never let that keep me from being her son, and she was always there to help me out of a jam.
DGF said:
As to the diet thing I can't say one way or another on that.

I think the question is what is your diet - what are you eating? I think you can say, one way or another, on that.
Well you know chicken, veggies, red meat, pasta, shrimp, bread which I know isn't that great but I like it. Still it's been a long while since I had one. Then again I could have one tonight, I never know.
DGF said:
Well you know chicken, veggies, red meat, pasta, shrimp, bread which I know isn't that great but I like it. Still it's been a long while since I had one. Then again I could have one tonight, I never know.
When was the last time you had one of these dreams?

From what you've written, it sounds as if it wasn't that long ago but because it's been such a regular part of your life, you've normalized it. If you're really interested in getting to the root of what's causing it, I would take some of the suggestions given. If you want to, take a look at some of the threads in the diet section, note that much of what we think is normal or okay really isn't. From what I understand, many, if not all, diseases or ailments we have are really symptoms due to digestion (the root cause) and other environmental factors.

Another thing, in your last two posts, your thoughts seem to run into each other - you begin writing about one thing and then switch subjects in the next sentence which can be a bit confusing. Please realize that you're not being put on the spot. This is the nature of this forum - to get to the bottom of what's going on. While there's nothing at all wrong with sharing experiences, more than likely people will be asked questions in order to suss out what the real issue is about.

It also sounds as if you're not getting much sleep, which is understandable under the circumstances but realize that it's crucial for physical and mental well being. There are threads available to you if you're interested in reading up on that as well.

In terms of what you related, that must have been an extremely traumatic experience you had as a child even if the gun wasn't pointed at you and I don't think it's coincidental that you were calling for your Mom in the dream you related. Also interesting that those particular dreams stopped when she died. However, this doesn't mean that whatever trauma you suffered was dealt with but rather may just have changed forms. The unconscious is an amazing thing and seeks to protect us when we are children so that something in us can survive. This may provide you with some clues as to what the current dreams mean.

These dreams of being held down and not being able to move may also hold roots in feeling trapped. Perhaps your fight/flight reaction is being triggered due to feeling paralyzed in your childhood and was never properly confronted. Can't say for sure but will say that you may want to consult with a therapist again if you ever feel the need to dig deeper. One book that may help is In An Unspoken Voice by Peter a Levine, PhD.

Again, I do realize that you said you were just seeking to share your experience but I also write this for those who may be suffering the same things. It also seems that on some level you are searching for some answers. I think what's been mentioned come closer to the truth than what THC is feeding the general public.

Making these changes isn't always easy because one can tend to 'like' the feeling of being victimized or special and so will readily accept looking for answers outside of themselves. They may also be afraid of what they may find. Looking within can be more difficult because there begins the work of taking responsibility for ourselves and then doing something about it. Looking back on my own life, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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