As below so above.. an idea


FOTCM Member
hey guys,

i have been re reading the wave series, and the idea to try and convey the truth behind most channeling, and the benevolent alien abduction, new age, space brothers mentality.

i came up with this image, but i have a feeling it may be a bit too... gore-y? any feedback would be most appreciated, im open to ideas and suggestions.


thank you guys!
I'm not sure what the image is supposed to convey. I enjoy the aesthetics, especially the pen and ink silhouette style. But what I see a man in black informing an unsuspecting cow of a mission and then an allusion to the cow getting chopped up, perhaps turned into steaks. That could be me visiting a slaughter facility after work, trying to negotiate a freezer order but first wanting to give thanks to the cow. :)

I guess a helpful answer would be, it depends. It depends on who the target audience is, what you are trying to convey and for what purpose.

Starting with the last question, what is the purpose behind wanting to deliver a message. Is it to educate or otherwise inform? Understanding your motivation might reveal quite a bit about your ego needs as much as it does a genuine desire to help others. As well, it helps you consider all outcomes of your actions. Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

When considering what you are tying to convey, it is important to remember that the depth of complex concepts is rarely realized by an entire audience. Trying to do too much with as little as possible limits the potential for complete understanding and broad uptake. Often, simpler concepts expressed through multiple, yet varied, instances carries a greater chance that each concept is well understood by the entire target audience.

Segmenting the audiences and understanding those segments is the final piece to the puzzle. Different age groups, each with their varied socio-cultural experiences requires delivering messages to their interests, levels of comprehension, attention span, frame of reference, etc. provides the highest likelihood the message will be received, understood, and acted upon (if the message has a call to action). Inappropriateness will kill a message's chance faster than not issuing the message. Gory or pornographic content, for example, delivered to the wrong audience could create such a negative reaction, ranging from repulsion to anger, that the message and the messenger, as well as anyone associated with either, lose credibility and become targets for the reaction.

This, of course, is well known in the Psyops world, which is why anything or anyone conveying truths inconvenient to TPTB will inevitably suffer from attacks on their credibility, their reputation, forcing many close to the issuer to distance themselves to avoid guilt by association (divide and conquer).

Sorry if this sounds preachy, but I think we often need to remind ourselves to think beyond the inspiration and desire, especially when we find ourselves motivated through an emotional response to reading something like The Wave series.

My $0.02, fwiw.
Without reading your description it looks like a critique of the meat industry to me. However, when I read that you were inspired by The Wave, I see it more like the cow represents humans, the man in the suit represents 4D STS seeking control and the butcher is another 4D STS entity taking life from the human.

I think you did a great job creating the image, but I am curious of your specific intent if you are referring to something other than how humans manipulate animals and then kill them for food. Also, the footprints confuse me. I would think that step 1 is manipulate the prey through lying and step 2 is exploit the prey through killing it. This leads me to think that the footprints would go in the direction of step 2.

So, am I right or completely lost here? ;) What message are you trying to convey? :)
FWIW, I think it's funny. I got it right away, but I can't see anyone outside of this forum understanding it (which is fine, if that's what's intended). I think Gonzo's right about knowing your audience and what you intend them to take away. But if you just wanted to give people on the forum a good chuckle, it worked here. :lol:

Another thought: if this was going to be used within the context of something else, like an image to accompany an article, it would probably work for a wider audience.
I think it's great - gave me a chuckle too. I agree that it would be hard for others to get the reference so maybe you could add something to the pic that shows the symbolism? Perhaps the man talking to the cow could be presenting the cow with a prized sash that says New Age or something like that?

Excellent images!
Oh, I see others are interpreting the cow differently than I did. I took the cow at face value and imagined the MiB was going to perform cattle mutilation. However, I tend to see things differently, often missing the intended message. Poetry class in high school was humiliating and I was in a constant state of fear that the teacher might ask me what I thought a certain passage meant.

Thanks all,

Everything you guys said is very appreciated, it is true that messages need a study of the audience and thanks Gonzo, I will definitely keep that in mind.

What I am attempting to convey is, as most of you interpreted, the 4D STS manipulation that goes on through channeling these days and how space brothers have selected people for a special mission of love and light, and they probably miss the whole point or probably never asked the question.."how do you guys feed?".

The differentiation of two humans in the piece is aimed at showing that, the mesage or messenger will always present him/her self as attractive, loving, trust worthy, caring, and so on.. When in fact there's this whole other dynamic going on, i used the maxim in reverse "as below so above" to describe the piece as a way to gear the attention to the idea that, sure you may be communicating with higher beings (Density speaking) but by that same knowledge of them being higher than you, Implies levels of existence and awareness, you are then higher than beings in the animal kingdom, thus you being higher than cows.. Then observing the dynamic that goes on between us and cows, we can conclude then that logically.... Fill in the blank.

So that's for explanation, more questions are welcomed, it's also kind of a personal thing I have after I read something, at attempting to stop and explain it to myself graphically, to make sure I'm getting it, I usually draw or write pieces, also it's my response to what to do with the knowledge that I have gained access to, I would like to think (wishful thinking maybe?) that I can maybe do my part at attempt to inspire people's curiosity, which is extremely difficult if not impossible, makes me think of gurdjieff when he wrote all in everything and realized that it would be unintelligible to anyone not closely associated with him.

I was thinking of including this piece in artchemicalmatter after some final composition, thanks again for all your responses they reflected greatly on me..:)
P.S. Regarding the usage of the image in an article, if anyone sees it fit, by all means! I would be honored..:)
dugdeep said:
FWIW, I think it's funny. I got it right away, but I can't see anyone outside of this forum understanding it (which is fine, if that's what's intended). I think Gonzo's right about knowing your audience and what you intend them to take away. But if you just wanted to give people on the forum a good chuckle, it worked here. :lol:

Another thought: if this was going to be used within the context of something else, like an image to accompany an article, it would probably work for a wider audience.

I also got that it was a "joke" (I hope that was the intent...if not apologies) but the footprints do not work for me... I think others outside the forum would "get it" (non English speaking folks might not understand it, however) as humour. It gave me a giggle (kind of reminds me of going to work every day!) :P
no i have not made any more.. but what did you have i mind, i could probably create one..:) and yes you may use it..
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