The Living Force
If neither, what is the undelying structure?
"I" ask because i watched a documentary which can be found here:
about the so called pagan peoples of the Neolithic. The theory about it being as an ascending spiral really stupified me, because i never thought about that form of architecture, and factoring in the possible technological capabilities of megaliths, and the difference in psychology between those who build pyramids, and those who build circles and spirals... :O Like i said i was stupified.
Took a screen shot, but it is of crappy quality, i recommend watching the documentary even though it is highly conventional and mainstream in a lot of its interpretations of the data such as dates, etc, but what do you expect, it's the history channel.
Here it is:
And the hypothesized 9 sided polygon skeleton of Silbury:
It looks like very advanced architecture to me, but what the hell do i know. :D
The historian Ronald Hutton was great in it, i especially liked when he said "What I'd love is to have another idea in with that, they didn't cover the chalk rock of Silbury with anything, and so it was a shinning mountain of light, a glowing hill under Sunlight & Moonlight." He was awesome through the whole thing, like a poet.
Another thing i found interesting was the theory that when the peoples were conducting their ceremonies, they would time the procession to arrive at Stonehenge at sunset, this brought to mind what Laura has written, about the northern peoples and moon worship, and their calendars being set to the moon cycles. Maybe their type of tech depended on conditions that are more prevalent at night, or maybe i am just rambling on. :D
"I" ask because i watched a documentary which can be found here:
about the so called pagan peoples of the Neolithic. The theory about it being as an ascending spiral really stupified me, because i never thought about that form of architecture, and factoring in the possible technological capabilities of megaliths, and the difference in psychology between those who build pyramids, and those who build circles and spirals... :O Like i said i was stupified.
Took a screen shot, but it is of crappy quality, i recommend watching the documentary even though it is highly conventional and mainstream in a lot of its interpretations of the data such as dates, etc, but what do you expect, it's the history channel.
Here it is:

And the hypothesized 9 sided polygon skeleton of Silbury:

The historian Ronald Hutton was great in it, i especially liked when he said "What I'd love is to have another idea in with that, they didn't cover the chalk rock of Silbury with anything, and so it was a shinning mountain of light, a glowing hill under Sunlight & Moonlight." He was awesome through the whole thing, like a poet.
Another thing i found interesting was the theory that when the peoples were conducting their ceremonies, they would time the procession to arrive at Stonehenge at sunset, this brought to mind what Laura has written, about the northern peoples and moon worship, and their calendars being set to the moon cycles. Maybe their type of tech depended on conditions that are more prevalent at night, or maybe i am just rambling on. :D