Ark's Lecture At Barcelona


The Living Force

If it is not too much trouble, can you upload the powerpoint you created for the Barcelona conference in your lecture entitled "UFOs, Physics, & Consciousness"? maybe to your site, or where ever you feel it is appropriate.

Thought i would be the first to include the link for the video.
"I" am not talking about the video, because i have already downloaded it, i am talking about the powerpoint itself, because i would like to examine the details, because there are some parts in the video that it is not clear what is on the powerpoint.
I would like to mention that the audio doensn't overlap exactly with the video
Thanks for the link. I read the document yesterday evening. This was my x-mas lecture, sort of.
Why does it have so many spelling errors?
Sirius said:
Thanks for the link. I read the document yesterday evening. This was my x-mas lecture, sort of.
Why does it have so many spelling errors?

Ark loves spelling errors :) And with the help of a mathematical mind you can fix it easily, i.e. let your brain work harder in order to better work thereafter.
davey72 said:
Thought i would be the first to include the link for the video.

Clicking this link takes me to random pages of videos for weird things, perhaps because it is sent from a mobile phone?

Here is a link that worked for me, in case anyone has the same issue:
Just as a reminder: The official Cassiopaea youtube channel can be found here:
I saw they uploaded yet a second Barcelona video. It is even available in HD instead of only 320p. :P
Hi, everyone,

I've transcribed Ark's Barcelona talk of October 15, 2011. I made several searches to determine if this talk has been transcribed before. I could not find any evidence that it has. If it was transcribed and I just overlooked it, well, I will just have to be embarrassed.

I transcribed it because, without it, I had no idea what was said. Only by going over it slowly, line by line, learning Ark's accent with the earphones blasting away could I make heads or tales of this talk. By the time I was done, my mind was trained to Ark's voice and listening to the talk seemed mostly comprehensible.

I was inspired to do this transcription after the transcription work I did of Laura's talk, posted elsewhere on this forum on the topic “Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Barcelona Conference, October 15th 2011.” Link is below.

This is a wonderful talk that I grew to appreciate more and more as I kept going over it. I loved Ark's theory of Kairons, his obsession with “freewill” and I grew to appreciate the chasm he lives with between conventional science and reality (UFOs, paranormal) as he knows it. I admire the direction he has taken his work -- hyperdimensional physics. Did I say admire? How about envy.

I've attached the transcription to this forum post. Note, I believe that you need to be logged into this forum to download this file. It's a doc file with this name.

Physics, UFOs and Consciousness - Arkadiusz Jadczyk.doc

I also have a file with the same text but with all the slides used in the talk. It's 2.3 mbytes, much to large to attach here. Any suggestions on where I could post it? maybe?

Any part of my transcript may have errors. I tend to convert someone's words into words that were never said, a life long problem with me, having poor hearing. This is especially true if the volume is low, the audio is of a poor quality or someone has an accent.

I'm quite happy with the way it is, but if anyone wants to, feel free to make corrections and re-post it here or anywhere you feel good about.

Finally, correct me if I am wrong, I understand that only forum members who are logged in, can download attached files. It would be nice if this file was available to anyone, so my hope is that if someone does make corrections, that they can make it more available.

Related Links:

Ark's Lecture At Barcelona,26237.msg313784.html#msg313784

Laura and Ark at Barcelona Conference, October 15, 2011,24124.195.html

Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Barcelona Conference, October 15th 2011

Laura Knight-Jadczyk & Arkadiusz Jadczyk - Q & A Session - Barcelona Conference,26266.0.html


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