dannybananny said:
Did you did some sport for professionally, semi-professionally?
What on Earth does whether or not someone gets PAID for a sport have to do with this?
I fought 6', 200+ lb men wearing 30-40 lbs of plate armor, with a broadsword, when I was in my late teens, all the way into my 30's. Never got paid a dime, but I'm now over 50 and can probably still bench press Muxel ;)
What you say is partly true, because it s not always the case, there are some very skinny people that can also lift heavy weights that are heavier than what an much larger men can lift, but it also has to do with training, genetics without practice is nothing, an not all women are so strong in Russia or everywhere else, it s a generalization.
Yes, which is why I said "on average" On average women from cultures that developed in the Netherlands, Iceland, the Alps, Czechoslovakia, etc. are the largest women in the world. They're taller, heavier, and often physically stronger than the AVERAGE men from cultures in Asia, the Middle East, South America, etc. Of course there are exceptions...to everything, especially genetics, but I was discussing the possibility of this girl having genetics that are NOT the exception in various cultures that breed some big, strong women.
Maybe you should really do some research before you just start randomly disagreeing with those who have?
Here, let me get you started....find the big women:
It doesn t mean that she won t found but is this attractive to normal human:
"Normal Human?" Really?
Not so much as it s been spilled for racial superiority because women didn t fight , except Amazon women who did.
Again your ignorance about my ancestors is showing. Nordic women often fought right along side the men. Women could (and did) choose to be "Shieldmaidens" (foot solders) who fought with the "Shieldmen" in battle. Whether or not one was a fighter was a choice open to both women and men in the cultures I'm referring to. Google the "Battle of Brávellir" and go from there if you really want to understand why what you're saying sounds kinda silly to a Norsewoman... 'cause we've been fighters for centuries.
And what s the difference between "skinny" (not mentioning your judgment of people in this sentence, and probably you re a person who gives a much deal to psychical strength which is in the concept of work totally unimportant, but never mind) bureaucrat
A skinny bureaucrat is not likely to have a very good understanding of sports training, at least not weight lifting. I don't understand exactly what you mean by "much deal to physical strength?" Whether or not physical strength is important to "the concept of work" depends entirely on what a soul came here to do? I've been physically attacked by large, angry men, more than once, and they've all gone to jail.. and I'm still here. This would not be the case if I wasn't physically strong. If I wasn't as physically strong (and better trained) than the men who attacked me, I would have been raped/killed long ago. So yeah, physical strength is VERY important to women who've chosen the path I have.
Does it matter if Teachers, Healers, etc. are physically strong? No, I don't think so. They need to be healthy, and their meatsuits need to be well tuned, but they don't need to be able to lift the back end of a Buick to teach a class, write a book, or mix some herbs. The people who are here to protect the Teachers, Healers, etc. had better be physically strong .....very physically strong, or they're libel to wind up very physically dead.
I do realize I could be projecting here, but I think that girl MIGHT be one of us. Her great physical strength and dedication, her instinctive knowledge of the fuel her body needs despite what society says, and just her general attitude in the interview, all leads me to believe she might have come with a purpose, and that purpose requires her to be physically strong.
Do you think coach knows better?
Yes, if the coach has actually done what he's coaching (as opposed to the skinny bureaucrat who hasn't)