

I have been overwhelmed with so many emotions that go from feeling confident and strong, to the complete opposite were I feel so sad and I have to fight hard to hold my tears inside. I have always been super sensative yet m do have alot of stress in my life but nothing is any harder then what I assn used to. The point I am trying to make is I wonder if nebody else is feeling this way?? I am not feeljng sorry for myself or wanting pitty. I cant explain myself any better that. :-[. Maybe some of you can send me some positive energy?? Sorry if I offend anybody
Arreis13 said:
I have been overwhelmed with so many emotions that go from feeling confident and strong, to the complete opposite were I feel so sad and I have to fight hard to hold my tears inside. I have always been super sensative yet m do have alot of stress in my life but nothing is any harder then what I assn used to. The point I am trying to make is I wonder if nebody else is feeling this way?? I am not feeljng sorry for myself or wanting pitty. I cant explain myself any better that. :-[. Maybe some of you can send me some positive energy?? Sorry if I offend anybody

The best kind of positive energy is that which helps you to help yourself. :)

That said, how's your diet? That's the first place to look for causes of emotional volatility. Have you read the forum thread Life Without Bread? One of the great benefits to be had from adopting a low carb/high fat diet is stability of one's mood. One begins to realise that a stable, positive mood is our natural birthright. Should you decide to adopt a paleo diet, it is important that you read the thread I linked to, as one needs to know why certain things are done, and what the effects may be, and how to deal with certain issues that may arise.

Mood swings are also linked to fluctuations in blood sugar and the consumption of gluten. Have you stopped eating all the evil foods such as sugar, gluten, dairy, corn, soya, alcohol and so on?

You could also check out The Ultramind Solution by Mark Hyman, which may give you some tips for supplements that can help to stabilise your mood.

Secondly, are you doing Éiriú Eolas regularly? If not, I would strongly urge you to experiment with it, as it can significantly help with stress and mood swings. The effect of EE is cumulative, and results in stability of mood and greater ease in handling stress.
Endymion said:
Arreis13 said:
I have been overwhelmed with so many emotions that go from feeling confident and strong, to the complete opposite were I feel so sad and I have to fight hard to hold my tears inside. I have always been super sensative yet m do have alot of stress in my life but nothing is any harder then what I assn used to. The point I am trying to make is I wonder if nebody else is feeling this way?? I am not feeljng sorry for myself or wanting pitty. I cant explain myself any better that. :-[. Maybe some of you can send me some positive energy?? Sorry if I offend anybody

The best kind of positive energy is that which helps you to help yourself. :)

That said, how's your diet? That's the first place to look for causes of emotional volatility. Have you read the forum thread Life Without Bread? One of the great benefits to be had from adopting a low carb/high fat diet is stability of one's mood. One begins to realise that a stable, positive mood is our natural birthright. Should you decide to adopt a paleo diet, it is important that you read the thread I linked to, as one needs to know why certain things are done, and what the effects may be, and how to deal with certain issues that may arise.

Mood swings are also linked to fluctuations in blood sugar and the consumption of gluten. Have you stopped eating all the evil foods such as sugar, gluten, dairy, corn, soya, alcohol and so on?

You could also check out The Ultramind Solution by Mark Hyman, which may give you some tips for supplements that can help to stabilise your mood.

Secondly, are you doing Éiriú Eolas regularly? If not, I would strongly urge you to experiment with it, as it can significantly help with stress and mood swings. The effect of EE is cumulative, and results in stability of mood and greater ease in handling stress.

Endymion has given you some really good suggestions. What we put into our bodies affects us very much on many different levels, one of them being our brain chemistry. So looking at what Endymion has suggested is really important.

My question is are you doing EE and if so how often are you doing the entire program?
And have you read the threads in the psychology section of the forum for insight?
Yes Laura I have. :). Reply #7 RE: How does it feel to be prepared, is very helpful for me also. I will readd more on EE. :D
Arreis13 said:
I have been overwhelmed with so many emotions that go from feeling confident and strong, to the complete opposite were I feel so sad and I have to fight hard to hold my tears inside. I have always been super sensative yet m do have alot of stress in my life but nothing is any harder then what I assn used to. The point I am trying to make is I wonder if nebody else is feeling this way?? ...

More than likely a great many people could relate to your feelings, both here in the forum and elsewhere. Here in the forum, though, we like to look beyond "reality as presented" and the explanations that go with it. As you discover what is really happening to you, you will not only need to "look beyond" but you will have to deal with your disbelief that such things are going on.

Personally, I have been looking beyond for most of my 61 years, with limited success. My success rate improved somewhat after I discovered Laura & the C's 9 years ago, but only in the last eight months have I really begun to find what I was looking for. And the discoveries have revolved around, of all things, food.

With a few months of hindsight, it is becoming clear that I was a "wheat junkie." There were lots of issues, but this seems to have been the central physical/mental issue of my entire life, and it is one that is apparently shared, unknowingly, by a vast number of people. I do not use the word "junkie" figuratively. Wheat in particular contains exorphins -- morphine-like substances that cause addiction and mental problems -- and the problem is exacerbated in modern varieties of wheat.

I was helped along past my unbelief by the fact that I appeared to be on the verge of dying (I survived an "event" that is fatal 95% of the time), and it turns out that that problem in particular may have been caused by my determination to adhere to the common dietary advice to "eat whole grains," along with work-related stress and taking ibuprofen for arthritis.

You may or may not have the same issue, but from what you said above I would strongly suggest that you give priority to studying nutrition & health issues, testing food sensitivities, and making dietary adjustments.

I made a breakthrough last June when, based on the reading material we had at the time, I eliminated all grains from my diet and sharply restricted starch and sugar. The effect was immediate, although I did not at the time recognize every improvement that occurred. I saw that my blood sugar leveled out within a couple of days and that I stopped gaining weight, but I did not notice at first that my mood began to stabilize as well and that my ability to think was improving, not to mention my arthritis. I was rather more focused on the diarrhea & constipation cycles that resulted as my body adapted to no longer having the foods that were causing the problems. :)

I hope, then, that you will dive in to the dreaded (for its length) "Life Without Bread" thread mentioned above.
Arreis13 said:
I have been overwhelmed with so many emotions that go from feeling confident and strong, to the complete opposite were I feel so sad and I have to fight hard to hold my tears inside. I have always been super sensative yet m do have alot of stress in my life but nothing is any harder then what I assn used to. The point I am trying to make is I wonder if nebody else is feeling this way?? I am not feeljng sorry for myself or wanting pitty. I cant explain myself any better that. :-[. Maybe some of you can send me some positive energy?? Sorry if I offend anybody
Hi Arreis, I used to feel this way a lot and learned that it was mainly related to my hormones, but also my diet. Have you considered the influence of hormones on your mood? In addition to looking into the other suggestions, this thread might offer some insights: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,14528.msg301862.html#msg301862 :flowers:
Megan said:
Personally, I have been looking beyond for most of my 61 years, with limited success. My success rate improved somewhat after I discovered Laura & the C's 9 years ago, but only in the last eight months have I really begun to find what I was looking for. And the discoveries have revolved around, of all things, food.

With a few months of hindsight, it is becoming clear that I was a "wheat junkie." There were lots of issues, but this seems to have been the central physical/mental issue of my entire life, and it is one that is apparently shared, unknowingly, by a vast number of people. I do not use the word "junkie" figuratively. Wheat in particular contains exorphins -- morphine-like substances that cause addiction and mental problems -- and the problem is exacerbated in modern varieties of wheat.

I know exactly what you mean here; I slap my forehead every day! Duh!

Gives an all-new meaning to the Sufi legend that the Fall from Eden was due to wheat. Put that together with paleontological thought that it was women - the "gatherers" - who accidentally stumbled on the idea of planting seeds to make gathering easier, and which led to the domestication, and you have an exact metaphor.
I have never thought much about my diet which now sounds horrible. :scared: I do understand that the forum focus is more on "beyond reality" and I contemplate long and hard on replying or even posting. I stumbled upon the cassiopaen experiment site about 6 years ago and I had a hard time keeping my new computer from faulting time after time so I printed out about 500 pages of the transcipts ect.Now I wonder if the fact that I lived on base had anything to do with my computer problems?? I come from a tiny northern CA reservation, and ive been a loner all my life. Even now living in a large city it is still rare to find liked minds. I do appologize for my post focusing on me and not being of much importance. I do not have anyone near that would even care to listen to anything unless it is what they feel is important. I do appreciate the advice very much. Thank you all.
Arreis13 said:
I have never thought much about my diet which now sounds horrible. :scared: I do understand that the forum focus is more on "beyond reality"

Actually the forum focus is not more on 'beyond reality', it is on reality and truth. There is the truth of the body, the truth of the mind, and so on. Have you come across Gurdjieff's Five Strivings? The First Striving says:

Gurdjieff said:
To have in their ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for their planetary body.

The 'planetary body' is Gurdjieff's term for our physical bodies, and acknowledges that we also have a cosmic or divine component. He means that we need to do everything we can to ensure our optimum physical health. Research and experimentation by forum members has shown that a low carb/high fat diet is the most suitable and healthy diet for human beings. In fact, it turns out that all mammals utilise fat as their energy source, whether they are herbivores or carnivores. And that includes humans.

Arreis13 said:
I contemplate long and hard on replying or even posting

Are you rationalising yourself out of replying? I mean that sometimes we can write a reply that is meaningful and authentic, and then a negative part of us starts to judge what we have written and convince ourselves that no-one will want to read it, and it's rubbish anyway.

Don't be afraid to make a 'mistake' when posting – you will not be judged for it. In fact it is how we learn.

Arries13 said:
I do appologize for my post focusing on me and not being of much importance.

Well, if you think about, by posting and asking for help, you are enabled to improve your diet which will improve your mood which will help you to think more clearly. You may well find yourself then in a better position to help others. So in that sense your post was rather more important than you give yourself credit for.
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