Hey, I've had a lot to think about in regards to all of your comments.
First it's fair to say that I've been making the best of what I can do with the transition to paleo diet. At least, I thought I did until after reading all of your posts. So, I've been doing myself more harm than I knew. It's actually fair to say that "simply indulging yourself without knowledge and that is dangerous" is exactly right.
I'm back from the doctor and yes most doctors will throw the typical american knowledge of what they think is best for your health. Although my doctor makes an effort unlike most to be more understanding of what my needs are based on reason and discussion. So, all he did was give me a check up, no blood tests, because he didn't think it was necessary knowing me so well. And he mentioned something that I had completely forgotten to include in part of what may be causing the chest pain afterall. STRESS.
I've had to deal with some very hard hitting emotionally packed stuff in regards to how my mother has been losing weight/and dealing with depression. I've even had to take her to emergency room myself just to see what's going on medically and psychologically. She is doing okay now but I remember the tension that built up before the ER visit with her, (and those moments of tension had the same feeling just a lot more brief than the way I'm experiencing things now, which is of course more pain. But, sufice it to say that these pains were associated with those short increases of tension. So STRESS is a factor and it may be that it could be playing a HUGE ROLE in all of this). But I won't rule out the mistakes I've made with approaching the paleo diet either.
Well, it seems after reviewing here...
@Anart: "Naproxin is a safer (slightly) pain killer."
I've taken boswellia sarata and it's doing okay on it's own so far, but Naproxin is something I'll... consider... if I need to take it. I know the effects of tylenol are not good at all, so it's gotta go now.
@Curious Richard: "Are you taking (Acetyl-) L-Carnitine? I had cramping a few times in my low-carb diet, and (if I remember right) taking a couple doses of L-Carnitine helped."
I'll give it a try Richard, thanks.
@Nienna Eluch: "trying Betaine HCI. I found that just eating a few carbs every so often can set off the feeling of a tightness in my chest at times so I['d] make sure that I take one of these if I'm going to eat any carbs. For you, maybe you need ox bile, everyone's different, but you won't know these things unless you read up about it and then be ready to try what has worked for others."
Ox bile is definately what I'm going to use but as for Betaine HCI I'm not sure if it will be effective but will be doing more research.
@Endymion: "I came to the conclusion that distilled water is very aggressive in that because it is so pure, it has a huge capacity to dissolve any minerals in your body it comes in contact with, and they will be carried out in your urine. I concluded that distilled water actually leaches minerals – good and bad - out of the body. I stopped drinking it and almost immediately felt better. I now drink filtered water, which I find is more gentle on the body, and tastes better than distilled water."
I may have to go back to drinking filtered water if this is the case about dissolving minerals... but I can't think of anything worse than to stay on filtered water (it's still got things in there that haven't been cleaned out that distilled can do). So, maybe reverse osmosis is better? I'm not sure. Some people even tell me they drink lake water and rain water. But, all in all it's probably a safe bet that keeping off the distilled water for the time being could help. Thanks for the info Endymion.
@Laura: "If you are increasing your intake of meat and fat without decreasing your carbs and eliminating grains and dairy entirely, you are not doing the paleo diet, you are simply indulging yourself without knowledge and that is dangerous. A little false knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all.
Plus, you were not being entirely honest in your post above, as revealed by Turgon, so I really wonder about your agenda here?"
What is honest is my goal to transition to the paleo diet. What is not honest is my approach, and as pointed out by Turgon, I have snuck in a few beaded foods (like crackers and crutons but nothing like having slices of bread or a huge plate of pasta everyday). So in my defense there may be a bit of exaggeration here as honest as I know. And as for milk, only in my tea like a teaspoon. But, drinking it like having a glass of milk, couldn't be more far off from the truth. It makes me sick and gives me headaches...moreover, i'm pretty much alergic to it because my throat gets red and raw and I get congested/stuffy in my nose so there is really no way that I would drink that stuff or any other dairy producs alike. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that I have not done my research as indepth as those of you who have posted here.
My agenda is not to be dishonest, just that I haven't done the 'hard' work involved, so I am at fault and feel ashamed about myself for that.
@Laura: "Nothing changed, the pain was still there and the palpitations. Plus, I was having horrible reflux at night when I went to bed. As long as I had no carbs, I had no problems, no pain, no palpitations, no reflux, nothing. As far as I'm concerned, "grains" includes dried peas and beans, rice, corn, and so on. It's not just the gluten, it's the anti-nutrients. So, the lesson is: unless you do the whole thing, don't do anything. And there IS a way to work into it gradually, but it involves eliminating all grains FIRST and forever."
The same experience, almost. I've had to sit up at night just to make the pain go away because I would wake up in the night with bad pain in my chest and thought why not when I'm exercising or doing any rigorous activity? Why do I get pain when I'm sitting on the couch reading or just sleeping in my bed at night? So, there's much to be done and first thing is first of course... zero carbs, and no grains at all - not even a tiny amount - which I won't have a problem with. Gradual, yes. I agree here. And after I have done more research and paid some justice to myself with all of the helpful information here and through talking with you and everyone who's knowledgable about paleo eating, I'm going to be well equipped to handle this way of healthy eating. Thanks :)
@ Turgon: "you've got the benefit of knowing people on this diet. Instead of going full steam ahead, and then saying it might be the diet because you aren't doing it properly and having symptoms, try focusing on one step first."
Well said my friend. I'll take it to heart. But again, I'm not blaming any problem associated with the diet. Just thought I would write down and put on here any possiblities and rule them out with your feedback. It almost seemed like you were offended but it's probably my imagination. It's gonna be a journey of learning for me, and you and I both know I have a long way to go (as usual LOL). Afterall... He who goes slow goes far.
Thanks to all who gave me the necessary feedback I was looking for today. I feel alieviated by the input and advice and will do my best to read up and get to work. It's my number 1 priority.