London Olympics 2012

Interesting the Nazi salute. Don't forget: Hitler loved very much the Games. Is this man an ex-Nazi? This picture is very scary.

I did not see the ceremony, I don't have tv. But they told me about the infants in their beds... with the music of The Exorcist. Is that true? I thought about pedophilia. A message, devil message?

And how about the UFO's?

Yes, circus for the crowd. Hopefully we are not part of this crowd.
loreta said:
Interesting the Nazi salute. Don't forget: Hitler loved very much the Games. Is this man an ex-Nazi? This picture is very scary.

I do not am totally sure about this Nazi salute, because they used (and use still) to do it with the right arm. Here on the picture, it is the left arm. Does it means anything? I do not know. Hereafter what I found about this:

[quote author=Wikipedia]To perform the salute, it was customary to extend the right arm to at least to eye level, straighten the hand so that it is parallel to the arm[4] and say emphatically Heil Hitler!, or at least Heil! If one saw an acquaintance at a distance, it sufficed to simply raise the right hand.[4] If one encountered a superior, one would also say, Heil Hitler.[4] If physical disability prevented raising the right arm, it was acceptable to raise the left.[5] The form Heil, mein Führer! was for direct address to Hitler.[6] Sieg Heil was repeated as a chant on public occasions.[6] Written communications would be concluded with either Mit deutschem Gruß [With the German greeting], or, simply, Heil Hitler.[7]
In later periods Hitler used a modified German salute, bending his right arm while holding an open hand towards the greeted at shoulder height.[/quote]

But, coming to strengthen this could be a kind of Nazi salute, Camilla Parker-Bowles, who is sit down just behind him (correct me if I am wrong, the picture is not so clear) seems to show a ridiculous simulation of offense by this arm up. Maybe I am projeting, and in another way, the solution could be to show a short-cut of the video of this opening-games to know if it is an effect of the photography which stop a move or a real Nazi salute.
I think it was meant to be ambiguous. People will clearly interpret it as a nazi salute, but by doing it with the left hand they create an "out" to brush it under the carpet without any real controversy. The image of Germans as Nazis is still reinforced though.

Yes, they did play the music from the Exorcist during the "illuminated children" scene. Also, at one point the dish depicting the sun is turned horizontally making it look like a "nuts and bolts UFO".

The choice of "Hey Jude" as closing music could be interpreted as "Hey Jew". I think in German "Jude" literally means Jew too.
seek10 said:
dreamrider said:
I watched the opening ceremony and thought it was a clear celebration of PTB empire building, and quite cheesy in places! It was a short interesting history lesson though showing, the movement from rural britain of agricultural workers to city factory sweatshops, the 'honour' of being in the armed forces, how popular culture in recent decades has influenced society etc. My girls loved Mr Bean of course, not sure what other folk in the world would make of him though :) Bread and circuses again.

As for the Queens reaction - fwiw, I thought she looked really uncomfortable and very apprehensive, like maybe she knew there was another script being played out here, that the vast majority of viewers just wouldn't understand, including myself.

Her reaction to crowds applaud is strange. She was looking as if she is in another persons body and looking the crowd as if they are dumb and naive to some thing( of course they are). Hope I am not projecting.

Or she is getting older and older, and that takes its toll . . .
herrnimrod said:
I think it was meant to be ambiguous. People will clearly interpret it as a nazi salute, but by doing it with the left hand they create an "out" to brush it under the carpet without any real controversy. The image of Germans as Nazis is still reinforced though.
I agree, especially because salute was addressed to German olympians.

I stopped watching just as children in hospital beds appeared. My last thought was - nice- this is where industrialization leads.
Someone who watched till the end commented that they used some popular literature images during this sequence and that it was really odd choice to use waldemort and not Harry Potter.
I stopped watching because I had sick feeling in my stomach.

I am not surprised, we noticed times and times before that elite always have the urge to rub our stupidity in our noses through symbolism and allegory.
herrnimrod said:
The choice of "Hey Jude" as closing music could be interpreted as "Hey Jew". I think in German "Jude" literally means Jew too.

A friend told me the same today as a joke (the "hey jew" thing) and I laughed a lot :lol:

So for instance this fragment of the song would be like this:

And anytime you feel the pain, hey "Jew", refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.

Which probably has absolutely nothing to do, it could be pure nonesense the relation, but makes me remember this fragment by the Cs:

A: Have you not seen? Imagine what it would be like to be Yasser Arafat. Look at your perception. What is he doing
Q: (L) Well the pro-Jewish point of view is not favorable to him.
A: Well, what you describe as pro anything is an obsession. And, as we know, obsession blocks knowledge which in
turn blocks the ability to protect oneself against negative occurrences. Not a good idea. If you were following
circumstances, Yasser Arafat is now trying to take the world upon his shoulders by making peace with the Israelis who
have been enemies for a very long time. And, therefore, he is now a peace maker and knowledge dispenser.
this is Grim's find as posted on my FB

I think its extremely disturbing, especially Camilla's reaction in the background. Now why would anyone find this act ( if it was just innocent salutation without hidden meaning) so hilarious?
Ekios said:
I followed that part of this circus and that "dear madame" looked like she was "royally" bored like hell ... it got to the point that it amused me and I had to say it out loud ("bon sang, mais elle se fait royalement la reine") ;)

Thing is she almost looked aggressive sometimes, when kids were chanting I couldn't even see a glitch of satisfaction, so it seems that this one can't hold it anymore.

dreamrider said:
As for the Queens reaction - fwiw, I thought she looked really uncomfortable and very apprehensive, like maybe she knew there was another script being played out here, that the vast majority of viewers just wouldn't understand, including myself.

Interesting how two people can come to such different conclusions observing a third person they don't even know.

I wish people would leave that poor woman and her family alone. They are pawns and puppets and Burrell let the cat out of the bag by quoting what the queen said to him and then back-tracking big time. She knows that she's little more than a dog and pony show.
Herr Eisenheim said:
this is Grim's find as posted on my FB

I think its extremely disturbing, especially Camilla's reaction in the background. Now why would anyone find this act ( if it was just innocent salutation without hidden meaning) so hilarious?
I have to say, I downloaded again the whole opening, being almost sure that this picture you posted was an exaggeration of some sort.

Well, I'll be damn, that guy is REALLY doing that gesture !! I saw that damn circus live but for some reason I wasn't paying attention when Germany passed in front of the cameras, i'm re-watching it again and again, it is not a joke, he IS doing it ... this is amazing ... :scared:
Laura said:
I wish people would leave that poor woman and her family alone. They are pawns and puppets and Burrell let the cat out of the bag by quoting what the queen said to him and then back-tracking big time. She knows that she's little more than a dog and pony show.

You know, I totally forgot about that episode. And there are some events in the Queen's past, if true, like her and her sister sneaking out to visit with the commoners during the WWII Blitz, that may give us some clues that she may not be a psychopath, just a high-level pawn who has been conditioned to play the game.

And, yeah, she really didn't look very happy to be in the film clip. I just saw the photos with captions and thought it was very pathetic and silly at the same time...and was wondering why such a dignified lady would consent to such an escapade. Didn't watch the entire Opening Ceremony on TV. The photo visuals being released with their quirky feel and pyramidal symbology is pretty disturbing. At least to me it is.
If I should sum up the ceremony in one word I don't know whether I'd go for "sinister" or "surreal".

NormaRegula said:
Laura said:
I wish people would leave that poor woman and her family alone. They are pawns and puppets and Burrell let the cat out of the bag by quoting what the queen said to him and then back-tracking big time. She knows that she's little more than a dog and pony show.

You know, I totally forgot about that episode. And there are some events in the Queen's past, if true, like her and her sister sneaking out to visit with the commoners during the WWII Blitz, that may give us some clues that she may not be a psychopath, just a high-level pawn who has been conditioned to play the game.

And, yeah, she really didn't look very happy to be in the film clip. I just saw the photos with captions and thought it was very pathetic and silly at the same time...and was wondering why such a dignified lady would consent to such an escapade. Didn't watch the entire Opening Ceremony on TV. The photo visuals being released with their quirky feel and pyramidal symbology is pretty disturbing. At least to me it is.

The position of the monarch has been compromised since the mid 1800s when the growing parliament started taking over royal duties (unconstitutionally) and since it has just become tradition. Technically a monarch still has the power, but at this point it probably wouldn't go over too well with the people.

If we are to take the "Burrell stories" at face value we shouldn't forget the alleged statement from Diana saying "the royal family are not human". So which is it? Personally I've never seen anything but a black hole in the Queen's eyes, and that husband of hers is certainly a character, so I'm very wary of giving her any benefit of the doubt. The puppet part is probably true, but that doesn't mean she's a nice person, or even a "person" at all.
Ekios said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
this is Grim's find as posted on my FB

I think its extremely disturbing, especially Camilla's reaction in the background. Now why would anyone find this act ( if it was just innocent salutation without hidden meaning) so hilarious?
I have to say, I downloaded again the whole opening, being almost sure that this picture you posted was an exaggeration of some sort.

Well, I'll be damn, that guy is REALLY doing that gesture !! I saw that damn circus live but for some reason I wasn't paying attention when Germany passed in front of the cameras, i'm re-watching it again and again, it is not a joke, he IS doing it ... this is amazing ... :scared:

I'm sorry, but I think you guys are projecting here. It looks to me like he's waving at the athletes, as is the person (his wife?) beside him. It also looks like Camilla is laughing at something unrelated but just happens to be looking in that direction, as you can see the person to her left is laughing along with her although looking somewhere else. I think people are just primed to see evil here and are jumping at shadows.
My 2 cents.
herrnimrod said:
The position of the monarch has been compromised since the mid 1800s when the growing parliament started taking over royal duties (unconstitutionally) and since it has just become tradition. Technically a monarch still has the power, but at this point it probably wouldn't go over too well with the people.

If we are to take the "Burrell stories" at face value we shouldn't forget the alleged statement from Diana saying "the royal family are not human". So which is it? Personally I've never seen anything but a black hole in the Queen's eyes, and that husband of hers is certainly a character, so I'm very wary of giving her any benefit of the doubt. The puppet part is probably true, but that doesn't mean she's a nice person, or even a "person" at all.

I think they are programmed to do and be what they are and do. Just puppets of the real power behind the scenes. Maybe some of them might be born psychopaths, others (in the same family) might be normal humans turn into such automatons from birth, etc.. But they probably don't know what the whole thing is about.

The advantage for the control system of having no longer mandatory hereditary rulers, is that they can choose always psychopaths to rule; whereas in the times of pure monarchy, sometimes a strongly PS one might be born within the family with the right to be King/Queen. And they had to spend more energy in getting rid of the guy.
herrnimrod said:
Yes, they did play the music from the Exorcist during the "illuminated children" scene.

Actually, the music was "Tubular Bells" by popular British composer Mike Oldfield. It was not "from" The Exorcist; rather the opening piano solo of the Tubular Bells album happened to be used in the film, which is a rather important distinction. So Oldfield certainly didn't have The Exorcist in mind while he composed that music.
dugdeep said:
Ekios said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
this is Grim's find as posted on my FB

I think its extremely disturbing, especially Camilla's reaction in the background. Now why would anyone find this act ( if it was just innocent salutation without hidden meaning) so hilarious?
I have to say, I downloaded again the whole opening, being almost sure that this picture you posted was an exaggeration of some sort.

Well, I'll be damn, that guy is REALLY doing that gesture !! I saw that damn circus live but for some reason I wasn't paying attention when Germany passed in front of the cameras, i'm re-watching it again and again, it is not a joke, he IS doing it ... this is amazing ... :scared:

I'm sorry, but I think you guys are projecting here. It looks to me like he's waving at the athletes, as is the person (his wife?) beside him. It also looks like Camilla is laughing at something unrelated but just happens to be looking in that direction, as you can see the person to her left is laughing along with her although looking somewhere else. I think people are just primed to see evil here and are jumping at shadows.
My 2 cents.

You are right. I ask my husband and he reminded me that in Nazi salute your arm stand still. And this case, this man his arm is not stand still. So I think he is saluting his team or his flag or his country.

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