Toulouse Shootings


Jedi Master
I know there was another thread on this topic, but it was removed after server failure. Laura mentioned missing threads and posts will come back soon, but until they do, maybe we can continue our discussion here, then the topics can be merged.

So, it is again "Muslim terrorists" who did all these mess. Sott carried an article on how the suspect is not matching eyewitness descriptions.

And I tend to agree that this guy was used as a scapegoat for the killings, where Sarkozy garners all the sympathy and attention as the "strong leader", what a joke!

Also, isn't it weird that it takes so much time to catch this guy? I mean, apart from preventing the second shootings, they basically camped outside his house, just waiting and talking. Last I heard, they were making noises to tire him. :huh:

Honestly, if you want to catch someone, there are better ways than to make noise and wait, there are sleeping gasses, flash lights etc. I may be wrong on this, but it seems to me, French police is deliberately lengthening this operation to continue Sarkozy's propaganda, injecting fear to the people with endless media coverage. Either that, or they are just dumb.

My two cents, fwiw.
Maybe this is a test, also, for other countries to study how citizens react at this type of situation when the government installed or put in march a sort of "Martial Law". What is the reaction from people? Are they happy because the police is controlling everything from a "danger"? I listened yesterday some people in RFI tell they were satisfied with these drastic measures. And evidently it can be a test to promote Islamophobia.

I am sure that when a country, in Europe, is imposing this type of measures it is in coordination with the UE, with the Masters, our masters, who live in Brussels. So a measure like this in France is a mirror of what can be in another country, very soon. Maybe. Very interesting.
Joe's article on the topic:

And update!

It seems that the atty for the alleged Toulouse Terrorist now says that he could not have been in jail in Afghanistan - or done all the things the French authorities are saying he did - because he was in a French jail. The news first appeared on our radar on a Polish news site. Within ten minutes or so, going back to grab it, the text had changed though the title remained in the url. See this: _,1738978,0,1,siedzial-w-wiezieniu--ale-francuskim--nie-afganskim,wiadomosc.html

Another article in Israeli news just said that Merrah was not in prison in Afghanistan, and did not include the part about him being in French jail:


Toulouse Terrorist Wasn't Imprisoned in Afghanistan

Terrorist Mohammad Merrah who murdered four Jews in Toulouse was not imprisoned in Afghanistan in 2007, Merrah's lawyer and the office of the governor of the Kandahar province said on Wednesday.
Earlier, a prison administrator claimed that Merrah was arrested in Afghanistan in December of 2007 and was sentenced to three years in prison after he had planted bombs in Kandahar.


Polish Press Agency

Siedzial w wiezieniu, ale francuskim, nie afganskim
Siedzial w wiezieniu, ale francuskim, nie afganskim
Domniemany zabójca z Tuluzy Mohamed Merah nie siedzial w wiezieniu w Afganistanie od 2007 roku - oswiadczyl jego prawnik, dementujac wczesniejsze informacje.

Prawnik Meraha we Francji Christian Etelin ujawnil, ze jego klient siedzial we francuskim wiezieniu od grudnia 2007 do wrzesnia 2009, skazany za napad rabunkowy, wiec nie mógl byc w tym czasie w Afganistanie.

According to his lawyer, Christian Etelin, Mohamed Merah was in French prison from December 2007 to September 2009 for a robbery, so he could not be in Afghanistan at that time.

Digging further, we find it in English:

French shooting suspect not jailed in Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- French school shooting suspect Mohamed Merah was not jailed in Afghanistan in 2007, his lawyer and an Afghan provincial official said on Wednesday.

Earlier, Kandahar prison chief Ghulam Faruq had told Reuters that Afghan security forces detained Merah on Dec. 19, 2007, and that he was sentenced to three years in jail for planting bombs in the southern province of Kandahar, the Taliban's birthplace.

But the Kandahar governor's office said that account was "baseless", citing judicial records. "Security forces in Kandahar have never detained a French citizen named Mohamed Merah," the governor's spokesman, Ahmad Jawed Faisal, said.

Merah's lawyer in France, Christian Etelin, said his client was in prison in France from December 2007 until September 2009, serving a sentence for robbery with violence, and therefore could not have been in Afghanistan at the time.

Merah, a French citizen of Algerian origin, is suspected of killing seven people in the name of the al-Qaida militant network, including three children at a Jewish school in Toulouse in southwestern France.

French Interior Minister Claude Gueant said Merah had been to Pakistan and Afghanistan, and had carried out his killings in revenge for French military involvement abroad.

In Pakistan, an intelligence official who declined to be identified said Merah had never been arrested there. "We have no information about him," the Pakistani official said.

Finally, we find the French version:

Mohamed Merah n'aurait pas été détenu en Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Le gouverneur de la province afghane de Kandahar a démenti mercredi les propos du directeur des prisons qui avait affirmé que le suspect des tueries de Toulouse et Montauban avait été arrêté en 2007 en Afghanistan et s'était évadé quelques mois plus tard.

S'appuyant sur des documents pénitentiaires, Ghulam Faruq, directeur des prisons de Kandahar, avait déclaré à Reuters que Mohamed Merah avait été arrêté le 19 décembre 2007 et condamné à trois ans de prison, avant de s'enfuir à la faveur d'une opération commando menée en juin 2008 par des taliban.

Un haut responsable des services de renseignement de Kandahar avait également confirmé ces informations, mais elles ont été démenties peu après par le bureau du gouverneur de Kandahar, qui juge "sans fondement" cette version des faits, s'appuyant notamment sur des rapports judiciaires.

"Les forces de sécurité de Kandahar n'ont jamais détenu un citoyen français qui répond au nom de Mohamed Merah", a déclaré Ahmad Jawed Faisal, porte-parole du gouverneur.

L'avocat français de Merah, Christian Etelin, a déclaré que son client avait été emprisonné en France de décembre 2007 à septembre 2009 après une condamnation pour vol avec violences. Il ne pouvait donc pas, selon lui, se trouver à la prison de Kandahar pendant ce laps de temps.

Cette prison de haute sécurité située dans un faubourg du sud de Kandahar est le principal établissement pénitentiaire du sud de l'Afghanistan. Les détenus dits "politiques" y sont séparés des détenus de droit commun.

A l'époque, le gouvernement afghan avait réclamé davantage d'aide internationale, faisant état de l'arrivée de plus de 4.000 combattants étrangers venus de Tchétchénie, d'Afrique du Nord ou du Pakistan pour épauler l'insurrection des taliban.

De nombreux djihadistes étrangers ont quitté l'Afghanistan au moment de l'envoi de renforts par l'Otan, en 2009.

Selon les autorités françaises, Mohamed Merah, Français d'origine algérienne, s'est rendu au Pakistan et en Afghanistan.

Au Pakistan, un responsable des services de renseignement a déclaré que Mohamed Merah n'avait jamais été arrêté dans le pays. "Nous n'avons aucune information le concernant", a-t-il dit, en requérant l'anonymat.

Le suspect était en France sous surveillance de la Direction centrale du renseignement intérieur (DCRI) depuis longtemps pour appartenance à un mouvement salafiste sans qu'il y ait eu toutefois d'élément permettant de penser qu'il était sur le point de passer à un acte criminel, a précisé le ministre français de l'Intérieur, Claude Guéant.

Ahmad Nadem, Jack Kimball et Rob Taylor, Henri-Pierre André, Jean-Stéphane Brosse et Hélène Duvigneau pour le service français

Needless to say, SOTT is archiving screen shots.
Explosives found in the brother's car:

The local rag sez these explosives are the same ones used in a 1995 Muslim terrorist attack. I reckon that means their long residence in a police evidence storage room finally paid off... nothing easier than planting 17 year-old stuff in a suspect's car... never mind that the suspect was just a little kid that long ago.

Merah is 24... in 1995 he was 7.
I am seriously disgusted and revolted by this whole affair and how it is spinned by the PTB through the medias.
This is so ridiculous and people had to die for this mascarade to go on.

I also think this is taking way too long to arrest him, maybe the story needs to be milked for what is worth.
And how come he started to shoot at the police first ? was he warned in advance that they were coming to get him ?

Maybe they'll put a bullet in his head like they did with the "human bomb" case, maybe they just need something more dramatic ?

EDIT : I just checked and they are currently raiding the appartment to arrest Mohamed Merah
This is so ridiculous and people had to die for this mascarade to go on.

Indeed, that has been on my mind ever since this started. It is so revolting it makes me mad and sad at the same time. Life is really worthless to these psychopaths.
This whole thing is getting more and more ridiculous. These pathological types really can't come up with anything new -- not enough creativity. What's even more amazing is how much of the general public still falls for the BS....
It had been earlier stated that the supposed shooter, had a facial scar, or a tattoo on his face when he lifted his face shield of his helmet to pump 3 more slugs into one of his (RIP) victims, and was over weight.


In the second attack, in Montauban on 15 March, surveillance cameras picked up a man in dark clothing wearing a black helmet and riding a powerful scooter.
They also showed him using side-streets, suggesting he knew the town well.

The CCTV footage available to investigators is said to include footage of the actual shooting, taken by the camera in the cash machine being used by the three soldiers as the gunman attacked.

Two members of the 17th Airborne Combat Engineering Regiment, Corporal Abel Chennouf, 24, and Private Mohamed Legouad, 26, were killed. Both, like Sgt Ibn-Ziaten, were of North African origin.

A third paratrooper, 28-year-old Corporal Loic Liber from the French overseas region of Guadeloupe, was left in a coma.

There were numerous witnesses to the attack in Montauban, which occurred at around 14:00 outside a small shopping centre.

Before opening fire on the three unarmed, uniformed servicemen, the gunman reportedly moved aside an elderly woman, who was apparently also standing in line at the cash machine.

The killer was described as a small man who acted calmly, stopping to change the magazine of his pistol.

Witnesses described how he had turned over one of the wounded men who was trying to crawl away, and fired three more shots into him.

He was someone obviously used to handling a gun, a judicial source told AFP.

One witness, who described the killer as "of average height and quite fat", told French broadcaster RTL his helmet visor had been raised and she had seen his eyes and a tattoo or scar on his face.

In the same account, there was no indication of the killer's race.

And from The Australian (Hmmm Manchurian candidate, and or just clouds to obscure reality of this person being a scape goat). :huh:

Friends say Mohammed Merah partied in nightclub, talked of girls and sport, not killing

But according to the acquaintance at the nightclub, Mehdi Nedder, nothing about Merah's social life in Toulouse before the French attacks made him stand out as a radical bent on sowing terror - or even that he had radical leanings.

Mr Nedder, 31, described Merah as a "normal young man."

"Three weeks ago he was in at a nightclub," Mr Nedder said.

"And this morning I hear we're talking about al-Qa'ida. How can you change like that in three weeks?"

A friend of Merah's who would only identify himself by his first name, Kamel, recalled playing soccer with him as the two grew up in Toulouse.

"(He) was respectful and generous," said Kamel, 24. "We never spoke about weapons, religion or politics, but cars, bikes, girls and sports."

Police detained Mehra's mother and brought her to the standoff scene to try to get her to negotiate with her son, but she declined, saying she had no control over him, French authorities said.

As a teenager, Merah had become caught up in petty crime, some of it involving violence, said his lawyer, Christian Etelin. But Mr Etelin said the recent wave of deadly shooting attacks didn't fit the profile of the suspect he first represented in 2004.

"He was a polite and courteous boy" who used to work in a body shop, Mr Etelin said.

The lawyer added that if Merah had dark secrets, "it remained clearly secret. He gave the impression of being in French social life."


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I am watching the scene, at least hear the noises with RT's live camera. It is riddiculous that a raid against a single man produced so much gunfire. Are they just firing guns for the excitement?

Yeah, same old contradictions with all of these false flag "terrorist" attacks. Whether mind controlled Manchurian candidate type or multiple (professional) killers or a combination -- long precedence -- once again the official story doesn't add up and many of the details that get reported later becomes evident that it could not be possible. As was mentioned, people get killed in small and large numbers for the psychopaths' fun and games and agendas.
Yeah, looks like the killed him after they had spent enough time mind programming the French electorate. So no one will get to hear Merah admitting to anything. The real professional hit man has got away with murder, with the connivance of the Sarkozy and the French state. Other than the innocent victims sacrificed for Sarkozy's election campaign, the biggest casualty here is the Truth.
Here are some other people close to Merah talking about his profile:

Malika, a former neighbour in Les Izards, was one of the few who openly took a different view. "He was already a very dangerous individual and recently displayed al-Qaida tendencies," she told Le Parisien. "He came to the neighbourhood dressed in a military-type uniform and a sword. The police were warned, apparently he was questioned. And I find it strange there was no follow-up at the time.

"He took my nephew into his car and showed him video clips of all the horrors that take place in Afghanistan."

Merah's mother and older sister were said to be at a loss at how to deal with his new-found fundamentalism. Negotiators sought their help in trying to persuade him to turn himself in to the authorities. "His mother said she did not wish to speak to him because she did not believe she could convince him and he would be deaf to her appeals," Mr Gueant said.

One friend of Moroccan origin, who gave the pseudonym Danny Dem, said he feared the seige could end unpredictably. Merah was "no more religious than I am. I think he has just lost the plot".

Asked about the possible outcome of negotiations between police and Merah in his flat, Mr Etelin said: "I can't say anything about his innermost being but I fear unpredictable behaviour."

He was at a loss to explain his descent into barbarity. "It is the eternal question, how can one know a man, there was no way of knowing he was capable of such acts."

By the way, RT says he wounded 3 officers, one of them was seriously injured.
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