Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a Fraud?


on mathematics and logics !!

You need 100 Godel and 1000000 lawyers to save you in a court of law !!
you and your husband will be found guilty of conspiracy to cause criminal damage to
public companies and individuals !!

In court we will hear testimony as to why the motivations of Laura to attack Telesio Galilei and Fucilla companies !!
we will show that your husband is at CAIROS and that
You husband was promised a Gold medal at Telesio Galilei by colleagues at Toulouse and
it was then left out !! as a result fuelled by jealousy and rage he got you to use his wife laura
( Evans style ) to spread lies and slanderous statements to pollute a perfect day for his esteemed colleagues
that received the medals instead of him !!

Because no logical mind would be so idiotic to use his wife to promote
nonsense that would be traced directly to him............ I can absolute guarantee that your husband
is lobotomised ILLOGICAL and a fraud !!


He reminded me of this Irish guy that went to rob a bank in Dublin with his
wife's car
and a t-shirt with his company logo ( the company employed only him and his
wife !!!


On Laura home page Francesco Da Cosenza

"Welcome to the Cassiopaean Website, the repository for the work of
scientific mystic, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
Laura is married to theoretical/mathematical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk who
introduces his wife’s work in the following extract: "


By common law and roman law, you need to elements to define a
........ Actus reus mens rea ......................the conspiracy is here
set by 2 people with premeditation
and knowledge in aiding to cause criminal damage .................. I REST

PS: in answer to your last illogical statement " HE WHO COMES TO EQUITY MUST DO SO WITH CLEAN HANDS !! "



Francesco Fucilla
Laura and Husband !!!!
Remove all defamation history about telesio galilei Cairos and francesco Fucilla companies in its entirety
or within 48 hrs I will have a website
with the full history of the criminal conspiracy you and your husband have put together to destroy TGA good name Francesco Fucilla and all his world.
Now, this is Dutch, I hardly can understand it, but perhaps with interesting hints:

We meet Santilii and Francesco Fucilla -filmmaker, wetenschapper, financier en … satireschrijver there.

Francesco Fucilla -filmmaker, wetenschapper, financier en … satireschrijver

Een van de stichtingen die in het leven zijn geroepen om Santilli te nomineren voor een Nobelprijs is de Santilli-Galilei Foundation. De website van deze stichting staat niet meer onder eigen domeinnaam online, maar kopieën zijn nog wel te vinden. De oprichter is Franceso Fucilla die nu nog actief is met de Telesio – Galilei Academy of Science. Dat lijkt vooral een club van ‘wetenschappers’ die elkaar bij toerbeurt mooie medailles geven voor hun bijzondere prestaties. Er zijn filmpjes te vinden op die site van de ceremonies waarbij de medailles worden uitgereikt.
Die Fucilla heeft wat met film, hij maakte al een documentaire over Myron Evans (hoewel ik daarvan alleen een trailer van kon terugvinden). Die Myrons Evans was in 2008 bezig een universiteit in Wales op te richten, waarvoor Fucilla als grote financier zou optreden. De overheid stak er echter snel een stokje voor.
Blijkens de volgende trailer zit er ook een documentaire aan te komen over Ruggero Santilli:

De website van Fucilla geeft echter te denken: hij schrijft o.a. satires over natuurkundige onderwerpen! Zou het hele bouwwerk van stichtingen en alter-ego’s rond Santilli misschien mede bedacht zijn door deze satiricus? Is het intussen allemaal één lang uitgesponnen grap als wraakneming op de wetenschappelijke wereld die Santilli niet meer serieus wilde nemen sinds hij van Harvard werd gestuurd?

rough translation:

According to this article the Santilli Galilei foundation (now the Telesio Galilei academy) would have been one of many founded to promote the nomination of Santilli for the nobelprize. The name then changed to the current one. The founder is F Fucilla who is still active in this foundation. This seems according to the article a club of ´scientists´who donate each other medals for their achievements.

Fucilla seems to have something with film. He made a documentary about Myron Evans. This Evans was busy in 2008 to establish a university in Wales. Fucilla would have been the big financer of this university. The government stopped this project though.

De website of Fucalli raises questions: he writes satires about physics topics. Could it be that the whole construction of foundations and alter egos around Santilli are made up by this satirist? Is it in the meantime one big joke as a sort of revenge upon the scientific world who did no longer want to take Santilli serious after he was sent away from Harvard?

end of translation

original members of the Santilli - Galilei foundation

Francesco Fucilla, Scientist and Founding Father

Board Members

Jeremy Dunning-Davies, Chairman (Physicist - Mathematician)
Myron Evans, Vice-Chairman (Physicist - Mathematician)
Carlo Marafioti, President (Economist)
Adamo Laurenti, Vice-President (Physicist)
Kiril Chukanov, General Secretary (Engineer - Physicist)

Yuri Nechaev (Physicist)
Dimitris Sourlas (Physicist)
Asterios Jannussis (Physicist)
Constantin Udriste (Mathematician)
Tepper L. Gill (Mathematician)
Joseph Smulsky (Mechanician - Mathematician - Physicist)
Martin Cloonan (Physicist)
Pinchas Mandell (Physicist)
Erik Trell (Scientist)
Michele Sacerdoti (Physicist)
Thomas Vougiouklis (Mathematician)
Aparajita Bhattacharya (Phisicist)
Cenap Ozel (Physicist - Mathematician)
Nizar Hamdan (Physicist)
Joseph Rhawn (Astrobiologist)
Marco Pereira (Physicist)
Jean-Pierre Petit (Physicist)
Chris Illert (Scientist)
Bjorn Solberg (Scientist)
Jose Croca (Physicist)
Stephen Crothers (Physicist)
Epifanio Cruz-Zaragoza (Nuclear-Physicist)
Alwyn van der Merwe (Physicist)
Nejat Veziroglu (Physicist - Engineer)
Piero Quercia (Physicist)
Jose Luis Lopez-Bonilla (Physicist)
Bo Lehnert (Physicist)
Nils Abramson (Physicist)
Wilhelm Horst (Physicist)
Larry Horwitz (Physicist)
Cynthia Whitney (Physicist)
Raul Perez-Enriquez (Physicist)
Juan Nunez Valdes (Mathematician)
Karel Jelinek (Physicist)
Roy Keys (Physicist)
Franklin Amador (Physicist)
Leif Erlingsson (Honorary Member)
Francesco Anile (Honorary Member)
Vincenzo Valenzi (Honorary Member)
Ted Annis (Physicist)
Anthony Baron (Honorary Member)
David Bebbington (Physicist)
Robert Chambers (Physicist)
Corneliu Ciubotariu (Physicist)
William Coffey (Physicist)
Jeff Coxon (Honorary Member)
Stefan Abel (Honorary Member)
Peter Csaba (Physicist)
Monica De Rienzo (Honorary Member)
Nicola Del Negro (Honorary Member)
Bruno Denandes (Honorary Member)
Ben Dhesi (Honorary Member)
William Divine (Honorary Member)
Horst Eckardt (Physicist)
Gareth Evans (Physicist)
Michael Farrell (Physicist)
Lar Felker (Physicist)
Gregory Fogel (Physicist)
Tom Fontaine (Honorary Member)
Suchy Frantisek (Honorary Member)
Roger Goodger (Physicist)
Bob Gray (Physicist)
Giovanni Guglielmo (Honorary Member)
Charles Hubbard (Physicist)
Pavel Hvozdara (Honorary Member)
Roman Ilavsky (Honorary Member)
Davide Imbrogno (Honorary Member)
Giorgio Beghella Bartoli (Honorary Member)
Daniel Indranu (Physicist)
Jost Koller (Physicist)
Peter Kotzer (Physicist)
Ludovic Kucharic (Honorary Member)
Alexander Labounsky (Physicist)
Jesus Lopez (Physicist)
Sean MacLachlan (Physicist)
Jozef Magyar (Honorary Member)
Craig Marshall (Honorary Member)
Kalongama Masudi (Physicist)
Marco Molino (Honorary Member)
Hugh Morshead (Honorary Member)
Jozef Moscicki (Physicist)
George Nemeth (Honorary Member)
Gari Owen (Physicist)
Kerry Pendergast (Physicist)
Alfredo Pollini (Honorary Member)
Melanie Claire Purcell (Honorary Member)
Roberto Raspa (Honorary Member)
Donald Reed (Physicist)
John Shelburne (Physicist)
Julian Spina (Honorary Member)
John Surbat (Physicist)
Boris Volfson (Physicist)
Tom Widlar (Physicist)

The Santilli - Galilei Association
Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ UK
Tel. +44(0)2087811808; President +44(0)7892841487; Email

by Martin Shipton, Western Mail
Feb 26 2008

Read More

A CONTROVERSIAL academic has announced plans to establish his own university in Wales, funded by an oil multi-millionaire living in Florida.

But last night the Assembly Government cast doubts over whether the new institution will be able to award degrees.

Myron Evans, a doctor of chemistry living at Craigcefnparc near Swansea, has issued invitations to a launch event for the Myron Evans University, to be held at Craig-y-Nos Castle, near Ystradgynlais, Powys, in July.

Dr Evans, who holds degrees from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, was at one time a junior research fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford, and has lectured in the physics department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

He holds a civil list pension, but has provoked heated debate in scientific circles. He claims to have formulated a “unified field theory” which will revolutionise modern physics, and while he has the strong support of some academics, the theory has been dismissed by others.

In an email from Dr Evans circulated to a wide range of recipients including First Minister Rhodri Morgan and the Western Mail, he stated, “All professorial staff will be tenured, at the full professorial rate of about £65,000 a year, plus pension and benefits ... the university will take graduate students and ... all professors elect and other staff can start recruiting and selecting graduates – that will be part of their duties.

“I also discussed the formation of a new Welsh language university, and I will phone up the Craig-y-Nos staff to see if they are interested in selling. At present it is owned by a hotel chain.

“Shortly the new university will be advertised worldwide for students and post doctorals, and contracts can be offered by email to faculty and staff who have accepted.”

We contacted Dr Evans to ask him how the university, which he plans for a science park in Aberystwyth, would be funded.

He responded, “From a generous oil multi-millionaire who saw our work on [one of Dr Evans’s websites].”

The benefactor, Francesco Fucilla, told the Western Mail in an email, “I was born in Cosenza, Italy. Most of my life worked as a consultant geophysicist (mainly seismic data processing and interpretation) and giving courses for chemists, physicists, mathematicians etc, etc in applied geophysics around the world.

“I am a writer in philosophy and sciences, published many books. I am also an inventor ... and finally an entrepreneur.

“From time to time I also give lectures in political sciences, civil and criminal law and economics.”

When we asked Mr Fucilla, who is head of geophysics at the Institute of Basic Research in Palm Beach, California, how much money he would be putting in to the Myron Evans University, he stated, “The funding of the project at this time is unknown .”

Asked when it was intended to invite students to apply, how much their fees would be, how many staff and students he envisaged, and whether there was a business plan, Mr Fucilla said, “These are issues that would be favourably considered when the business plan has been put together. I understand it’s on its way to us soon, and I would then be in a better position to give details.”

An Assembly Government spokesman said last night, “The UK has a well-deserved reputation worldwide for providing high quality and reputable higher education. To continue this success, for an organisation to offer a degree qualification it must have been granted powers by either Royal Charter, Act of Parliament or the Privy Council. It is an offence in the UK for any organisation to offer a degree qualification without these powers.

“The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is responsible for safeguarding the public interest in sound standards of higher education qualifications. Since 1999, the QAA has been responsible for offering confidential guidance to the Privy Council on applications from organisations seeking degree-awarding powers and/or university title.

“The Welsh Assembly Government is not aware of any application by Professor Evans to the Privy Council to apply for degree-awarding powers or university title.”

Read More
Francesco Fucilla said:
You are dealing with a mind far greater than your ckicken thieving one !!

You need to remove all of the nonsense lies and criminal innuendoes designed to descredit and cause criminal damages to
all at Telesio Galilei academy of science and especially Francesco Fucilla BUSINESS !!

Your lies and criminal slanders are already being seen by financial partners and business parteners showing severe cxoncern and it will result criminal damages inevitably !!

We are lodging complaints with the police with ENERGY e=mv squared !! ( note that i do not put c for the velocity i will use to heat you will be superluminal !! eheherheh

Now you little coprolite.................... REMOVE ALL OF THE SLANDERS that are an offense to me and my directors that work for
the shareholders at no fees !!! Our board of Directors are an example to the city and the world business !! We have set the standard for the future in which businessman serve the people not themsewlves !! our shareholders are proud to invest with us for the unique level of dignity humanity honesty UNSEEN IN THE HISTORY OF OUR WORLD !!

remove every item you put on cassiopaea ASAP or take the consequences !!

San Francesco Fucilla !!

With all of the immature inuendos and mis-spellings in these posts, I cannot help but think either this is not who he claims to be, or that this business is run by someone who is not overly smart. Just my subjective opinion, but this is how it seems to me.
Repeating pattern:

Telesio Galilei Universe of Myron Evans by francesco fucilla ...

Myron Evans actions against Gerhard Bruhn:

TU Darmstadt hosts this malicious website, bringing the reputation of the university into severe professional disrepute. The website is saturated with cheap sarcasm and deliberate misrepresentation of Cartan’s mathematics.


He has been warned by a leading barrister that he is outside the law, and so this is further evidence that may be used against him. If anyone has any difficulty in refuting Bruhn’s distortions, please contact me. We recently caught him trying to say that D ^ D ^ omega is zero. This was hidden in a deliberately distorted “proof” meant to distort standard Cartan geometry Three of us at AIAS looked at this and independently refuted him within about five minutes.

Myron Evans reporting his critics to the police

Harasser "Arthur Dent" Cautioned by South Wales Police

A harasser alias “Arthur Dent”, whom we traced to Barry near Cardiff, has been identified by the South Wales police and formally cautioned. He was found to be a retired academic. The police know his identity and address now and he is on file.
Email sent by Mr. Fucilla via the contact form:

From: francesco fucilla <>

Message Body:


on mathematics and logics !!

Both laura and her husband are "QUASI AUTISTIC............... "
WHY !!??
They have no logics hence he his no POINCARE' !!
he is an idiot that has learned pen sheep style how to do science !!
HE IS A PARROT rather than a mathematical physicist !!

Because no logical mind would be so idiotic to use his wife to promote
nonsense that would be traced directly to him !!


He reminded me of this Irish guy that went to rob a bank in Dublin with his
wife's car
and a t-shirt with his company logo ( the company employed only him and his
wife !!!


On Laura home page Francesco Da Cosenza

"Welcome to the Cassiopaean Website, the repository for the work of
scientific mystic, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
Laura is married to theoretical/mathematical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk who
introduces his wife’s work in the following extract: "


By common law and roman law, you need to elements to define a
........ Actus reus mens rea ......................the conspiracy is here
set by 2 people with premeditation
and knowledge in aiding to cause criminal damage .................. I REST

I will now post the case on cassiopaedia !!


your san francesco

This mail is sent via contact form on Cassiopaea
Re: Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a CIA Front?

Guardian said:
William Fucilla is also a Director of
Allied Gold Resources Plc, Allied Oil & Gas Plc,
Dome Petroleum Resources Plc, Global Energy Technology Plc, Global Energy Kleangas Ltd, Phoenix Resources Plc, Jurassica Oil & Gas Plc,
The Steriwave Group, Steriwave Quantum Computer,
Steriwave-GDT-TEK, Steriwave-Terraforming Ltd,

A discussion from Yahoo! Message Boards > Business & Finance > Investments > Stocks (A to Z) > Stocks G > GDT Tek Inc.:

I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 1-Mar-12 02:00 pm
the letter I wrote back to them looked like this.

The GDTK Company IS NOW down 50% in todays trading this newletter is yet another NON EVENT with GDTK and an absolute FAILURE thanks for keeping it all BS and doing nothing real. All of us investors are on our way to being totally wiped out by your scam.

Nobody listens or believes in the pipe dreams you try to sell anymore. Because we have all been here for 2-4 years plus and the company has accomplished nothing except a reverse split during that time. Which is negative because you will just dilute again on top of us as usual. Sure you sent out alot of useless PR releases that claimed many things your supposed to do. But you never opened one facility and never generated one dollar in revenue. This useless stock and company will be trading at .0001 yet again within the next six months I guarantee it.

Sincerely the investor you scammed.

Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 1-Mar-12 02:27 pm
You wasted your time like you wasted your money. They don't care told u that a year ago

Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 1-Mar-12 02:44 pm
2 t0 4 years I for one
have been here for 11 years 5 mo..but who's counting... it was IBUI then..air plane food, and sunglasses...
its always been like this..
a scam


e: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 1-Mar-12 07:06 pm
You can find much more information here.


Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 2-Mar-12 12:53 pm
so AMIR,what is your take from all of that? What do you think it means for us shareholders? Has there been any followups from steriwave management? AND OH BY THE WAY,thank you very much for taking the time to post that link!

Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 2-Mar-12 01:49 pm
yes thanks for the link I just sent an email out to Francesco Fucilla as he is our only hope of a future with this company. Take BO and AL out of the picture and focus on him as the only guy with a chance to produce something of value for shareholders and this company. Lets see if he responds soon.

Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 2-Mar-12 12:24 pm
Take solace in the fact that the main scammer Al Reda is about to go to prison!

Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 2-Mar-12 12:51 pm
yep thats great news AL is gone. I also don't let emotions play. This is just another trade and I will time it so I have the best outcome for my money. Obviously selling at a 50% discount is not an option for me. I will wait and see if I can get some return from this company.

After my shares are transferred via amtd to R/S amount i will put in sell orders at 5.00 and then just sit back and not worry about this until all investors that want to sell are gone and new investors come aboard. Since the company is just starting to try to get things done I will view it as an IPO. Knowing that the price has yet to bet set on this issue trading and time will tell what we are valued at imo.

Then a couple of posts from last month as well:

GDTK Scamming shareholders since 1988 10-Mar-12 12:17 am
What else do they have "planned" .....

Company Notes

•Formerly=Seamless Corp. until 11-2009
•Formerly=Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. until 8-2008
•Formerly=Alpha Wireless Broadband, Inc. until 6-05
•Formerly=Internet Business's International, Inc. until 9-04
•Note=12-98 State of Incorporation Delaware changed to Nevada
•Formerly=International Food & Beverage, Inc. until 3-99
•Note=4-88 State of incorporation Utah changed to Delaware
•Formerly=Mama Mia, Inc. to 4-88

mackman,you are dilusional! gdtk is a scam 13-Mar-12 09:55 am
iwas in this 4 yrs ago and sold it for a profit before it crashed to .0001. but you are still pumping this fraud and have not made a dime. in fact after this reverse split, your investment is practally worthless! wake up!

They have 3690 messages on the GDT Tek Inc. investment stock discussion board... So there seems to be more background to the discussion posted above:

Edit: Added links to the messages
From _

I have looked today at the website and noted a flurry of activity on the news page towards the end of September.
I have worked my way through this report: _
On page iv it states:
"Conclusions: The MMI results are sufficiently anomalous for uranium and gold to warrant further exploration."

Anyone able to interpret the jargon? As a lay interpreter I read this to mean that they have found traces that can't be explained. If you want an explanation you would need to do more exploration. If you want uranium try elsewhere.

As at 23 September 2011, as given on their website, Yellow Energy was owned by:
Allied Gold Resources Plc 10%
Allied Oil & Gas Plc 5%
DNI Srl 11%
Dome Petroleum Resources Plc 7%
Kappa International 25%
Seaville Investments Pty 33%
Wharf Resources Plc 7%
Octagon Capital Investments 2%

Shareholders in these companies may be disappointed with the report.

As at 18 October 2011 the directors of Yellow Energy were stated on the website to be:
Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. - Chairman & Director
Terence Clifford-Amos - Co-Chairman
Bruno Denantes - Executive Director
Craig Marshall - Managing Director
Adrian J. Eyre - Executive Director
William Fucilla - Executive Director
Franco Selleri - Non-Executive Director
Francesco Fucilla - Chief Scientist & Development Advisor
Riaz Ahmad Saddique - Consultant Geophysicist

There are a number of directors in common between the companies. The back history of some of the directors and companies includes fundraising by Ascension Securities (see )certainly for Wharf, Dome, Allied Gold and Allied Oil.
Why the history lesson? Well, having owned the odd duff share for a lot of years it seems that some companies outlive all expectations. For the shareholders the pain continues whilst you can't sell and can't write off the loss.
Well, it had to happen - Ponzi Scams meet Science. Perhaps a bit of historical review of famous scam/schemes will help with pattern recognition.

Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant from whom the Ponzi scheme got its name, is one of greatest swindlers in US history.

It was he who concocted and perfected the simple pyramid-style scam: Claim to have a sure-fire investment plan and promise clients an obscenely high return (in his case, a 50 per cent profit in 45 days), then pay them from the investments of later investors.

And so on.

When it all came crashing down in 1920, as newspapers had finally and comprehensively blown the whistle on Ponzi's impossible scheme, most investors received only 30 per cent returns on their initial investment. Five banks were ruined in the process.

Reflecting America's ambivalence to white collar crime at the time, Ponzi was sentenced to only 5 years in federal prison. Upon his release, however, he was charged by the state of Massachusetts and later in Florida (for another scam), and forced to serve, in total, an additional seven years.

He was deported upon his release and died penniless years later, in Brazil.

Then there was Enron:

Before Madoff, it was the case of Kenneth 'Ken' Lay, Enron's Chairman/CEO from 1985-2003, that really caused the blood of everyday Americans to boil.

Despite earning a staggering $40 million dollars a year towards the end of his tenure at Enron, Lay was at the very heart of a fraud, corruption and 'cooked books' scandal that ultimately led to the downfall of the energy trading giant, and the loss of hundreds of millions of investor dollars.

He was indicted in 2002 on 11 counts of securities fraud and in 2006 was found guilty on 10. Facing approximately 30 years in prison for his crimes, just months before sentencing he died of a massive heart attack.

Lay famously never admitted his guilt, and till his death insisted that a closely knit band of short sellers and a few bigwigs in the business media had conspired to bring him down, despite ample evidence to the contrary.


Dennis Kozlowski, the former chief executive of conglomerate Tyco, who admittedly took the company into the stratosphere in the 1990s, was later convicted of misappropriating more than $400m of the company's funds to fund his exorbitant lifestyle.

Pointing to the company's strong performance under his stewardship, Kozlowksi always attributed his conviction to the jealousy of jurors. "I was a guy sitting in a courtroom making $100 million a year and I think a juror sitting there just would have to say, 'All that money? He must have done something wrong.' I think ... it's as simple as that," he famously said on CBS's 60 Minutes.

He is currently serving at least eight years and four months in prison.


Another famous Ponzi-styel scamster was James Lewis, who made a living off swindling the elderly of California.

He collected around $311 million from investors over 20 years by promising high returns and relying on word of mouth to bring in more investors, paying dividends all the while, to keep up the facade. But he turned around and used the rest of the money to finance his own high lifestyle of fancy cars, big homes and girlfriends, keeping fabricated assets on paper.

When it all came crashing down in 2003, Lewis fled to Texas, where he was caught after an FBI manhunt. Upon his conviction in 2006, he was told he had committed a 'crime against humanity', and was sentenced to 30 years.

60 years old at the time, Lewis will likely die in prison.


Lou Pearlman, whose trial made him perhaps the most famous Ponzi scheme 'artist' of all time before Madoff, managed the absolutely incredible: he created companies that existed only on paper, and got established and respected banks and individuals to invest in them. He then pocketed the cash and used it however he saw fit.

Pearlman, who also managed the US boy bands Backstreet Boys and 'N'Sync -- which gave him an air of respectability, as an entertainment mogul -- left behind more than $300 million in debts when he was finally nabbed. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2008, after pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy, money laundering and making false statements.
Santilli - Galilei Association on Scientific Truth

Home | Disclaimer | Santilli - Einstein Academy of Sciences | News | I Discorsi |Mission | Board and members | String Theory | Santilli Biography

Santilli Hadronic Mechanics | Hadronic Mathematics, Mechanics and Chemistry experimental verifications and industrial applications | Relevant Publications |

Santilli on Einstein | Become a Member | Links | E-Mail Us

Francesco Fucilla, Scientist and Founding Father

Board Members

Jeremy Dunning-Davies, Chairman (Physicist - Mathematician)
Myron Evans, Vice-Chairman (Physicist - Mathematician)

Now, what about Myron Evans?

A scientific nonsense producer. See

Myron W. Evans' Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT)

So it looks like Fucilla and Dunning-Davies are scientific nonsense supporters.
Re: Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a CIA Front?

Re: I replied to GDTK bogus PR sent out today 2-Mar-12 12:24 pm
Take solace in the fact that the main scammer Al Reda is about to go to prison!

More background to the above post:


Board members of STERIWAVE (HUNGARY) LTD
ALBERT REDA Director Appointment terminated 01/12/2011
ELEMER LOCSI Director Appointment terminated 22/11/2011
MR ALBERT ROBERT REDA Director Appointment 26/05/2011
MICHAEL GOODRICH Director Appointment 25/05/2011
MICHAEL GODDARD Director Appointment 25/05/2011
MR BO LENNART LINTON Director Appointment 25/05/2011
MR FRANCESCO FUCILLA Secretary Appointment terminated 24/05/2011
MICHAEL GOODRICH Secretary Appointment 24/05/2011
MR WILLIAM ALEXANDER FUCILLA Director Appointment 24/05/2011
DR BRUNO EDOUARD MARIE JOSEPH DENANTES Director Appointment 24/05/2011
MR NIGEL RICHARD DINHAM Director Appointment 24/05/2011
MR ADRIAN JOHN EYRE Director Appointment 23/05/2011
GEORGE NEMETH Director Appointment terminated 16/05/2011
MR GEORGE CSABA NEMETH Director Change of particulars 21/04/2011
ELEMER LOCSI Director Appointment 19/04/2011
FRANCO SELLERI Director Appointment terminated 22/01/2010
ANDRAS MAGYAR Director Appointment terminated 22/01/2010
ELEMER LOCSI Director Appointment terminated 22/01/2010
ANDRAS JANOS MAGYAR Director Appointment 21/10/2009
ELEMER LOCSI Director Appointment 12/10/2009
PROF FRANCO SELLERI Director Appointment 12/10/2009

From :

SEC, U.S. Attorney and FBI Announce 13 Charged in Connection with Securities Kickback Schemes
SEC Suspends Trading in Seven Companies

Washington, D.C., Dec. 1, 2011 — The Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, and Federal Bureau of Investigation today announced parallel cases filed in federal court against several corporate officers, lawyers and a stock promoter alleging they used kickbacks and other schemes to trigger investments in various thinly-traded stocks.

Additional Materials

SEC Complaint: Edward Henderson and Paul Desjourdy
SEC Complaint: Michael Lee and Zipglobal Holdings, Inc.
SEC Complaint: James Wheeler and Microholdings US, Inc.

The criminal case charged 13 defendants who engaged in criminal activity in the midst of an undercover FBI operation. According to the charges filed in U.S. District Court, the schemes involved secret kickbacks to an investment fund representative in exchange for having the investment fund buy stock in certain companies; the kickbacks were to be concealed through the use of sham consulting agreements. What the insiders and promoters did not know was that the purported investment fund representative was actually an undercover agent.

The criminal defendants include Kelly Black-White and James Prange, both of whom were in the business of finding capital for emerging companies. The civil case names some of the individuals who were charged criminally, and the SEC also issued trading suspensions in the stocks of a number of the companies involved in the criminal cases.

The charges follow a year-long investigation focusing on preventing fraud in the micro-cap stock markets. Microcap companies are small publicly traded companies whose stock often trades at pennies per share. Fraud in the microcap stock markets is of increasing concern to regulators as such markets have proven to be fertile grounds for fraud and abuse. This is, in part, because accurate information about microcap stocks may be difficult for the average investor to find, since many microcap companies do not file financial reports with the SEC.

The SEC suspended trading in seven microcap companies involved in the kickback-for-investment schemes:

1st Global Financial Inc. (FGFB) based in Las Vegas

Augrid Global Holdings Corp. (AGHD) based in Houston

ComCam International, Inc. (CMCJ) based in West Chester, Pa.

MicroHoldings US, Inc. (MCHU) based in Vancouver, Wash.

Outfront Companies (OTFT) based in Fla.

Symbollon Corp./Symbollon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SYMBA) based in Medfield, Mass.

ZipGlobal Holdings Inc. (ZIPG) based in Hingham, Mass.

MicroHoldings and ZipGlobal are also charged civilly by the SEC with fraud.

These latest charges follow a series of similar cases filed by the SEC in October 2010 and June 2011 in which more than a dozen companies and penny stock promoters were charged in similar kickback-for-investment schemes.

“The public has a right to invest in an honest and fair market. Companies that agree to pay illegal kickbacks harm investors and undermine fair competition in the markets,” said United States Attorney Carmen Ortiz. “Hard working Americans who invest their savings should not be subjected to backroom deals like those alleged today.”

“We are committed to working with our law enforcement partners here in Massachusetts and around the country to stop abuses in the microcap sector and hold the perpetrators responsible,” said David Bergers, Director of the SEC’s Boston Regional Office. “Kickbacks and phony consulting agreements have no place in the financial strategies of any public company, and executives who engage in this kind of fraud are just selling out their own investors.”

“Boston FBI agents initiated an undercover operation aimed at identifying corporate insiders engaged in illegal investment schemes. No one who is engaged in illegal activity while participating in the markets, including CEOs, traders, fund managers, equities analysts, lawyers and publicists, is exempt from the FBI's scrutiny," said Richard DesLauriers, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Boston. "Because the nation's economic security is intertwined with our overall national security, the Boston division of the FBI places a substantial emphasis on investigating white collar crimes. During these difficult economic times, now, more than ever, the well-being of the global economy rests on the diligent enforcement of laws designed to ensure the fair and orderly operation of the capital markets. The FBI will continue to use undercover operations and other sophisticated investigative tools at its disposal to protect the integrity and transparency of financial markets.”

The following individuals were criminally charged today:

Kelly Black-White, 51, of Mesa, Ariz. (Operator of Premier Funding, Inc. and Premiere Services, Inc.), charged with wire fraud.

James Prange, 60, of Greenbush, Wis. (Northern Equity, Inc.), charged with wire fraud.

Michael Lee, 51, of Hingham, Mass. (CEO of ZipGlobal), charged with mail fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud.

Edward Henderson, 69, of Lincoln, R.I., charged with wire fraud.

Paul DesJourdy, 50, of Medfield, Mass. (CEO of Symbollon Pharmaceuticals), charged with mail fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud.

James Wheeler, 51, of Camas, Wash. (CEO MicroHoldings, Inc.), charged with mail fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud.

Steve Berman, 49, of Hillsboro, Ohio (CEO of China Wi-Max Communications), charged with mail and wire fraud.

Richard Kranitz, 68, of Grafton, Wis. (Board Member of China Wi-Max Communications), charged with mail and wire fraud.

JC Jordan, 60, of Cameron Park, Calif. (CEO of Vida Life International, LTD), charged with mail and wire fraud.

Karen Person, 61, of Naperville, Ill. (President of Small Business Company, Inc.), charged with mail and wire fraud.

Albert Reda, 65, of Tustin, Calif. (Treasurer of 1st Global Financial), charged with mail and wire fraud.

Steve Stuart, 48, of Monrovia, Md. (Major Shareholder in ComCam International, Inc.), charged with mail and wire fraud.

Muhammad (“M.J.”) Shaheed, 44, of Houston, Texas (CEO of Augrid Global Holdings Corporation), charged with mail and wire fraud.

Today, the SEC also filed civil charges of securities fraud against Desjourdy, Henderson, Lee and Wheeler alleging they defrauded investors through the use of kickbacks in financing transactions.

If convicted, the defendants charged with mail fraud and wire fraud each face up to 20 years in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine on each count. If convicted on the conspiracy to commit securities fraud charges, the defendants each face up to five years in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine on each count.

U.S. Attorney Ortiz; SAC DesLauriers; and Director Bergers made the announcement today. The criminal case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Vassili Thomadakis and Sarah E. Walters of Ortiz’s Economic Crimes Unit. The SEC’s case was investigated by Michelle Giard Draeger, Ellen Moynihan, and Marty Healey of the Boston Regional Office.

# # #

For more information about this enforcement action, contact:

David P. Bergers
Regional Director, SEC's Boston Regional Office
(617) 573-8927

John T. Dugan
Associate Regional Director, SEC's Boston Regional Office
(617) 573-8936
Re: Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a CIA Front?
Albert Reda, 65, of Tustin, Calif. (Treasurer of 1st Global Financial), charged with mail and wire fraud.

From _


Francesco Fucilla
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

William Alexander Fucilla
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

John Hartnett
1st Global Financial Corporation
Board Affiliations
1st Global Financial Corporation
Stan Davis
GDT Tek Inc.
Board Affiliations
1st Global Financial Corporation

Arnold F. Sock
Kalex Corp.
Board Affiliations
DLR Funding, Inc.
Johnny Bannister
1st Global Financial Corporation
Board Affiliations
1st Global Financial Corporation

Bo Linton
GDT Tek Inc.
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Virginia L. Brinkman
DLR Funding, Inc.
Board Affiliations
DLR Funding, Inc.

Nigel Dinham
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Bruno E. M. Denantes
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

Adrian J. Eyre
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

Mike Goddard
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

Franco Selleri
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Michael Goodrich
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

Richard Amoroso
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

Jeremy Dunning-Davis
Steriwave-GDT Tek
Board Affiliations
Steriwave-GDT Tek

Other links return similar names plus some more:



Re: Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a CIA Front?

Guardian said:
William (with his two Brothers Anthony and Robert Fucilla), founded the Film production company 21st Century Filmworks Ltd. They soon after produced three scientific films being;
The Universe of Myron Evans, The Science and Faith of Larry Horwitz and The World of Hadronic Physics.

William is the associate producer of the feature film, "The Big I Am”.

He has completed the screenplay, script and the directorial guide, to the film, "And then there was man"

William Fucilla's Psychology Practice is in Association with LiUM University, Psychologist Professor Orlando Del Don

Anthony Fucilla has a youtube film advertising his book _


Quantum Chronicles in The Eleventh Dimension
by Anthony Fucilla

Available at
Waterstones Amazon WhSmith Barnes & Noble

Book 2 Coming Soon.................
"Written in the traditions of the great Science Fiction Masters like Asimov, Fred Hoyle and Poul Anderson'' -- Professor Dr H Croca

"Quantum Chronicles In The Eleventh Dimension is a remarkable tour de force of science fiction with a very deep message'' -- Professor Lawrence Horwitz

"It is easy to see that these tales have been written by a philosopher who has thought long and deeply before putting pen to paper'' -- Jeremy Dunning Davies

"Unique, original, inspiring; new writings may be many, but such quality as this is rare. Let's hope for many more to come from this emerging author'' -- P Stockley

More interesting is who has posted a review on amazon!
5.0 out of 5 stars highky recommended reading., 5 Sep 2008
Mr. J. Dunning-Davies (Hull, Yorkshire United Kingdom) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Quantum Chronicles in the Eleventh Dimension (Paperback)
This collection of six short stories by a new young author is one which people should note with interest. The underlying science incorporated into these tales is either known or speculative, but some of the speculation included is far too close to a possible future scenario to leave one feeling totally comfortable. No; it is easy to see that these tales have been written by a philosopher who has thought long and deeply before putting pen to paper. Each of the stories is different; each leaves much room for thought; each makes you wonder what new aspect will emerge in the next tale. This final comment leads to my eagerly awaiting another volume of tales from this contemplativs young writer. My one slight quibble is that the text does contain a few irritating typos but, that apart, this is a volume I would recommend to anyone - and that from someone who is not adicted to science fiction or, indeed, to the short story format.
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Quantum Chronics in the Eleventh Dimension, 29 July 2008
Prf Dr Jose Croca "JR Croca" (Portugal) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Quantum Chronicles in the Eleventh Dimension (Paperback)
I have just read Quantum Chronics in the Eleventh Dimension and I am very pleased with the work. Each history commands, since the beginning to the sometimes unexpected end, the attention of the reader. In the traditions of the great Science Fiction Masters like Asimov, Fred Hoyle and Paul Anderson the author leads the reader to strange yet plausible possible situations and more this is done in a very easy and agreeable way. In the end one not only enjoys the reading but also at the same time learns from it. As in the great SF tradition the author starts from some basic reasonable assumptions, both scientific-technical, social and ethical and develops them coherently to an end.
I recommend the above Quantum Chronics to anyone interested in SF and furthermore hope that the author keep producing works in this line.
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly Recommended!, 12 July 2008
Robert P. Cheshire (Sussex UK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Quantum Chronicles in the Eleventh Dimension (Paperback)
Anthony Fucilla engages with a hexad of possibility in these tales of dawning worlds to come and delivers crystal, clear reflections of present and future portent. Each chronicle entertains and inspires wider curiosity and imagination, simoultaneously offering irony and significant insights into our past and present selves.
Entertaining and thought provoking sojourns into destiny.

A most enjoyable read X 6 = Highly Recommended!

There are those names again.....


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Psyche said:
From _

I have looked today at the website and noted a flurry of activity on the news page towards the end of September.
I have worked my way through this report: _
On page iv it states:
"Conclusions: The MMI results are sufficiently anomalous for uranium and gold to warrant further exploration."

Anyone able to interpret the jargon? As a lay interpreter I read this to mean that they have found traces that can't be explained. If you want an explanation you would need to do more exploration. If you want uranium try elsewhere.

As at 23 September 2011, as given on their website, Yellow Energy was owned by:
Allied Gold Resources Plc 10%
Allied Oil & Gas Plc 5%
DNI Srl 11%
Dome Petroleum Resources Plc 7%
Kappa International 25%
Seaville Investments Pty 33%
Wharf Resources Plc 7%
Octagon Capital Investments 2%

Shareholders in these companies may be disappointed with the report.

As at 18 October 2011 the directors of Yellow Energy were stated on the website to be:
Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. - Chairman & Director
Terence Clifford-Amos - Co-Chairman
Bruno Denantes - Executive Director
Craig Marshall - Managing Director
Adrian J. Eyre - Executive Director
William Fucilla - Executive Director
Franco Selleri - Non-Executive Director
Francesco Fucilla - Chief Scientist & Development Advisor
Riaz Ahmad Saddique - Consultant Geophysicist

There are a number of directors in common between the companies. The back history of some of the directors and companies includes fundraising by Ascension Securities (see )certainly for Wharf, Dome, Allied Gold and Allied Oil.
Why the history lesson? Well, having owned the odd duff share for a lot of years it seems that some companies outlive all expectations. For the shareholders the pain continues whilst you can't sell and can't write off the loss.

More background on the above. Keep a tab on the dates:

[see original PDF for a better format]

Roval Courts of Justice
Strand. London. WC2A 2LL
Date: 06/12/2005
.~ ~--------------

And Another
MR. BEN PIlESI ofOrmerods for the Claimant
MR. ADAMSPEAKER (instrUCted by Taylor Wessing) for the Defendant
Approved Judgment
Digital Transcription by Marten Walsh Cherer Ltd.,
Midway House, 27/29 Cursitor Stteet, London EC4A lLT.
Telephone No: 0207405 5010. Fax No: 0207405 5026

I.This is the third time this matter has come before me. The claimants, Ascension
Securities Limited, frommy recollection,althoughthe papers are not any longerwith the
court, is a relatively recently-fonned brokeragefIrm authorized by the FSA. They first
came before me represcnted by the father of one of the directors asking for an injunction
to restrain or require the removaJof some postings on a website TUn by the defendants
Motley Fool Limited. ]The gist of the posdngs was that in some way Ascension
Securities was a reincarnation or connectcd with another company called Pacific
Continentalwhich was said to have beeninvolvedin fraudulent transactions.

2. I was concerned by the fact that although I was told that Ascension Securities
Limited had a compliance officer or in-house lawyer and also that it had solicitors. I
think at that time identified as Onnerods, nevertheless the application was being made
not by the company itself or by its solicitorsand counsel or even by its in~houselawyer
but by the father of one of the directors. Accordingly,I said that the application ought to
be rnade by professionals and properly served on the proposed defendants so that the
court could consider whether there was anything in the application. It also emerged at, I
think, the first of those hearings that Mr. Fucilla, a director of the claimants, had in fact
previously bcon employed by this company,Pacific Continental,which only emerged on
my questioning.

3. This is the inter partes hearing of the application and the claimants no longer wish to
pursue it because they consider that they have been given adequate undertakings by the
Motley Fool Limited, the respondents, to remove the offending material. The ooJy
question is that of costs. The applicants say that in esscnce the respondents have
conceded what the applicants ask for and therefore they should be entitled to the costs.
4. The respondents say tbat this applicationwas misconceived, that it could not have
succeeded tor a number of proceduraldefects includingit being in the wrong division,no
claim f01l11 having been issued and other less importantprocedural defects.
In addition, the respondents point out that the principles in casesof this kind,
particularly in relation to defamation if that is the cause of action which obviously it
must be. have not been compliedwith. They point out that the applicant has to showthat
the statement is unarguably defamatory,that there arc no grounds for concluding that the
statement may be true, there is no other defence which might succeed and there is
evidence of an mtention to repeat or publish the defamatory statement. They point out
that the applicant has not identified on the application notice or on a claim fonn the
individualcauses of action, the particularwords complainedof or of their meaning.

6.In addition I was shown cOITespondence aboutwhich I was not told at either of the
two hearings in which it is npparent that the respondents were acting reasonably in
asking the applicants to identifYprecisely about which matters they com.plainedof. I
have been shown a series of e-mails,but I do not consider these are the kind of e-mails
which a rcsponS1Dle business organisation ought to be sending if it is intending to
identifyproperly wbatmatters it complains of.

Indeed, from first to last the behaviour of the applicants has not been one which 1
would associate with a properly-run/regulated brokerage finn. I hope that theywilllcam
from this experience that they do have to take professional advice and use professional
assistance if they are going to engage in this type of operation, They are not the ordinary
unassisted individual litigant who cannot afford professional assistance, .I recall,
although I no longer have the documentwith me. that their turnover for the year was ill
excess of £250,000 so tack of financial capability cannot be an excuse for the
extraordinarilylaxway in which this matterhas been dealtwith.
8. So far as the discretion as regards costs is concerned I was reterred to Picnic at
Ascot v. Derigs. It seems to me that it cannot be said that the applicants have really
been successful. They have gotwhat they wantedbut I do not think that the costs of the
way in which tbey got what they wantedshould be visited on the respondents. It seems
to m.ethat the applicants wouldnot, in all probability,have obtained an injunction. given
the procedura1otTorsthat they committed and the numerous ways in which J was not
given the whole picture. They obtained the tmdertakingsnot because of the proceedings
but because they eventually provided the requested details of the material to which they
objected. In those circumstances I have not the slightest hesitation in saying that the
appJicantsshould pay the respondent'scosts.

More info on Ascension Securities and Allied Oil:


Ascension Securities Ltd announce their appointment as corporate advisers to Allied Oil & Gas Plc

Added: (Wed Jun 07 2006)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Ascension Securities Ltd are pleased to announce that they will be acting as corporate advisers to Allied Oil & Gas Plc, which was incorporated in March 2006 in order to carry out oil and gas exploration and production activities within its newly acquired concessions in the Perth Basin, Western Australia. These areas have considerable potential for the discovery and recovery of oil and gas.

Members of the Board of Allied Oil & Gas Plc have relationships with certain listed and private oil and gas exploration and production companies which they have used to secure a farm-in agreement in relation to three exploration licences over properties in the Northern Perth basin in Western Australia. The Directors believe that they will be able to source additional opportunities to acquire interests and farm-in opportunities in Australia.

The company’s policy is to acquire interests through farm-in arrangements with a third party oil and gas exploration company which has acquired a licence over a property which Allied Oil & Gas considers to have appropriate potential for hydrocarbons – this is the company’s principal method of operation in Australia where certain of its directors have relationships with listed and private oil and gas exploration and production companies which they consider will enable the company to source farm-in opportunities.

Allied Oil & Gas’s proposed activities should be viewed in the context of the world-wide increase in oil and gas exploration which has arisen due to the demand for oil and gas and the substantial increase in prices. The Directors, based on opinions expressed by industry experts, expect the demand and current high prices to remain prevalent for the foreseeable future. If correct, this means firstly that potential rewards now balance exploration risk which generally must be regarded as high, and secondly that properties which might historically have been regarded as uneconomic are now economic, and should remain so for the foreseeable future.

The company's current focus is on exploiting existing interests, but it also has the objective of seeking, acquiring and exploiting additional oil and gas opportunities in Australia and other prospective areas. Allied Oil & Gas was initially formed to acquire the EP416, EP426 and EP432 licences. The Directors used their contacts in Australia to enter into farm-in agreements (the “Farm-In Agreements”) in respect of the Perth Basin EP416, EP426 and EP432 licences (the “Australian Licences”) in March 2006. These are some of several farm-in opportunities that were offered to Allied Oil & Gas by Empire, being the ones that the Board considered to have the best potential.

The company's business is at present the evaluation of the Australia Licences, and its prospective participation, effectively as an investor, in the Australian Licences. Allied Oil & Gas has no material assets (other than the licences), liabilities or contractual or other obligations.

According to the Western Australia Department of Industry and Resources, Western Australia (“WA”) ranks among the best areas in the world for petroleum exploration. Western Australia’s sedimentary basins hold more than 80% of Australia’s discovered natural gas resources, despite being one of the least explored territories in the world. Onshore there is only approximately one well per 2647 sq km. Compare this to Texas where there is approximately one well per 2 sq km. Allied Oil & Gas believes there is continuing potential in the onshore Perth Basin, and has entered into three farm-in agreements which gives it the right to earn interest in the onshore licences covering approximately 8,333 sq kms.

A series of oil discoveries, the first in October 2002, has renewed interest in exploring within the Perth Basin. New exploration theories are being tested, and success rates have increased significantly. Since 1964, 51 exploration wells have been drilled in the Perth Basin, resulting in 21 field discoveries (41.2% success rate). Twenty six of these wells have been drilled since 1998 accounting for 15 of these discoveries (57.7% success rate). These statistics demonstrate a high success rate over time, and an increasing rate as technology has improved. The increase in the success rate is primarily due to the use of 3D seismic technology. Allied Oil & Gas has secured farm-in agreements in respect of three permits, EP416, EP426 and EP432.

For further information, please contact Ascension Securities:

Magnus James
020 7929 1500

The Yellow Energy Plc and Allied Group link:



Dear Shareholders.

An Agreement was successfully concluded today between DNI Srl and Allied
Oil & Gas Plc, Allied Gold Resources Plc, Dome Petroleum Resources Plc
and Wharf Resources Plc

The said agreement between the parties is as follows:
DNI Srl has given a loan of 1.1 Million USD, (Euro equivalent) to United Oil
Plc a company solely owned by the above companies i.e., Allied Oil & Gas
Plc, Allied Gold Resources Plc, Dome Petroleum Resources Plc and Wharf
Resources Plc. The purpose of the deal is to pay towards the exploration of
Uranium & Gold by Yellow Group. The present interests in Yellow group are
as follows:

Allied Oil & Gas Plc. 5%. Allied Gold Resources Plc. 10%. DNI Srl. 13%
Dome Petroleum Resources Plc. 7%. Kappa International. 25%
Seaville Investments Pty Ltd. 33%. Wharf Resources Plc. 7%

A geo-chemical survey within the Yellow Group tenements will soon be

Adrian J. Eyre

Liquidation of Ascension Securities by Financial Services Authorities: _

Dated: 25 November 2010

TAKE NOTICE: The Financial Services Authority (the "FSA") of 25 The North
Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS gives Ascension Securities Limited
(“Ascension”), final notice about a decision to cancel the permission granted to
Ascension to carry on regulated activities

Directors of Yellow Energy updated on 2009, or so it seems:



Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. - Chairman & Director
Terence Clifford-Amos - Co-Chairman
Bruno Denantes - Executive Director
Craig Marshall - Managing Director
Adrian J. Eyre - Executive Director
William Fucilla - Executive Director
Franco Selleri -Non-Executive Director
Francesco Fucilla -Chief Scientist and Development Advisor
Christian Corda -Senior Scientist
Riaz Ahmad Saddique -Consultant Geophysicists

Yellow Resources Pty Ltd. Australia

Craig Marshall - Managing Director
Adrian J. Eyre - Director
Bruno Denantes - Director

EDIT: Added the entire text of _

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