Dream with Laura "counseling" me


Jedi Council Member
I wanted to share a dream I had a while back. There have been some issues in my life that I have been working through. Some past anger and frustration that I have had in my life, and a lot of it had to do with my ex husband. In my dream I was in a large house and there were quite a few people there. I was in a large living room and Laura was there. We were talking and in the dream I was telling her everything from my past that has made me frustrated and angry. We were having this talk over "pork chops". Hee hee
I don't remember exactly what was said, but the feeling of it was we had a long talk about why I had been feeling this way all this time and had all this suppressed anger. When I woke up, I really felt that something had been accomplished, like I had worked past some blocks I had.

Just wanted to say thanks to Laura for the late night "talk"!
That's a pretty cool dream, Angela. And a nice, gentle way to process emotions. The part about sharing pork chops is too funny. :rotfl:
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