Conflicting Thought Centers - STO and STS


FOTCM Member
Thought I'd post a little excerpt from the Wave Vol 2 here, which includes an event experienced by Laura.
In any event, as I went to bed, I was slightly worried about being able to go to sleep due to the strange events surrounding this loss of the films. After lying down, as I was thinking about the MRIs, there was a sudden sort of blank-out, and then I came to myself suddenly — again coming to awareness like I had been thrown off a cliff — and I realized that there were three spidery type creatures pulling and tugging on me, and it seemed that they were trying to float me out of the bed. What was even stranger was that I was fighting them like crazy. I had a death grip on the brass headboard, and it was like my body was being subjected to a tug of war! One of the creepy creatures was pulling on me by my ankle and I could distinctly feel a sort of cold fuzziness in the grip. The other two seemed to be trying to exert some kind of mind control on me, like trying to use their mental powers to make me submit. All of my body, except for my shoulders and head which were anchored by my grip on the bed, was suspended in air and seemed to be being sucked toward a small window (which I could not possibly have fit through!) and there seemed to be a sort of beam of light coming through this from the outside of the house! The bed was shaking and bouncing with the struggle taking place.

I was certainly a bit groggy and disoriented at first, as anyone would be to discover themselves in the middle of a violent fight in which their body is participating, only they haven’t been at all aware of it. It felt like the effects of a sleeping drug was wearing off. As it did, I became more alert and thought to myself, “Oh ho! So abductions do really happen! And here I am, being abducted! Well, guess what? I don’t like this, I don’t want this, and I am not going to cooperate. If those creepy jerks abduct me, it won’t be with my assistance!” In short, I was mad as heck!

The creatures seemed to be aware that I was awake and things were rapidly going south. At this point, one of them placed his hand on my head and a powerful paralysis began to spread over me from the head down. This seemed to be causing my eyes to close forcibly, as though the powerful sleeping drug was being re-administered.

I realized fully that I was somewhat helpless against this kind of technology but I still wasn’t going to give up. I was going to fight this sleep right to the last. I became even angrier and I threw down the mental gauntlet, so to say. I decided to “speak” to these creatures with my mind. I said, “You may be able to paralyze me and overcome my physical body, but I’ll fight you with everything I have, every chance I get, so don’t turn your backs on me or you’ll regret it!”

And then, with every bit of will I could muster, I struggled to curse them out loud. The only thing I actually managed to do was emit a strangled groan. But as I did this, as I achieved even this small bit of mastery over a small part of my physical body, a strange thing happened. With the uttering of this sound, the creatures seemed to become confused and disoriented and began to chatter in strange clicking sounds to each other and they dropped me as though I had become a hot potato! Then, they clustered together like frightened, twittering insects and just melted into a shimmery curtain beside the bed. This shimmering thing was very much like the heat waves you see on the highway far ahead when driving on a hot day.

Now, there are several strange things about this event that, I admit, could have just as well have been a sort of dream. One of these things is the fact that I was gripping the headboard with my left hand raised up above my head. What is so strange about that? Well, fact is, my left arm had been severely injured in the accident and was partially paralyzed. I hadn’t been able to lift it much above my waist for over a year much less use it to grip anything at all. I actually had to reach up with my right hand, uncurl my fingers from around the curling tubes of the headboard, and remove my hand and place my arm back at my side because I was unable to perform these small motions with that arm itself! Needless to say, I spent most of the night sitting up in a chair.

The next morning, the phone rang at about 7:30 as I was getting ready to go out the door. It was the hospital testing facility, the same young woman I had been talking to the previous day. She told me I didn’t have to come in, that the films had been found. The only thing she could not explain was how, and by whom, they had been found.

I was so curious about this strange turnaround of events that I asked questions. It turned out that the films were right there on her desk when she arrived that morning to open up the place. When I asked, “Who could have put them there?” her voice was a bit shaky as she explained that it was really impossible to figure out since she had locked up the night before, no one else could have been there except the janitor, and she was sure he hadn’t put the films on her desk because she asked him.

The whole thing is still a mystery.

Naturally, I asked the C’s about the event, though I didn’t want to be too specific in my questions because I didn’t want anyone else in the room, or at the board, to have any data that might skew the answers:

July 23, 1995

Q: (L) The first thing on my mind is an experience I had several nights ago. It seemed as though there was some sort of interaction between myself and something “other”. Could you tell me what this experience was?

A: Was eclipsing of the realities.

Q: (L) What is an eclipsing of the realities?

A: It is when energy centers conflict.

Q: (L) What energy centers are conflicting?

A: Thought energy centers.

Q: (L) Whose thoughts?

A: Thoughts are the basis of all creation. After all, without thought nothing would exist. Now would it?

Q: (L) True.

A: Therefore, energy centers conflicting involve thought patterns. You could refer to it as an intersecting of thought pattern energies. […]

Q: (L) I also seemed to be aware of several dark, spider-like figures lined up by the side of the bed. Was this an accurate impression.

A: Those could be described as specific thought center projections.

Q: (L) I seemed to be fighting and resisting this activity.

A: That was your choice. […]

Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have their primary focus?

A: Thought centers do not have primary focus in any level of density. This is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are. We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed many areas involving density level, but thoughts are quite a different thing because they pass through all density levels at once. Now, let us ask you this. Do you not now see how that would be possible?

Q: (L) Yes. But what I am trying to do is identify these conflicting thought centers. If two thought centers, or more, conflict, then my idea would be that they are in opposition.

A: Correct. […]

Q: (L) Okay, in the experience I felt a paralysis of my body. What caused this paralysis?

A: Yes. Separation of awareness, which is defined as any point along the pathway where one’s awareness becomes so totally focused on one thought sector that all other levels of awareness are temporarily receded, thereby making it impossible to become aware of one’s physical reality along with one’s mental reality. This gives the impression of what is referred to as paralysis. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. And what stimulates this total focus of awareness?

A: An event that sidetracks, temporarily, the mental processes.

Q: (L) And what event can sidetrack the mental processes to this extent?

A: Any number.

Q: (L) In this particular case, what was it?

A: It was an eclipsing of energies caused by conflicting thought centers. Whenever two opposing units of reality intersect, this causes what can be referred to as friction, which, for an immeasurable amount of what you would refer to as time, which is, of course, non-existent, creates a non-existence, or a stopping of the movements of all functions. This is what we would know as conflict. In between, or through any intersecting, opposite entities, we always find zero time, zero movement, zero transference, and zero exchange. Now think about this. Think about this carefully.

Q: (L) Does this mean that I was, essentially, in a condition of non-existence?

A: Well, non-existence is not really the proper term, but non-fluid existence would be more to the point. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. Frozen, as it were?

A: Frozen, as it were.

Q: (L) Was there any benefit to me from this experience?

A: All experiences have potential for benefit.

Q: (L) Was there any detriment from this experience?

A: All experiences have potential for detriment. Now, do you see the parallels? We are talking about any opposing forces in nature, when they come together, the result can go all the way to the extreme of one side or all the way to the extreme of the other. Or, it can remain perfectly, symmetrically in balance in the middle, or partially in balance on one side or another. Therefore all potentials are realized at intersecting points in reality. […]

Q: (L) Was one of these conflicting thought centers or energies some part of me?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And was it eclipsed by interacting with a thought center energy that was part of or all of something or someone else?

A: Or, was what happened a conflicting of one energy thought center that was a part of your thought process and another energy thought center that was another part of your thought process? We will ask you that question and allow you to contemplate.

Q: (L) Does it ever happen that individuals who perceive or think they perceive themselves to have experienced an “abduction”, to actually be interacting with some part of themselves?

A: That would be a very good possibility. Now, before you ask another question, stop and contemplate for a moment: what possibilities does this open up? Is there any limit? And if there is, what is that? Is it not an area worth exploring? For example — just one example for you to digest — what if the abduction scenario could take place where your soul projection, in what you perceive as the future, can come back and abduct your soul projection in what you perceive as the present?

Q: (L) Oh, dear! Does this happen?

A: This is a question for you to ask yourself and contemplate.

Q: (L) Why would I do that to myself? (J) To gain knowledge of the future.

A: Are there not a great many possible answers?

Q: (L) Well, this seemed to be a very frightening and negative experience. If that is the case: a) maybe that is just my perception, or b) then, in the future I am not a very nice person! (J) Or maybe the future isn’t very pleasant. And the knowledge that you gained of it is unpleasant.

A: Or is it one possible future, but not all possible futures? And is the pathway of free will not connected to all of this?

Q: (L) God! I hope so.

A: Now do you see the benefit in slowing down and not having prejudices when asking questions of great import? You see when you speed too quickly in the process of learning and gathering knowledge; it is like skipping down the road without pausing to reflect on the ground beneath you. One misses the gold coins and the gemstones contained within the cracks in the road. […]

Q: (L) Okay, when this experience occurred, am I to assume that some part of myself, a future self perhaps, of course they are all simultaneous but just for the sake of reference, came back and interacted with my present self for some purpose of exchange?

A: Well this is a question best left for your own exploration, as you will gain more knowledge by contemplating it by yourself rather than seeking the answers here. But a suggestion is to be made that you do that as you will gain much, very much knowledge by contemplating these very questions on your own and networking with others as you do so. Be not frustrated for the answers to be gained through your own contemplation will be truly illuminating to you and the experience to follow will be worth a thousand lifetimes of pleasure and joy.

The above made me think of the idea of STO vs STS 'polarity' and the idea that a person needs to achieve at least 51% STO to be a 'candidate'. I was thinking that this experience Laura had was perhaps representative of the point where, as result of life experiences and choices etc., the two opposing aspects of her nature (i.e. 3D human nature) had reached 'parity' and a choice had to be made, or, at least, a fight had to be put up against the negative "thought center" if the positive STO path was to be further pursued.
Data said:
I had the same idea, that a STO candidate could be defined as someone who produces more 'energy' in a lifespan than was invested into him. Kind of an "obyvatel" or "perpetuum mobile". FWIW

Not sure about lifespan - total span of lives may be more relevant, if I've understood the basic concepts correctly - ie., that one's orientation is gradually formed as one learns one's lessons along either the STS- or STO-leaning path over multiple lives.

Also, not sure how energy input and output is to be defined - how the quantities are to be considered. Clearly, I think, it must at any given time be a combination of factors - where, perhaps, seeing the world objectively is one example of a kind of "output" (producing an energy of awareness and honoring reality), though in itself far from enough for a balance. The "weight" of energy may also depend on its significance in the present situation in which it is involved - such that spreading awareness as the Cass, SOTT, etc. projects do is very significant in proportion to the efforts of each person involved. (whereas there may be many equally or more severe efforts that count for very little due to accomplishing and representing far less)

If the value of energy is more linear and simple, then, in the case of anyone who's begun to wake up in recent years after far longer a time of an entropic life, this life, no matter how much work on the self was accomplished, would have a net negative value, since there would be no way to balance the investment with production in the time available.

However, all the dynamics involved here seem to be very nonlinear.
Data said:
I had the same idea, that a STO candidate could be defined as someone who produces more 'energy' in a lifespan than was invested into him. Kind of an "obyvatel" or "perpetuum mobile". FWIW

So, by the same idea, an STS candidate would be the most narcissistic, self absorbed indivual and entropic as possible during their lifespan. Taking much more than was given to him/her! The great Psychopaths the most powerful and dangerous ones, I think.
Psalehesost said:
If the value of energy is more linear and simple, then, in the case of anyone who's begun to wake up in recent years after far longer a time of an entropic life, this life, no matter how much work on the self was accomplished, would have a net negative value, since there would be no way to balance the investment with production in the time available.

However, all the dynamics involved here seem to be very nonlinear.

It would seem the dynamics are non-linear:

From the parable Workers In The Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16)

1 For the kingdom of heaven of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 And after agreeing with the workers for the standard wage, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 When it was about nine o’clock in the morning, he went out again and saw others standing around in the market place without work. 4 And he said to them, “You go into the vineyard too and I will give you whatever is right.” 5 So they went. When he went out again about noon and three o’clock that afternoon, he did the same thing. 6 And about five o’clock that afternoon he went out and found others standing around, and he said to them, “Why are you standing here all day without work?” 7 They said to him, “Because no one has hired us.” He said to them, “You go and work in the vineyard too.”

8 When it was evening, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, “Call the workers and give the pay starting with the last hired until the first.” 9 When those hired about five o’clock came, each received a full day’s pay. 10 And when those hired first came, they though they would receive more. But each one also received the standard wage. 11 When they received it, they began to complain against the landowner, 12 saying, “These last fellows worked one hour, and you have made them equal to us who bore the hardship and burning heat of the day.

13 And the landowner replied to one of them, “Friend, I am not treating you unfairly. Didn’t you agree with me to work for the standard wage? 14 Take what is yours and go. I want to give this last man the same as I gave to you. 15 Am I not permitted to do what I want with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous? 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

It seem to me that any efforts to increase the STO dynamic would be a positive contribution to the whole, and "time" may not enter into it. Imo we can only Work when we come to it, whether early or late, and trust the Universe to act accordingly.
The bible isn't all crap it seems. ;) Your quote herondancer, reminded me of this:

Laura said:
Q: (V) If we are on the 3rd density and you are working with us and we are striving to make 4th density, at the same time are you, at 6th density, striving to reach 7th?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is helping us, helping you to reach 7th density? (V) Are there others at higher densities working with you as you are working with us?
A: No, we all reach 7th level together.

Q: (L) So, in other words, you guys are trying to bring us up and everybody else is coming up, and when all the pieces are back together, we then go to 7th, is that it?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So that is your purpose in helping us?
A: It's a natural process.

Q: (T) Will our function be, when we are at 6th density, to help others on 3rd, as you are doing?
A: Yes. We are you in the future.

Much to reflect upon. :cool: :cool2:
bngenoh said:
The bible isn't all crap it seems. ;) Your quote herondancer, reminded me of this:

Laura said:
Q: (V) If we are on the 3rd density and you are working with us and we are striving to make 4th density, at the same time are you, at 6th density, striving to reach 7th?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is helping us, helping you to reach 7th density? (V) Are there others at higher densities working with you as you are working with us?
A: No, we all reach 7th level together.
Much to reflect upon. :cool: :cool2:

then it is not a bad idea to come back to 3D hell from bigger D's.
bngenoh said:
The bible isn't all crap it seems. ;) Your quote herondancer, reminded me of this:

Laura said:
Q: (V) If we are on the 3rd density and you are working with us and we are striving to make 4th density, at the same time are you, at 6th density, striving to reach 7th?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is helping us, helping you to reach 7th density? (V) Are there others at higher densities working with you as you are working with us?
A: No, we all reach 7th level together.

Q: (L) So, in other words, you guys are trying to bring us up and everybody else is coming up, and when all the pieces are back together, we then go to 7th, is that it?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So that is your purpose in helping us?
A: It's a natural process.

Q: (T) Will our function be, when we are at 6th density, to help others on 3rd, as you are doing?
A: Yes. We are you in the future.

Much to reflect upon. :cool: :cool2:

I had (and still have) a difficulty in making a sense of "we all reach 7th level together" answer. At first, I tried to approach very linearly: Do all sixth density beings wait for all beings of all densities to arrive at the sixth "to reach 7th level together"? This was not so sensible to me. The following excerpt from the Wave has helped me to develop a possible non-linear or cyclic approach, as I see it, to the same matter:

One thing we notice is that thought centers are slightly different from unified thought forms that are identified as transient passengers. This is another clue that our Tree of Life model is set up correctly, since the unified thought forms would exist at the sixth density level of knowledge, which contains the thought of STS for balance, but no STS unified thought beings, so to say. But, the thought center realm is apparently a sixth density level of being in a relative sense. The difference is easily identified by looking at the tree. The sixth density thought center for STS does not transit all densities and realities — it is restricted to the STS realm. The same is true for the purely STO thought center level — it is restricted to the STO realm. However, the sixth density unified consciousness level is located on the central, vertical axis as the logoic offspring of seventh density.

A quote from Wave:

Q: (L) Where does gravity emanate from?
A: Thought center.

Q: (L) You have mentioned thought centers of many occasions. Is there more than one?
A: All are one and all.

Q: (L) If you have a thought center, how do thought centers relate to seventh density, the One?
A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Are thought centers seventh density?
A: All is.

Q: (L) All is thought centers?
A: No. All is 7th density. We have told you before that gravity is the foundational force of absolutely everything!!! This means at all density levels, all dimensions… It is the “stuff” of all existence. Without it, nothing would exist. Your thoughts are based in gravity, too!!

Now, I am not sure I am understanding it correctly enough but want to express my current opinion:

It is the cylicity of density levels that enables the seventh, which simultaneously includes all the sub-densities 1st through 6th as existential functional parts of itself, to continue itself/themselves. So as one being arrives at seventh, all do so simultaneously; they continue to be and existence goes on. Cyclicity of densities is what enables continuing existence.
Sorry, I mis-constructed the Wave excerpt by my hastiness: the paragraph (just above the session piece) and the session excerpt are together.
bozadi said:
I had (and still have) a difficulty in making a sense of "we all reach 7th level together" answer. At first, I tried to approach very linearly: Do all sixth density beings wait for all beings of all densities to arrive at the sixth "to reach 7th level together"? This was not so sensible to me. The following excerpt from the Wave has helped me to develop a possible non-linear or cyclic approach, as I see it, to the same matter:

One thing we notice is that thought centers are slightly different from unified thought forms that are identified as transient passengers. This is another clue that our Tree of Life model is set up correctly, since the unified thought forms would exist at the sixth density level of knowledge, which contains the thought of STS for balance, but no STS unified thought beings, so to say. But, the thought center realm is apparently a sixth density level of being in a relative sense. The difference is easily identified by looking at the tree. The sixth density thought center for STS does not transit all densities and realities — it is restricted to the STS realm. The same is true for the purely STO thought center level — it is restricted to the STO realm. However, the sixth density unified consciousness level is located on the central, vertical axis as the logoic offspring of seventh density.

A quote from Wave:

Q: (L) Where does gravity emanate from?
A: Thought center.

Q: (L) You have mentioned thought centers of many occasions. Is there more than one?
A: All are one and all.

Q: (L) If you have a thought center, how do thought centers relate to seventh density, the One?
A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Are thought centers seventh density?
A: All is.

Q: (L) All is thought centers?
A: No. All is 7th density. We have told you before that gravity is the foundational force of absolutely everything!!! This means at all density levels, all dimensions… It is the “stuff” of all existence. Without it, nothing would exist. Your thoughts are based in gravity, too!!

Now, I am not sure I am understanding it correctly enough but want to express my current opinion:

It is the cylicity of density levels that enables the seventh, which simultaneously includes all the sub-densities 1st through 6th as existential functional parts of itself, to continue itself/themselves. So as one being arrives at seventh, all do so simultaneously; they continue to be and existence goes on. Cyclicity of densities is what enables continuing existence.

I found this sessions which may help here:

A: Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered many attempts at distraction away from truth. Now follow some proclamations: Pause. All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist.
Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and
all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access.

Q: (L) It's fun for who to see how much we can access?
A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is?

Q: (L) Where?
A: We asked you.

Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit.
A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else?

Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately one.
A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.

A: Picture it this way: we will access some of your memory banks and give you another reference which, interestingly enough, fits very closely with the perpendicular reality wheel that we described earlier. You know what a slide projector looks like? To give you some feeling of what this expanded nature of reality really is, picture yourself watching a big slide presentation with a big slide wheel on the projector. At any given point along the way you are watching one particular slide. But, all the rest of the slides are present on the wheel, are they not? And, of course, this fits in with the perpendicular reality, which fits in with the circles within circles and cycles within cycles, which also fits in the Grand Cycle, which also fits in with what we have told you before: All there is is lessons. That's all there is... [(J) I have a comment...] ...and we ask that you enjoy them as you are watching the slide presentation...

Q: (J) In that analogy, the light that shines through the slide, as it projects it upon the screen, is our perception.
A: And, if you look back at the center of the projector, you see the origin and essence of all creation itself, which, is level seven where you are in union with the One.

Q: (L) Okay, what criteria constitutes the means of this ultimate translation into 7th density?
A: The lessons completed.

Q: (J) Okay. (T) When all the souls transition to 7th density, will all the souls be integrated into one soul?
A: Close.

Q: (T) So that is why we have to get everybody, because we all become one on 7th density. (D) What will we then do to change the game and make it interesting again?
A: Don't have to "do" anything, has, will, is!!!
WOW, many things that I have also been vague on have just cleared up for me Ana, thanks for that. :hug:

ADDED: A few more clues:

Laura said:
A: In terms of consciousness, which is why everything exists ultimately, and with gravity as the "glue" that holds all on physical and ethereal planes together!

Q: Is the object to 'dematerialize' or is the object to transpose something that is material to some other point in space/time? I mean, when you collapse the gravity wave, is it necessarily that the object or person 'dematerializes' or 'disappears' from this point...
A: Break the veil of "time," and dematerialzation is no longer necessary, because one enters the realm of pure consciousness, where the illusion of physicality serves no longer, a purpose.

Q: Is it an issue for one to be able to retain internal coherence if one is no longer in a physical state?
A: Internal coherence can only be guaranteed in a purely non- physical "state." And this state is really only a state of mind, anyway!!

Q: If one were to travel in this manner, would it not be a temptation to not return to the physical reality?
A: If one goes bowling, is it a temptation to not return to the parking lot?

Q: I guess if your only choice was the parking lot, I guess you would want to stay, but if going to the parking lot meant getting in your car and going home, then no. Now, glue. The thing is that one has to 'unglue' oneself? Is that the point?
A: No.

Q: Well, if gravity is what holds material and ethereal existence together, and you are going from material into ethereal states...
A: By your definition, you would be unglued, since you perceive the physical, and thus are not completely stuck.

Q: So, you still have the ability to perceive the physical reality and the physical world when you are traveling this way, therefore you are not completely 'stuck.' However, we have talked about people who do get completely 'stuck,' is this correct?
A: Close.

Laura said:
A: First of all, confusion abounds here due to incorrect interpretations of the last subject discussed. Dimensions are not densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought. Density means level of development as measured in terms of closeness to union with The One... Cycle. So, obviously, the "chupacabras" is a manifestation of human consciousness, and, human beings are a manifestation of the Chupacabras consciousness. Get it? Now, a shocker for you: You would not exist if someone didn't "dream you up."

Q: (L) Who dreamed me up?
A: Not important just yet. You literally are the "figments" of someone's imagination, and nothing more!!!

Q: (L) You mean God dreams and brings us into existence?
A: Remember, "God" is really all existence in creation, in other words, all consciousness. This is because all existence in creation is consciousness, and vice versa.

June 17 said:
A: ... when you merge densities, or traverse densities, what you have is the merging of physical reality and ethereal reality, which involves thought form versus physicality. When you can merge those perfectly, what you realize then, is that the reason there is no beginning and no end is merely because there is no need for you to contemplate a beginning or an end after you have completed your development. When you are at union with the One at Seventh density, that is when you have accomplished this and then there is no longer any need for difference between physical and ethereal forms.
To clarify/develop my view on “When one reaches 7th all do”:

Laura and Cassiopaeans – 31 May 1995 said:
Q: (L) The transition of seventh density to the density where the cycling begins is from seventh to sixth or from seventh to first?
A: Neither.

Q: (L) Does it go from seventh to all densities simultaneously?
A: Closer.

It seems that when one being arrives at 7th, they become one with all densities, all creation. As I see it, this is something like going supernova and feeding all existence.

So maybe all life including us is continuously being fed by the big-bang. And one day, when it is our desire, we would also be getting the honor of feeding all existence through an absolute radiation to all existence. Even the existence of strictly STS 4D beings is dependent on this, as I see it.

But the thought of ending of one’s individual existence in 7D, when thought in Terran 3D STS conditions (maybe even in higher STS) can be a source of fear or disgust because it can connotate the thought of “end of existence” or “ceasing to be”, which is not true, of course; exactly the opposite but this might not always be so easy to understand, appreciate and enjoy due to the STS nature of ours.

Ending of existence is said to be STS (“Black holes are final destination of all STS energy”). This seems, I think, to be the basic natural function of STS energy in the universe; decreasings, contractions and endings of all kinds.

STS nature of beings might paradoxically suspect of a kind of absolute blackhole in the core of existence. Idea of leaving of specific individuality and absolute oneness with all existence might be very scary for STS nature of beings.
Perceval said:
The above made me think of the idea of STO vs STS 'polarity' and the idea that a person needs to achieve at least 51% STO to be a 'candidate'. I was thinking that this experience Laura had was perhaps representative of the point where, as result of life experiences and choices etc., the two opposing aspects of her nature (i.e. 3D human nature) had reached 'parity' and a choice had to be made, or, at least, a fight had to be put up against the negative "thought center" if the positive STO path was to be further pursued.

I think so, I see it as consciousness/soul aligning to one thought center or another, that "happens" in every density but as the awareness of the consciousness/soul grows also does the free will to do so.

Ibn Arabi names of God seem to be related to this:

Names of God said:
Man is the ultimate intermediate form, poised between matter and spirit and offered the choice of embodying either those names of God that bring one closer to spirit or those that bring one closer to matter.

We may compare the idea of names of God to the idea of thought center in the Cassiopaea material.

The universe as a whole manifests all the names of God. Within the existent things is found every attribute of Being in some mode or another. Even such attributes as incomparability and unknowability that apply in a strict sense only to the Essence can be found in a relative sense among the possible things.

The growth of the human soul, the process whereby it moves from darkness to light, is also a growth from death to life, ignorance to knowledge ('ilm), listlessness to desire (inida), weakness to power (qudra), dumbness to speech (kaldm), meanness to generosity (uad), and wrongdoing to justice (qist). In each case the goal is the actualization of a divine attribute in the form of which man was created, but which remains a relative potentiality as long as man does not achieve it fully. All the "states" and "stations" mentioned earlier can be seen as stages in the process of actualizing one or more of the divine names.
It follows that only knowledge and awareness can help us discern more each time and choose, otherwise we are "possesed" by the names/thought centers by unconscious attraction.

Which makes me think about the physical reality that is also a thought center...
I was thinking that this experience Laura had was perhaps representative of the point where, as result of life experiences and choices etc., the two opposing aspects of her nature (i.e. 3D human nature) had reached 'parity' and a choice had to be made, or, at least, a fight had to be put up against the negative "thought center" if the positive STO path was to be further pursued.
I agree with the comment. And although it seems to be difficult experience, I think it must have been very inspirational in terms of the progression and the result of the experience, especially when contemplated over later with feedback from Cs.

I have a profound difficulty in understanding what a thought center is, where and how it is located or being diffused through densities.

Currently, my best food for thought in approach the subject is the conclusion of Laura in :

Wave said:
But, the thought center realm is apparently a sixth density level of being in a relative sense.
It is really exciting to think over this issue, that is the “realm of thoughts” and “STO versus STS” as conflicting thought centers. Would like to share my views and questions and have feedback later.

the idea that a person needs to achieve at least 51% STO to be a 'candidate'.
As I understand from the related materials, 51% STO polarization is the rate which is sufficient for graduation to 4D STO for 3D beings in shortwave. Thus the aim in candidacy, in a technical sense, is 51% STO. And when you achieve 51% STO polarization, you are no longer a STO candidate but a STO being; this is how I understand it.
bozadi said:
I have a profound difficulty in understanding what a thought center is, where and how it is located or being diffused through densities.

The Cassiopaea glossary page 'Being vs. Non-Being' might help.

bozadi said:
And when you achieve 51% STO polarization, you are no longer a STO candidate but a STO being; this is how I understand it.

Except that, according to the C's, as long as we remain incarnated in an STS body, we are still STS. (limitations of 3D STS genetics and biology) So someone who is more than 50% STO would be ready to begin an STO existence in the next life (or, through the Wave, next mode of life).

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