Laura said:
abeofarrell said:
I am not angry or offended. I am simply stating the fact that people are jumping to conclusions. I have said many times that the modern literature is useful for me but that I would also like to understand the esoteric literature more. That is all. Yet people continue to interpret my desire to understand esoteric literature as meaning I am totally against the psych literature.
I think what is trying to be said to you here is this: the important things FIRST are to work on those issues that have to do with relationships and being able to deal with the real world, mastering the self with top down controls not bottom-up reactions. This is what you are not doing. The key is that when you begin to do that, the issues of higher-centers come into play naturally.
Yes, we can tend to think that psychological studies and 'esoteric' studies very different things, or at least consider that psychological study is 'not as important'. But from the point of view of most people these psychological/emotional studies are already quite 'esoteric', they do play an important role in work upon oneself.
At first what we are aiming to do is akin to trying to prize open a
very tough nut in order to get at the tiny seed of potential inside and begin growing it.
The thick outer casing of the nut can be likened to 'Personality', often described as that which is 'not our own' or everything that has been borrowed, learned or copied from the world around us.
Then there is the seed of potential that is 'Essence', that which we can really call our own, what we are born with. But the problem here is that generally this part of us is
very small. The shell of personality grows around it at a very early age and its growth stops there. Its tastes, thoughts and emotions stop growing at the level of a very young child. As such it is
woefully uneducated, emotionally immature, clumsy.
But Essence is the part of us that can begin to grow, the route via which we can make progress. The psychological / emotional part of the study we do here is aimed at finding ways to navigate through the thick outer casing of Personality while simultaneously
teaching our juvenile Essence so that it can grow to a level where work can begin.
The more Essence can be properly educated, the better able it is to see and understand the shell of Personality that formed around it and begin to distinguish between the two, this can then begin to make greater sense of the more 'esoteric' studies.
Personality is always getting in the way of Essence, trying to shut it up, or forever throwing up the barricades. If we don't begin to educate Essence, especially emotionally, then nothing else will change, everything will carry on in Personality as before.