Birthday dream, Laura giving me a mathematical formula.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Hello folks,
Hope you're doing well.

So here is the dream, for my 23th birthday, on the 6th August :

(I forgot some but I will do my best)

I'm getting to my girlfriend's house in the forest of North Carolina (I'm on vacation here since 2 months in "real" life, time to read TSHOW, other books, keeping a daily eye on SOTT and to decide to go back to school) and for some reason the acces is quit difficult, I have to crawl and climb because of the vegetation that grew back. I find the left side-mirror of the car that was on the ground, before the house, I fix it quickly and continue to access the deck. Here I take a look at the sky, it's suddenly night time and I look at the stars, as I love to. Stars begin to move in the sky, with some red/orange light around them, in my mind they are still stars, not some random UFOs. Moving forward, the dream changes and I'm here with Laura, we discuss naturally about the Earth, she gives me some advices, there is candles in the place, it's quiet and secure. She shows me a green crystal, which look like a plate where you can see his root. And there my memory fails (bouhh), she gives me an important variable to calculate the rotation of the earth, we apply the mathematical formula and find the solution that I don't remember :/ It was precise though, so it's a little frustrating but I don't think it's the main point here.

Thank you for reading!
Well, the fact that nobody answered me made me figure out by myself what it could possibly mean for me. I know that I'm probably the best one to explain my own dreams yet I still wanted to have feedback on this because I do think it will be meaningful.

So here is my own interpretation that I will share now in this post. Writting this helped me remember some details that I had forgotten and the meaning of it all came easily to my mind shortly after. With dreams symbolism to help me.

The forest represents the unconscious. We can't really now what is in there, it is mysterious, unfathomable. It is for me a place of healing, especially because I am a city dweller.
This is an important site that reinforces the message of the characters or animals encountered.
The house represents myself, my internal world, the fact that the access is a little bit difficult due to the vegetation means that I have to go through some obstacles to access to my subconscious and to go forward. But I "do" it.
The car is representative of me in the physical domain, fixing a mirror to look back and to be able to fix my way to drive my life.
The fact that the night comes when I access the external part of the house (the deck as an external part of my internal world) represents my true desire to search for answers, looking at the stars and those beginning to move, confronting me to the mysteries of the world. I'm not scared by those UFO's/ Stars, red/orange seems to represent the element Fire, which doesn't surprise me.

The appearance of Laura in this new scene, gives to the message a poweful meaning. My symbolism for the character of Laura would be : Gratitude, Wisdom, Work, Intelligence, Altruism, Evolution, Creation.
A comfy room with candles for hopes and lights in the shadow.

Talking about Earth as a powerful symbol (I had the visualisation of the entire Earth rotating) of the essential Energy, looking for solid foundation and stability, magnetic center comes to my mind.
The green crystal as a symbol of purity and transparency of the soul. A dream crystal is indicative of a long personal work-IMO, just getting started. It is extremely positive. Green is soothing. It carries a sweet and serene energy, the cycles of nature, life constantly reborn. This color is regenerating. Green symbolizes hope, peace and renewal, rebirth. The center, the root as the place to reach, the place where everything is, where one sees things in their entirety.

The variable as the key to anchor its magnetic center, I didn't find a lot about the symbolism of mathematics, but for me it would mean that my answers are in the Science.

Thank you for reading.
Thing is it's very hard to interpret another person's dream - if not impossible.

I think you have done a good job at doing it for yourself. I think you show great introspective capabilities.

Thanks for writing!

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