Do 'other' Cs exist?


(I'm kind of thinking out loud with this so please bear with me. Apologies if this is covered somewhere else - my searches didn't come up with anything but then again I might not be using the correct terms)

The Cs identified themselves as 'we are you in the future' - the assumption being that the 'you' is Laura since it was she they were communicating with. Do we all have our 'own' Cs, with whom we could each make contact if we had done the years of preparatory work that Laura did? Or is the current conduit between Laura and the Cs 'simply' that - a 'conduit' between now and then that 'just happens' to be between Laura and her Cs because she was the only one ready and able (and maybe capable of ?) to make the contact? Are there other Cs waiting for 'other Lauras' to get in touch?

I think the main problem here (especially what you stated) is the application of 3D thinking and logic. As it is generally understood, the Cs are not single, independent, disconnected and countable entities like human beings on earth are.

The issue of which people are covered by the ‘you’ in “we are you in the future” has been already discussed in the forum, as far as I know. I'm remembering a paragraph in one session where this was explicitly asked and something like “all those following a certain path” or something like that was the answer (please search yourself).
000817 said:
Q: So, you are us in the future, we are you in the past -
when you say this, are you "us" in the future in the sense of
ALL mankind, or in the sense of any particular group of
A: In between those limited options.
Q: Could you be more explicit?
A: No, because you would not "get it."
Q: When I post material on the website, those people who
resonate to the material believe that this refers to them also. I
have been of the opinion that Unified Thought Form being
must mean a very large group as represented in this density.
I know that we are dealing with limiting terms. But, is this
applied to people who CHOOSE the Cassiopaean option?
A: Maybe it is best to say it applies to those who recognize
the application.

It seems to me that the key here is application - because only through application can there be transformation into who one is to be 'in the future'. fwiw.
anart said:
000817 said:
Q: So, you are us in the future, we are you in the past -
when you say this, are you "us" in the future in the sense of
ALL mankind, or in the sense of any particular group of
A: In between those limited options.
Q: Could you be more explicit?
A: No, because you would not "get it."
Q: When I post material on the website, those people who
resonate to the material believe that this refers to them also. I
have been of the opinion that Unified Thought Form being
must mean a very large group as represented in this density.
I know that we are dealing with limiting terms. But, is this
applied to people who CHOOSE the Cassiopaean option?
A: Maybe it is best to say it applies to those who recognize
the application.

It seems to me that the key here is application - because only through application can there be transformation into who one is to be 'in the future'. fwiw.

Thanks Anart. I thought that there would already be helpful posts relating to my questions but I just couldn't find them.
The way I understand it is that 6th Density STO is the ultimate destination before 7th density of consciousness that has chosen the STO path.

The label Cassiopaea has been stated to be only from where the transmission comes from.

Therefore we can assume you mean, you in the future as 6th density STO, anyone choosing that path would have a "future" connection with 6th density STO.

Remember the C's have stated all things exist all at once, it's what you choose.
Using Ra's (Law of One) description, the C's could be described loosely as Laura's (and others) "Higher Self":

Questioner: You said that each third-density entity has an higher self in the sixth-density which is moving to the mind/body/spirit complex of the entity as needed. Does this higher self also evolve in growth through the densities beginning with the first-density, and does each higher self have a corresponding higher self advanced in densities beyond it?

Ra: I am Ra. To simplify this concept is our intent. The higher self is a manifestation given to the late sixth-density mind/body/spirit complex as a gift from its future selfness. The mid-seventh density’s last action before turning towards the allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the sixth-density self, moving as you measure time in the stream of time.

This self, the mind/body/spirit complex of late sixth-density, has then the honor/duty of using both the experiences of its total living bank of memory of experience, thoughts, and actions, and using the resource of the mind/body/spirit complex totality left behind as a type of infinitely complex thought-form.

In this way you may see your self, your higher self or Oversoul, and your mind/body/spirit complex totality as three points in a circle. The only distinction is that of your time/space continuum. All are the same being.

Questioner: Does each entity have an individual mind/body/spirit complex totality or do a number of entities share the same mind/body/spirit complex totality?

Ra: I am Ra. Both of these statements are correct given the appropriate time/space conditions. Each entity has its totality and at the point at which a planetary entity becomes a social memory complex the totality of this union of entities also has its Oversoul and its social memory complex totality as resource. As always, the sum, spiritually speaking, is greater than the sum of its parts so that the Oversoul of a social memory complex is not the sum of the Oversouls of its member entities but operates upon the way of what we have called squares and what we grasp you prefer to call doubling.

That fits with the definition they give about being "us" in the future. "Us" being the "higher self" of a number of people, grouped into a social memory complex, operating from our "future".

Questioner: Could you give an example of how this programming by the higher self would then bring about education through parallel experiences?

Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps the simplest example of this apparent simultaneity of existence of two selves, which are in truth one self at the same time/space, is this: the Oversoul, as you call it, or higher self, seems to exist simultaneously with the mind/body/spirit complex which it aids. This is not actually simultaneous, for the higher self is moving to the mind/body/spirit complex as needed from a position in development of the entity which would be considered in the future of this entity.

Questioner: Then the higher self operates from the future as we understand things. In other words my higher self would operate from what I consider to be my future? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. From the standpoint of your space/time, this is correct.

Questioner: In that case my higher self would have a very large advantage in knowing what was needed since it would know, as far as I am concerned, what was going to happen. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect, in that this would be an abrogation of free will. The higher self aspect is aware of the lessons learned through the sixth-density. The progress rate is fairly well understood. The choices which must be made to achieve the higher self as it is are in the provenance of the mind/body/spirit complex itself.

But a social memory complex could be something very difficult to limit (so maybe this is why the Cs said what was quoted above about being something between the whole mankind and a group of it ), and other "higher selves" could join/leave (3rd density concept here) the group. So the more people join Laura's work here in 3D, the more "higher selves" become part of the social memory complex that is now transmitting info to us.

Some other people not belonging to this group, for instance, will probably have their own "higher self" in some other social memory complex, in the low 6D, doing something else for their respective 3D incarnations, simply taking care of overseeing their path/lessons or doing some other kind of work, being those people aware or not of it.
Also, this session is really interesting :

Laura said:
December 10, 1994

Q: (L) Are these aspects of our being coming to earth as part of the realm border crossing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are all of us going to have to face these aspects of ourselves as other beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this moment?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q: (L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast. Message follows: See pattern. Orion, Pleiades, Arcturas, Cassiopaea; check distances from earth; progress locator for wave combined with earth references of space time. For you to figure out. Cross reference channelled messages, printing dates and location. We are where we are.

Q: (L) What do you mean you are where you are?

A: Cross reference Time and distance.

Q: (L) What book do we need to cross reference?

A: Any star chart and Marciniak, Arcturas Channel, Orion literature and Us. We speak from "crest" of wave, now, where are we?

Q: (L) Is this a riddle?

A: From, not of.

Q: (L) You speak from the crest of the wave? (T) Are you riding the wave?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) You said in another reading that you were 6 thousand miles...

A: Window of transmission.

Q: (L) We are certainly hoping that you are going to make all of this plain and clear...

A: It is.

Q: (L) Well, can you help us poor 2 strand DNA creatures to understand this?

A: How far away is Cassiopaea?

Q: (L) Do we need specific distances?

A: General is okay.

Q: (L) So, if we just find the general distances... and does each of these star clusters represent a general area of the wave?

A: Each represents locator in space time. You can judge speed and ETA by cross referencing distance with publishing dates and these messages from us.

Q: (L) I got it! You mean that YOU are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and now you are the "Cassiopaeans" because you "are where you are"! And you are riding the wave. Is this wave a straight line connecting all these constellations?

A: Circuitous or cyclical route.

Q: (L) So, is it like a spiral?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we really need to set up a map so we can draw it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When we speak from Orion we are "Orions". When from Pleiades, we are "Pleiadian", and so on.

Q: (L) So, all of these channelled books you have mentioned are coming from the same basic source, through different channels, that they are able to connect with because of their different positions in space time and preparation level of the channels, is that correct?

A: Close. We have given you a Wave crest locator. We are from where we are and speak. Get it?

Q: (L) You are the wave crest?

A: We are Marciniak's Pleiadians. We are where we are.

Q: (T) So, you are not really Cassiopaeans from the Constellation Cassiopia?

A: We are Transient Passengers.

Q: (T) So, when the wave reaches earth and you are transmitting to somebody else out there you will represent yourselves as the "Terrans?"

Q: When wave reaches earth, we merge with you.

A: (L) When you were at Orion, did you merge with the Orions?

A: Not on same frequency for realm border crossing.

Q: (L) What effect did the wave have on the Orion sector?

A: None. Already at 4th density level.

Q: (L) Where did the wave originate?

A: Did not.

Q: (L) Has it always been cycling through the universe?

A: Close.

Q: (T) Okay, you are riding on the crest of this wave in 6th density, is this true?

A: Yes. We are you in 6th density.

Q: (T) You are we, that is me Terry, Laura, Jan and Frank?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you alternate selves extending into higher densities?

A: At your current reference point in space time, we are you in the future.

Q: (T) We are your destiny?

A: And vice versa.

Q: (L) You are not, by any chance, one of those weird ant or preying mantis beings are you?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (T) You are just another part of ourselves? You, us, the Lizards, the ants, the grays, the trees...

A: We are your whole self as you/we are in 6th density.

Q: (T) So, what we are working to become is You? You are us?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, when we move to 4th density and become whole with ourselves, we will know you also for a short time?

A: Not whole yet when at 4th density.

Q: (T) But in order to move to 4th density...

A: Closer.

Q: (T) We, us, in this room, are closer than others are?

A: No. Closer when at 4th density.

Q: (L) When S__ was under hypnosis she described seeing a fleet of space ships "riding a wave" and this unnerved her. She felt this wave was a fearful, invasion-type thing. Was this you and your wave she was perceiving?

A: Wave is transport mode.

Q: (L) Is that transport mode for many beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you coming to invade us?

A: No, merge.

Q: (L) Are others coming with the intention of invading us?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, when you merge with us, are you going to empower us to resist and defend ourselves?

A: Wave is "crowded."

Q: (T) So, everybody out in the whole universe who want a piece of the earth action are on this wave?

A: At realm border crossing.

Q: (L) Let me ask a couple of quick questions to get them out of the way, unless you have something you really... I mean, you pretty much gave us what we need on that... this channelled material received here...

A: Oh yeah?

Q: (L) Well, I guess they are telling me that we did not get all we needed on that subject. But, we can come back to it.

A: You may ask questions if you wish.

Q: (L) In conjunction with DNA changes, is there any similarity between the human race and the idea of transformation relating to populations such as grasshoppers into locusts?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When grasshoppers turn into locusts, they swarm when their population gets too large.

A: All is part of natural cyclical process.

Q: (L) Was the DNA change that we are experiencing programmed into us so that after so many generations these changes would just sort of kick in?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, we all selected certain bodies before we incarnated that would be prime for this programming?

A: Are you ready to be hermaphrodites?

Q: (L) Is that what we are going to be?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (T) Since you are riding this wave, in order to communicate, since the wave is what you are using to focus this contact with, and you are, whoever you may be at whatever point the wave is, you gave Barbara Marciniak information under the name "Pleiadians". You are telling us this. Have you told the other people, such as Barbara Marciniak, that you are contacting other people?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, Barbara may not know that the contacts are the same only under a different name?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it because she didn't ask?

A: Progressive information. Also, system is like mosaic.

Q: (L) Does this mean that different people get different pieces of the mosaic?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) But, you have told us that you have contacted others under other names?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Have you told the others?

A: No.

Q: (T) Why have you not contacted the others and told them this?

A: Just answered. Progressive.

Q: (T) Are you still contacting Barbara?

A: Not at this point. She is in pause mode.

Q: (T) Does she know this?

A: Yes. Write to her and tell her to call "Cassiopaea". Next stop is Leo.

Q: (T) In some time in the future, the next sending point is Leo. Does that mean that at some point we will not be able to contact you?

A: We just told you who to call.

Q: (T) Well, what I am having trouble understanding is why we have to call to a certain space point. We are now in touch, does this channel not stay open?

A: Reference point.

Q: (T) So it doesn't matter as long as we meet regularly to talk with you?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Barbara is also able to continue talking to you even though you are no longer the Pleiadians?

A: She may talk to someone else.

Q: (T) Are you saying that she is channelling some other source at this point?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) J.Z. Knight supposedly channelled Ramtha. Who was Ramtha?

A: Originally valid source.

Q: (L) Did that change?

A: Greed.

Q: (T) So she faked it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I wanted to ask about something you mentioned last night; I haven't transcribed the tape, but you said something about being a 4th density candidate and I had not heard you use the term before. What is a 4th density candidate?

A: Self-explanatory.

Q: (L) How does one get to be a 4th density candidate?

A: Natural progression.

Q: (L) Is everyone on this planet a 4th density candidate?

A: No.

Q: (L) How many are there?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Could someone become a candidate overnight who is not now a candidate?

A: Yes.
A: Yes. Write to her and tell her to call "Cassiopaea". Next stop is Leo.

Q: (T) In some time in the future, the next sending point is Leo. Does that mean that at some point we will not be able to contact you?

A: We just told you who to call.

Q: (T) Well, what I am having trouble understanding is why we have to call to a certain space point. We are now in touch, does this channel not stay open?

A: Reference point.

Q: (T) So it doesn't matter as long as we meet regularly to talk with you?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Barbara is also able to continue talking to you even though you are no longer the Pleiadians?

A: She may talk to someone else.

Q: (T) Are you saying that she is channelling some other source at this point?

A: Maybe.

So even though Laura and the team still contact the Cassiopaeans, depending on there location they may call them selves something else and could contact others as "Leonaens" or what ever the case may be, but only if this other individual or group is ready to receive a piece of the mosaic?

If someone is trying to contact "other C's", then they will find them only when they are ready to hear. So long as they are being vigilant and holding STO intent in everything they do (sounds easy, but very very difficult) it will work out.

What I'm getting at is that I should do the work as best as I can and continue on the path to becoming a 4th density STO candidate. As long as I try, things will take the natural progression and happen when they need to?
quote fro koin:

What I'm getting at is that I should do the work as best as I can and continue on the path to becoming a 4th density STO candidate. As long as I try, things will take the natural progression and happen when they need to?

I think, and I could be wrong, that you do the work because something in you yearns for it for its own sake because something inside of you yearns to answer its call. I don't feel a strong sense of yearning in the word "try" when you write:

"... As long as I try, things will take the natural progression and happen when they need to"

The word "try" does not seem strong enough to give the taste of the intense challenges that lie ahead.

"Commit" maybe, or perhaps "persevere" seem more exact in connoting the effort that is needed to "continue on the path". Ironically once you start to anticipate a possible outcome, you have already started to deviate from your goal. I think that happens because once you begin to dream about a future result, you are already dissipating some of the energy that is needed to reach it.

Again, this is my understanding. As I said above, I could be wrong.
I agree with you 100% that something inside yearns to find its way back to 7D wholeness, I would wager that this yearning is what has brought the majority of people to this forum. I also believe similarly that there are others driven to chaos and who strive to quicken entropy. That's the nature of life and existence as I believe it to be but I could be incorrect, I'll have to "wait and see".

Perhaps I could have shown more intensity in my descriptions about following the path and doing the work but you assume that my wording implies that im not trying 100%, trying my hardest or trying every possible option to progress my soul through lessons, and you would be correct. I'm not perfect with my diet, thoughts or preparation for the realm boarder crossing and what ever that may entail.

Thanks for highlighting that fact as like many others, I often need reminders of how dire things are to become just before they get a whole lot better. Members of this forum and are quite good at it. :-[
Akar said:
Some other people not belonging to this group, for instance, will probably have their own "higher self" in some other social memory complex, in the low 6D, doing something else for their respective 3D incarnations, simply taking care of overseeing their path/lessons or doing some other kind of work, being those people aware or not of it.

On the low 6D?

Could you explain me what is the low 6D or why you call it low 6D?
Prometeo said:
Akar said:
Some other people not belonging to this group, for instance, will probably have their own "higher self" in some other social memory complex, in the low 6D, doing something else for their respective 3D incarnations, simply taking care of overseeing their path/lessons or doing some other kind of work, being those people aware or not of it.

On the low 6D?

Could you explain me what is the low 6D or why you call it low 6D?

Correct me if im wrong but is there not layers within at least some levels of density as mentioned in the transcripts? (can't seem to locate it though so I could be misinformed) So someone who is "low" 3D would be a recently graduated 2D entity. You for example Prometeo, would like to move from an upper 3D position (possible 4D STO candidate) into what I logically assume would be lower 4th Density, where you would start learning your 4D lessons and so on.

Your question is still valid and I would also like Akar to elaborate. But what do you believe Prometeo? Could there only be a complete togetherness at 6th Density and no lessons to learn while in that state? I certainly don't know the answers but I guess at the latest I'll learn that when I get there :)
Sorry for the delay, not passing by so often lately.
I was using the meaning found in the Ra Material, they divide the densities in "sub-levels" ,ad infinitum, so the lower 6D would be the initial stages in which an entity that has just graduated to 6D founds itself, who then can progress in their learning and evolution through the rest of the density as the lessons are being completed and knowledge is being gathered.
Although being new here, I may grok this topic enough to draw an analogy...


Maybe each Conscious Person, or more accurately, entity or being can perhaps be considered a loop on this chart.

If we consider ourselves the "one loop", then maybe we can consider the different versions of our higher selves as the "two loop" and so on into fully embedded systems.

Maybe this can illustrate the harmonic nature of multiple beings existing in an otherwise finite space.

Plus I think, maybe from our own Conscious Point Of View, the pattern continues in the opposite direction, where we are but one node on the "four loop", and we ourselves act as a "higher" being, much as parents offer support to their children. (Which may be both literal and figurative :lol:) Though I suspect that we are unconscious of our contributions to this service most of the time....

Which I suppose is one goal of The Work to make ourselves aware of how we are contributing and participating in the systems of consciousness(s) :P

Though I am current Ignorant of the specifics of what is called 4d and 6d (and so on)as defined here, I suspect that maybe this analogy could be useful when viewing these concepts.

This comes to me via Akar's comments on Ra.

With Love
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