Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

dugdeep said:
mugatea said:
I'm currently on page 80 of this thread so apologies if the questions I'm about to ask are already in the thread.

After eating a largish fatty meal I get so tired. I've just woken up after a large bone broth and yesterday after my fat bomb I had anotehr snooze on the chair after eating that as well. Is this normal or at least normal to begin with?

Every morning my mouth is so dry, takes hours for it to go away regardless how much I drink. Normal?

Just to point out, not am I just starting keto, I've also stopped gluten and dairy at the same time.

I went through this when I first started transitioning, too - tiredness, unquenchable dry mouth. I think it's a symptom of your body being overwhelmed by more fat than it can handle. Digestive support supplements help a great deal in this. Are you taking bile and HCl at this point? You may need to take more.

I had similar experience when first transitioning into ketosis. In fact, I produced copious amounts of saliva initially while my body was getting used to increased salt intake and then experienced dry mouth. Taking digestive enzymes, ox bile or HCl helped. During the first few months, caprylic acid also helped.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

thanks for replying.

Yeah, I have betaine hcl and ox bile I take at every meal. Several usually.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

SMM said:
dugdeep said:
mugatea said:
I'm currently on page 80 of this thread so apologies if the questions I'm about to ask are already in the thread.

After eating a largish fatty meal I get so tired. I've just woken up after a large bone broth and yesterday after my fat bomb I had anotehr snooze on the chair after eating that as well. Is this normal or at least normal to begin with?

Every morning my mouth is so dry, takes hours for it to go away regardless how much I drink. Normal?

Just to point out, not am I just starting keto, I've also stopped gluten and dairy at the same time.

I went through this when I first started transitioning, too - tiredness, unquenchable dry mouth. I think it's a symptom of your body being overwhelmed by more fat than it can handle. Digestive support supplements help a great deal in this. Are you taking bile and HCl at this point? You may need to take more.

I had similar experience when first transitioning into ketosis. In fact, I produced copious amounts of saliva initially while my body was getting used to increased salt intake and then experienced dry mouth. Taking digestive enzymes, ox bile or HCl helped. During the first few months, caprylic acid also helped.

I would add vinegar to the list of suggestions too. If you like the taste of vinegar, try it in your bone broth or on your greens when you eat your fatty meats. I love vinegar so I used it a lot during the transition and it helped me a lot with digesting the fats. I still use it actually.

But there is going to be some tiredness during the transition anyway. As the book Primal Body Primal Mind says, your body is like a factory that makes cell-phones and by entering ketosis you transform it into a car making factory (or something similar). So it takes time for the process from one state to the other to be completed.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I live in the hot climate of Texas, so every morning the first thing I do is take 3 big pinches of Celtic sea salt with a full glass of water. My body seems to absorb water best right after I wake up, and the salt supports osmosis, which keeps me from getting fatigued in the heat.

Potassium is needed to produce saliva, so if you're deficient this can be one reason your mouth might not feel right.

If you are feeling tired, try taking a nap and seeing whether you really rest or if you just lie there in a tired half-conscious limbo. If the rest is effective then I'd say take advantage of it. If the other case, then I'd say take supplements for detox support like Magnesium, vitamin C, milk thistle, etc. Either that or, find out what food you shouldn't be eating and stop eating it, because supplements are only a temporary solution when your food is causing a reaction or poisoning you.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I add vinegar and Celtic see salt to broth and pinches of salt to drinking water. I'm having very watery bowel movements today and have been a bit squirty last few days. Light brown. Today I had 1 1/2 pork chops for breaky and betaine and ox bile with every meal. A very large beef bone broth drink for lunch (that sent me to sleep), then Iate the fatty rinds off a few more chops and some streaky bacon. I had a real appetite, well it was more like bad cravings that lasted ages. I also walked dog a couple of hours, did my resistance training and had a coldish salt bath. I've been drinking mainly redbush tea. But my bowel movements tonight have been like water!! I'm tasking magnesium at bedtime
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I'm think that if you're getting diarrhea that your body can't absorb all that fat yet anyway, so why not try reducing the fat to see if that will stop it?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

There's no need to try to consume a high level of fat straight away. If hunger persists increase the fat slightly or increase the number of portions. If you get "the runs", decrease the amount of fat or/and the portions - if you're having many. When the appropriate balance between satiety and bowel tolerance ("the runs") has been reached, that feeling and awareness will stick in the mind. When on Paleo there isn't enough fat being consumed and apart from any problems with nightshades, for example, there's the niggle of hunger in the background. When transitioning to Keto and if the protocols are applied correctly, then that hunger or even peckishness will be gone, due to the increase in fat and carbohydrate reduction. But again, it takes a while for some to get to grips with the body's daily requirements for animal fat. And that's around 125 grams of total fat! For the maximum, or something approaching it, benefits from Keto this "high" number is necessary but, I believe that this is in the long run. In the interim not having to dash to the loo, and feeling full for around half the day is good and should suffice whilst the body gets used to the switch. And the digestive aids that have been suggested should continue.

There's also an issue of how many supplements to take but on the optimal diet, the need reduces to, magnesium, REAL salt, (see the thread "an article a day keeps the doctor away") potassium, maybe milk thistle and one or two others for people who need them. Vitamin C and any supplement(s) required to replenish oneself when doing detoxification too. So any periodic cleansing will need mineral and vitamin top-ups, which is there in the diet - primarily bone broth. I would also recommend re-reading (I'm assuming you already have) p.212 of this thread, the posts by Laura relate to virtually all of us even in a relatively small way. These health articles can't be read enough IMO, as there's an overwhelming amount of information so occasionally going through them again is good practice. Fortunately there's the thread I mentioned above in brackets which streamlines things. If you can tolerate it, don't forget about natural tobacco too!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

From your description, mugatea, you can't digest the amount of fat you're consuming properly. You can try splitting up the amount by eating more often, smaller portions (like put an hour or two to finish a portion) but the same overall amount per day, or slightly reduced to see if that helps. But most importantly, you need milk thistle. You don't have enough bile present to digest the fat - that's why the very watery stool and light color. When you get enough bile function into the process, stools should firm up and become darker colored. By the way, chamomile is also bile and digestion stimulating, plus improves sleep, so you might want to drink some chamomile tea an hour or two before sleep. Hope this helps a bit.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

If I cut down my fat and also protein to keep proportions right, should that be ok and then increase? I'm still having the runs. I'm thinking it was the beef bone broth that done it. I'll just have my fat bomb instead today.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

mugatea said:
If I cut down my fat and also protein to keep proportions right, should that be ok and then increase? I'm still having the runs. I'm thinking it was the beef bone broth that done it. I'll just have my fat bomb instead today.

I doubt that it was the bone broth.

I had the same runs with ox bile. I still use Betaine HC and enzymes. After quitting the ox bile, things settled down.

Also, a lot of fat can make cause loose stools and can take a couple of weeks to get your stools better. In this thread, you can read of people who had the same problems, but, then, they sorted out after a couple of weeks.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

mugatea said:
If I cut down my fat and also protein to keep proportions right, should that be ok and then increase? I'm still having the runs. I'm thinking it was the beef bone broth that done it. I'll just have my fat bomb instead today.
FWIW, I have better luck with eatting fat in a more solid form than liquid. Bone broth has a tendency to run right through me if it's very fatty. You could skim some of the fat off your broth when it's cold. As Laura mentioned, taking each bite of meat with butter or leaf lard works well for me. I haven't had any digestion problems with the fat bomb except once when it was made with erythritol instead of xylitol. Maybe testing reactions to the sweetner your using would be beneficial.

Hopefully, as Nienna said, it will sort itself out as you adapt.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks for your replies. I've been a bit runny since starting but I think I might be like you Chrissy that my body may prefer a more solid form when it comes to fat although it could be the big coconut oil lump I added. I've got some oxtail cooking at the mo. I fried it first in saucepan with points of butter, filled it with water, salt, pepper, chopped bacon, garlic, bit of chilli and some other herbs and will try that out tomorrow.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

mugatea said:
Thanks for your replies. I've been a bit runny since starting but I think I might be like you Chrissy that my body may prefer a more solid form when it comes to fat although it could be the big coconut oil lump I added. I've got some oxtail cooking at the mo. I fried it first in saucepan with points of butter, filled it with water, salt, pepper, chopped bacon, garlic, bit of chilli and some other herbs and will try that out tomorrow.

Chili? Verboten. Nightshade. All peppers except black pepper should be eliminated along with other nightshade plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, even goji berries.

You should also be chary of herbs unless and until you are "clean" and can test them one by one.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
mugatea said:
Thanks for your replies. I've been a bit runny since starting but I think I might be like you Chrissy that my body may prefer a more solid form when it comes to fat although it could be the big coconut oil lump I added. I've got some oxtail cooking at the mo. I fried it first in saucepan with points of butter, filled it with water, salt, pepper, chopped bacon, garlic, bit of chilli and some other herbs and will try that out tomorrow.

Chili? Verboten. Nightshade. All peppers except black pepper should be eliminated along with other nightshade plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, even goji berries.

You should also be chary of herbs unless and until you are "clean" and can test them one by one.

Yeah, and chili peppers are even worse than "sweet" ones if you're having digestive issues. That alone can aggravate the watery stools. I'd avoid them like the plague.
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