Panic in Jerusalem - child sexual / ritual abuse.


Jedi Council Member

Panic in Jerusalem

Parents in a tight-knit neighborhood believe a pedophile ring is terrorizing children. What if it doesn’t exist?

I only read pg 1 out of 5. It's pretty shocking.

This article was published 12 days ago by Brooklyn author for " a Israel / Jewish news site. It covers the last 2 years of the situation I am guessing. the allegations of child sexual abuse began in OCT 2010

It may not be the best source of info. I'm suspicious because of the subtitle - though maybe editors chose that. I would have to imagine there is independent blogs covering the story since 2010. but this is the first I heard of it anyways.

To date, more than 70 children, nearly all from Haredi families in the tight-knit community of Nahlaot, have been interviewed by Social Services and have claimed to suffer severe sexual, psychological, physical, and ritual abuse at the hands of nearly 60 individuals. At least another 50 children have claimed abuse, though they were not interviewed by Social Services. The children have identified the perpetrators either by name or by telling characteristics: the one with the ponytail, the one who exercises, the filmer, the one with a walker, the one who wears a knitted kippah, and so on. Those accused include American immigrants, middle-aged men, elderly women (nearly half of those accused are female), geriatric couples, teenagers, mother-son teams, mentally handicapped individuals, at least one Arab, suspected Christian missionaries, and, more recently, a few prominent members of the community, including a rabbi. Some of those who have been identified by one or more children are unaware, or appear to be unaware, that they have been accused.
wetroof said:

Panic in Jerusalem

Parents in a tight-knit neighborhood believe a pedophile ring is terrorizing children. What if it doesn’t exist?

I only read pg 1 out of 5. It's pretty shocking.

This article was published 12 days ago by Brooklyn author for " a Israel / Jewish news site. It covers the last 2 years of the situation I am guessing. the allegations of child sexual abuse began in OCT 2010

It may not be the best source of info. I'm suspicious because of the subtitle - though maybe editors chose that. I would have to imagine there is independent blogs covering the story since 2010. but this is the first I heard of it anyways.

I read the article and all 76 comments. My impression of the subtitle (Parents in a tight-knit neighborhood believe a pedophile ring is terrorizing children. What if it doesn’t exist?) is that it refers mainly to the semantics involved in the phrase "pedophile ring" but I could be wrong. It seems some sexual abuse has occurred though, judging by apparently ongoing legal actions involving at least one judge apparently sympathetic to the complainants.

In the comments section there appear to be mothers, supporters and people who live there speaking out on this subject as well as all kinds of mini exposés of people--even back to 1896 and Theodor Herzl's role justifying Jew on Jew exploitation. So much input here. Whew!
Nineteen unmarked graves found at Florida boys' reform school where students were 'beaten with leather straps, raped and murdered'

It seems that more and more such evil and vile abuse of innocent children has been coming to light in recent years. Since I think we can assume that a lot more, perhaps a majority, of the abuse has been effectively hidden and may remain so, it starts to paint a pretty horrifying picture of life on planet earth, even when just confined to this one area.

So what I'm saying is, I have little doubt that the systematic and institutionalised abuse of children is present in most countries around the world and has been for a long time, perhaps since the beginning of so-called "human civilzation".

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