Hiya. I thought the weird sores, which are kind of like little calluses now, or rubbed skin, might have been chillblains. The doctor says no. I didn't change my diet prior to this, so I don't see what I could have done as far as diet to trigger this situation. As far as stress, I deal with the same stressors every day- my job being one of them - but don't you think something like this would have manifested itself alot earlier? It'll be two years in May that I'm working at this job. winter walking can be kind of stressful, depending upon the conditions, but I make sure I prepare for weird weather conditions before I leave the house. So I'm not sure that triggered it either. Maybe I'm a bit run down from walking and working so much? Or maybe some of the genetics is starting to hit me now....This might seem weird, but I think I stress more over the things I see going on in the world and in watching how other people treat one another than I do over what happens in my own home or my life, with the exception of my father's death, which has impacted me deeply over the last couple of years, discussed on another thread. But I've worked very hard to get my head in a better place, a more functional place, and I've been coping alot better with that issue since I posted about it on the forum. It stresses me out to have to talk to my mother, and I disliked having to talk to her about the family medical history, but I needed to know who had what. I don't think I got frostbite, and I asked the doctor if I could have gotten it, but he said no, I don't have it. But I CAN get frostbite very easily now. The color changes on my feet happen in a seemingly random way. Not at a certain time of day, or in any certain position, etc...The color change is unsettling. Warm water does help warm me up, but I can't live in warm water. ( It would be nice, eh?)
One of the things I have feared most for myself personally is something like this happening, something with my health making it difficult or impossible to get to work and make a living. Keeping my job so I can survive. But in these times, I don't think that's an uncommon concern and it hasn't been freaking me out or anything.
I'm going to try to get to the store in the morning to get the ingredients to make bone broth.
Where do I get the peppermint?