Álvaro said:
Thanks for the links. I have understood that Mrs. Tigersoap collected Laura recommendations for writing this article, so it's the same. And thanks for the List, very interesting. For now I profane with the subject of diet, and I have to start this topic almost from the beginning to understand all this. I'll report on my progress on.
Hi Álvaro!
I'm really glad you have taken that step to follow the diet, yet I must say that IMHO it is really important to go as much as possible through the available material concerning Diet so you can understand the processes your body is going to pass through and know what to do during that time.
The topic "The Life Without Bread" is excellent because there are lots of experiences of the other members and as we are different, maybe you find some people who experience the changes in a similar way that you do.
Unfortunately, there isn't too much material in Spanish regarding the diet, but the book "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf is available in Spanish and it has some pretty good info to begin with. Of course, as the article by Mrs. Tigersoap says, not one of all the different authors is 100% right according to the research and experiences here in the forum, but I think, as your language is Spanish, that reading the "La solución paleolítica" can be a good idea.
Regarding the abstinence problems... For me, pipe breathing was really helpful in dealing with cravings and anxiety when first starting to take out gluten, dairy and sugar. Maybe it can help you as well.
If you are following Mrs. Tigersoap article, you might know that it is importand to do it step by step, What she says is: First: take out all the grains; second: take out all the sugar; third: take out all the dairy products, and finally take out the coffee...
Also, I think it is important that while you take out some foods, you have to add some other (good fat)
And, supplementation can also help in the process of change, Mrs. Tigersoap talks a little about them but, again, there is a lot of info in the forum about that so just dig into it! ;)
My best wishes to you and I hope you keep us posted!