GERALD POLLACK: Electrically Structured Water


FOTCM Member
I found a interesting presentation wich I would like to share.

GERALD POLLACK: Electrically Structured Water, Part 1 | EU 2013:

GERALD POLLACK: Electrically Structured Water, Part 2 | EU 2013:

I haven't watched all of it yet, but it seems to me that there are some very intersting things that can be learned and further investigated here, not only for the human physiology but also of how things in general are working? Electrically?

In this lecture Dr. Jerry Pollack, a professor in the bio-engineering department of the University of Washington, discusses new insights into structured water garnered in his lab during the past year. Dr. Pollack has spent the last 10 years researching the role of water in biological tissue, and his discoveries could have a profound impact on our understanding of disease and healing.

He also mentions information and that it might play a role here too.

And since we humans are mainly made up of water, I think this is something that might worth to further look into...

Further he mentions that he will soon release a book in wich all of this is discussed in more detail.

Maybe some of you with knowlege in this area, can get something out of it and maybe explain to us the implications that this might bring with it in general?
I can't stop to watch right at the moment, but I will mention that one of our paleo/primal books, such as Deep Nutrition or Primal Body, Primal Mind, briefly discusses the significance of structured water. I was surprised to see it there, and somewhat skeptical at first, but it is for real. I am somewhat doubtful, though, that it would make a whole lot of difference in our health given the many other things that are out of whack in our modern environments.
OK, I watched it. Wow!

I also tracked down the references to structured water that I was thinking of in the recommended reading, which are in Primal Body, Primal Mind chapter 20. That passage in turn cites a Mercola interview with none other than Dr. Gerald Pollack.
I am quite intrigued by the talk he gave. Has anyone found a treasure trove of info regarding this??


Thanks for sharing Pashalis. I read about Gerald Pollack in Mae Wan Ho's "The Rainbow and the Worm". He is one of the leading scientists investigating the properties of structured water. This science is experimental and the results obtained has enormous implications in our understanding of life.

One of the possible ramifications of the liquid crystal nature of structured water is a new evaluation of the communication network in the body (briefly discussed here ). The standard neuronal communication model where neurons firing cause chemical reactions (receptors and ligands) cannot explain the speed at which body responds to stimuli which Mae Wan Ho calls "effortless action at a distance". The liquid crystal properties of structured cell and tissue water is hypothesized to play a central role in the body's communication network with the collagen fibers of the connective tissue sharing properties with quartz. When collagen fibers are illuminated with infra-red photons using a laser, one gets back frequency doubled light - a non-linear property seen in inorganic crystals like quartz. Collagen fibers are also piezoelectric, i.e they can convert pressure to electrical signal and vice versa - like quartz. This liquid crystal model goes some distance towards explaining how "alternative medicine" like acupuncture and some other body work modalities may work.

As the experimental evidences suggest, structured water inside and outside cells and tissues play an integral role in fundamental life processes. This makes it important to conduct biological experiments while preserving as far as possible the natural environment which conveys information ( as the word structured water suggests) instead of using a reductionist and isolationist approach which is mostly in practice. One example could be the protein folding problem that has occupied scientists for many decades trying to fathom how proteins fold so quickly into characteristic shapes. Water apparently plays a key role (MIT tech review but it had been largely ignored by protein chemists for a long time. It was observed that even in high performance computer models, including water improved the protein folding simulation speeds.

Zhang and Ma reached unprecedented accuracy and speed in simulating the folding of three relatively short but well-understood proteins -- trpzip2, trp-cage and the villin headpiece -- in the presence of water molecules, which Ma described as the best way to simulate physiological conditions.

Though the proteins assemble themselves in nature almost instantly, the Rice team's algorithm took weeks to run the simulation. Still, that was far faster than others have achieved. "And for trpzip and villin, nobody has reached this level of accuracy in the native state under similar simulation conditions -- that is, in the presence of water, which is the most stringent condition," Ma said.

Also it does not seem like just coincidence that emotions are often represented by water. Just like structured water plays an important role in life processes, emotions can profoundly affect our body and thinking, creating multiple selves.
What I also found interesting is that Pollack and his team found out, that radiant energy (light in all its forms) is effecting the Exklusion Zone layer (EZ layer) in water from the outdside and accelerates the flow of the micro spheres within the EZ layers and buildes the "volume" of the EZ layers quite dramatically (25:25 - 32:20 in the first video).

From the radiant energies they tested, it seems that the most powerful wave length is the infrared, especially at 3 micrometers. The infrared rays result in an expansion of the EZ layer, easily of over 10 times of the normal! They also found out that they can increase the flow of the micro spheres within a nafion tube and the resulting EZ layers, by up to five times the normal speed! So as he shows in the video it seems that "light increases speed" so "work is done" if "conservation of energy works" then "the system Must absorb energy" and therefore "water transduces light energy"!

So it seems that it is this electrical energy that is coming from outside and the cosmos that is driving this and some of this energy might contain information (as Pollack suggests)!

So I can not help to think about the recent "Record-setting blast of gamma rays from a dying star" of the Leo constellation and what the C's said about increase of communication (information?)because of things like that!

It was discussed here:,31265.msg413508.html#msg413508

A few snips:

December 10, 1994:

A: Progressive information. Also, system is like mosaic.
Q: (L) Does this mean that different people get different pieces of the mosaic?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) But, you have told us that you have contacted others under other names?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Have you told the others?
A: No.
Q: (T) Why have you not contacted the others and told them this?
A: Just answered. Progressive.
Q: (T) Are you still contacting Barbara?
A: Not at this point. She is in pause mode.
Q: (T) Does she know this?
A: Yes. Write to her and tell her to call "Cassiopaea". Next stop is Leo.
Q: (T) In some time in the future, the next sending point is Leo. Does that mean that at some point we will not be able to contact you?
A: We just told you who to call.
Q: (T) Well, what I am having trouble understanding is why we have to call to a certain space point. We are now in touch, does this channel not stay open?
A: Reference point.

Session 1 March 1997:

Q: (T) You had a question about transmitting from Cassiopaea, Arkadiusz. What was the question? (A) I think the question was, why do they need a particular place in the universe to transmit from?

A: We transmit "through" the opening that is presented in the locator you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses aligned from Cassiopaea, due to pulsar from neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. {Planchette spirals briefly} This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density.

Q: (A) I would like to know how long it takes for the transmission to come from Cassiopaea to Earth.

A: "Zero" time.

Q: (A) 'Zero time...' They transmit, using what? Electromagnetics, gravity, or what?

A: Both. They are interconnected, or you could say "unified".

Q: (A) Zero time? Because of what? Because of... structure of space/time? Of warp?

A: Space and time are selective and flexible.

Q: (A) What is behind that? What is... what is the medium behind which the transmission goes?

A: If there were a medium, your puzzlement would be justified, but, there is not. You see, when one utilizes zero time, there is zero space as well.

Q: (J) If there is zero space, and zero time, why does it need to be fixed at a specific location here in 3rd density.

A: It does not, for "transmission purposes." The need for a specific locator, as expressed previously, as you perceive it, was due to vibrational frequencies helpful to your psychic awareness profile. What causes pulsars, Arkadiusz?

Q: (A) What causes pulsars? A good question... (L) Do you know? (A) Some nuclear reactions...

A: Neutron "stars."

Q: (A) A neutron star is a pulsar. The question is, what is so particular about neutron stars, because anything which is not understood...

A: Quantum physics...

Q: (T) The answer to what causes neutron stars is in quantum physics? Or, is to be found in quantum physics? Is that what they're saying? (A) Or it is known...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so, if you look up pulsars, it will tell you, I guess... (A) OK...

< snip >

A: What is the nature of neutron stars, supernovae, "black holes," et cetera?

Q: (L) You go in a black hole, and you come out a pulsar?!

A: All are the junction of matter/antimatter... the borderline between realities as you know them... material realms/etheric realms, density level junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows with ease; remember, the stars and planets are windows too

Session 29th July 2006:

Laura, Ark, Perceval, Andromeda, Galahad, Mr. Scott, Galatea, Atriedes

A: 3 Nights! Ok

Q: (L) Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Eilltea

Q: (L) Where are you transmitting from?

A: Leo 3 nights!

Q: (L) Can you tell us what the 3 nights signifies?

A: Just wait and see!

(L) Who wants to start with questions?

Q: (Galahad) Why are they coming through Leo?

A: We said “next stop.”

Q: (Laura to Ark): That battery will fall of the table if you don’t watch. (Ark lifts the battery and hits his funny bone on the chair and the battery flies out of his hand) (J: It didn’t just fall off the table it flew off the table!) (A: Now I have electrical fingers) Laura: ok, next question.

(Galahad) Is there going to be something significant in our realm about the fact that you are now coming through Leo?

A: Oh yes! Help is on the way!

Q: (Galahad) Is this related to some of the interesting tests that we’ve been having recently as well?

A: Partly.

Q: (Ark) “What tests Galahad?” (Galahad) Well we’ve been having a fairly intense past few months I was thinking E****, A***, L*** G***…

Q: (Ark) Is there imminent danger?

A: No

Q: (J): Do they mean to us? (Ark) well its only three nights! (laughter) (Perceval) are we allowed to guess? (Laura) let’s just wait and see. (Perceval) (plaintively) No! (laughter) (Galahad) we’ve got time to put a whole website warning the whole world! (laughter). (Perceval) Think of all the hits we would get! (more laughter). It could be the economy or a big a quake or… we could win the lottery. (Mr. Scott) Well it could be something that happens for three nights but in a month from now. (L) let’s just leave it, its more fun having a mystery! Ok, so let’s get on with the questions.

Session Date 12 December 2010:

Present: Laura, Ark, Andromeda, Atreides, REL(AKA Galatea), Perceval, Mr. Scott, Psyche, Burma Jones, Ailén, PoB, Belibaste

Q: (L) Hello?

A: Hello!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us tonight?

A: Porsolia

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea. Moving to Leo soon.

Q: (L) Is the moving to Leo a signifier of some other potential event that would be noticed by us here on Earth?

A: Yes. Possible Supernova. Will stupendously improve reception of our messages.

Q: (L) Why is that? Cosmic waves?

A: Will affect your DNA as well as the DNA of those that are ready.

Q: (L) We’re assuming that this is a positive affect?

A: Yes! Refer to transcripts.

So it seems we might have a hit for the C's here ?!
Indeed it seems like a hit for the C's regarding light affecting DNA. EM radiation affects the behavior of structured water which in turn changes basic cellular properties like protein expression and basic biochemical reactions.
I really enjoyed this! The evidence and data he has compiled are compelling. The practical implications are far reaching as well, which could potentially leapfrog areas of research in the fields of water purification to medicinal therapies as well as using energy generated from water.

Initially, I was a bit skeptic (having a chemistry degree) and thought maybe the EZ layer was nothing more than a few layers of structured water (because of its inherent dipole quality which could result in normal hydrogen bonding that it is so famous for), however the shifted hexagonal latices layers, supposedly comprised of H3O2, just quite simply make sense.

This also really sheds a new light (pun intended) on infrared radiation therapies.


Some of the purported medicinal benefits are as follows:
  • Acne
  • Bell's Palsy
  • Chronic Non-healing wounds
  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  • Ischemic stroke
  • lymphedema
  • neck pain
  • osteoarthritis
  • parkinson's disease

The items in bold immediately jumped out as being issues that arise from a blockage/ lack of flow/ obstruction issues, osit. Connecting that with Pollack's tube experiment and how he was supposedly able to increase the speed of flow using infrared radiation is interesting to say the least.
Wait a minute. I hope this isn't static or too off topic but if Pollack has described an actual mechanism that explains how one would benefit from IR radiation could that be precursory to an explanation of how one could be drained energetically?

For instance, if everything (physical matter?) produces IR radiation then it could be said that warmer or hotter objects produce more infrared radiation than their cooler brethren ( I think this is how my IR thermometer operates). So if person A were to anger person B and feel fine or even great about it, could the increased amount of IR radiation from person B contribute to person A feeling good or essentially feeding off of the extra IR?

I had to do a quick search but I think body temperature goes up for a range of emotions. Especially when one is angry (negative emotion). I am not certain if this can be extrapolated to 4D STS drain mechanisms but it seems to appear as though (in 3D anyways) this could be why some people are draining; especially if they are always able to affect your mental/emotional state negatively (assuming that all negative emotion in fact increase heart rate, body temperature, and consequently your own IR radiative energy). Just some thoughts.
trendsetter37 said:
I really enjoyed this! The evidence and data he has compiled are compelling. The practical implications are far reaching as well, which could potentially leapfrog areas of research in the fields of water purification to medicinal therapies as well as using energy generated from water.

Initially, I was a bit skeptic (having a chemistry degree) and thought maybe the EZ layer was nothing more than a few layers of structured water (because of its inherent dipole quality which could result in normal hydrogen bonding that it is so famous for), however the shifted hexagonal latices layers, supposedly comprised of H3O2, just quite simply make sense.

This also really sheds a new light (pun intended) on infrared radiation therapies.


Some of the purported medicinal benefits are as follows:
  • Acne
  • Bell's Palsy
  • Chronic Non-healing wounds
  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  • Ischemic stroke
  • lymphedema
  • neck pain
  • osteoarthritis
  • parkinson's disease

The items in bold immediately jumped out as being issues that arise from a blockage/ lack of flow/ obstruction issues, osit. Connecting that with Pollack's tube experiment and how he was supposedly able to increase the speed of flow using infrared radiation is interesting to say the least.

Yeah I also thought about infrared radiation therapies and especially infrared saunas wich seem to help people with pain and with detoxing...

And just to be clear, Pollack didn't specify wich light radiation increases the speed of flow in a nafion tube the most. He just said that a light source can increase the speed up to 5 times the normal.

But from the other experiment in wich the biggest EZ layer expansion was the result of infrared rays, I think it is reasonable to assume that it was also the infrared rays in this experiment that caused the fastest flow, but he wasn't specific here.
trendsetter37 said:
Wait a minute. I hope this isn't static or too off topic but if Pollack has described an actual mechanism that explains how one would benefit from IR radiation could that be precursory to an explanation of how one could be drained energetically?

For instance, if everything (physical matter?) produces IR radiation then it could be said that warmer or hotter objects produce more infrared radiation than their cooler brethren ( I think this is how my IR thermometer operates). So if person A were to anger person B and feel fine or even great about it, could the increased amount of IR radiation from person B contribute to person A feeling good or essentially feeding off of the extra IR?

I had to do a quick search but I think body temperature goes up for a range of emotions. Especially when one is angry (negative emotion). I am not certain if this can be extrapolated to 4D STS drain mechanisms but it seems to appear as though (in 3D anyways) this could be why some people are draining; especially if they are always able to affect your mental/emotional state negatively (assuming that all negative emotion in fact increase heart rate, body temperature, and consequently your own IR radiative energy). Just some thoughts.

Very interesting thought indeed...

I think there is a lot that can be learned and studied from what Pollack and his team have found.

I'm quite intrigued :)
Pashalis said:
Yeah I also thought about infrared radiation therapies and especially infrared saunas wich seem to help people with pain and with detoxing...

And just to be clear, Pollack didn't specify wich light radiation increases the speed of flow in a nafion tube the most. He just said that a light source can increase the speed up to 5 times the normal.

But from the other experiment in wich the biggest EZ layer expansion was the result of infrared rays, I think it is reasonable to assume that it was also the infrared rays in this experiment that caused the fastest flow, but he wasn't specific here.

Ah.. good catch. I think I was pulling in preconceived notions based off of the existence of infrared saunas and such. My apologies.
I just watched this. It was absolutely fascinating ... the list of technical applications, the implications for biology ... huge.

One thing he didn't touch on, but that I couldn't help wondering about, was homeopathy. The formation of structured water in the EZs around dissolved particles could imply a physical mechanism that would make homeopathic dilution far more plausible.

Another thing that was running through my head during the talk was Clif High's 'new electrics' subset from the web bot work. Seems like a hit for him on that, too.

Water Molecules Characterize the Structure of DNA Genetic Material

Water molecules surround the genetic material DNA in a very specific way. Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have discovered that, on the one hand, the texture of this hydration shell depends on the water content and, on the other hand, actually influences the structure of the genetic substance itself. These findings are not only important in understanding the biological function of DNA; they could also be used for the construction of new DNA-based materials.

The DNA's double helix never occurs in isolation; instead, its entire surface is always covered by water molecules which attach themselves with the help of hydrogen bonds. But the DNA does not bind all molecules the same way. "We've been able to verify that some of the water is bound stronger whereas other molecules are less so," notes Dr. Karim Fahmy, Head of the Biophysics Division at the Institute of Radiochemistry. This is, however, only true if the water content is low. When the water sheath swells, these differences are adjusted and all hydrogen bonds become equally strong. This, in turn, changes the geometry of the DNA strand: The backbone of the double helix, which consists of sugar and phosphate groups, bends slightly. "The precise DNA structure depends on the specific amount of water surrounding the molecule," summarizes Dr. Fahmy.

Analyses of the genetic material were conducted at the HZDR by the doctoral candidate Hassan Khesbak. The DNA, which came from salmon testes, was initially prepared in thin films and then wetted with ultrafine doses of water within a few seconds. With the help of infrared spectroscopy, Hassan Khesbak was able to verify that the strength of hydrogen bonds varies and that water molecules exhibit different rest periods in such configurations. Oscillations of the water bonds in the hydration shell of the double helix can be excited by infrared light. The higher the frequency of the oscillation, the looser the hydrogen bond. It became apparent that the sugar components and the base pairs create particularly strong bonds with the water sheath while the bonds between the water and the phosphate groups are weaker. The results were published just recently in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

"DNA is, thus, a responsive material," explains Karim Fahmy. "By this, we refer to materials which react dynamically to varying conditions. The double helix structure, the strength of the hydrogen bonds, and even the DNA volume tend to change with higher water contents." Already today, genetic material is an extraordinarily versatile and interesting molecule for so-called DNA nanotechnology. Because with DNA it is possible to realize highly ordered structures with new optical, electronic, and mechanical properties at tiny dimensions which are also of interest for the HZDR. The bound water sheath is not just an integral part of such structures. It can also assume a precise switching function because the results indicate that increasing the hydration shell by only two water molecules per phosphate group may cause the DNA structure to "fold" instantly. Such water dependent switching processes might be able to control, for example, the release of active agents from DNA-based materials.

It does not come as a complete surprise that the water sheath of the genetic material is also of great relevance to the natural biological function of DNA. Because every biomolecule which is bound to the DNA has to first displace the water sheath. The Dresden scientists have analyzed this process for the peptide indolicidin. This antimicrobial protein is less structured and very flexible. That it still "identifies" the double helix so precisely is due to the fact that highly structured water molecules are released when it coalesces with the genetic material. The water sheath's restructuring, which is actually an energetic advantage, increases the binding of the active agent. Such details are really important for the development of DNA-binding drugs, for example, in cancer therapy because they can be ascertained with the method developed at the HZDR.

Journal Reference:

Hassan Khesbak, Olesya Savchuk, Satoru Tsushima, Karim Fahmy. The Role of Water H-Bond Imbalances in B-DNA Substate Transitions and Peptide Recognition Revealed by Time-Resolved FTIR Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011; 133 (15): 5834 DOI: 10.1021/ja108863v
Sure, let's use all this new-found knowledge to develop even more patentable drugs to keep people sick. I guess that's how they are funded. But the implications are interesting. What I am wondering about is how the alteration of the DNA structure could affect its resonant properties. Obviously there are states appropriate to replication. Is there a state where DNA is free to "sing?"
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