Free energy and HAARP technology


Jedi Master
In replying to a comment on a thread i started here;,31780.0.html,

I realised i basically summed up free energy. There are enough links to help the committed researcher begin their own investigations. I have been committed to working out free energy for years, and have had to learn A LOT, but basically can let you know we're close. I just need some more equipment, hopefully coming soon when i win? my compensation case for a back injury at work.

here is the post;
This is hard to sum up but i will try.

Essentially it begins with Tesla and his experiments with resonance;

"Tesla established a laboratory on Houston Street in New York at 46 E. There, at one point while experimenting with mechanical oscillators, he allegedly generated a resonance of several buildings causing complaints to the police. As the speed grew it is said that the machine oscillated at the resonance frequency of his own building and, belatedly realizing the danger, he was forced to use a sledge hammer to terminate the experiment, just as the police arrived"


In his experiments with his Wardencliffe Tower (to transmit energy wirelessly to the entire earth), he came upon a frequency entirely by accident that caused the power station he was using to completely overload;

"The inventor did start a fire one day, when his "magnifying transmitter" experiment accidentally burned out the power plant for the town of Colorado Springs. The town went dark and the overloaded dynamo was in flames. It took Tesla's team of technicians a week to repair the town's generator."


From this, he was able to claim;

"When the great truth accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment"


And later investigations enabled him to harness this "great truth" to run a car on free energy;

Tesla kept a much lower profile regarding another invention. The story— seemingly impossible to document, generations later—is that when he was around sixty-five, Tesla or his helpers pulled the gasoline engine out of a new Pierce-Arrow and stuck in an 80 horsepower alternating current electric motor. But no batteries! Instead, he bought a dozen vacuum tubes, wires and resistors.

Soon he had the parts arranged in a box which sat beside him in the front seat of the car. One account says the mysterious box was two feet long, a foot wide and six inches high, with two rods sticking out of it. From the driver's side, Tesla reached over and pushed the rods in, and the car took off at up to 80 miles per hour. He is reported to have test-driven the loaned Pierce-Arrow for a week. If this story is true, the secret of his power source died with him."


The truth may have died with him, but it seems to have been rediscovered by a fellow named Dr Ronald Stiffler, who's work I have been following for several years (I am currently saving up for more sensitive electronics equipment). I began a thread to investigate his work here;


Now for the interesting stuff, if i can sum it up..

A fellow named Maxwell developed the equations we all use for electricity today, but a fellow named Hertz left out half of Maxwell's equations - like saying the strings of a guitar cause music alone, and ignoring the tension in the guitar itself. Tesla corrected him but at that point Hertz was too financially committed and didn't retract his claims.

So, what was left out? Today we wind a coil of wire and say that the length of the wire, divided by the speed of light (the speed of photons the vibrating electrons release) is it's ideal self resonant frequency (also half and quarter wavelengths come into play here). Harmonic frequencies are also developed.


they vibrate at the frequency of sound in the atom; 1.094 million meters per second. So if we measure the size of the coil by it's pigtail1+coil wind+pigtail2 (or a variation thereof; i.e. it's physical dimensions) we can work out it's Spatially Resonant Frequency.


From there, we can use other coils to build up the energy level;


But essentially the three coil system has it's limitations; the harmonics become difficult to stabilise. What you can do however is start to include aluminium blocks with particular (to the millimeter) dimensions, and vibrate them with RF or atomic lattice vibrations (which behave differently to RF) or both, harnessing local energy.


So, you can see where i am going here?

You can use sub-harmonics from two different locations and beam them via lazer or atomic lattice vibrations (directional) to a third location


where they combine to resonate at the spatially resonant frequency of the cerebellum. And Poof! It will overload. Or you can use the earth and the sky in the same way that Tesla worked out, to suppress parts of the brain of a whole bunch of people and make them more accepting of suggestions. etc etc.


So, there you go. Free Energy concepts being used to control the population of the world.

*mods note* disabled external links
What's your opinion on this account of radiant energy (or what he later called aether)?
I've never seen some of what's explained in that chapter.

I found parallels to some issues the Cs discuss as well. I'll to dig that up.

I see gravity as cosmic radiation, in essence, the luminiferous aether. We now know that the aether is the quantum foam of virtual particles.

The C's say the sun is powered by such cosmic radiation; the impact of which would vibrate the sun's particles just like Dr Stiffler's coil in the above videos. Mass has a lot to do with it.

So if energy was being imparted to the sun from one direction only, we could imagine that this ray would be less energetic coming out the other side;

- - O -

now we put the earth in the picture, and consider only the opposite beam pushing on the earth;

- - O - - o - -

So we see that the earth and sun are being pushed together. This force would increase with the mass of the objects and decrease with the distance, a la gravity.

Tesla once remarked regarding Einstein's theory of relativity that required warping of space-time, I can't find the quote but it is important to note he said something like, if the aether was warped, it would immediately push back. Tesla also wrote;

"They say much about the Einstein's theory
now. According to Einstein the ether does not
exist and many people agree with him. But it is
a mistake in my opinion. Ether's opponents
refer to the experiments of Maykelson - Morli
[Michelson-Morley] who made attempts to
detect the Earth's movement relative to the
fixed-bed ether. These experiments failed,
however it didn't mean the ether's non-
existence. I always based as fact the existence
of mechanical ether in my works and therefore
I could achieve positive success." Nikola Tesla

So what is the michelson-morely experiment? it is important to note that as it was not percirved to be linked to gravity that they measured in the horizontal plane only.

watch this;

extended michelson-morely experiment (vertical)

So the C's are quite correct. Gravity is the substance of God; the sea of particles and forces, virtual and real that make up the universe.
This will do for that quote. Also well worth reading for its own sake
Here Tesla refers to the aether as the force of gravity as well.

no wonder he had free energy licked; the man was a genius.
What do you think of the anti-gravity experiments by Eugene Podkletnov?

According to the account Podkletnov gave to reporter Charles Platt in a 1996 phone interview, during a 1992 experiment with a rotating superconducting disk,

Someone in the laboratory was smoking a pipe, and the pipe smoke rose in a column above the superconducting disc. So we placed a ball-shaped magnet above the disc, attached to a balance. The balance behaved strangely. We substituted a nonmagnetic material, silicon, and still the balance was very strange. We found that any object above the disc lost some of its weight, and we found that if we rotated the disc, the effect was increased.

Podkletnov published a paper in 1992 reporting that the weight of an object directly above the disk was decreased. He concluded that the superconducting disk was shielding the Earth's gravitational force above it. This is sometimes called the Podkletnov effect.

Do you think this is true? and if so how do you think it can be explained by the ether theory?
It all goes back to the physical dimensions of the rotating sphere. Why 7000 rpm? why not another value?

look at the work of Frank Znidarsic; he too found a correspondence between the physical dimensions of the object being rotated or vibrated, either physically or by RF. The 'secret' number is 1.094 million meters squared per second, and can show up in electronic devices properly configured as peaks of RF 1.094mhz apart. That number happens to be the speed of transition of photons/electrons as they change state. It also happens to be the speed of sound/vibrations in the atomic nucleus (and strangely, the space between atoms as well).

Please look at the videos and documents at _ where we have thoroughly investigated the phenomena. To see some documents you would have to sign up by sending Admin (Me) an email at admin(at) with a username and password. If you are still interested, i can share more information that is not posted there. Also is this video put together by the fellows at _ :

If you get the atomic lattice of a thing to vibrate according to the speed of sound in the nucleus at lowest impedence or the Spatially Resonant Frequency, you get anomolous events; heat can rapidly increase in one area while it decreases from ambient in others. I have seen this myself. I have also seen videos from Dr Stiffler that would seem to indicate gravity waves.

This would work because the atomic lattice of the mass and the surrounding area is vibrating such that the cosmic waves that give rise to gravity as they impact on mass are now being absorbed. In short, they are being utilised, and this creates an imbalance. Nature abhors imbalance.

Here are some quotes by Dr Stiffler on that thread;

There is an intrinsic order to the underlying fabric of the Universe. All things are related and this order is supported multi-dimensionally. This results in a demand for Order and the drift into Chaos is only a temporary condition. Even the most independent and rouge segment will fall into Order. Order is the least resistance of a condition. So what really is Potential?


As far as Potential (lets just call it voltage so it fits in to the work at hand) is indeed present all around us, huge potentials (voltages) in fact, yet we are not normally aware of this as averaged out over space we don't see it in everyday interactions. So what changes this? If you disturb the Order it tries to reorder and in the process something interesting happens and it can be made useful. So, your guess was correct on what was implied, although I can not help it fitting it into Vortexes, I must remain with the Lattice concept. It is far simpler to grasp how this would work than all that spinning, yet all may again be the same thing, just viewed from different windows.


I do not view the free space in the universe as Chaos. I feel there is below that and ordered structure which hold all together. I further feel that the appearance and interaction of virtual particles are instrumental in holding it all together, other wise I do mot feel we could experience mass.


Think of an example; you have a number of mouse traps you are going to smash some nuts with (guess you want to be complicated) and you tape a nut so that when the trap slams shut it hits and cracks the nut. Now you configure the traps so that when one goes off it causes a vibrational chain reaction and all begin going off. (Think of the domino chains) Now, how much energy did you exert to set off the first trap? How much energy was expended by all the traps? Okay now you say, 'But I had to set each trap!' Indeed, but what if good old mother nature set the traps and you only tripped the reaction?


Let's see what takes more energy, hop scotch through a disordered path or walk a linear line? What takes more energy, walking zig-zag to a point or moving straight line. Path of least resistance. This way everyone can grasp it without worrying about the Quantum world. Again what is the simplest and most ordered way of doing anything? Was it Einstein that said God does not shoot dice?


There is a group of frequencies that seem to appear globally, albeit it say some have reported otherwise, yet I think that is in error, maybe equipment of environmental cause. This is the group that included the 13.x and I say x because the signal has varying intensity from about 13.6 to 13.9, higher or lower the levels drop very rapidly. This group is what I have with some variations locked on to and utilized for excitation, although this is not by any means the big secret or the group that is required for PSEC operation. [My note; This is a property of the lattice]


I wonder about the Z series and if this could be what I derive as the Lattice? All of this; Znidarsic, Gravock, mass less electrons and virtual particles are dancing around the same camp fire! There is yet a commonality her that will connect all of the dots. I can not be totally wrong in my picture, because I am able to produce it, yet is my picture off center a bit? I have two mediums that cause me headaches, Water and Aluminum. Both can be utilized to amplify a SEC condition. Some material (example, Stainless) is detrimental. I have waffled back and forth over Oxygen and it molecule but this ends up in a totally different direction than what we are normally talking about.

P.S. if anyone reading this can ping/tag/poke Ark, i'm sure he would find all this of interest.

Edit: links
Please look at the videos and documents at __ where we have thoroughly investigated the phenomena. To see some documents you would have to sign up by sending Admin (Me) an email at admin(at) with a username and password. If you are still interested, i can share more information that is not posted there. Also is this video put together by the fellows at _ :

I had a quick look at the thread in your forum but didn't read it all, as it's quite long. I looks to me like you're already running experiments, so I'm curious if there's anyway where there is a list of these experiments with some descriptions or explanations or something. I was also going to watch the YouTube video but it's too long, and would suck up too much of my internet. Do you by chance know if there are some shorter videos, which are only a couple of minutes long?

I'm also curious if you have developed a mathematical model, and if so, does it have a relationship between magnetism and gravity built in? I'm curious to know this because I'm currently under the impression that magnetism and gravity are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. And I've also come to the conclusion that gravity might disappear where magnetic field lines converge.
There aren't many web-page type summations of the experiments beyond the links i have given. I do have pdf documents but as they are copyrighted by another party i am not at liberty to share them.
The short videos i listed in the first post are fairly descriptive of the processes, and here is a short video of the result;

Here is a brief summation that is not entirely correct in that it doesn't include the mathematics that I can't include; again because the information is proprietary. I'm a bit hamstrung on that score, however I would gladly help someone if they decided to pursue the subject experimentally.

Here's some more short videos showing some of the phenomena:


Hope that helps :-)
Conventional electronic theory doesn't account for the vibrations in the atomic lattice, although they are known as phonons to science. Circuit designers have trouble suppressing these echos sometimes, and you can even buy circuits expressly designed to suppress the natural frequency if 13.xMhz.

the Mathematics in the above wiki links is completely beyond me, but the pictures show quite well a representation of vibrations in the atomic lattice.
Here is Frank Znidarsic's peer reviewed paper dealing with the same phenomena;

"In this paper, the flow of energy in materials is presented as mechanical waves with a distinct velocity or speed of transition. This speed of transition came about through the observations of cold fusion experiments, i.e., Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and superconductor gravity experiments, both assumed speculative by mainstream science. In consideration of superconductor junctions, the LENR experiments have a similar speed of transition, which seems to imply that the reactions in the LENR experiment are discrete quantized reactions (energy - burst vs. continuous). Here an attempt is made to quantify this new condition as it applies to electrons; toward the progression of quantized energy flows (discrete energy burst) as a new source of clean energy and force mechanisms (i.e, propulsion)."

download link is second from the right on the top left of the page;

Well what is all this buzz about HAARP been turned off :huh:


Inquorate said:
Here is Frank Znidarsic's peer reviewed paper dealing with the same phenomena;

"In this paper, the flow of energy in materials is presented as mechanical waves with a distinct velocity or speed of transition. This speed of transition came about through the observations of cold fusion experiments, i.e., Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and superconductor gravity experiments, both assumed speculative by mainstream science. In consideration of superconductor junctions, the LENR experiments have a similar speed of transition, which seems to imply that the reactions in the LENR experiment are discrete quantized reactions (energy - burst vs. continuous). Here an attempt is made to quantify this new condition as it applies to electrons; toward the progression of quantized energy flows (discrete energy burst) as a new source of clean energy and force mechanisms (i.e, propulsion)."

download link is second from the right on the top left of the page;


I would be hesitant to call this paper "peer reviewed" in the traditional sense. Also the paper is not very coherent and certainly not on the level of any reputable peer reviewed journal. In fact, it doesn't make much sense at all. I'm no expert, but I've done physics through the undergraduate level and some graduate work at an accredited university in the US and I can tell you that this does not make much sense.

Also this isn't quite right:

Conventional electronic theory doesn't account for the vibrations in the atomic lattice, although they are known as phonons to science. Circuit designers have trouble suppressing these echos sometimes, and you can even buy circuits expressly designed to suppress the natural frequency if 13.xMhz.

There are volumes of books written on this subject. Many classes are taught on the subject and extensive research in "Conventional electronic theory" pertaining to vibrations in the atomic lattice has been done. It is certainly not new.

In fact, a lot of what has been said and quoted in this thread seems disjointed and bordering on "word salad" in places. I guess I'm just confused as to what your point is with all of this?

Perhaps you could provide a more concise statement of a specific claim with evidence to back it up? It appears you are working on some experimental projects in this field. If you would like to share any relevant results that could help clarify too, if you feel so inclined.
Yozilla said:
Well what is all this buzz about HAARP been turned off :huh:



At 0:55 into Suspicious0bservers' July 22nd update (_ ), HAARP's being run by private contractors for years is referred to, in addition to its temporary shut down, but is this report based on any possible current disinfo/misinfo cast out? In other words, is this just what they want us to believe?

Also, HAARP's usage in weather modification is referred to, but not its use for mind control, which casts some suspicion on the treatment of its discussions (incomplete, consideration/discussion scope not wide enough) on the Suspicious0bservers pages...

I generally regard these broadcasts as being filled with helpful information, but perhaps someone with greater technical proficiency can more effectively assess and maybe comment?

I haven't yet performed a search on this subject in the forum, so maybe some of the answers are already available. As I must leave shortly, I'll just post for now, but please reply in kind if the info is already here...

[Mods, if this particular discussion should be resumed on a different thread to obviate or reduce noise on this thread, please move or inform (thanks)...]
Knowing all C's have said about HAARP especially its 4d purpose i wonder if any power supply is/was ever needed - and even more if PTB are familiar with UFT ... :huh:

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