Free energy and HAARP technology

Richard S said:
I understand well the need for independent power suppl;y for the home, as if in emergencies the power goes out for an extended period or maybe even indefinitely if the entire grid goes down. It would also be great if the cost of electric service could be cut to nothing excepting the cost to purchase a unit which would provide permanent supply.

Such has now come about. There is now available for purchase for about 950 Euros which includes tax and shipping a device which can power your home indefinitely or your electric car. The car unit can also reduce fuel usage to very low amount if used on a car with an internal combustion engine. It can be found here:

Note: the sizes shown are not the sizes which will be shipped. They have been substantially reduced in size to 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the size shown because of development of the technology so as to be able to miniaturize them.

No output power specifications are given, and none can be given, because the output of the devices is a plasmatic energy flow and does not result in the flow of electrons until the point that it is to be used in whatever device needs the electricity. In addition, it will supply a DC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device, as well as supply any AC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device whether 50 hertz or 60 hertz, 115 or 230 volts. No inverter or any type of electronics is needed at all as it automatically adjusts to whatever is needed by the device.

Not only will the unit supply as much electricity to a home as needed at any time, even with everything in the house turned on at the same time, it will also supply the outside electrical grid with over 5 times as much as is being used internally at the same time. So, if you have everything turned on and are using 20 kilowatts in your home, over 100 kilowatts are being sent out to the grid at the same time. The more you use, the more is sent out to the grid.

Sounds crazy huh? A demonstration system has been running now at the Keshe headquarters in Italy for over 3 weeks with no noise, no heat output and steady supply of electricity for whatever type of device which is plugged into the system.

Richard, buy one and when all your expectations are fulfilled, let us know. Frankly, Ark and I spent an ENORMOUS amount of time and energy with these alternative energy people of several persuasions years ago. Without exception, they were frauds. Not going there again. So YOU spend YOUR money on it and save the advertising until after you do.
Laura said:
Richard S said:
I understand well the need for independent power suppl;y for the home, as if in emergencies the power goes out for an extended period or maybe even indefinitely if the entire grid goes down. It would also be great if the cost of electric service could be cut to nothing excepting the cost to purchase a unit which would provide permanent supply.

Such has now come about. There is now available for purchase for about 950 Euros which includes tax and shipping a device which can power your home indefinitely or your electric car. The car unit can also reduce fuel usage to very low amount if used on a car with an internal combustion engine. It can be found here:

Note: the sizes shown are not the sizes which will be shipped. They have been substantially reduced in size to 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the size shown because of development of the technology so as to be able to miniaturize them.

No output power specifications are given, and none can be given, because the output of the devices is a plasmatic energy flow and does not result in the flow of electrons until the point that it is to be used in whatever device needs the electricity. In addition, it will supply a DC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device, as well as supply any AC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device whether 50 hertz or 60 hertz, 115 or 230 volts. No inverter or any type of electronics is needed at all as it automatically adjusts to whatever is needed by the device.

Not only will the unit supply as much electricity to a home as needed at any time, even with everything in the house turned on at the same time, it will also supply the outside electrical grid with over 5 times as much as is being used internally at the same time. So, if you have everything turned on and are using 20 kilowatts in your home, over 100 kilowatts are being sent out to the grid at the same time. The more you use, the more is sent out to the grid.

Sounds crazy huh? A demonstration system has been running now at the Keshe headquarters in Italy for over 3 weeks with no noise, no heat output and steady supply of electricity for whatever type of device which is plugged into the system.

Richard, buy one and when all your expectations are fulfilled, let us know. Frankly, Ark and I spent an ENORMOUS amount of time and energy with these alternative energy people of several persuasions years ago. Without exception, they were frauds. Not going there again. So YOU spend YOUR money on it and save the advertising until after you do.
OK, no more posts on this thread until there is proof one way or the other.
Laura said:
Richard S said:
I understand well the need for independent power suppl;y for the home, as if in emergencies the power goes out for an extended period or maybe even indefinitely if the entire grid goes down. It would also be great if the cost of electric service could be cut to nothing excepting the cost to purchase a unit which would provide permanent supply.

Such has now come about. There is now available for purchase for about 950 Euros which includes tax and shipping a device which can power your home indefinitely or your electric car. The car unit can also reduce fuel usage to very low amount if used on a car with an internal combustion engine. It can be found here:

Note: the sizes shown are not the sizes which will be shipped. They have been substantially reduced in size to 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the size shown because of development of the technology so as to be able to miniaturize them.

No output power specifications are given, and none can be given, because the output of the devices is a plasmatic energy flow and does not result in the flow of electrons until the point that it is to be used in whatever device needs the electricity. In addition, it will supply a DC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device, as well as supply any AC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device whether 50 hertz or 60 hertz, 115 or 230 volts. No inverter or any type of electronics is needed at all as it automatically adjusts to whatever is needed by the device.

Not only will the unit supply as much electricity to a home as needed at any time, even with everything in the house turned on at the same time, it will also supply the outside electrical grid with over 5 times as much as is being used internally at the same time. So, if you have everything turned on and are using 20 kilowatts in your home, over 100 kilowatts are being sent out to the grid at the same time. The more you use, the more is sent out to the grid.

Sounds crazy huh? A demonstration system has been running now at the Keshe headquarters in Italy for over 3 weeks with no noise, no heat output and steady supply of electricity for whatever type of device which is plugged into the system.

Richard, buy one and when all your expectations are fulfilled, let us know. Frankly, Ark and I spent an ENORMOUS amount of time and energy with these alternative energy people of several persuasions years ago. Without exception, they were frauds. Not going there again. So YOU spend YOUR money on it and save the advertising until after you do.

The interesting thing about Dr Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherence technology is that it ties into a naturally occurring frequency that has its roots in the geometry of the universe. Hes moved on from that into his Quantum Energy Receiver, which looks a lot like Wilhelm Reichs orgone receiver. Both use the quantum transition al speed as lambda, instea add d of the speed of light. Theres also a possible tie to gravity. He seemed quite interested in Ark's quest for UFT, when I shared the transcript portions that mentioned 1969 and orgone generators.
I have quite a bit of material I could send if hes interested. I had the same experience of the charlitans and fools in the free energy world, but this seeeseems plausible.
Quantum Energy Receiver

Spatial Energy Coherence

Those should pique people's interest.
I don't see any wild claims being made about the SEC stuff, so I will prioritize it over other things for the moment. Can you provide any links to the schematics of the orgone stuff that's suppose to be involved in the new SEC thingy (since there is a lot of smoke about it on Google)? I still don't know what is between those two plates.
This is all he gave me. He says he'll be releasing more info in the coming weeks, But if you look at the fourth QEM video, perhaps any capacitor of the correct configuration will do. I purchased 4 strong neo magnets today, and have another 18 coming on the mail.
Let the experiments begin :-)


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Nothing is free... If this is "life energy" we are extracting, does that mean the energy will literally come from ourselves or our pets? But maybe that's not such a bad thing if it's not much energy, because what we would have then is a life energy measuring device, which would give us a window into an unknown science...

Still worrisome though, since the most powerful byciclist in the world can only generate enough power to just barely toast a piece of bread.
18 years ago I spent a few years studying all these things on places like keelynet.
What did stick with me back then is the number of people who 'dispeared' or died in odd circumstances. The other thing that stuck with me was the number of frauds, and (even with my own very basic understanding of things) complete wishful thinking when it came to the 'tech'. I so desperately wanted it to be true that I clung to it.

My conclusion is what is out there and freely available to the public falls into a few categories
1) Fraud
2) Slightly more efficient devices (but not over-unity/free energy)
3) Low ambient energy collection

Anything that gets close to 'free' - I'd love that to be real, but if it exists it comes with the cost of 'disappearing' or dying of some rare incurable disease.

So taking a step back, perhaps it's worth asking whats the point of such things? Why invest so much time, emotion, energy and hope into such things?
Are they going to save humanity? Nope - and if they where available to the public they'd probably destroy us all quicker. The problem is they miss the point of the world we live in.

The world is the way it is because of psychopaths, and no amount of 'free energy' will ever fix that. If you want 'free energy' to survive the 'apocalypse' then you'll get to live under a glowing red sky in a cave having missed the point of paying attention to reality.
It's probably worth mentioning that the C's said the Atlantians where obsessed with energy, how well did things end for them?

I figure in the end that most of the 'free energy' community is like the new age community, full of feel good and exciting things with very little real exploratory science going on. If anyone gets close to real science they get co-opted, corrupted, bought out or 'disappeared'.
Just like the new age movement, just like the color revolutions, just like mainstream science, just like mainstream religion, just like anything that holds the potential to change the status quo.

My dad told me a story that happened to him in the 1960's - he met a man who had built a car that ran on sea water and was attempting to get the US military interested. He saw a demonstration and everything.
So it was either a fraud or really worked - 75 years ago! Consider that, consider how long this 'battle' has been going on and where it's gotten us and everyone involved. Consider how many times people have invented this stuff. How many life times.

It ends in despair, disillusionment and potentially death. Above all DISTRACTION from what's going on in the world.

Heck have any of you even read Teslas history and how he was screwed over by psychopaths repeatedly? Reading that was what allowed me to put all of my desire to peruse these things to one side.
Seeing him get screwed and trampled over and over and over, like a battered wife who just wanted to raise a family going back repeatedly to the abusers.

How many more Tesla's have existed before him who we never heard of? How many generations have there been between the Atlantians and us? How much knowledge has been lost - repeatedly?

The game is rigged and anything that could change it has been crushed, co-opted or covered up - because of the lack of knowledge of psychopaths and how this world works.
From another thread, this seems somewhat appropriate to what I mentioned above.

Ennio said:
Although it is difficult to know what - if any - connections these deaths may have had to each other, there does seem to be a real pattern there which reminded me of the following:

Q: (Ark) Well, once we are on this subject, I want to ask about these mathematicians. Yesterday I learned that from my mathematician friend in Poland about the death of - in our Kairos club - a young mathematician Branson. And apparently he was quite young and for no reason suddenly he died driving a car. (L) In an accident? (Ark) No, while he was driving. Now, he was a friend of the German mathematician who worked with Irving Segal, the young guy that drowned in Clausthal in the lake. There was a conference, and they went for a swim in the lake. People were on the shore watching, and he just sank in seconds and that was all. He was also like 20-some years old. Then we had this Pertti Lounesto, the same club, related to the same area of mathematics, who drowned in the sea a few months after we saw him at the conference {in Cookville, Tennessee}. Okay, and then we had the Russian mathematician who was doing also similar work, and he went to the Black sea for vacation and he drowned. All these young people died, and they are all mathematicians doing very abstract work. It's too many of them to have drowned just by accident. I mean, what kind of coincidence is it? Any comment?

A: It is not a coincidence. It is too bad that so many who are on the right track in so many ways do not have the advantage of knowing about those things that would shield them from frequency driven attacks; such things as diet changes that would protect them from direct manipulation; things such as awareness of other densities. But, of course this last item would have come to their notice.

One wonders what, if anything, computer scientists working for the defense industry in the UK in the mid to late eighties may have been looking at - assuming that it had anything to do with being "on the right track". And of course their deaths may have been the results of other things.
monotonic said:
Nothing is free... If this is "life energy" we are extracting, does that mean the energy will literally come from ourselves or our pets? But maybe that's not such a bad thing if it's not much energy, because what we would have then is a life energy measuring device, which would give us a window into an unknown science...

Still worrisome though, since the most powerful byciclist in the world can only generate enough power to just barely toast a piece of bread.

Consider that Tesla said that one day we ould harness the wheelworks of nature.

What is the wheelworks? Why dont atoms collapse? Heat.

Entropy guarantees that heat is always a by-product of motion. Eventually, all energy will be heat. Until then, atoms collide. Electrons refuse to collapse into nuclei, and the wheels keep turning.

With that in mind, watch the videos I posted the links to above.

Nothing is free. Ive seen entropy reverse on my work bench. Heat reduction equalling energy increase. For all intents and purposes, its atomic resonance causing nature to spend less energy. Nature abhors spending more energy than it has to. It will even go against probability to do so. Improbable isnt impossible, you just have to work hard and learn a lot.
Of course the game is rigged. And yet we're here aren't we. Maybe Laura should have stopped looking for knowledge when she knew she was on to something? That would have been a fear response. A collapse of information.

Why so many on this site with negativity reenergy harvesting technology? Sure, maybe tptb dont want "free energy" . They sure as hell dont want thinking, aware individuals either. They dont want you to change your diet. Why bother researching diet when theres so much disinfo out there??

Isnt it easier to just give up?

Seems to me tptb have won on the energy independence front. The problem is, they fight so hard against FE becaus the answers are so goddamn simple. Resonance. Frequency, knowledge, application. OMG gotta stop the plebs from working that out.

Rant [edit: almost] over
God, it is so difficult T o give knowledge away to someone who hasnt worked for it. Its like pouring water into a seive, and expecting some to gather. I have the utmost respect for the intentions of everyone whos posted here. I just dont seem to be able to make the information that I have make a difference to the knowledge pool here.

I just feel so frustrated. I apologize for any offence caused by my outburst, I wanted however to be honest and forthright.
Ok, feeling a little less emotional atm.let me explain my conundrum.
I've seen it work. I don't expect anyone to take my word on it.
I cant publicly disclose the patented (not my patent) work. The math. Im fishing for interested individuals that arent already jaded by previous endeavors. And ive tried to find these like minded individuals for quite a few years.

Perhaps I will, perhaps I wont. Resonance, right? Perhaps I myself am far too jaded.
Inquorate said:
I cant publicly disclose the patented (not my patent) work.

This seems to be a repeated syndrome in the "over unity" community. But the whole "over unity" research won't go very far when even the simplest supposedly working mechanisms are not disclosed properly in an open, scientific way. YouTube videos and pseudo-schematics really don't help and are just dangling carrots to lure people in and waste a lot of time, money and sanity.

Gurdjieff commented on "perpetual motion" in the early 1900's:

Beelzebubs Tales said:
"WAIT! WAIT !" Beelzebub interrupted. "What you have just been describing must surely be that ephemeral idea that the strange three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth called 'perpetual motion,' for the sake of which at one time great numbers of them went quite 'mad' or even perished.

"It once happened on that ill-fated planet that somebody got the 'crazy notion' into his head that he could invent a 'mechanism' that would run forever without requiring any material from the outside.

"This notion so took everybody's fancy that most of the crackpots of that peculiar planet began thinking about it and trying to produce this 'miracle'. How many of them had to pay for this ephemeral idea with all the material and spiritual welfare that they had previously acquired at great cost!'

"For one reason or another, they were all quite determined to invent what they imagined would be a 'simple matter.'

"Whenever external conditions permitted, many of them gave themselves up to the search for this perpetual motion, without any inner data for such work, some relying upon their 'knowledge,' others upon 'luck,' but most of them driven by an already full-blown psychopathy.

"In short, to invent perpetual motion became the 'rage' there, and every crank felt obliged to be interested in this question.

"I was once in a town where a large number of 'models' and all kinds of 'descriptions' of proposed mechanisms for this perpetual motion had been collected.

"What could not be found there? What ingenious and complicated machines did I not see? In any single one of these mechanisms there were more ideas and 'wiseacrings' than in all the laws of world-creation and world-existence.

"I noticed at the time that in these innumerable models and plans of proposed mechanisms, the idea of using what is called the 'force of weight' predominated. The idea was this: a complicated mechanism was designed to lift a 'certain weight,' which was then supposed to fall, and by its fall to set the whole mechanism in motion, and this motion would again lift the weight, and so on without end.

"The result of all this was that thousands of these unfortunates were shut up in 'lunatic asylums,' while thousands more, lost in this dream, completely neglected to fulfill even those being-duties that had somehow been established there in the course of many centuries, or else fulfilled them in the worst possible way.

"I don't know how it would all have ended if some quite demented being with one foot already in the grave, an 'old dotard,' as they say, who had somehow acquired a certain authority, had not proved by 'calculations' known only to himself that it was absolutely impossible to invent 'perpetual motion.'

"Now, my dear Captain, after your explanation, I can understand very well how the cylinder invented by the Archangel Hariton works. It is the very thing those unfortunates dreamed of.

Note that at the end he doesn't say that "over unity" is impossible. But the general picture he draws of this part of society is still valid today, I think.
Thank you for the soberment, RedFox and Data. I felt like there was something missing here. It helps explain that vehemence that has been shown in this thread.

Maybe OU technology is usable, but there seem to be strict boundaries around what you can do with it, as a rule of 3D perhaps. The question is, once you have it, what can you do with it?
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