Nuclear Scare Scam | Galen Winsor


The Living Force
So i've been reading a few books on 18th and 19th century scientist that had quite the contrary view on many mainstream scientific theories that are still held in high regard. However, they uncovered discoveries that were mind baffling and unexplainable according to the conventional mechanistic theories but apparently empirically justified.

So i've been following this trail and am pretty disconcerted about what i've been finding. Do not get me wrong the learning has been fun but to find out how humanity has been led astray, on so many different levels, is just depressing sometimes. Anywho...I wanted to share this video on the reality of nuclear contamination actually being a reusable energy resource and maybe just maybe all of the hoopla on how dangerous nuclear radioactivity is pervasively spread in the media to keep people afraid of a very democratic technology that could free humanity from being slaves to power companies.



Galen Winsor does a good job of corroborating what i've been reading about in relation to tesla's and dr. gustave le bon's views on nature and radioactivity. Truly fascination stuff imo. Turns
I think it is propaganda necessary to deminish influence of Fukushima catastrophy.
Even if radation is "safe" (I think the human resistance might be quite higher than suspected), radioactive substances surely aren't safe. Too much data proves that.
Michał said:
I think it is propaganda necessary to deminish influence of Fukushima catastrophy.
Even if radation is "safe" (I think the human resistance might be quite higher than suspected), radioactive substances surely aren't safe. Too much data proves that.

If it's not to much to ask could you point me in the direction of that data? Also I'm assuming you read through the diet section as well. There is plenty of "data" promulgated by the PTB that seemingly justify a high carb diet and the notion that smoking will kill you. On the contrary and after further investigation many have found that not to be true and actually thrive on doing the opposite of what is recommended by dietic "experts"

Keeping that in mind I'm simply observing that whenever the government pushes hard for something, i.e. the ban of smoking, targeting small farms, and attempting to regulate things like bitcoin; it may be more than a reasonable deduction that what they are say may not incorporate your best interest.

I will watch the lecture again to make sure I didn't miss anything but so far he's corroborated much of what I have came across in tesla's, Le bon's, and other scientist that held a different view of electricity and radioactive matter.

Galen Winsor has traveled and lectured all over America, spoken on national talk radio, and made several videos exposing the misunderstood issues of nuclear radiation. He shows that fear of radiation has been exaggerated to scare people ... so a few powerful people can maintain total control of the world's most valuable power resource. Filmed by Ben Williams in 1986.

This conclusion doesn't seem so far fetched after taken in all of the variables and the known MO of our PTB.

Radiation spa's in Europe!
_ small doses radiation may be good for you. Even improve immune regulation

There are a lot of insightful links in that youtube's about section btw. Let me know what you think.

Did you see the part where he eat's uranium in his lecture? Which he has supposedly done in many of his lectures.

Also. Galen Winsor gave that lecture in 1986. About 25 years before fukushima.
We may have to rethink our conception of radioactivity altogether...


The situation in Japan is grim. Estimates of the dead or missing — and by now this latter group must be moved into the dead column — is above 25,000 souls. A half-million residents are homeless, with many in danger of starvation since roads and railroads have simply disappeared. Yet the world’s media pays only lip service to the plight of Japanese citizens. It is almost entirely focused on the disabled nuclear reactors and the “leaks” of radiation that have had, and will have, virtually no effect on human health.

In the last few weeks, we have read reports of foreigners scrambling to leave the country, of levels of radioactive iodine in seawater that are seven-and-a-half million times the “legal” limit, and now the news that the recovery of bodies is being hampered because the dead are contaminated by radiation.

Interestingly, many of the expatriates “escaped” to areas where the background radiation was higher, in some cases much higher, than the areas in Japan they were evacuating owing to radioactive releases. An April 1 Bloomberg article by Stuart Biggs and Yuriy Humber gave the current background radiation measurements in Tokyo compared with other areas. Even after the releases in Japan, the amount of background radiation in Tokyo is still below the world average. The article quoted Bob Bury of the UK’s Royal College of Radiologists, “The situation in Japan looks set to follow the pattern of Chernobyl, where fear of radiation did far more damage than the radiation itself.”

Regarding the concentration of Iodine 131 in seawater, one might ask on what basis any legal limit is derived. The “normal” concentration of this isotope in seawater is zero, as only relatively tiny amounts are produced in nuclear reactors, and these for all intents and purposes cease to exist after 90 days because of radioactive decay. This seems to be a case of bandying huge numbers for no other purpose than to create fear — something all too common in journalism these days.

If we analyze for a moment the story “Japan faces another dilemma: Radiation-contaminated bodies,” we should remember that exposure to radiation does not make one radioactive, e.g., you don’t become radioactive from an X-ray. So any contamination would have had to settle out from the atmosphere onto the bodies. One might ask how the radioactive particles know how to zero in on the corpses and avoid the area that surrounds them.

Even more irony comes from the land of liberals, California — home to Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Governor Jerry Brown — where many residents are fearful of the effects of radioactive particles carried on the winds from Japan. UConn physics professor emeritus Howard Hayden points out in his newsletter, The Energy Advocate, that the joke is on the Californians who are now gobbling down potassium iodine pills to saturate their thyroids in an attempt to block an accumulation of radioactive iodine. The “K” in KI pills is potassium, a small percentage of which is radioactive Potassium 40. In an attempt to avoid barely detectable amounts of Iodine 131, they are ingesting easily measurable amounts of bone-seeking Potassium 40. Actually this radiation won’t bother them either, although the pills are not gentle on the digestive system and give the same symptoms — nausea and cramping — as does real radiation sickness, which has afflicted no one in Japan, let alone thousands of miles away in the United States.

Why the Outcry?
Fear of radiation is a learned behavior. Moreover, it’s not something we learn from personal experience or observation. We have no way to sense it and must be told by others that we are in danger. As noted above, we receive plenty of information from the media on the dangers of radiation, and this is nothing new. Professor Bernard Cohen of the University of Pittsburgh looked at the New York Times Information Bank, which allows access to numerous publications, and found over the period 1974 to 1978 that there were about 120 stories per year on automobile accidents that killed some 200,000 people. But there were 200 stories per year on radiation that killed no one. Do you know anyone who died or was sickened by radiation? Do you know anybody who knows anybody who was such a victim? The odds are a million to one against it.

Another major reason for the fear is a lack of understanding about what levels of radiation are dangerous and where we might encounter them. Let us establish then how to quantify radiation and relate that to the harm it might cause us. First, though, be aware that we are talking about ionizing radiation from nuclear reactions, X-rays, cosmic rays, or emissions from elements that are naturally radioactive or have been made radioactive from exposure to neutrons in a nuclear reactor. We are not referring to microwave, infrared, or ultraviolet radiation.

Our first hurdle is to understand the units of radiation exposure. Unfortunately, there are two systems and each has different units to express intensity. In the United States the terms more commonly used by medical professionals are the rad and the rem. The rad is a measurement of radiation energy absorbed by matter, while the rem (Roentgen equivalent man) considers not only the amount of radiation, but its biological effect on humans and other animals. For gamma radiation and X-rays, the types of primary interest here, the two terms are equivalent. A rem, however, is a large dose of radiation; hence, to avoid lots of zeros to the right of the decimal point, the term we will be using is the millirem (mrem), one-thousandth of a rem.

The International System (S.I.) — abbreviated from French: Systèm International d´unités — uses two other terms for radiation measurement. The gray (Gy) is equal to 100 rads, and the sievert (Sv) is equal to 100 rems. This is mentioned here because much of the information from other countries and in current news stories is cited in mSv — a millisievert equal to 100 times the exposure of a mrem, i.e., 1 mSv = 100 mrem.†

Activity in MilliremsSo we now have a unit of measurement — the mrem — that we can use to compare different levels of radiation. Table 1 shows a few examples. Note that one must be exposed to something in the area of 100,000 mrems of radiation in a short period to suffer symptoms of acute radiation exposure, and even more than that to risk death.

Mutation Scares
Survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were forced participants in a huge epidemiological study of long-term radiation effects. The 86,572 individuals (including pre-born babies) within 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) radius of the blasts were required to carry a “Health Handbook” that recorded even the slightest details of the victim’s health history. Of particular concern to the Japanese was the expectation of thousands of mutations in future births, but such worries were misplaced. While fruit flies that are exposed to radiation are mutated in odd ways (extra legs, eyes, etc.), humans are either not so susceptible, or the degree of mutation is so small as to be lost in the host of normal mutations common to our species. Zbigniew Jaworowski, a member of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), wrote in Science in July 2001: “In 1958 UNSCEAR had no doubts about major genetic defects in the world population that could be caused by nuclear test fallout, and estimated them as high as 40,000. But now the Committee has learned that even among the children of highly irradiated survivors of atomic bombings no statistically significant genetic damage could be demonstrated (UNSCEAR 2001).”

Delayed Effects
Aside from death and radiation sickness resulting from extremely high doses of radiation, the only other known negative effect of radiation on humans is an increased risk of cancer. While certainly real, this threat seems overblown. Professor John Cameron, of the University of Wisconsin Medical School, points out that there were only about 400 excess cancer deaths in the tens of thousands of exposed individuals in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

If a large-scale, real-life sampling of radiation survivors didn’t validate hypotheses of skyrocketing cancer rates, though many of the affected people suffered acute radiation exposure, why then do we hear terrifying reports about the number of cancer deaths we can expect from the recent partial meltdown in Japan, where no one has been reported to have faced acute exposure? It is because of a statistical hypothesis known as Linear No Threshold theory, or LNT.

Linear No Threshold theory assumes that there is a linear relationship in the amount of danger posed by increasing levels of radiation. Let’s use aspirin to demonstrate LNT at work. Assume that 100 tablets is a 100-percent fatal dose of aspirin. (That is roughly the case for a 200-pound man.) Linear No Threshold theory would predict that 50 tablets would cause a 50-percent mortality rate, 10 tablets would result in 10-percent mortality, and a single tablet would cause one percent of the users to die. We can pretty well agree that this doesn’t happen with aspirin, but we are told that it does for radiation.

High doses of radiation, for example 100,000 mrem, are carcinogenic and generally follow the LNT. But there is a growing consensus among health professionals that no such risk occurs below 10,000 mrem. Anti-nuclear activists and the media haven’t caught on to this, however, as the following example shows.

Let us assume that the risk of cancer increases by 10 percent for anyone exposed to 100,000 mrem of radiation. If we extrapolate this linearly to zero, then at 10,000 mrem we have a one-percent increase in cancer. At 10 mrem, there would be a 0.001 percent increased risk of cancer. Now comes a hypothetical release of radiation that blankets the country of Japan with a dose of 10 mrem, the U.S. average for 10 days from natural sources. With a population of 127,000,000 people and a mortality of 0.001 percent, the LNT predicts 1,270 increased cancer deaths. Of course the media would pick up on this fact as gospel, needlessly frightening the citizenry with fictitious threats of cancer and death.

Will there be bodies piled in the street? No. Do adherents to LNT have any evidence of these speculated deaths? No. On the order of 19 million cancer deaths would normally occur in the population, so we cannot test their prediction that deaths will increase by 0.001 percent of that total. Since this small number is not statistically significant, who can prove them wrong? (See the related article "The Effects of Low-does Radiation" for the answer.)

Linear No Threshold theory applied to radiation is a shameful lie that causes huge outlays to “protect” the public against trivial amounts of exposure to radiation and is the primary reason behind a fear of nuclear power — promoted, in your correspondent’s opinion, by the radical environmentalists who wield enormous power in our federal and state governments, academia, the media, and, sadly, some of our country’s scientific and professional organizations.

Alpha and Beta Radiation
We have not looked at forms of radiation other than X-rays and gamma rays — both of which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and essentially the same thing. There are two other forms of ionizing radiation that should be mentioned: alpha and beta particles. The former is a helium nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons making it an nuclear giant, while the latter is an electron that depends on a speed near that of light for its energy.

Alpha radiation cannot penetrate more than a few inches of air and is essentially benign unless it is loosed inside the body. Beta radiation cannot penetrate the skin, but can cause “beta burns” that are similar to sunburn. (The only reported radiation “injuries” at the Fukushima complex were caused when three workers waded in contaminated water higher than their boot tops. It is possible they had beta burns on their feet and ankles, but such information has not been made public.)

Neutrons are also always associated with nuclear fission. Though they are not in themselves ionizing particles, they can disrupt cellular activity with a result similar to all the aforementioned forms of radiation.

Isotopes and Half-lives
You may have noticed on news broadcasts that there is usually a number associated with the names of radioactive elements. For example, we hear of Iodine 131 being a dangerous product of fission. How is this different from the iodine our mothers put on our scrapes while we were screaming bloody murder? That iodine was primarily Iodine 127. Both are isotopes of iodine and both hurt when put on a scrape. But 131I (as it is usually designated) is highly radioactive. The Chart of the Elements on the chemistry class wall shows iodine as having the atomic number 53, since all isotopes of iodine have 53 protons. However, each isotope of iodine has a different number of neutrons, and the number of neutrons plus protons, which is known as the atomic mass, is the number assigned to the isotope. 127I has 74 neutrons, while 131I has 78. While chemically identical, the two are radically different in nuclear activity, with the former being stable and the latter radioactive.

Cobalt is another example. Ordinary cobalt, 59Co, is a metal often used to strengthen steel, but after being irradiated with neutrons for 18 months in a reactor, it is converted to highly radioactive 60Co — it is used in industrial radiography.

All radioactive atoms are destined to disintegrate. When an atom of 131I breaks up, it emits a beta particle and gamma rays and is transmuted into stable 131Xe — the noble gas xenon. The new atom is slightly lighter than the iodine atom, with the difference in weight being spent in energy emissions: radioactivity. The time it takes for half of the 131I to be transmuted to xenon is one half-life. For this nuclide the half-life is 8.02 days. After another half-life period, there is a quarter of the original iodine remaining. After 10 half-lives, less than one-tenth of a percent exists. Because of this short half-life, hospitals must be constantly renewing their supply of this useful radionuclide often used in thyroid diagnosis and ablation.

60Co goes through a similar beta decay and is transmuted to stable 60Ni. Its half-life is 5.27 years. Used for such processes as weld inspections and food irradiation, it also must be periodically replaced.

Since 131I gives up its energy much faster than 60Co, you would expect it to be more “radioactive” than the cobalt isotope. This indeed is the case and is related to the activity of the isotope.

Let us compare the number of disintegrations per second per gram of both the isotopes discussed above. This is called the specific activity of the sample and requires us to understand two additional measuring units. The Curie, named in honor of Madame Curie, who discovered both radium and polonium, is defined as 37 billion disintegrations per second for a single gram. (A gram is less than half the weight of a dime.) It tests the ability of the mind to comprehend the unimaginably small size of atoms when it takes 1,620 years at the beginning rate of 37 billion disintegrations per second for a gram of radium to lose half its mass. (Incidentally, Madame Curie never produced a whole gram of radium during her lifetime of refining and studying the element.)

The unit now used in the S.I. system is the Becquerel, which is defined as one disintegration per second. Hence one Curie (Ci) is equal to 37 billion Becquerels (Bq), not exactly the easiest conversion factor to work with.

For 60Co the activity is about 1,100 Curies! So the atoms of this isotope are changing into stable nickel at the rate of 1,100 times 37 billion, or 41 million billion, disintegrations per second.

But hold on to your hat. 131I checks in at 124,000 Ci, or 4,600 million billion Bq. And 133Te (tellurium) leaves the iodine isotope in the dust, with over a thousand times the disintegrations per second of iodine, and there are other much faster — and more radioactive — isotopes than Tellurium 133 with its half-life of 12.4 minutes.

So how dangerous are substances we usually think of as being highly radioactive, like that evil metal plutonium, which the media portrays as annihilating anyone within shouting distance? 239Pu, with a half-life of 242,100 years, has an activity of 0.063 Ci per gram, or a mere 2,300 billion disintegrations (Bq) per second — one two-millionth the disintegrations of 131I. What about the activity of uranium, which we’re taught to fear so fervently that we insist upon guarding “spent fuel” for hundreds of thousands of years due to its long-term radioactivity? With a half-life of 4.47 billion years, 238U gives up its energy grudgingly at a specific activity of 0.0000003 Ci, or 12,300 Bq. Furthermore, both it and 239Pu are alpha emitters whose radiation is stopped by a sheet of paper. But because uranium is radioactive for a near eternity, it is the poster child for anti-nuclear activists who rely on public ignorance of radiation dangers to undermine the energy industry or who errantly believe that long half-lives mean long-term danger — just the opposite of reality.

It is radioactive substances with short half-lives that are dangerous, but because of their short half-lives, they are not dangerous for long.

So what will be the likely outcome of the nuclear meltdown, and the subsequent release of radioactive elements, in Japan? Once pumps are fully operational and structural damage to the nuclear power plant is repaired, the level of radiation from venting the containment vessels and from uncovered spent-fuel cooling ponds will quickly drop, as will airborne particles. Within a few months, the 131I deposited on the ground will decay to zero. Some 137Cs (cesium) will remain detectable on the ground, but at present it appears to be only a tenth the amount of that from the Chernobyl incident — and the amount from Chernobyl was on the same order of magnitude as the natural radionuclides in the soil.

Of course, anti-nuclear activists will predict thousands of cancer deaths based on the LNT, which will not happen, but no matter. Fear is the objective. As we have already seen, the Fukushima “disaster” will become the rallying cry against nuclear power. Few will remember that the plant stayed generally intact despite being hit by an earthquake with more than six times the energy the plant was designed to withstand, plus a tsunami estimated at 49 feet that swept away backup generators 33 feet above sea level. Wonder how those windmills would have stood up.

Edit: I found some of Jaworowski's papers! I'll be working through these as well. He also seemed to hold a contrary view to the whole CO2 debacle. Hmm
Here is his paper in physics today that sums it up pretty well.

Sorry for not answering for so long, but, I assume - long enough, since the link you provided doesn't work already. There many proofs that radioactive substances cause cancer, and also there are proofs the radiation isn't safe also. Didn't you heard about women burnt by radiation, when they were exposed too long, or they received too high dose during breasts screening? I can provide you with working links if you want.
Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

FB person brought this to my attention. It basically says (according to person, I have no watched it) "he had hands on experience with plutonium and uranium. Both not health hazard and it's a major money laundering scheme. and major apparatus for instilling fear. something to consider Who owns the plutonium and why the control system of fear on the human race?"

Hopefully, some tech/sci savvy folks will opine on this.
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

I'm half an hour in.

So far, he's talked about his work in the industry and how he got involved. He says that for many, many years, the work of separating plutonium from uranium was a hands on job, before regulations came in. For him, what's referred to as nuclear waste is actually a safe, reusable fuel source and that waste plutonium, when you do the math, is worth ten million dollars a ton.

He's just started talking about the safety heavy water, which leads me to a question for those who understand this stuff. What are the implications for the situation at Fukushima?
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

Sounds like the general idea that Bernard Cohen had.

In March, 2011, Professor Cohen stated, reflecting on his study and its controversial results, that low levels of radiation can have beneficial health effects and reduce the risks of cancer, "There is evidence on both sides. Whether low-level radiation is protective against cancer, a theory called radiation hormesis, is debated in the scientific community. Furthermore, ...[on his viewpoint, and its support found in his exhaustive studies] it could go further and say that no confounding factors (like socio-economic, geography, ethnicity, medical care access, and beyond 500 explored in the analysis) can explain the results. However, my study was designed to test the assumption that the danger of radiation is simply proportional to the radiation dose, which is the only evidence that low-level radiation may be harmful. My conclusion was that that assumption is false."[1][6][11] Other scientists disagree[12][13] and more research has been called for.[14]

Subsequent research would join a profound array of positions including a 1982 United Nations' work-group study -UNSCEAR- concluding: "There appear to be no nonspecific effects from low doses of radiation that result in a shortening of the life span."[15]

In 1983, Cohen proposed that uranium is effectively inexhaustible, and could therefore be considered a renewable source of energy.[16]

Professor Cohen earned his under-graduate degree from Case-Western Reserve University [1944], Masters from University of Pittsburgh [1947] and Ph.D from Carnegie-Mellon University [1950]. He taught at UP (Pitt) from 1958 as Professor of Physics, Adjunct Prof. of Chemistry, Adjunct Prof. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Adjunct Prof. of Radiation Health at the Graduate School of Public Health; there also as Adjunct Prof. of Environmental and Occupational Health. He was awarded Professor-Emeritus standing in 1994.[1]

From 1965-1978 he was Director of the Scaife Nuclear Laboratory.[17]

A testimony to his conviction on the human safety of background low-level radiation was his offering rewards of up to $10,000 if people provided evidence that the inverse association he found between radon (county averages) and lung cancer (county averages) was due to some factor other than failure of the linear-no threshold theory. Puskin, Smith, Field and others have claimed that his findings are due in part to his inability to control for the inverse association between smoking and radon.[18][19][20]

When Ralph Nader described plutonium as "the most toxic substance known to mankind", Cohen, then a tenured professor, offered to consume on camera as much plutonium oxide as Nader could consume of caffeine,[21] the stimulant found in coffee and other beverages, which in its pure form has an oral (LD50) of 192 milligrams per kilogram in rats.[22] Nader did not accept the challenge.[23]

If trying to link the lung cancer to smoking is the best the critics of the idea could do, that doesn't say much for the critics. Maybe it's like what the Cs said about smoking where if the population believes there's a problem, then that itself can cause a problem for someone even if the actual radon level isn't that high due to worried people being more likely to get their home radon reduced or something like that?
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

T.C. said:
I'm half an hour in.

So far, he's talked about his work in the industry and how he got involved. He says that for many, many years, the work of separating plutonium from uranium was a hands on job, before regulations came in. For him, what's referred to as nuclear waste is actually a safe, reusable fuel source and that waste plutonium, when you do the math, is worth ten million dollars a ton.

So, they created the 'scare' about radiation to put people off stealing it.


Towards the end of the video, he eats uranium and handles plutonium.

He's just started talking about the safety heavy water, which leads me to a question for those who understand this stuff. What are the implications for the situation at Fukushima?

He claims that he has swam in and actually regularly drank heavy water.

He says there should be nuclear power plants in every city. That that's completely safe and that nuclear energy is the answer to the world's energy problems. But the energy companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

Bluelamp said:
Sounds like the general idea that Bernard Cohen had.

Yes, I've read Cohen's book and I think he is correct - radiation hormesis is very real and verified in mammal animal models as well as humans. Beyond several times normal background, the radiation has a negative effect and health degradation results. This has to do with external radiation - not the ingestion of radioactive material.

Does this mean that waste storage is a non-issue? Absolutely not. The waste must be kept out of the environment because of ingestion risk.

I think there is evidence to suggest that there were/are technologies that can efficiently convert radioactive waste to stable isotopes or another usable form of radioactive fuel - but these technologies have been suppressed in favor of the expensive waste storage industry (much like the prison industry in the US).

I think what Cohen offered was to ingest a stable (non-radioactive) compound of plutonium to make his point about the element.
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?


Exposing the Misunderstood issues of Nuclear Radiation by Galen Winsor

Prepare to have your whole world turned upside down. Only the bravest proceed….

Galen Winsor is a nuclear physicist of renown who worked at, and helped design, nuclear power plants in Hanford, WA; Oak Ridge, TN; Morris, IL, San Jose, CA; Wimington, NJ. Among his positions of expertise he was in charge of measuring and controlling the nuclear fuel inventory and storage.

Galen Winsor has traveled and lectured all over America, spoken on national talk radio, and made several videos exposing the misunderstood issues of nuclear radiation. He shows that fear of radiation has been exaggerated to scare people … so a few powerful people can maintain total control of the world’s most valuable power resource. Filmed by Ben Williams in 1986.

In the video, you can watch Galen lick a pile of highly radioactive
uranium off the palm of his hand and ignite a chunk of plutonium into
a shower of flaming dust. The guy also drank reactor cooling pool
water for fun and liked to go swimming in the pool to relax. He also
spiked the basement flooring of his own home with enough radioactive
material to send any Geiger counter reading off the scale to disprove
the fear mongering surrounding radon at the time.

Galen surmises the regulations and fear mongering that surround
radioactive materials are in place to prevent the widespread adoption
of nuclear power in local small scale neighborhood/home based
reactors. Galen also points out that hot nuclear “waste” can be
effectively turned into a safe power source through thermionic
conversion, which is how the U.S. submarine navigation network was
powered. The heat it gives off can also be used to safely heat homes.

He points out that nuclear “waste” is worth roughly $10 million (in
1986 dollars) a ton if it were to be reprocessed to collect its useful
isotopes, so all of this talk about trying to bury it is a sham. He
says the power companies are holding all the waste with the intent of
playing the plutonium futures market. The “waste” could be stored
above ground in already constructed buildings meeting all the
regulatory requirements without the need to have these outrageous
basalt mines dug into mountains. The only reason he can think of for
these underground vaults is to hide bodies/evidence that the state
doesn’t want uncovered.

At its core, he says federal controls over nuclear material is about
maintaining power and control over the masses through the denial of
self-sufficient power sources. Obviously if one had a personal sized
power source that was cheap and efficient, they wouldn’t need to be
connected to the “grid” for anything. The power grid is the control
grid our rulers use to keep us under their thumbs.

He also says Three Mile Island was an intentionally created disaster,
and that a core meltdown could not melt its way deep into the Earth.
We see shades of 911 and Fukushima here…. Could Chernoylb be the same?
The answer is frightening.

Update Galen Hulet Winsor died in 2008. at the age of 88

Headstone Record for Galen Hulet Winsor. Burial Place: Richland, Washington, United States. Birth: 4 June 1926. Death: 19 July 2008


Could the entire nuclear industry be a giant fix to simply subsized electrical production while not lowering the price of electricity? The Peak Oil Hoax has been proven beyond doubt and now the Nuclear Waste and Radiation Hoax is also cast aside and many questions arise.


1) We know that extreme exposure to radiation poisoning can cause birth defects as we see from the Depleted Uranium poisoning in Iraq and Afghanistan. Winsor says that these defects do not carry onto the next generation. Has this been proven?

2) There are natural areas in the world like parts of Iran where radiation levels are 250 times over “safe” levels yet people are healthier… Proven?

3) Who Owns the Plutonium? Why do they Bury it in the ground? Are they burying it in the ground or keeping it elsewhere for safe keeping?

4) How much Electricity can plutonium really produce ? Is it really WASTE?

5) The work of Gustave Lebon would certainly suggest that… His books were banned in the USA for 60 years as he suggested that everything emitted radiation and substances could be made radioactive.

6) What about chemo therapy? It does make people sick but would the medical industry really use too much gamma radiation to hurt us intentionally if it wasn’t necessary for profit and also to demonize radiation at the same time? …this might be a silly questions actually.

Additional Evidence

The forests around Chernobyl are thriving with wildlife, mostly because the humans left but mutations found in the animals are minimal. _

Madam Curie died at 68 years old of Aplastic Anemia to what they attributed to “radiation”, 68 old and this illness is common in elders.

The books of Gustave Lebon were banned for 50 years in the United States. Lebon’s numerous experiments with radioactivity proved that all matter is radioactive to an extent. He managed to make a piece of tinfoil more radioactive than uranium with ultraviolet light and also neutralize radiation.

Professor Bernard Cohen took Ralph Nader on a bet. Cohen would consume as much plutonium as Nader would caffeine onstage with $10,000 on the line. Nader didn’t take the bet. _

A testimony to his conviction on the human safety of background low-level radiation was his offering rewards of up to $10,000 if people provided evidence the inverse association he found between radon (county averages) and lung cancer (county averages) was due to some factor other than failure of the linear-no threshold theory. Puskin, Smith, Field and others have claimed that his findings are due in part to his inability to control for the inverse association between smoking and radon.[18][19][20]

When Ralph Nader described plutonium as “the most toxic substance known to mankind“, Cohen, then a tenured professor, offered to consume on camera as much plutonium oxide as Nader could consume of caffeine,[21] the stimulant found in coffee and other beverages, which in its pure form has an oral (LD50) of 192 milligrams per kilogram in rats.[22]
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

My initial knee-jerk reaction was: "Sounds like the flat-earth argument re-visited".

He does seem to make use of NLP and says many unsubstantiated and contradictory things as though they are the absolute truth in a very folksy way. All of that proves nothing. A Spockian logical analysis of the transcript yields something.

Devil in the details:

Intro:"He is without question one of the world’s foremost authorities in nuclear radiation measurement. And he’s recognized by members of the Atomic Energy Commissions of all the major nations of the free world. Mister Galen Winsor."

This seems to be totally unsubstantiated puffery. Outside of a few videos, Mr Galen Winsor is actually not known, and not mentioned in any scientific paper or study. There is no mention of him in IAEA, NRC nor even Manhattan Project history papers.

"Well, two years ago I started traveling for the American Opinion Speakers Bureau..." (the American Opinion Speakers Bureau is the propaganda dissemination arms of the John Birch Society which is/was a notorious, ultra right-wing, anti-communist fear-mongering group. Some argue it is just another psyop or CIA front, but I wouldn't know)

"GW: “3 R per year is your allowable exposure; that amount of gamma energy that will expose a film pack, but that was for the people that didn’t know. We weren’t about to follow those rules. We just went ahead and did the job. They sent around an investigation slip that says, “Your dosimeter was overexposed two weeks ago. What did you do?” And it had a cute little form on it that says, “Accidentally exposed to light”, and that was the one I always used to check. [chuckles] ‘Cause it’s the same amount of light… You know, if you get gamma through the film pack, it’s the same amount of light as you get when you click the lens on a camera. They wanted to limit US to thát."

Above is a disingenuous sleight of hand (or mouth):... Yes, the chemicals used in photo-film that are sensitive to light, and are also sensitive to Gamma radiation. However, it is outrageous to equate natural light and gamma rays. So when he says, “They wanted to limit US to thát” in reference to normal sunlight, as if sunlight and gamma rays are practically the same thing, that seems deceptive to me.

@ 00:18:03 —: I got to design the sampling analytical system for this plant. The sample cell was the hydrolic heart of this place. I got to dictate where they put the columns, how high the columns were in relation to my sample cell. One man standing in front of a lead glass window could sample any liquid stream in that whole plant. It took crews of man at Hanford to do the same thing. I wasn’t happy with that, so I built an efficient system.

Throughout his monologue, his objectives are primarily in tune with corporate profitability goals: an obedient work force, keeping safety standards at a bare minimum, and in this case: glorifying workforce reduction through automation. While he pitches himself as the ultimate all-American hard working stereotypical self-determining individualist, his agenda is extraordinarily aligned with money-obsessed upper-management of utility companies and big corporations in general.

@ 00:20:17 —: Many things have been done in the name of health and safety. ... “You have to be safer than anybody else.” We were already safer than anybody in the whole world!

Seriously? A series of government-sponsored studies conducted over several decades has established that cancer and illness rates among nuclear workers are much higher than for the average population. There are other things wrapped in these statements. He uses "we" so often and in so many confusing contexts to suck the listener in. I think that is part of the basic NLP sales job: "YOU want to be part of my 'we' because I know, AND because I am 'in we-ness' with the in-crowd, not to mention the fact that I am a normal, common sense, down-to-earth person just like you." Oh bruther

GW: “And in 1982 when the Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act… 1982 – A guy by the name of Udall – I don’t know if the people in Arizona never heard of him or not – authored that bill.

What?! Arizona elected him - for 30 straight years!… Morris King “Mo” Udall was a U.S. Representative from Arizona from 1961 to 1991. Sounds like GW (hey! those initials!) sounds like ol' GDub is talking out his backside, there. (just to use a few down-home-isms like ol' "let's go skinny dip in heavy water, it won't hurtcha' GDub, by gollies) Intersting note - Udall was critical of the John Birch society.

@ 00:35:06 —: Tritium: heavy water… Deuterium is hydrogen-2, Tritium is Hydrogen-3. If you let an inventory get away from you, what’s going to happen to it out in the biosphere? Nothing other than that it will become diluted. And join the naturally occurring inventory of Tritium. ‘Cause Tritium is created in the upper atmosphere by sunlight. We have a natural inventory of Tritium. Then the only thing that happens when you release Tritium – which is the trigger mechanism for bombs, it’s the source of the push that makes it go – is that you lost a valuable inventory. Then what of these people that are pretending that a little bit of Tritium is going to do you in? It is not so. What are those two points? [1] Only if it is an economically recoverable concentration, or [2] if it has a natural re-concentration mechanism… You know, there isn’t anyone of the radioisotopes out there that has a meaningful level of re-concentration in any of the species, not even the oysters in the bays in Maryland below Calvert Cliffs.

Bioconcentration or biomagnification of Tritium in biological systems does not occur that I know of, but focussing on only Tritium in regards to this environmental issue is a typical case of omission, as bioconcentration or biomagnification DOES occur with various other manmade radionuclides, including Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu-239, Zn-65, etc., many of which do not occur in nature at all.

Out of the 11 nuclear reactors in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, 9 are located on rivers or a lake that flow either directly or eventually into the Bay. The other 2 reactors are located at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, which sits directly on – and dumps into – the Chesapeake Bay, site of an alleged complete blackout re. significant nuclear groundwater contamination.

@ 00:46:07 —: And finally, one day, I said, “My own personal security is not important. I think I’ll go tell this tale. All I want is to tell my story.” The commodity that I communicate is called, “truth”.

Gospel truth? You can trust me - I am risking my life for you...Galen Winsor seems more like a professional manipulator. He built up a patriot-individualist image to appeal to large numbers of patriotism-indoctrinated Americans, and then adds the element of “risking everything for the greater good” to make people perceive him as ‘noble‘. But, a better description might be ‘corporate propagandist.’

Oh my gosh this is rich:

GW: And so then I ask you a question, a very brief pointed question: Who owns the Plutonium and how much is it worth? And then I’m going to latch on to that question… I want you to think about till we talk again: If you haven’t been burned by this particular source of radiation, what is your problem? You obviously have one. Otherwise you would join with me in telling the truth about this particular commodity.

Apply his same type of sociopathic logic to guns: “If you haven’t been shot, what is your problem with people shooting at innocent people?”

One last one:

Dr. Fulton from the Hanford Environmental Health Foundation called up and said, “Hey, I heard one of your guys overdosed on Uranium today, Galen.” And we talked for a little while and he says [laughs], “Oh that was you!” And I says, “Listen, I can eat all that stuff I want.” he says, ‘It will ruin your kidneys. How are your kidneys?” They’re fine. “Well you should have been chelated within four hours.” Follow me around the country, give me chelation every four hours on lecture tour? He says, “We’ll give you any medical assistance that you need, Galen. We don’t want anything to happen to you.

So, while he started touring, he had the full support of the nuclear establishment, who promised to provide “any medical assistance that you need, Galen”, including chelation therapy any time he would do his dog and pony demonstration. Seems odd to verbally "attack" the government/nuclear industry and then they’re there for you to make sure you don’t get hurt in the process. This is just so inconsistent.

But inconsistency does not matter to web-weavers and tale spinners and spell binders. I do have to give him credit - he could sell snow to an Eskimo.

OMgosh one last painful one:

BW: So you’re saying that mutation in future generations is an unfounded fear?
GW: Yes, and the studies of the people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki have born that out. Most people do not have that. Now, they show the immediate effects of too much radiation. The women who were pregnant showed… the embryo showed the effects of… very similar to rubella, measles. Some deformity, certainly, from that in… radiation insult, but that’s not the kind of mutation that’s gonna go to the next generation.

Right! Because they won't be capable of reproducing at all! Or they are just plain dead.

OMG Hiroshima was a "radiation insult"?! Are u kidding me? Do I need to say more?

Sorry - that last one got to me...lost my head...or heart... so sad... I visited that place too... sigh
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

T.C. said:
I'm half an hour in.

So far, he's talked about his work in the industry and how he got involved. He says that for many, many years, the work of separating plutonium from uranium was a hands on job, before regulations came in. For him, what's referred to as nuclear waste is actually a safe, reusable fuel source and that waste plutonium, when you do the math, is worth ten million dollars a ton.

He's just started talking about the safety heavy water, which leads me to a question for those who understand this stuff. What are the implications for the situation at Fukushima?

I'm not a tech guy but what about Marie Curie who presumably died from radium exposure?

Curie died in 1934, aged 66, at a sanatorium in Sancellemoz (Haute-Savoie), France, due to aplastic anemia brought on by exposure to radiation while carrying test tubes of radium in her pockets during research, and in the course of her service in World War I mobile X-ray units that she had set up.

Source: _
Re: Nuclear Scare: Is it a scam?

i for one have always wondered why any nation would use nuclear bombs made from plutonium or uranium. in college physics we learned one simply can go to the Walmart store and buy a smoke detector. Open it up and there is a small capsule of Americium, it can be heated, aerosolized and dispersed over a population via airplane and it will give 100K people cancer. What is the cost of a smoke alarm, under $15 dollars? Will have to ask Ark, but what is it....alpha particles that do the damage?
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